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Celta, Delta Online From Thailand Or Dip In Tefl

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hi guy I want to improve myself further but dont have the funds to do a cambridge exam because I cant do it in THAILAND and its too dam_n expensive.

seriousteachers.com have a diploma in tefl but i have been reading that they are far from good.

does anyone have any suggestions as to what online courses are available and what ones could really help in securing a better position.

I dont have a degree but am educated to degree level. I left after 2 years to take up a full time job so never finished.

any advice is very much appreciated.


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When I did the CELTA (many years ago) it was 70% classroom time.

You taught a class regularly and the tutor sat at the back watching you.

There then followed a discussion with the tutor on the strengths and weaknesses of your teaching abilities.

All decent courses have a practical aspect, so on-line courses are never considered to be very good (i.e. sometimes not acceptable).

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Your absolutely best option, would be to finish your degree. Schools will accept you without a degree, but since it makes work permits difficult and they value education highly, that would be their preference.

However if that's not an

option, as i know it'd probably be a year + to finish your degree, a lot of schools will hire you without a degree if you have teaching experience, you just need that initial lucky break. Most, albeit not all, don't really know the difference between the various different English language teaching qualifications, so purely to get a job based on your CV, you could go for a cheapie and do well from it.

However, if you want to improve your teaching ability, go for a course with significant classroom time, do not just do it online. As your confidence in the classroom, as well as the quality of your lessons will then improve. This will reflect during any demo lessons you do, any probation periods you might have and will also probably reflect well in any interviews you have, because you'll know more about what you're actually talking about lol. However on paper, to 90% of schools, you'll look the same as if you just did it online lol

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Your absolutely best option, would be to finish your degree. Schools will accept you without a degree, but since it makes work permits difficult and they value education highly, that would be their preference.

However if that's not an

option, as i know it'd probably be a year + to finish your degree, a lot of schools will hire you without a degree if you have teaching experience, you just need that initial lucky break. Most, albeit not all, don't really know the difference between the various different English language teaching qualifications, so purely to get a job based on your CV, you could go for a cheapie and do well from it.

However, if you want to improve your teaching ability, go for a course with significant classroom time, do not just do it online. As your confidence in the classroom, as well as the quality of your lessons will then improve. This will reflect during any demo lessons you do, any probation periods you might have and will also probably reflect well in any interviews you have, because you'll know more about what you're actually talking about lol. However on paper, to 90% of schools, you'll look the same as if you just did it online lol

tried contacting my old uni in the uk. it was 88-90 so a while ago. they cant give me any records to prove I was there, so cant use the credits towards a degree. was thinking of approaching a thai uni, presenting my exam certs ( i have lots, done a lot of online study over the years) and asking could I do my thesis through them. what do you think?

also I have 4 years teaching experience here in Thailand. do you think that will count for anything. also have had a pretty good work experience record over the years. lots of big firms in the uk at management level.

going back to the UK is not an option. tried it before and was back here in Thailand in less than 3 weeks.

thanks for any advice.

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was thinking of approaching a thai uni, presenting my exam certs ( i have lots, done a lot of online study over the years) and asking could I do my thesis through them. what do you think?

also I have 4 years teaching experience here in Thailand. do you think that will count for anything. also have had a pretty good work experience record over the years. lots of big firms in the uk at management level.

going back to the UK is not an option. tried it before and was back here in Thailand in less than 3 weeks.

thanks for any advice.

I think that's the best thing to do. Please keep in mind that the transfer of credits often is maximized so I doubt that your exam certificates will allow you to the thesis stage.

Professional experience doesn't count towards a bachelor degree. It might count for post-bachelor education.

Good luck and let us know how it's going.

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