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Driving With Bycicle Or Motorbike On The Side Of The Street Everywhere Allowed Or Not!?

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In Thailand I see many time motorbikes or cars on the side of the street, in most country's it is forbidden , in Thailand Iam not sure about this!

Can a biker

With his bycicle also drive on the side of the street on the motor highway ?

In Germany have some company's offer biking tours from bk to Chiang mai, I ask myself when Thailand have no separate biking ways only for bikers , then the site of the street is the only way can go!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app


I'm not sure if I understand your post correctly, but if I do yes you can legally ride your bicycle on the road and yes in places there are cycle lanes. There appeared all over Chonburi City where I live about 5-6 years ago. Most the people just think the are parking lanes though dispite the cycle lane signs.


Or do you mean highway as in the motorway or elevated toll roads ?

No idea if it's legal, but my cycling friends have led me onto the motorway many times. I don't advice it unless you have a supply of brown pants.


I donot understand the question . But the answer is you can ride a bike or motorcycle anywhere you like in Thailand. On the sidewalk if you want or the wrong way on a one way street. Chances of being stopped and fined is minimal.

Where i live which side of the road they drive is up to them and where they are going. I am always having motorcycles coming straight at me when driving down the highway near my town. Mind you they are on the shoulder of the road not taking up a lane.


On some main roads the left hand narrower lane is designated for motorbikes and cycles.

Police will sometimes stop and "fine" riders if they do not keep to this lane.

Motorbikes and cycles are not allowed on motorways/expressways.


I think the OP is referring to designated cycle ways, common in Northern Europe.

Cyclists are obliged to use these where they exist.

But to answer the OP's question - In Thailand Cyclists (and motorcyclists) ride share the road with other traffic. Cyclists are not allowed on motorways, I'm not sure about the laws for motorcycles.

I rode 94Kms this morning, all on the roads, hardly saw any other traffic at all. Thailand is still blessed with a lot of quiet country roads.

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