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Does This Happen Often?


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Could happen anywhere, good and bad. The op should look on the bright side crappy 6oobt helmet gone,Go and get a decent one and your man sounds like he doesn,t know much about helmets that are safe. 6000bt for a half decent onethumbsup.gif

Ha, I know sb will say this sooner or later laugh.png I cherish all the things I have, no matter of its value. Am not a F1 racer, a 150 one is good enough for me. Besides, even if one has a top quality helmet but has a serious accident, the head is protected but the body is badly damaged.... What is the good of it ? Same miserable ! Maybe a warrior armour is the best for motorbike riders tongue.png

yeah for some expats it seems like their brain is not of much use cheesy.gif

Edited by yoslim
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Could happen anywhere, good and bad. The op should look on the bright side crappy 6oobt helmet gone,Go and get a decent one and your man sounds like he doesn,t know much about helmets that are safe. 6000bt for a half decent onethumbsup.gif

Ha, I know sb will say this sooner or later laugh.png I cherish all the things I have, no matter of its value. Am not a F1 racer, a 150 one is good enough for me. Besides, even if one has a top quality helmet but has a serious accident, the head is protected but the body is badly damaged.... What is the good of it ? Same miserable ! Maybe a warrior armour is the best for motorbike riders tongue.png

You should ask our esteemed admin, Raro, if he agrees with you. He was in an accident recently. Not going that fast, somebody cut in front of him. Ended up breaking his leg. Would have been MUCH worse without a full face helmet as he landed on his face first. Permanent scars for sure.

So broken leg, but still a beautiful face. giggle.gif

here's a picture of the helmet. Got off the motorcycle at about 50 km/h. Landed literally on my face. The middle part of the vizier is missing and so are the air inlets at the front of my face. The helmet saved me from sever injuries of my face, maybe even my life.


There is more to it...a general question whether I ride a bike again. As there was no driving mistake from my side (idiot in front of me just hit the brakes for no reason and crossed into my line of driving) there is no lesson I can learn here other than staying away from riding a bike,

The surgeon that nailed my leg together said he does 3 or 4 motorbikes A DAY. That is the the tip of the iceberg as there are several such surgeons around in Pattaya's hospitals.That is also a surgeon from Samitivej hospital who only does people with a decent health insurance. So Somchai the motorcycle taxi driver would never end up on his table.

On the other hand, there is a lot of added convenience when dashing out to the local 7/11 or running errands which what i was up to when I had the accident. Saves a lot of time as you can park your motorcycle easier than a car.

I have another couple of weeks to think about that because until end of October my only means of transportation are crutches.

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very very often have had three stolen knicked theived whatever way you want to put it and oh yes if you have a decent helmet they will just cutb the strap to get it same as most things the temptation is just to much for most if its not nailed down they think they have the right to take it.

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Could happen anywhere, good and bad. The op should look on the bright side crappy 6oobt helmet gone,Go and get a decent one and your man sounds like he doesn,t know much about helmets that are safe. 6000bt for a half decent onethumbsup.gif

Ha, I know sb will say this sooner or later laugh.png I cherish all the things I have, no matter of its value. Am not a F1 racer, a 150 one is good enough for me. Besides, even if one has a top quality helmet but has a serious accident, the head is protected but the body is badly damaged.... What is the good of it ? Same miserable ! Maybe a warrior armour is the best for motorbike riders tongue.png

yeah for some expats it seems like their brain is not of much use cheesy.gif

So, your brain is of much use or not much use, eh?

Edited by susanschwaiger
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I had my Helmet stolen a good few years ago, so I went out and bought a Gorgeous leather covered studded one,

and I now either lock it on the bike, or carry it around with me, I have owned my leather one now for about 7 years.

I had a metal Post Box especially made for my house some years ago, it had to be screwed onto the wall properly,

someone came along and unscrewed it all to take it to weigh in..

We must never forget, that wherever we are, there are thieves around waiting to pounce, not only in Thailand but all over the world.......

If you value your belongings, then lock them up.

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Couple years ago, had an beat up old Nolan, scratched shield attached by a homemade bolt system, stolen at Tesco Pattaya Nua also. Can't imagine it would fit a Thai or what a Thai would want with that junk helmet. Didn't even trade me ;) so I had to ride home worried about a cop getting me for no helmet. Fortunately, no cop along the way.

It was quite distinctive but I've never seen it since.

Friend had her cheap B150 lid stolen at Big C Pattaya Nua.

Helmet theft is quite common. Stow your helmet securely, carry it, or check it if want to keep it. That's Pattaya.

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Could happen anywhere, good and bad. The op should look on the bright side crappy 6oobt helmet gone,Go and get a decent one and your man sounds like he doesn,t know much about helmets that are safe. 6000bt for a half decent onethumbsup.gif

Ha, I know sb will say this sooner or later laugh.png I cherish all the things I have, no matter of its value. Am not a F1 racer, a 150 one is good enough for me. Besides, even if one has a top quality helmet but has a serious accident, the head is protected but the body is badly damaged.... What is the good of it ? Same miserable ! Maybe a warrior armour is the best for motorbike riders tongue.png

You should ask our esteemed admin, Raro, if he agrees with you. He was in an accident recently. Not going that fast, somebody cut in front of him. Ended up breaking his leg. Would have been MUCH worse without a full face helmet as he landed on his face first. Permanent scars for sure.

So broken leg, but still a beautiful face. giggle.gif

There is more to it...a general question whether I ride a bike again. As there was no driving mistake from my side (idiot in front of me just hit the brakes for no reason and crossed into my line of driving) there is no lesson I can learn here other than staying away from riding a bike,

Driving defensively means allowing ample reaction space between you and the drivers ahead of you. What if he brakes or does a quick lane change for a blind dog or a crossing school child? You, the follower, must also be prepared to react.

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You should ask our esteemed admin, Raro, if he agrees with you. He was in an accident recently. Not going that fast, somebody cut in front of him. Ended up breaking his leg. Would have been MUCH worse without a full face helmet as he landed on his face first. Permanent scars for sure.

So broken leg, but still a beautiful face. giggle.gif

There is more to it...a general question whether I ride a bike again. As there was no driving mistake from my side (idiot in front of me just hit the brakes for no reason and crossed into my line of driving) there is no lesson I can learn here other than staying away from riding a bike,

Driving defensively means allowing ample reaction space between you and the drivers ahead of you. What if he brakes or does a quick lane change for a blind dog or a crossing school child? You, the follower, must also be prepared to react.

yeah....so far the theory. When you turn from Sukhumvit into South Pattaya Road, you are in a swarm of say....30 to 40 motorbikes. You swim in this swarm as good as you can, trying to keep an equal pace with the rest of them as I would consider this safest practice. The distance between the motorcycles here is just a couple of meters just after the turn-off. The accident happened at the Soi leading to Duck Square, so just 100something meters past Sukhumvit.

If you slow down to allow more safety distance, someone else will jump into that gap and there goes your safety distance. I generally prefer to be ahead of others as I consider the one in front of you as the biggest potential danger - especially if he's driving a bit indecisive as Thais more than often do.

So was the guy in front of me. Driving a bit...strange. I was actually just getting ready to overtake him but before I could initiate the maneuver he did his. NB...I did not yet initiate any overtaking maneuver at the time of the accident, was just getting ready for it.

My take is he wanted to go into Duck Square, missed the Soi and thought oh-ohh...here it was so let's swerve to the left and try to make it.

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Afraid it happens a lot especially with nice shiny new helmets. Happens a lot less if you use a dirty old one.

yes, my stolen one was quite new and shiny and nice.. Ok, I will buy a garbage one tomorrow smile.png))

Your helmet was 4 times the value of the average cheapie most people use.

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Driving defensively means allowing ample reaction space between you and the drivers ahead of you. What if he brakes or does a quick lane change for a blind dog or a crossing school child? You, the follower, must also be prepared to react.

on my trip from bkk to the south so far I only had one close call. Defensive riding saved my skin for sure. I saw the brake lights go off on a truck in the hard shoulder as I was in the left of the left lane doing 90kms. I moved to the middle of the outer lane and soon after he decided to hit the gas and swerve right for the approaching u turn. I accelerated as much as a 125 pcx could, hit the horn, swerved to the far right of outer lane, held on tight and hoped for the best ... Missed me by a meter or so...
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yeah....so far the theory. When you turn from Sukhumvit into South Pattaya Road, you are in a swarm of say....30 to 40 motorbikes. You swim in this swarm as good as you can, trying to keep an equal pace with the rest of them as I would consider this safest practice. The distance between the motorcycles here is just a couple of meters just after the turn-off. The accident happened at the Soi leading to Duck Square, so just 100something meters past Sukhumvit.

If you slow down to allow more safety distance, someone else will jump into that gap and there goes your safety distance. I generally prefer to be ahead of others as I consider the one in front of you as the biggest potential danger - especially if he's driving a bit indecisive as Thais more than often do.

So was the guy in front of me. Driving a bit...strange. I was actually just getting ready to overtake him but before I could initiate the maneuver he did his. NB...I did not yet initiate any overtaking maneuver at the time of the accident, was just getting ready for it.

My take is he wanted to go into Duck Square, missed the Soi and thought oh-ohh...here it was so let's swerve to the left and try to make it.

So that's why you've been so quiet lately.....

As you say, it's impossible to ride defensively in Pattaya. If you do you're probably more likely to have an accident.

Time will dim the memory and you'll be back on your horse sooner or later, probably when you need some milk down at the 7Eleven.

I've still got one of those K-nails in my femur. It's been there for nearly 30 years. It took me awhile to get back on a bike though - messed up my arm and ankle too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you are losing s lot of helmets this is something you might consider doing I found it to be well worth the cost involved. My wife was continually having her helmet taken when stopping to eat at a particular restaurant.

Obviously I was getting fed up listening to the moaning so I brought her a new helmet and rubbed some 'deep heat' all around the interior rim, obviously she didn't wear it but left it in the basket, it didn't take many visits to the restaurant before it was stolen.

The down side is that unless you are very lucky you don't get to see the result. The up side is that she never lost another helmetthumbsup.gif

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Why not customize your helmets? so they stand out so if some one does pinch it they will be easy to spot.

Raro, sorry to hear of you accident but glade you are on the mend, just can not understand the mindless saying they have a divine right to ride around without a helmet, personally I really think the law should dictate that all helmets should be full head protection and impose high standards on there construction.

It is ironic that you are in mortal danger when only traveling a little faster than walking pace in Pattaya yet a F1 car can go flying in to the crash barrier a 200mph+ and the driver can walk away from the accident.

[RIP, Proff Sid Watkins]

Edited by Basil B
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i had two nicked from carrfoure ina three week period, the first time had it on the handlebars second time with strap trapped under seat. had spare one at home but thought it would be just be my luck to get stopped by police on the way so bought new one each time. i have enough expense already without this added on.

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It wasn't even an expensive helmet, just the 600 Baht class. Full Face was the live saver. I mean this literally.

4 weeks later, I can sit at my desk again and resume work. Physio probably from next week onwards.

sent from my Android phone

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My good friend has lost 3 or 4 good helmets over the past few years. He locks the strap under the seat, but they just cut it off.

I actually drilled a small hole in the bottom of my helmet. I have a wire lock that slides through which I secure to the bike. A few months ago I came back from my walk and the helmet was laying on the side of the bike near the ground...somebody had tried to steal it.

This is an excellent idea. Where did you get the cable lock you use to secure it to the bike?

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My good friend has lost 3 or 4 good helmets over the past few years. He locks the strap under the seat, but they just cut it off.

I actually drilled a small hole in the bottom of my helmet. I have a wire lock that slides through which I secure to the bike. A few months ago I came back from my walk and the helmet was laying on the side of the bike near the ground...somebody had tried to steal it.

This is an excellent idea. Where did you get the cable lock you use to secure it to the bike?

I brought it with me from the US. Loaned the bike to my former gardener and he lost the keys...both of them! So now, I have a small "U" lock that I put into that hole and have another cable lock I got from Tesco or Big C....can't remember which one. It works....my cheap charlie approach!

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My good friend has lost 3 or 4 good helmets over the past few years. He locks the strap under the seat, but they just cut it off.

I actually drilled a small hole in the bottom of my helmet. I have a wire lock that slides through which I secure to the bike. A few months ago I came back from my walk and the helmet was laying on the side of the bike near the ground...somebody had tried to steal it.

This is an excellent idea. Where did you get the cable lock you use to secure it to the bike?

I brought it with me from the US. Loaned the bike to my former gardener and he lost the keys...both of them! So now, I have a small "U" lock that I put into that hole and have another cable lock I got from Tesco or Big C....can't remember which one. It works....my cheap charlie approach!

I will have a look for a suitable cable lock in the local stores. I had my helmet lifted for the first time in the 7 years I've had it. I hand carried it over from the states and other than being DOT approved it was nothing too fancy. A shorty. I had never much locked it as my bike had no such device and it wasn't until last month it was taken. What a disappointment but also I feel quite fortunate that I made it that long. I ordered a new one from the states and a mate will be hand carrying it out here this next week. First thing I will do is drill a hole in it and get a cable to lock it to my bike when needed.

When I take my wife's 100cc I lock it with the seat lock but always realized that the strap could be cut if they wanted it. But I kept thinking why would they cut the strap and ruin a perfectly good helmet that they wanted to steal. Certainly they could just as easily take one without damaging it. After reading through this thread I see that the cut straps means nothing to them.

Thanks again for the great idea to keep my helmet from vanishing.

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I had TWO helmets stolen at Tesco. They were locked on the bike and they just cut the strap. Chickenshit bastards... Of course, Tesco can't do anything...

Leave the helmet on the motorbike, stand nearby where you can't be seen and watch, when someone takes it, give him a very sore face(assuming it's a him)if you can't use your fists, get a pepper spray. But make sure it is only one person, and there are no witnesses.
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you'll spot me walking around tesco wearing my helmet from now on lol

didn't realise this was such a prolific problem, been here 8 tears and never had issue with my helmet, in saying that if I do use the hook (rarely) under the seat you cannot get to the strap as it is tight against the seat, would be difficult to get at

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you'll spot me walking around tesco wearing my helmet from now on lol

didn't realise this was such a prolific problem, been here 8 tears and never had issue with my helmet, in saying that if I do use the hook (rarely) under the seat you cannot get to the strap as it is tight against the seat, would be difficult to get at

I have stilt more tears. sad.png
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you'll spot me walking around tesco wearing my helmet from now on lol

didn't realise this was such a prolific problem, been here 8 tears and never had issue with my helmet, in saying that if I do use the hook (rarely) under the seat you cannot get to the strap as it is tight against the seat, would be difficult to get at

I'm willing to bet there is a direct correlation between the number of tickets handed out by BIB for no helmet and the number of helmets that go missing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My good friend has lost 3 or 4 good helmets over the past few years. He locks the strap under the seat, but they just cut it off.

I actually drilled a small hole in the bottom of my helmet. I have a wire lock that slides through which I secure to the bike. A few months ago I came back from my walk and the helmet was laying on the side of the bike near the ground...somebody had tried to steal it.

Ok.. so I was trying to figure out the best way to do this with my new helmet and came up with a brilliant idea. I had a laptop cable lock sitting around and adapted my helmet to take the locking device.

Drilled a small hole into the back of the hemlet and then used a file to get the hole's size correct


Here is the standard fitting that goes on the laptop computer locks.


and here is the lock attached to the helmet.


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