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John Lennon Killer Denied Parole


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John Lennon's killer denied parole


Mark David Chapman. File photo, source: wikimedia

NEW YORK: -- John Lennon's killer has been denied release from prison in his seventh appearance before a parole board.

Mark David Chapman, 57, was denied parole after a hearing on Wednesday, the New York Department of Corrections said on Thursday.

Chapman shot Lennon in December 1980 outside the Manhattan apartment building where the former Beatle lived.

He was sentenced in 1981 to 20 years to life in prison after pleading guilty to second-degree murder.

The musician, singer and songwriter was 40.

"Despite your positive efforts while incarcerated, your release at this time would greatly undermine respect for the law and tend to trivialise the tragic loss of life which you caused as a result of this heinous, unprovoked, violent, cold and calculated crime," board member Sally Thompson wrote.

Full story: http://www.smh.com.a...0824-24pih.html

-- The Sydney Morning Herald 2012-08-24


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He was scentenced in 1981 to 20 years. Wasn't that over 30 years ago now ?

It's the US system, they like to condemn some people more than once for a given crime !

BTW, prisons graveyards are crowded, where in more humane countries old people are released to die "free" ...


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He was scentenced in 1981 to 20 years. Wasn't that over 30 years ago now ?

It's the US system, they like to condemn some people more than once for a given crime !

BTW, prisons graveyards are crowded, where in more humane countries old people are released to die "free" ...


He doesn't deserve to die free! I hope he dies at 110 still in his cell.

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Chapman didn't just needlessly kill Lennon, he robbed us all.

I don't agree with the death penalty, but if Chapman is still materially insane he should be kept inside.

He's probably an even bigger fruitcake now.

Yoko is right to worry that a Lennon fan might find him and kill him, should he be released.

This awful picture says it all, a smirking Chapman as he get Johns autograph only to shoot him in the back seconds later.

Sorry Mark, no parole vote from me.

You robbed the world.


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Yoko is right to worry that a Lennon fan might find him and kill him, should he be released.

So if this would be happen, after 31 years, who would have the sickest mind?Chapman or his killer.

I agree that it was an awful act to kill Lennon, but he wasn't god was he?

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He was scentenced in 1981 to 20 years. Wasn't that over 30 years ago now ?

It's the US system, they like to condemn some people more than once for a given crime !

BTW, prisons graveyards are crowded, where in more humane countries old people are released to die "free" ...


Well he not actually old at 57, if he was in say his 80's then maybe. There are still a lot of people in the world missing John and feeling pain especially johns family. Let him suffer just as much as they are.

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While today's big popstar Justin Bieber lacks the talent of John Lennon, I think it would be unfair to put his life at risk by releasing this nutter into the community.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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Most blogs very uncharitable, If hes crazy put him in a hospital. 30years is enough. Nelson Mandela served 28 and was charged with under mining the state by violent means. Have anyone read the New Testament lately.

Never! And for once common sense has prevailed, not the miniority groups and their social engineers. BTW, how can you possibly make a comparison between a great patriot's fight for his country and this scum bag?
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Yoko is right to worry that a Lennon fan might find him and kill him, should he be released.

So if this would be happen, after 31 years, who would have the sickest mind?Chapman or his killer.

I agree that it was an awful act to kill Lennon, but he wasn't god was he?

He was bigger than Jesus!

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Kids today probably can't comprehend the enormous influence and popularity of The Beatles in the 60s and early 70s, I remember standing in the stands of windy, cold Hull City cheering on the Tigers with the refrain ringing all around-'All we are saying is give us a goal' to the tune of 'Give Peace A Chance'.

Middle class, working class, they were loved by all. And to be cut down by a narcissistic idiot, who to this day is still seeking attention, was a terrible tragedy.

Leave Mark Chapman with a loaded revolver in a locked cell alone and with no food, and finally he may do the decent thing.

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Yoko is right to worry that a Lennon fan might find him and kill him, should he be released.

So if this would be happen, after 31 years, who would have the sickest mind?Chapman or his killer.

I agree that it was an awful act to kill Lennon, but he wasn't god was he?

Are you for real? Or is it that you just do not have a clue?

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Yoko is right to worry that a Lennon fan might find him and kill him, should he be released.

So if this would be happen, after 31 years, who would have the sickest mind?Chapman or his killer.

I agree that it was an awful act to kill Lennon, but he wasn't god was he?

Are you for real? Or is it that you just do not have a clue?

Maybe you want to enlighten me?
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I never understood why he wanted to walk among us again. In this day and age his cover would be blown fast and many people have not forgiven him for what he did and it's personal.

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Hi Guys

I am from his area and same age group 70 that guy took a world treasure away. I went to the little club where they played many times. That guy should have gone on the Green Line or Mile.

By the way guys I made a post comment before and would like to say I am very sorry if I offended any one, I'm a newbe and have had my knuckles wrapped. Very sorry again and it will not happen again.

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Hi Guys

I am from his area and same age group 70 that guy took a world treasure away. I went to the little club where they played many times. That guy should have gone on the Green Line or Mile.

By the way guys I made a post comment before and would like to say I am very sorry if I offended any one, I'm a newbe and have had my knuckles wrapped. Very sorry again and it will not happen again.


No need to flog yourself. If you have never had your knuckles wrapped on here or got the odd 3 day suspension you're probably not passionate enough about life :) Welcome.

Re this man/animal. I am not sure it is fair to value John Lennons life above anyone elses. This guy should be denied parole if the officers consider he is a danger to society. The murder he committed was cold blooded and calculated and for that he deserves to be segregated from society for life. Their were no mitigating circumstances and no justifiable motivation, he just wanted to be famous and he became infamous.

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Mark David Chapman was sentenced 20 years to life in prison. Life in prison is more than warranted for what he took away from the rest of the world.

All murder is wrong. It doesn't matter if the victim was famous or not famous, liked by many or hated by many. And so it should not matter when it comes to parole.

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