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The Pun Pun - - Trying Something New


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The Pun Pun ---Something New

Some several months back there were several Foodies who were looking for a place where they would be able to get Shan/Burmese food here in the greater CM area.

Well if those good people are still around, or others may be interested, I would like to try a little something new.

Those of you who have eaten at The Pun Pun may agree that our cook, my wife, is a pretty good little cook. At least she does get more than her fair share of compliments. A couple times a year, when they do have a festival going at the Wat Ku Tao, she has a somewhat of a busman's holiday and opens a little booth down there selling Shan/Burmese Food .... And, I might add does pretty good with it.

Well putting the two thoughts together, I would like to state that we will be adding more to the menu at The Pun Pun and this would be a line of Shan/Burmese food.

I will say that I have sampled quite a few of her creations and they are really pretty good, but maybe I'm prejudiced. Some of the dishes we will , lets say, westernize to perhaps be a little more palatteable to the western taste, but will try and will keep as normally cooked , if that is the way you like it. Some of the dishes are prepared with organs, heart, tongue, etc, that some may rather do without. In any event we can try and do it to your taste , if you like.

Now what I would like from some of you members is to post back what are some of the dishes , in the Shan/Burmese food line, that you may be interested in. I will post back if we can do it to your specs and in this way maybe both sides will be more satisfied.

Let me post a pic of one that everyone who tries out The Pun Pun seems to like very much.


A little dinner set. Pranee's homemade Shan Noodles, with pork and a red sauce, A bowl of pork noodle soup and a semi spicy type of Shan cole slaw. This dish is available at anytime.

If you do have a special request Shan/Burmese food, please post it with some detail and I will let you know if we can do it....

Thanks for reading.


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You mentioned several inner organs being used.

Will that be information on the menu?

Such as the one in your picture. Does it use organs in it?

I know it should not make any difference if it taste's good so what.

But my mind kinda says it makes a difference.

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You mentioned several inner organs being used.

Will that be information on the menu?

Such as the one in your picture. Does it use organs in it?

I know it should not make any difference if it taste's good so what.

But my mind kinda says it makes a difference.

No HD. The one in the pic is just everyday pork.

I agree with your statement, should make no difference, and in most cases unless someone tell you it is some organ or other, you wouldn't know the difference. But also agree with you that some feel kind of squeemish if they know it is whatever organ. Personally I don't have that objection in most cases.

That is one reason I posted , if you want it as basic we could do it, if you wish to have it falangized than we can use all pork or beef or whatever..

The pic is all everyday pork and we do sell more of this dish than any other. Good stuff and that pic is a stomach full to even eaters like me...... Healthy size stomachers.


One more thing.... that cole slaw looking dish is available as a side dish..... A really different slant on what we know as cole slaw. Great with just a burger...

Edited by ThePunPun
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If you don't mind me asking how hot is that red sauce? My wife who I think is a great cook, when making her favourite dishes actually cooks 2 meals one for me and one for her. The one for her is so hot that I have actually seen her gasping for air. I often ask her why do you torture yourself like that. Of course I get the standard answer. Because I like it.

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A little off topic if you don't mind that I steal it for a post,

What time do you open in the mornings ?

And clsoe at night ?

We are open 7 days a week from opening between 6:30 - 7AM . This is true 99% of the time with the rare occasion happening last week when the gate was only partially open as my wife was delayed with samlor difficulties coming from the market.. I say 99% of the time because we have groups that come in for early breakfast several days of the week.

We would have missed you last week by no more than 5 - 10 minutes. Sorry if that was the case.

Stop by and have a free cup of coffee.


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If you don't mind me asking how hot is that red sauce? My wife who I think is a great cook, when making her favourite dishes actually cooks 2 meals one for me and one for her. The one for her is so hot that I have actually seen her gasping for air. I often ask her why do you torture yourself like that. Of course I get the standard answer. Because I like it.

The hottest thing about the red sauce is the color red...... Its not hot at all, maybe rather a little sweetish taste. Really makes for a good combination. I would say that some posters on here have eaten this dish several times, if they would care to comment. Actually the cole slaw has more of a zip.


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Looks good,one question I was over there had some vegges,color was green really good can you plz tell me does she cook vegges from or the type eaten over there.Your wife is a very good cook

Sorry for the delay in answering TF1, but I went back through what you had ordered in the past and cannot be sure what the green veggie you had was. Do you remember what the dish was??

My wife is indeed a special cook and does have a lot of pots and plants growing in the corners here where she raises some of her veggies.... If you can stop by and we can talk about it.....


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Those Shan noodles look pretty good and I wouldn't mind trying a lean chicken option if that's possible?

However, you have to promise not to give me a discount.

Re the chicken in lieu of pork.... can do

Re the discount ...... whadya want to be a problem child all your life...... & don't you think its about time you came out of the closet.....


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Those Shan noodles look pretty good and I wouldn't mind trying a lean chicken option if that's possible?

However, you have to promise not to give me a discount.

Re the chicken in lieu of pork.... can do

Re the discount ...... whadya want to be a problem child all your life...... & don't you think its about time you came out of the closet.....



I don't want the discount like the cheap charlie's.....I want to pay full price

Gotta keep the good uns in business. biggrin.png

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