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Keep Calm And .........


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there's an old slogan/saying brought in by the British government at the beginning of the 2nd world war to keep morale up that is currently doing the rounds back in the U.K. at the mo, with several companies and advertising agencies putting their own twist on the saying.

so i thought what the heck may as well have a Thai equivalent, viewed from both a foreign perspective and Thai.

only meant to be a bit of fun so no need for anyone to get on their high horse and be uppity about the whole thing. O.K. thumbsup.gif

here are a couple for starters.

keep calm and take deep breaths or otherwise your going to end up knee - capping the little <deleted>.

keep calm and dont think about the money and especially how much you are being ripped off.

and finally

keep calm lie back and think of the money. biggrin.png

Edited by tigerfish
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keep calm. if it lands on or near you, youll not need to worry any longer. have a drink.

(becoming relavant with iran sword rattling , and us receiveing little booklets for preparing for a worst case scenario.. like, where we live we have one minute to run to a bomb shelter upon hearing the siren....have tried to interest hubby in the 'how to put on a gas mask, what to take with u to the bomb shelter and no it doesn not include the two dogs, or the fighting cocks, and u have to wait ten minutes and for the all clear siren before u leave...'scenario, he says 'thais dont bother with that stuff' and to prove it:

last time hubby and i were at a beach about one minute from gaza and we woke up to hearing a siren warning of a GRAD falling in area, and i went in to fright and flight mode, but there was no shelter to go to , he said: go back to sleep, theres' nothing u can do anyhow, life is full of sufferring and then you die. only in thai it sounds so much more elegant.(there's birth, adulthood, old age, sickness and death to release us from our sufferring....)



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This is an English prayer i don't know about Thailand maybe it could get you killed.

A prayer for the Stressed.

Grant me the serenity To accept

The Things i can not change,

The Courage to Change

The things i can not Accept,

And the Wisdom to hide the Bodies of those

I had to kill today

Because they got on my nerves.

Also help me to be careful of the toes

i step on today

As they may be Connected to the feet

I have to kiss tomorrow.

Help me to always give 100% at work

12% Monday

23% Tuesday

40% Wednesday

20% Thursday

5% Friday.

And Help me to Remember.....

When i am having a bad day and it seems that

people are trying to wind me up,

It takes 42 Muscles to Frown

28 Muscles to SMILE.

And only 4 to extend My arm and Smack

Some one in the Mouth.

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