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Insurgents Behead 17 Afghans For Attending Mixed-Sex Party


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Insurgents behead 17 Afghans for attending mixed-sex party < br />

2012-08-28 09:11:24 GMT+7 (ICT)

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN (BNO NEWS) -- Seventeen civilians were brutally killed by insurgents in southern Afghanistan on late Sunday evening after they attended a mixed-sex party, local authorities said on Monday. No group claimed responsibility but officials blamed Taliban insurgents for the killings.

The seventeen bodies, including two women, were found on Monday by the side of a road in the Shah Kariz region of Kajaki District in Helmand province, which is located in the country's volatile south. The victims were reportedly attacked after they attended a mixed-sex party where men and women were celebrating the Eid al-Fitr holiday to mark the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

No group immediately claimed responsibility for the gruesome killings, but provincial officials blamed the Taliban who have previously banned music, games and other forms of entertainment when they controlled large parts of Afghanistan. Some of the bodies also had gunshot wounds while others showed signs of beatings.

"Those who perpetrated this act are cowards, killing innocent men and women," said U.S. General John R. Allen, the commander of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). "This callous act clearly demonstrates the insurgents' willingness to stop at nothing in terrorizing civilians. These acts will not sway the will and fortitude of the noble people of Afghanistan."

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) also strongly condemned the murders and reiterated its call for civilians to be protected. "This criminal act is unjustifiable and totally disregards the sanctity of human life," the organization said in a statement. "UNAMA has repeatedly stated that the killing of civilians is a clear violation of international humanitarian and human rights laws and has called for the perpetrators of such reprehensible acts to be brought to justice."

In the United Kingdom, Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt also expressed his shock at the massacre. "The facts are still being established but early indications are that the Taliban were responsible," he said. "We condemn acts of extreme violence like this in the strongest terms."

The Afghan Interior Ministry described the attack as an 'inhumane and cowardly act.'


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-08-28

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They need exterminating like small-pox, but alas we will make on the quiet deals with them (which will be broken) in order to expedite a quicker retreat from this Godforsaken place.

P.S Perhaps another sycophantic anthology of Taliban poetry is in order to take our minds off the fact these are sub humans with the ideology of savages.

Edited by Steely Dan
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I surmise that you really don't hold these people in high regard.

Well what is there to like about the Taliban, when not beheading people for having a party they are attacking schoolgirls with acid. The tragedy is that the entire culture holds the people back even should they be rid of the Taliban. I remember reading about an Afghan girl who was granted citizenship in the U.S on humanitarian grounds seeing as she needed major plastic surgery after being disfigured by acid. Unfortunately the psychological scars and cultural baggage gave her as many problems as the physical damage did. The cultural norms need changing root and branch to really benefit the Afghani people., but this appears to never have been on the agenda when ISAF intervened, a shame as that is something which would have been worthwhile.

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They are from a different era. It would be like if Christians in England were still throwing heretics in boiling oil. But that was long ago. This is now.

I don't think it is because they are from a different era so much as they would like to return to the other and want to take everyone with them like it or not. That makes it less an excess and more the reason they do it. It is just murder to set an example of and control other people. They know that which they do and why.

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You have to love this religion (cult) of peace and tolerance that they call Islam. Just totally senseless killings and for what, so that some nutbags will recieve 72 virgins in heaven. I think I will live a peaceful life and accept my one single naughty girl with a wealth of experience.

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I think they only do it because we repress them. We should sit down and talk to them and I'm sure that if we talk them in the right way they will see the error of their ways and become model citizens


On a serious note, the US General needs to study what the word 'noble' means, as in my experience I met very few noble people in Afghanistan. There is very little that can be done to stop the bloodbath in Afghanistan, it's not even as if we can bomb them back to the stone age, we tried that then realised very quickly it was futile because they are already in the stone age.

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You have to love this religion (cult) of peace and tolerance that they call Islam. Just totally senseless killings and for what, so that some nutbags will recieve 72 virgins in heaven. I think I will live a peaceful life and accept my one single naughty girl with a wealth of experience.

Well I would have thought they would have run out of virgins by now, and as you imply who would want an eternity with one virgin let alone 72. Now 72 ho's and you would be talking serious paradise wink.png

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I read farangs men and ladies are joining this lot. Why. BIG why. sad.png

Personally I have no idea, I guess they are a few screws loose. Maybe the advertising campaign with the promises of the all the riches and virgins (unused old spinsters) in heaven is what is attracting them. (Self gratification) Religions are the cause of a lot of conflicts around the world but I believe that Islam is just a satanic cult. Personal opinion only and no offence intended. I will stay an athiest it is a lot more peaceful.

Edited by chooka
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It's not easy to categorize such a group that would do such a dastardly act. It takes a deep mean streak mixed with sadism to do so. Whipping puppies to death, which are tethered with strings, comes to mind - or Vlad the Impaler and his pals who tortured and killed people for kicks. I hope they catch the sickos and shut them down permanently.

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You have to love this religion (cult) of peace and tolerance that they call Islam. Just totally senseless killings and for what, so that some nutbags will recieve 72 virgins in heaven. I think I will live a peaceful life and accept my one single naughty girl with a wealth of experience.

What really irritates me is that Islam historically was known as one of the most tolerant of religions and one based upon peace, academia and justice. Where has it gone wrong and more to the point what can moderate Muslims do to reign in these extremists. Extremism exists in a lot of religions, Christianity / Judaism / Islam spring to mind which I guess is one reason I find Buddhism attractive in that there seems to be less extreme views held. I'm not convinced that the west can / should intervene militarily. One of the reasons the Taliban get a foothold is due to the corrupt and ineffective governments and policing. When a kid gets his bike stolen, the Taliban are the ones who find it and then mete out a 'just' punishment.

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You have to love this religion (cult) of peace and tolerance that they call Islam. Just totally senseless killings and for what, so that some nutbags will recieve 72 virgins in heaven. I think I will live a peaceful life and accept my one single naughty girl with a wealth of experience.

What really irritates me is that Islam historically was known as one of the most tolerant of religions and one based upon peace, academia and justice. Where has it gone wrong and more to the point what can moderate Muslims do to reign in these extremists. Extremism exists in a lot of religions, Christianity / Judaism / Islam spring to mind which I guess is one reason I find Buddhism attractive in that there seems to be less extreme views held. I'm not convinced that the west can / should intervene militarily. One of the reasons the Taliban get a foothold is due to the corrupt and ineffective governments and policing. When a kid gets his bike stolen, the Taliban are the ones who find it and then mete out a 'just' punishment.

Listen to the words of John Lennons ''Imagine'', says it all for me.

No religion has been proven, everything written is by an earth bound bloke, not from anywhere else. BUT, the weak will follow. sad.png Sadly.

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Won't be long before some stupid bleeding heart starts spouting forth about,

"They only do it because we repress them. We should sit down and talk to them and I'm sure that if we talk them in the right way they will see the error of their ways and become model citizens."

I'll stop now .

and don't forget this priceless gemcheesy.gif

Taliban paid £100 a month to stop fighting


Edited by midas
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You have to love this religion (cult) of peace and tolerance that they call Islam. Just totally senseless killings and for what, so that some nutbags will recieve 72 virgins in heaven. I think I will live a peaceful life and accept my one single naughty girl with a wealth of experience.

What really irritates me is that Islam historically was known as one of the most tolerant of religions and one based upon peace, academia and justice. Where has it gone wrong and more to the point what can moderate Muslims do to reign in these extremists. Extremism exists in a lot of religions, Christianity / Judaism / Islam spring to mind which I guess is one reason I find Buddhism attractive in that there seems to be less extreme views held. I'm not convinced that the west can / should intervene militarily. One of the reasons the Taliban get a foothold is due to the corrupt and ineffective governments and policing. When a kid gets his bike stolen, the Taliban are the ones who find it and then mete out a 'just' punishment.

Islam certainly seems to have periodic flare ups of intolerance, as too did Christianity. Until recently I believed as you did that there was a so called Islamic golden age of tolerance, however the more I've read about the subject the more I have come to believe this was largely a myth or at best subject to much historical revisionism.


This is important as an accurate knowledge of the past is necessary for the policy makers of the present.

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Won't be long before some stupid bleeding heart starts spouting forth about,

"They only do it because we repress them. We should sit down and talk to them and I'm sure that if we talk them in the right way they will see the error of their ways and become model citizens."

I'll stop now .

and don't forget this priceless gemcheesy.gif

Taliban paid £100 a month to stop fighting


So if they all down tools for winter which they normally do, by the time spring/summer fighting season arrives, they will all be able to buy their very own shiny new AK47 with their savings.

I wonder if the Taliban will take the coalition Governments to court for paying them less than the minimum wage.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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You have to love this religion (cult) of peace and tolerance that they call Islam. Just totally senseless killings and for what, so that some nutbags will recieve 72 virgins in heaven. I think I will live a peaceful life and accept my one single naughty girl with a wealth of experience.

What really irritates me is that Islam historically was known as one of the most tolerant of religions and one based upon peace, academia and justice. Where has it gone wrong and more to the point what can moderate Muslims do to reign in these extremists. Extremism exists in a lot of religions, Christianity / Judaism / Islam spring to mind which I guess is one reason I find Buddhism attractive in that there seems to be less extreme views held. I'm not convinced that the west can / should intervene militarily. One of the reasons the Taliban get a foothold is due to the corrupt and ineffective governments and policing. When a kid gets his bike stolen, the Taliban are the ones who find it and then mete out a 'just' punishment.

Islam certainly seems to have periodic flare ups of intolerance, as too did Christianity. Until recently I believed as you did that there was a so called Islamic golden age of tolerance, however the more I've read about the subject the more I have come to believe this was largely a myth or at best subject to much historical revisionism.


This is important as an accurate knowledge of the past is necessary for the policy makers of the present.

The "Golden Age" tag does not necessarily refer to modern day western notions of how minorities, people of different faith and women ought to be treated. Taken in context, and compared with how things were going on the other side of the religious fence may do it more justice. The term itself is often more related to advances in science, literature and philosophy.

The link provided is for an edited version of Trifkovic's writings - not one to be blamed for being impartial or unbiased on the issue of Islam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sr%C4%91a_Trifkovi%C4%87). He is not exactly considered to be a major scholar when it comes to that era, by the way.

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You have to love this religion (cult) of peace and tolerance that they call Islam. Just totally senseless killings and for what, so that some nutbags will recieve 72 virgins in heaven. I think I will live a peaceful life and accept my one single naughty girl with a wealth of experience.

What really irritates me is that Islam historically was known as one of the most tolerant of religions and one based upon peace, academia and justice. Where has it gone wrong and more to the point what can moderate Muslims do to reign in these extremists. Extremism exists in a lot of religions, Christianity / Judaism / Islam spring to mind which I guess is one reason I find Buddhism attractive in that there seems to be less extreme views held. I'm not convinced that the west can / should intervene militarily. One of the reasons the Taliban get a foothold is due to the corrupt and ineffective governments and policing. When a kid gets his bike stolen, the Taliban are the ones who find it and then mete out a 'just' punishment.

Islam certainly seems to have periodic flare ups of intolerance, as too did Christianity. Until recently I believed as you did that there was a so called Islamic golden age of tolerance, however the more I've read about the subject the more I have come to believe this was largely a myth or at best subject to much historical revisionism.


This is important as an accurate knowledge of the past is necessary for the policy makers of the present.

The "Golden Age" tag does not necessarily refer to modern day western notions of how minorities, people of different faith and women ought to be treated. Taken in context, and compared with how things were going on the other side of the religious fence may do it more justice. The term itself is often more related to advances in science, literature and philosophy.

The link provided is for an edited version of Trifkovic's writings - not one to be blamed for being impartial or unbiased on the issue of Islam (http://en.wikipedia....rÄ'a_Trifković). He is not exactly considered to be a major scholar when it comes to that era, by the way.

A slight understatement on his background from the same URL The Canadian Institute for the Research of Genocide had complained that Trifković was promoting hatred, antisemitism and islamophobia and accused him of publicly denying what New American termed the "alleged" massacre of Bosniaks at Srebrenica in July 1995, found by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia to be a crime of genocide.[26][27]

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The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) also strongly condemned the murders and reiterated its call for civilians to be protected. "This criminal act is unjustifiable and totally disregards the sanctity of human life," the organization said in a statement. "UNAMA has repeatedly stated that the killing of civilians is a clear violation of international humanitarian and human rights laws and has called for the perpetrators of such reprehensible acts to be brought to justice."

So when are the 'coalition of the willing' going to be cited for the thousands of civillians killed by actions such as blowing up a wedding party to kill one man?

There are plenty of people in the West who think the coalition is doing God's work in places like Afghanistan, and they are every bit as nuts as the Taliban.

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