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Farang Giving Up All To Come And Live In Pattaya


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Just a note:

#Do NOT lend out money to anyone, period.

#Do NOT pay in advance, period.

#Go through any form of contract/financial arrangement in detail at least 3 times,

to make sure whomever it concern understand conditions.

Also do ask here for any info on visa trips or whatever,and if anyone offer help, they will charge you money, so do ask how much ?!, before agreeing to being helped

... And best of luck.

Edited by poanoi
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Just another farang desperate to escape his mundane and routine life. I have seen hundreds like him come and go over the years, mostly leaving in worst shape than when they first arrived.

Firstly 48 years old is too young to retire, unless the person has millions of bahts in savings and the prospects of a decent pension income in the foreseeable future.

Plonking himself over here on a hope and a prayer that all will fall into place hardly ever works out. There is no truth in the myth that the streets of Thailand are paved with gold, because for those without wealth or on the bare minimum, there are no long term prospects at all. Once the money`s gone, than so are you.

The answer to the question: what to expect if living over here in Thailand? Is: depends on the financial situation and whether or not that person has planned well for the future, otherwise it`s just going to be an extended holiday break.

not all of us are broke.

he does not even mention money as being an issue!

what the issue really is, is coming over and letting your "weaknesses" get the best of you. this does tend to work quicker here then many other places.

We don`t know because the OP has not specified his situation.

My point is, that it is impossible to answer his question without first having knowledge of his financial situation and how he intends to support himself in Thailand and that pertains to anyone considering living here long term. It`s only common sense.

My advice is that unless the OP has planned well, than 48 years old is too soon for considering, (using his words), giving it all up.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I wont invest in a girlie bar, but defo up to meet a "normal decent lass" one who works in a 7/11 or a bank....that would be nice. being in Munich for many years living like stag is not normal.

the Bavarian girls did not like you? ermm.gif

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I semi-retired here at age 28. I became alcoholic pretty fast. Sleeping with a new girl everyday gave me some really nasty stds. Along the way I found away to make money online(dating) so I could live in SEA permanently. It's been 5 years and I live a fantastic life in Pattaya and SEA. biggrin.png

My advice is be crazy, drink, sleep around and have a blast. You only live once. If all fails, you can start over again(please don't be a jumper).

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A cautionary word to the OP.

Do be aware that in the eyes of a disappointingly large percentage of TV members the most aggravating thing you or anyone can do is make a success of something they try whether that be life overseas or life in Thailand. Worst of all make a success of your relationship with your wife/girlfriend and be blessed by kids who do well in life.

Generalising tripe - you know nothing about me, my life, or, I'd hazard to guess, most of the people that post on TV and the Pattaya forum.

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Visa 90days,that I will then extend....maybe go for student visa after for 1 year.

I am 48 single, good wedge of savings, 20 years IT experience (good for nothing in Thai I know)

Irish,living in Munich(well for one more month)

You do realise you will have to do a visa run every 2 weeks don't you ?

The rules are if you enter by Thailand then the visa in your passport is valid. If you have no visa, then if you come by air, they give you 30 days. However if leave by land on a visa run, the visa is only valid for 14 days.

This can be a little expensive after a while.

I stand corrected if this has changed.

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The OP's title says 'give up all to live in Thai'

It seems to me that there is nothing to give up, no wife or kids, no house (as lives in Munich in rented), no job (as contracts),

So, what is the 'all' you are giving up?

You are a single guy looking for a bird when you are in town with savings in the bank and seems to me you are going to live it up for 6 months until you decide what to do.

So, again, what are you giving up?

nothing it seems!

Ha ha. Exactly.

Maybe he means he is giving up his old Mum? Or, could this be a troll?

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I wont invest in a girlie bar, but defo up to meet a "normal decent lass" one who works in a 7/11 or a bank....that would be nice. being in Munich for many years living like stag is not normal.

the Bavarian girls did not like you? ermm.gif

Maybe their huge jugs at Oktoberfest put him off. :(

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OP, don't listen to all the grumpy old farts on here, go for it! I did the same thing at age 33, gave up the rat-race and moved to Pattaya on a wing and a prayer. I had plenty of cash but that soon disappeared after 3 years hard partying! I then requalified and now work in the oil and gas industry for a locally based international company, for the last 4 years.

Long term you need something to do, to retain your sanity and economic ability to stay here indefinitely, but use your 6 months as fact-finding, and treat it mostly as a holiday. Enjoy, and good luck!

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If you truly are thinking about retirement then first look at your finances.

I think at your age you are looking at min 30 million baht in savings and investments to guarantee a good retirement income preferably around 40 million.

Even with that amount you will have to be prudent as 10 years down the track you could be in financial distress.

Then you have to decide what you are going to do with your time.

You say you are a lad which means to mean that you probably like drinking.

If this is the case then you will be well and truly stuffed in Pattaya if you cant control your drinking habits. Too many temptations really.

Anyway you are not really taking any risks coming for a few months because you have no family commitments and you can easily get a job back in Europe if you are a contractor so really nothing much to lose.

Why limit yourself to Pattaya travel around the world and enjoy yourself in many different places.

That is what i would do in your situation.

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I wont invest in a girlie bar, but defo up to meet a "normal decent lass" one who works in a 7/11 or a bank....that would be nice. being in Munich for many years living like stag is not normal.

There are some lovely girls in the 7/11's.

Don,t forget the Family Marts also smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

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A cautionary word to the OP.

Do be aware that in the eyes of a disappointingly large percentage of TV members the most aggravating thing you or anyone can do is make a success of something they try whether that be life overseas or life in Thailand. Worst of all make a success of your relationship with your wife/girlfriend and be blessed by kids who do well in life.

Generalising tripe - you know nothing about me, my life, or, I'd hazard to guess, most of the people that post on TV and the Pattaya forum.

Forgive me, I didn't mean to hit a nerve.

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hotandhumid I am a freelance IT person, worked and lived in Dublin,London,Berlin,Munich, Luxembourg, Hanoi .......never met the right lass plus me a "real lad" so not suited to marriage

A bit of advice. When you do move to Thailand stop saying things like your are a ' real lad ' it makes you sound like a complete 'real tosser'

It sounds stupid when a 20 year old guy says things like that, but when a 42 year old guy is saying it.. Well just get a grip.

Anyway good luck with the move

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A cautionary word to the OP.

Do be aware that in the eyes of a disappointingly large percentage of TV members the most aggravating thing you or anyone can do is make a success of something they try whether that be life overseas or life in Thailand. Worst of all make a success of your relationship with your wife/girlfriend and be blessed by kids who do well in life.

Generalising tripe - you know nothing about me, my life, or, I'd hazard to guess, most of the people that post on TV and the Pattaya forum.

Forgive me, I didn't mean to hit a nerve.

Stock response mellow.png

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hotandhumid I am a freelance IT person, worked and lived in Dublin,London,Berlin,Munich, Luxembourg, Hanoi .......never met the right lass plus me a "real lad" so not suited to marriage

A bit of advice. When you do move to Thailand stop saying things like your are a ' real lad ' it makes you sound like a complete 'real tosser'

It sounds stupid when a 20 year old guy says things like that, but when a 42 year old guy is saying it.. Well just get a grip.

Anyway good luck with the move

Its worse than that - he's 48 !

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hotandhumid I am a freelance IT person, worked and lived in Dublin,London,Berlin,Munich, Luxembourg, Hanoi .......never met the right lass plus me a "real lad" so not suited to marriage

A bit of advice. When you do move to Thailand stop saying things like your are a ' real lad ' it makes you sound like a complete 'real tosser'

It sounds stupid when a 20 year old guy says things like that, but when a 42 year old guy is saying it.. Well just get a grip.

Anyway good luck with the move

Its worse than that - he's 48 !

A 'real lad' who is still single at 48? Mmmm.

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A cautionary word to the OP.

Do be aware that in the eyes of a disappointingly large percentage of TV members the most aggravating thing you or anyone can do is make a success of something they try whether that be life overseas or life in Thailand. Worst of all make a success of your relationship with your wife/girlfriend and be blessed by kids who do well in life.

Generalising tripe - you know nothing about me, my life, or, I'd hazard to guess, most of the people that post on TV and the Pattaya forum.

Forgive me, I didn't mean to hit a nerve.

Stock response mellow.png

OK, here's a non 'Stock Response' - It seems you took my post personally, though having checked my post again I can find no mention of you. So why did you take the post so personally?

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[OK, here's a non 'Stock Response' - It seems you took my post personally, though having checked my post again I can find no mention of you. So why did you take the post so personally?

I didn't take your post personally (and thats a variant of the stock response) - I objected to your generalisation that a significant % of posters here are somehow resentful of other peoples success at getting their shit together, and by implication, this affects how they post. I disagree; my viewpoint is that there is a lot of good stuff posted here, with only a small number of miscreants.

Anyway, life's too short - have an OK week-end.

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hotandhumid I am a freelance IT person, worked and lived in Dublin,London,Berlin,Munich, Luxembourg, Hanoi .......never met the right lass plus me a "real lad" so not suited to marriage

A bit of advice. When you do move to Thailand stop saying things like your are a ' real lad ' it makes you sound like a complete 'real tosser'

It sounds stupid when a 20 year old guy says things like that, but when a 42 year old guy is saying it.. Well just get a grip.

Anyway good luck with the move

Its worse than that - he's 48 !

A 'real lad' who is still single at 48? Mmmm.

Can the OP please tell everyone what a 'real lad' is ?

As far as I know every guy I know is a real man.

By saying you are a 'real lad' are you Just telling us you where born a male rather than being a transgender who was born a female and had a op to become a male.

What the do you mean ??

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