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I want to install one on my desktop for short period just to see what my stepdaughter is doing when we are not around. She is supposed to be using it to study but I'm not that sure she is doing much ... hopefully I'm wrong ... this will avoid a confrontation I hope.

I've tried to install one from cnet site but MSE keeps stopping me. I have Just been trying to do this on my laptop to see how.............. Running Win7

I've made her a guest on my desktop just to keep her out of all my files. She has broke her laptop.

So I guess that I need to disable MSE for a period.


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install a keylogger is like kill a butterfly with a gun.

your problem is other, first she must have an "user account" not administrative, so wherever that she do, only affect the account and not the entire OS.

the same to keep your files, the user account can't go inside restricted parts or other users accounts.

if you have files that you want to keep secret or secure you can use truecrypt (free open source) www.truecrypt.org

sorry about keyloggers, I hate those things, if she discover the keylogger will be difficult to she to trust in you... all the people have the right to have a little of privacy.

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install a keylogger is like kill a butterfly with a gun.

your problem is other, first she must have an "user account" not administrative, so wherever that she do, only affect the account and not the entire OS.

the same to keep your files, the user account can't go inside restricted parts or other users accounts.

if you have files that you want to keep secret or secure you can use truecrypt (free open source) www.truecrypt.org

sorry about keyloggers, I hate those things, if she discover the keylogger will be difficult to she to trust in you... all the people have the right to have a little of privacy.

Let me put it this way … every time she f—ks up it costs me money. I forked out a large amount of money for her masters which she studied for in the UK and that cost more than it should have done. OK she ended up with a 1st class honors.

Now this is the second job that she has fallen out with her boss. So now she is looking again and supposedly studying hard a very expensive Finance book that we bought her, as she knows little about how companies financial decisions are made and she needs to know for the job she wants. She is lucky that she only needs to read things once to remember most of what she has read.

Common sense, she has little, behaves like a child at home but supposedly different at work.

Her last job, with a very well known consulting company, involved looking at how companies could improve their performance. . Computers, she knows nothing of how to, couldn't even connect the printer today.

So I know that in three months time she won't have any money that's why I want to know if she is actually putting some effort in or just pissing about. If she is actually working then I suppose that I will have to bail her out again. If she is not working then there will be words and tears when she asks for money.

Her mother has just given up with trying to help her. She has the attitude of a child and is nearly thirty years old.

Edited by JAS21
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You could install a VNC client/server such as TightVNC and directly watch her screen assuming she is on the same network as you. I agree with ITGabs regarding trust issues though.

Thanks ... I've just worked out how to do it on my laptop ... seems like I can set it to remove itself after one week.

It's my main computer that I'm letting her use. Hopefully I'll find out that she is actually working ... I am really peed of with her attitude.

OK I'll ask Crossy to close this thread

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key logger will force confrontation, not help you avoid it.

have you simply checked her history?

why not simply tell her if she messes this one up she is on her own?

not sure why you are helping her, it sounds like you neither like nor trust her.

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She's your daughter and if she descovers a keylogger montoring her every move. She won't trust you again and to win that trust back will be difficult in the future.

Don't do it and find some other way to monitor her or talk to her and explain your concerns to her.

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Try asking questions, i will not help you spy on a minor cause your insecure. If you want to limit her access to certain websites then this is acceptable, try using a program like net nanny.

try reading through the thread. the woman in question is by no means "a minor"

I forked out a large amount of money for her masters which she studied for in the UK .
Her last job, with a very well known consulting company, involved looking at how companies could improve their performance.

More to the point he is looking to infringe upon the privacy of a full fledged adult due to a sense of entitlement to do so.


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You can try to disable MSE features when you are installing the software, or to try an undetectable keylogger.

It's my main computer that I'm letting her use. Hopefully I'll find out that she is actually working ... I am really peed of with her attitude.OK I'll ask Crossy to close this thread
Since it is admin, you can control her computer use. Edited by Speef
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Just use Logmein and watch live what your stepdaughter is doing smile.png lol its free and effective way to watch , you will need a second computer to watch live

wow she's nearly coming to 30 , maybe its time for her to find a bf or get married :)

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