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Does Anyone Know Of Any Vet'S In Rawai Or Kata?

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Dr. Pu on Sai Yuan Road, about 500 meters from Viset Road in one of the new shop houses. Coming from Viset Road on your left hand side.

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Dr. Pu on Sai Yuan Road, about 500 meters from Viset Road in one of the new shop houses. Coming from Viset Road on your left hand side.

Ah yes, I do remember seeing that now. Thx Steve.


A vet named Dr. Pu..........clap2.gif

Surgeon Pu sounds more correct.


Coming from Rawai, about 500 m before Chalong cercle. Just after those falling apart market stands.

Don't know her name.

Her phone nr. is 086 344 62 34.

I tried some others before. I think (or me thinks?) she is the best.


sorry Joe to steal your thread ...this is also about animal welfare but its a horse .. i need the contact for an animal welfare authority that can check this horse out , some thai bloke is feeding this horse dried grass , its ribs are poking so far thru its skin its disgusting ..if you want to check it out ,,, go left at the o bor tor in rawai , head up the hill towards the bar where the fishing club meets , paradise beach bar ? , as you head up the hill you go past another bar on the water side , just past there down on the left hand side , right on the waters edge you can see it clearly ,,, if anyone has the contact i will call them to come and sort it out before the horse kicks it .... really kicks it ....


I wish I could help re. the horse, but doubt there are any animal welfare societies here that are able to remove an animal from un-caring owners. I could well be wrong though, and suggest you 'phone Soi Dog Foundation - they will know.

There are a few vets in the Chalong area. The lady vet mentioned just before Chalong Circle (coming from Rawai) is pretty good and will come to your house for a fee (500 bht I think).

There is another vet not too far from the Chalong Circle on the Phuket Rd (Chaofa East) - about half a km? They are good and have the latest equipment, but they are expensive.

Then there is the vet on Chaofa West (Animal Clinic?), a couple of km from Chalong Circle. If you can see the owner (Dr Annucha), he is EXCELLENT, but you need to make an appointment to see him as he is not always there.

Personally, I'd recommend Dr Annucha as he was invaluable when I had serious problems with my dogs.


sorry Joe to steal your thread ...this is also about animal welfare but its a horse .. i need the contact for an animal welfare authority that can check this horse out , some thai bloke is feeding this horse dried grass , its ribs are poking so far thru its skin its disgusting ..if you want to check it out ,,, go left at the o bor tor in rawai , head up the hill towards the bar where the fishing club meets , paradise beach bar ? , as you head up the hill you go past another bar on the water side , just past there down on the left hand side , right on the waters edge you can see it clearly ,,, if anyone has the contact i will call them to come and sort it out before the horse kicks it .... really kicks it ....

I guess that it comes down to the definition of whether a horse is considered a pet or whether it's livestock. Voluntary organisations such as Soi Dog or PAWS (Phuket Animal Welfare Society) I doubt would have jurisdiction to enter private property, let alone tend to someone's animal without permission. Worth checking with them though, at least they might be able to offer guidance. Contact information for PAWS here:


Another possibility is the Phuket Provincial Livestock Office, the authority for livestock, listed in this link:



sorry Joe to steal your thread ...this is also about animal welfare but its a horse .. i need the contact for an animal welfare authority that can check this horse out , some thai bloke is feeding this horse dried grass , its ribs are poking so far thru its skin its disgusting ..if you want to check it out ,,, go left at the o bor tor in rawai , head up the hill towards the bar where the fishing club meets , paradise beach bar ? , as you head up the hill you go past another bar on the water side , just past there down on the left hand side , right on the waters edge you can see it clearly ,,, if anyone has the contact i will call them to come and sort it out before the horse kicks it .... really kicks it ....

No worries Chris. I may actual be able to help you. My ex-landlord is an officer with the Phuket Provincial Livestock Administration (Or whatever the name is) I have PM'ed you his number.

I suspect Joe no longer has an urgent need for a local vet.

Sorry to hear about your pet.

Thanks for your concern. A part Persian soi cat I took in when I discovered she was pregnant already lost 3 of 4 kittens. Now she has abandoned the last kitten at 3 weeks and he has become lethargic and won't feed. It's still hanging on but requires 24hr attention and hand-feeding. I don't have the time to do this and was looking to leave it in a 24 hour care pet hospital, but I guess Dr. Pu doesn't have 24hr facilities/staff, nor, surprisingly, does the so called "Pet Hospital" on Chao Fa east about 1km from the circle. The vet next to Chalong Gym (forget the name) does have 24 hour staff, as the vet lives there but she said had to go to Bangkok the next day so instead examined him and said that with with regular hand feeding he should be OK. She provided me with goatsmilk and a dropper and now the kitten is being cared for with the help of staff and guests Rick n Rolls. It's touch and go.

He turned me away with a dying animal in my arms. Pu Pu on Dr. Pu.

Dr Pu is a woman Joe. Nice try though. clap2.gif

I didn't talk to her directly. The staff was on the phone with her. They said "come back tomorrow" when I didn't think the kitten would survive that long without intervention. I was rather put of by the lack of interest to help. I assumed gender. My mistake.


The new vet across from Shamu Shamu is open 24 hours so that's another option for people that need after hours attention. I've been in there on a couple of holidays and they were open. I can't recall the name, but was told they have a number of branches in Bangkok. Be warned, they are expensive compared to the local mom and pop vets. Mrs SP called it the Bangkok Phuket Hospital of vets. What can you expect when they have full grooming facilities and a pool?

<snip> but I guess Dr. Pu doesn't have 24hr facilities/staff, nor, surprisingly, does the so called "Pet Hospital" on Chao Fa east about 1km from the circle.

The 'pet hospital' about 1 K from the circle does have 24 hours facilities, and the doctor lives above the facility himself. I have been going there for about 10 years now, starting from the time they were still just before Chalong circle coming from Rawai, same shophouse where now another vet is located.


now the kitten is being cared for with the help of staff and guests Rick n Rolls. It's touch and go.

Bless you and them.thumbsup.gif

Thanks GK. Sadly the little guy only made it another day and a half.

<snip> but I guess Dr. Pu doesn't have 24hr facilities/staff, nor, surprisingly, does the so called "Pet Hospital" on Chao Fa east about 1km from the circle.

The 'pet hospital' about 1 K from the circle does have 24 hours facilities, and the doctor lives above the facility himself. I have been going there for about 10 years now, starting from the time they were still just before Chalong circle coming from Rawai, same shophouse where now another vet is located.

I will have to check and remember names, but that sounds like the same place that told me they didn't have 24hr staff. Perhaps they just didn't want the little guy.

I will have to check and remember names, but that sounds like the same place that told me they didn't have 24hr staff. Perhaps they just didn't want the little guy.

I have had dogs staying there overnight on a few occasions.


I didn't talk to her directly. The staff was on the phone with her. They said "come back tomorrow" when I didn't think the kitten would survive that long without intervention. I was rather put of by the lack of interest to help. I assumed gender. My mistake.

funny. dr pu is always there. i've got a sickly puppy, and i take him in at various times almost every week. if they "lacked interest" to help you, it's probably because they don't have an x-ray machine. there's a new place that's open 24 hours near PAWS that i would recommend if you've got another encounter with a sickly animal.

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