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Mowed My Grass For The Last Time Today....


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After a run-in with one of these critters, I am very careful about walking barefoot in gass.

One can ruin your month and scar you for life. Think 2nd and 3rd degree burns!

Roughly translated as แมลงน้ำกรด

What the heck is that thing, and did just one of them do that damage, and did it happen to you?

And how big is it?

It's apparently called a Rove Beetle. The toxin is pederin, which isn't actually an acid as the insect's Thai name suggests, but is rather a toxic vesicant amide.

Rove beetles do not bite or sting but the pederin in their blood and on their body can cause skin and eye irritations. If you crush the beetle the toxin is released and absorbed by your skin. They're about 7-8mm long.

More here:


Apparently their bites are quite common in Thailand and doctors there are well aware of them. This Thai air-hostess found some on her bed back in May this year, and not knowing what they were brushed them away with her hand then touched her face afterwards which led to her face swelling up.

If you touch one, immediately wash with soapy water to remove as much toxin as possible before it is absorbed into your skin.

The worst thing you can do is try to swat or crush one.


PS thanks for the warning klikster - will be on the look out to avoid them now!

Edited by katana
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After a run-in with one of these critters, I am very careful about walking barefoot in gass.

One can ruin your month and scar you for life. Think 2nd and 3rd degree burns!

Roughly translated as แมลงน้ำกรด

What the heck is that thing, and did just one of them do that damage, and did it happen to you?

And how big is it?

It's apparently called a Rove Beetle. The toxin is pederin, which isn't actually an acid as the insect's Thai name suggests, but is rather a toxic vesicant amide.

Rove beetles do not bite or sting but the pederin in their blood and on their body can cause skin and eye irritations. If you crush the beetle the toxin is released and absorbed by your skin. They're about 7-8mm long.

More here:


Apparently their bites are quite common in Thailand and doctors there are well aware of them. This Thai air-hostess found some on her bed back in May this year, and not knowing what they were brushed them away with her hand then touched her face afterwards which led to her face swelling up.

If you touch one, immediately wash with soapy water to remove as much toxin as possible before it is absorbed into your skin.

The worst thing you can do is try to swat or crush one.


PS thanks for the warning klikster - will be on the look out to avoid them now!

My goodness! With blood like that the dam_n thing is like a real life Alien from a Ridley Scott movie. ohmy.png I'd hate to have a run in with one of those suckers. blink.png

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The laws surrounding what skills a farang may perform in Thailand are open to wide interpretation. Painting your house for example could get you in trouble because you are doing a job foreigners are forbidden to do here. However, I have not seen evidence of anyone in trouble over working on their own house.

Quite few of us have done some building projects here.

Oh nice one canuck. You may have just destroyed the lives of a few husbands who may have enjoyed watching the wife cut the grass. The wives may very well have read your response, now the husbands are cursing your name as they push the mower while the wife is drinking thier beers.

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