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Canadian Sisters Died In Thailand From Drinking Cocktail That Contained Insect Repellent


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Everyone is jumping to conclusions , it is a sad story and RIP both of these young girls. Everyone is speculating on here, what if the girls met some locals and decided to do as the Romans(when in Rome) and this happened. People expermenting everywhere, we have people mixing cough syrup with codine along with grape soda called purple drank. Now add something stupid like OFF for insects, surely something bad can happen. Poor girls dont know if they knew what they were drinking or maybe they tried something a local had. Wow poor girls and the familys.

Didn't you just speculate ?

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So many foreigners in this country (not just here) die because of drug abuse. Full moon parties,with all sorts of drugs in the south, more heroin related deaths in the north, etc....

But would the TAT be interested in any investigation? Sad that the two girls had to die such a terrible death and it seems that there won't me much more information available.

People in heroin business mix strychnine into some bad quality stuff. It could make them high, or they could die.

Seems that too much of DEET came into their bodies. If they wanted to get high or not, shouldn't be the question.

Was it a "bar mixer" accident? Let's at least hope that some people have learned through such a tragedy.

I remember that the major's son of a bigger city in the UK died overdosed on Ko Panghan not too many moons ago.

English authorities took the dead body home and nothing has changed since then.

Did they really take that stuff, without knowing what was inside? Without the intention of trying to hurt anybody, but I've seen so many foreigners leaving their brains back home when heading to Thailand.

I'm still struggling to understand why any bar would put Deet into drinks?

Personally, I find it impossible to believe they knew that the drink contained Deet.

Would a junkie know if there was strychnine in the spoon?----wai.gif

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Have they released any quantities at all? How do we know the just didn't get some in their blood from spraying it on their skin often? We have a lot of things in our body. It does not mean it is what kills us. How about some evidence?

This is the 1st decent post with real common sense that I have read in the 7 pages I have been trhough so far out of 11 pages ....Amazing Thailand but also amazing TV...Ouf!

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There is a lot of shouting that it's terrible the autopsy reports have yet to be released and it's all because of a Thai coverup. It's about time that people note that the Thai test results have not officially been released at the request of the parents. Who knows, but the Canadian autopsy results may come to a different conclusion and also not be released at the parents request.

The reporters should be ashamed of themselves.

And why would the parents not want the report released no matter what it contained...??? Oh right, It may implicate the girls brought it on by themselves.. Suicide, Got super drunk on a DEEt Cocktail etc.. and would be an embarassement to the family ... Pluease !!!

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I've not read all 11 pages but could someone clarify if all buckets should be avoided? And what cocktail was this? Thanks

No, you don't have to avoid them. Thousands of people drink buckets every night with only a hangover in the morning. There was DEET in their body, but that it came from a drink and not from fumigation in their room or some other source is entirely speculation.

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Do we really need to speculate at to the motives of the parents at this time? This is not CSI Miami.........this is real life and a real loss for many people. Answers will come in the fullness of time.

Some Thaivisa members need to learn a bit of restraint.

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Reading how those poor girls have died concerns me greatly. In fact, I wonder what the hell the person responsible for these cocktails was thinking while preparing them. What a crazy world is this? You sit comfortably in a bar, in the hope of spending some good time with your friends, and they serve a drink containing insect repellent to you. What on earth is Thailand becoming?

Now I want to see how seriously Thai authorities will commit themselves to catching the guilty; after all, it shouldn't be difficult to raid the place where these poor girls bought the drinks.

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Yes that is the one. He used insectisides. He said that his plan wasn't to kill, but just incapacitate to rob. People will use whatever is at hand and "guestimate" the dosage. Rohypnol would be hard to find in Thailand.

Rohypnol is easy to obtain in Thailand and is manufactured by Roche. It is commonly prescribed for depression. My wife was drugged with it at Tawandaeng and woke up in a hotel with all her money and jewelry missing. She had no idea how she got there. The police said that this is a commonly used drug to aid robbery and or rape. They never caught the robber who appeared to be a well dressed business man, but admitted that plenty more victims were being drugged with Rohypnol.

I met two girls at the Ambassador Hotel beer garden and one of the girls who was from Chonburi had slipped me Rohypnol. I woke up in a hotel with the two girls after passing out fro some time. Fortunately the other girl had stopped the girl robbing me and asked me to make sure that all my money and credit cards were still there. Another friend was slipped Rohypnol in his drink in a Patpong bar and woke up in a hotel having no clue how he got there, minus his cash and credit cards.

Sometimes the girl slips too much in and the Farang dies. You have been warned! Keep an eye on your drinks at all times.

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There is a lot of shouting that it's terrible the autopsy reports have yet to be released and it's all because of a Thai coverup. It's about time that people note that the Thai test results have not officially been released at the request of the parents. Who knows, but the Canadian autopsy results may come to a different conclusion and also not be released at the parents request.

The reporters should be ashamed of themselves.

And why would the parents not want the report released no matter what it contained...??? Oh right, It may implicate the girls brought it on by themselves.. Suicide, Got super drunk on a DEEt Cocktail etc.. and would be an embarassement to the family ... Pluease !!!

The family may very well authorise the results of the Canadian autopsy results as a warning to others, I did not infer otherwise. Again if the reporters had illegally obtained an autopsy report and published the content against the wishes of the family, in a Western country, they would be prosecuted for breach of privacy as well as the media outlet; their activity in Thailand is journalism at it's worst.

Edited by simple1
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I can't even imagine the thought process that goes into making a concoction like this. Lets see, hmm a chemical to kill bugs, I bet that will give me a good buzz.

The sad thing is the girls probably didn't know what they were drinking.

New male friend "hey I knows get drink gives buzz party drank"

Girls "OK do it."

New male friend "mumble mumble is made bug poison." music blaring

Girls "what?

New male friend "the person big drink get from bartender is"

Girls "we buy drink first, here money"

Remember the girls are from Quebec and likely spoke limited English and their "new friends" were from Brazil and likely spoke limited English. Lots of opportunity for miscommunication. The guys if they drank it too probably were bigger and also probably had a lot of beer too that would have diluted the poison.

Very sad

I'm unclear why you think it is likely that someone from Quebec would speak limited English. Would you think that if the person were from the Netherlands or from Germany?
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I am sure hoping that the girls would not have known what they were drinking. Thailand has a problem with rodents and sprays and it is killing foreign travellers.

We should all be looking at ways to protect ourselves and our fellow travellers, talking to hotel managers, educating those most likely to be staying in hotels, making people aware of the risks involved. Normally it is not something we think about until we read of a hotel death that seems suspicious.

And, how do you suggest we do that?
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Was their room ever tested for chemicals?

Personally I don't buy that they knowingly drank DEET. Has anyone been to Phi Phi where DEET was offered as an enhancer of a bucket drink? I can't see that being allowed to fly under authorities radar, even though we all know authorities let a lot of things go.

Why didn't their Brazilian/Portuguese friends also not get sick if it was indeed in a bucket drink? By accounts they were drinking together.

I don't see it that way. I suspect the girls, in a party mood (maybe already drunk?) were going along with peer pressure to try something different/weird/fun. The Portuguese fellows and/or one or more Thais who might have been on the scene - were probably doing what boys do when they're out at a beach resort partying with a couple of pretty girls. They want to get some you-know-what, and what's quicker than getting them drugged out? Because it was overdosed, it becomes a criminal matter, but Thai authorities won't pursue it, for several reasons.

We have some pretty chronic petrol sniffers in Australia., that's toxic as well. Then there's paint thinner, glue, aerosols etc, not to mention all the amphetamine coctail pills. There's a 100 ways to kill yourself trying to get high.

I went to two hardware stores (north Thailand) last week, looking for rubber cement glue for a repair job. Both places were out of it. The manager of the 2nd place said young Thai boys come in and buy the stuff - to get high.

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I can't believe that they unknowingly drank the stuff. wub.png

Could be the possibility that someone spiked-it with the poison, when they weren't aware...who knows. The fact still remains that they were with such a crowd of fools to begin with, so there is bound to be some possible issues.

Who knows?
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Have they released any quantities at all? How do we know the just didn't get some in their blood from spraying it on their skin often? We have a lot of things in our body. It does not mean it is what kills us. How about some evidence?

This is the 1st decent post with real common sense that I have read in the 7 pages I have been trhough so far out of 11 pages ....Amazing Thailand but also amazing TV...Ouf!

If it was a store-bought item sprayed on skin, then how to explain how two ordinarily healthy young women could die in a short time, yet we haven't heard of anyone else suffering adversely from such products.

I would also like to see how these two deaths may relate to the prior two deaths, also young healthy women, at Phi Phi - and also unsolved and mysterious. If I was a police brass in that jurisdiction, I would sure be combing the area, talking to people, looking for clues, leaving no stone unturned. I seriously doubt local authorities are doing much at all worthwhile in that regard. Who will be next?

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Another case to support legalization of many currently illicit drugs. Perhaps we do not want crystal meth flowing like water, but if these girls (and all the rest of the thrill seeking kids) had been able to sit on a bar stool and enjoy a joint, they may not have felt compelled to consume mosquito coils and DEET. Same for the kids sniffing glue and gasoline

You think they actively chose to take this stuff. I I have been here for 16years and never heard of this type of cocktail.? Right what hope a first time visitor. I have someone would have simply told them it's a local cocktail.

If it was advertised with a skull and cross bones and an msds 99.9 percent wouldn't ever buy it.

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The report says they had DEET in their body. That doesn't mean the DEET came from a drink, that is them theorizing, and conveniently that explanation absolves anyone of blame. If their guesthouse room been sprayed with toxic chemicals and they contained DEET then it would also be in their bodies. I would think if people were regularly pouring DEET in to drinks, and it were capable of doing what happeend to these two girls, that people would be dropping dead left and right

Totally agree. Why are people so quick to believe these "official" reports? These girls probably used DEET on their skins to repel mosquitoes, and this would be absorbed into the bloodstream, and be detectable in their bodies after death. I doubt it was DEET was the cause otherwise a lot more people would be dying.

Never, ever believe an official report in Thailand. I barely believe official reports in the west, where there is rule of law. In the "wild, wild west of LOS", why would we believe it? Is there anything credible about this government, or any previous Thai govt? Den of thieves. Would you believe the word of a thief? Then why would you believe these goombahs? They ALWAYS have an agenda. In this case, the preservation of what is left of "Thailand's reputation".

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Thanks for adding my video Webfact

DEET (N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide). Chemical Technical Summary for Public Health and Public Safety Professionals. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry


Also i can understand the Thai media / Gov have tired to cover this up also Thai hotels have a habbit of spraying all rooms with this stuff and can make problems with breathing ..

Thanks to the autopsy and all that shyit, who is going to get punished? These cockeroche eathing youth from thailan might need this junk, but when is the thai govt going to ban this from normal consumption? Or is this run by some half idiot brownie?

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So where is the crackdown on bars, discos, and their owners, selling poisonous cocktails? There are crackdowns for even the smallest of "felonies", such as a taxi driver refusing to take on a passenger...

But life threatening issues such as fire and disaster prevention in public areas, road safety (fining for not having the tax sticker, but keeping a blind eye on the fact that brakes are gone, head and tail lights are broken, etc.), jet skis and speed boats in bathing and snorkelling areas, are not really adressed at all. And if, the so-called crackdowns result in some nervous policemen simply handing out a few more tickets for a day before everything gets back to "normal"...

And why for Pete's sake does anyone have to drink such s#ite???

In any case I hope that someone goes to Bkk Hilton for this and that there will be an Interpol investigation resulting in serious jail terms and with the "etablissements" in question being shut down for good. Signs with a hotline tourist police number in several foreign languages should become mandatory to be displayed in bars, restaurants and discos explaining the issue and urging tourists who witness barkeepers mixing such drinks or drink menues featuring such cocktails to call and blow the whistle. Better make it mandatory to be included in any drink price list and a 2.000 Baht fine for not doing so.

In the best case scenario, a non-profit organisation should be founded as a tribute to the two poor girls with an agenda to prevent such tragedies from ever happening again.

I'm just a dreamer, I know... We are in Thailand, I know... Most likely, nothing will happen... I know sad.png

Edited by catweazle
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we are now approaching 300posts we have all had our 2penneth of its this or that,but what about the 2people that might hold the answer everyone is looking for the 2portuguese guys.it was on the 22june the police reported they were looking for them,they have one of their names,i expect their passport no,visa details,and should know where they stayed and if they have left thailand the date and flight no.its the 11th week so where are they or dont they have a clue,nothing would suprise me and i expect a lot of others,all of us who have daughters should be putting ourselves in the fathers shoes,why i say fathers we all know the saying daddies girl-s and its mummy's boy.so come on luciano and mate do the right thing and lets here your story.

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This DEET is really dangerous - why would any public place anywhere be serving it in any quantity at all?

Just to be clear. DEET is really dangerous when it is take INTERNALLY. For the vast majority of persons, DEET in insect repellent applied externally in accordance with manufacturer's instructions is not dangerous. Some people may have a sensitivity or allergic reactions to DEET but that is the case with practically all products and all medicines. It is truthful to say that insect repellents containing DEET, properly applied, has probably saved thousands of lives through the prevention of mosquito-borne diseases.

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Another case to support legalization of many currently illicit drugs. Perhaps we do not want crystal meth flowing like water, but if these girls (and all the rest of the thrill seeking kids) had been able to sit on a bar stool and enjoy a joint, they may not have felt compelled to consume mosquito coils and DEET. Same for the kids sniffing glue and gasoline

Ah, but on phi phi they can sit on a bar stool and enjoy a joint... many of the same places that sell the evil buckets also sell ready made marijuana joints (and that's just for starters). But there is the argument that at 200B a pop (for one pre-made marijuana joint), that's more than the average shitty mixed bucket. I'm not saying the girls chose to drink the deet, but if you read all my earlier posts you will see it's highly possible they ingested the deet thru a cocktail mix, and highly unlikely they got killed by protecting themselves against mossies.

Whether the girls knowingly drank the stuff or not, the initial reports say they found deet AS WELL AS kratom etc in their systems, which definitely suggests they drank one of the local drug cocktails.. So don't worry about putting deet on your skin under the right instructions, just avoid the buckets, avoid buying drinks that are not mixed or prepared in clear view of the public and avoid the local drug scene, and everyone should be fine.

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Another case to support legalization of many currently illicit drugs. Perhaps we do not want crystal meth flowing like water, but if these girls (and all the rest of the thrill seeking kids) had been able to sit on a bar stool and enjoy a joint, they may not have felt compelled to consume mosquito coils and DEET. Same for the kids sniffing glue and gasoline

You think they actively chose to take this stuff. I I have been here for 16years and never heard of this type of cocktail.? Right what hope a first time visitor. I have someone would have simply told them it's a local cocktail.

If it was advertised with a skull and cross bones and an msds 99.9 percent wouldn't ever buy it.

You obviously don't live on phi phi or have close contact with drug addicts. Such cocktails are extremely common in southern thailand, particularly the muslim communities of Koh Yao, Koh Phi Phi, and in areas of the Phagnan and Krabi provinces. Not sure about anywhere else though as don't frequent there often enough.

These cocktails definitely exist and are very popular amongst young thai locals in such areas, particularly the young males. Especially those that have been brought up to avoid alcohol due to their muslim beliefs.

I live on Phi Phi and see locals drinking kratom mixes all the time, like daily whenever they can get the leaves.

And if you think the young thrill seekers aren't willing to try the local mixes, you're wrong again. I'm not saying the girls chose to drink it, in fact i've supported the idea in my earlier posts that they more than likely were unaware of the actual contents, especially the deet, but it wouldnt be too hard to fathom them being keen to try a simple kratom mix. It's just boiled up leaves that keep you awake, mixed with some cola, ice and cough syrup. Hardly sounds lethal does it. As mentioned in my previous posts, i've chewed the natural leaves myself but never tried the nam tom or kratom cocktails, and it does work to give you energy and help keep you awake, so i can understand why some youngsters who are keen to party would be easily persuaded to try it.

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Another case to support legalization of many currently illicit drugs. Perhaps we do not want crystal meth flowing like water, but if these girls (and all the rest of the thrill seeking kids) had been able to sit on a bar stool and enjoy a joint, they may not have felt compelled to consume mosquito coils and DEET. Same for the kids sniffing glue and gasoline

You think they actively chose to take this stuff. I I have been here for 16years and never heard of this type of cocktail.? Right what hope a first time visitor. I have someone would have simply told them it's a local cocktail.

If it was advertised with a skull and cross bones and an msds 99.9 percent wouldn't ever buy it.

You obviously don't live on phi phi or have close contact with drug addicts. Such cocktails are extremely common in southern thailand, particularly the muslim communities of Koh Yao, Koh Phi Phi, and in areas of the Phagnan and Krabi provinces. Not sure about anywhere else though as don't frequent there often enough.

These cocktails definitely exist and are very popular amongst young thai locals in such areas, particularly the young males. Especially those that have been brought up to avoid alcohol due to their muslim beliefs.

I live on Phi Phi and see locals drinking kratom mixes all the time, like daily whenever they can get the leaves.

And if you think the young thrill seekers aren't willing to try the local mixes, you're wrong again. I'm not saying the girls chose to drink it, in fact i've supported the idea in my earlier posts that they more than likely were unaware of the actual contents, especially the deet, but it wouldnt be too hard to fathom them being keen to try a simple kratom mix. It's just boiled up leaves that keep you awake, mixed with some cola, ice and cough syrup. Hardly sounds lethal does it. As mentioned in my previous posts, i've chewed the natural leaves myself but never tried the nam tom or kratom cocktails, and it does work to give you energy and help keep you awake, so i can understand why some youngsters who are keen to party would be easily persuaded to try it.

Kratom, and booze are one thing. I doubt that many first time visitor understand that pesticide is added also.

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After reading through these 50 posts. It seems to me this the Thai authorities reported theory achieved what they wanted. A majority of these posts accept the these girls died by accidental overdose of deet. In my opinion, even though tragic, makes everybody feel better about what the cause of these deaths. Basically it puts the blame on an activity that many youth do in Thailand, and even though these girls did not do this intentional, and was an accident. (BS)

To me this stinks more of a cover up than before. What about all the other mysterious, unexplained deaths in Chaing Mai? The Canadian sisters deaths where of identical symptoms of these other deaths.

Or did all the people in Chaing Mai die of this cocktail? I suppose it possible an elderly couple in their 70's was out on the town ripping ass and got ahold of one of these deadly cocktails. But not likely.

The final Canadian autopsy report has not yet been released, has it? Perhaps we are all hoping for closure, but it is still too soon. Afaik, this news report only relates to the Bangkok autopsy. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Reasonableman you are right. there really needs to be a second opinion on this. I will trust it, if the Canadians come up with the same conclusion.

I was only making a point, that many deaths (Chaing Mai) are not only related, but have almost the exact symptoms of these deaths of the Canadian sisters. As I said before reading through all the post on this topic, it seams, most feel good there is closer on this case. I personally believe something different. At least another chemical was involved and it is related to the many deaths in Chaing Mai.

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That's terrible, DEET is an active ingredient in Aeroguard, what us Aussie use to repel mosquito's from biting us. That's why I don't drink these cheap cocktail mixs. Better off sticking with a San Miguel light or a Chang beer.annoyed.gif

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