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Female Police Officer Draws Her Gun In Dispute With Chevrolet Dealer


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they actually have a point i can understand, sure it sounds bad when someone draws a weapon, this story has 2 sides

they spend a lot of money buying a new car, the car company offers a warranty with the deal

and then they continuously break their work, the stupid car is broken most of the time, repairs takes for years, .... so i understand that after some time its hard to keep being patience,

as a matter of fact the second the car dealer had your money they treated them list shit.

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What is worse , little will happen to this couple of retards.

My guess promotion...

I doubt it. There have been some sensible people (believe it or not) put into some senior positions within the police force lately, and I doubt that they can accept this sort of thing going on without such acceptance having a major impact on their own credibility.

I guess I should have inserted a smiley at the end of that comment...rolleyes.gif

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This parasite should be arrested kicked out of the ROYALThai police and jailed..who does she think she is?

Idiots like this are to blame for many of Thailand problems they totally think they are above any law, if there is a problem with the car that cant be resolved YOU USE THE COURTS.

She was offered all her money back which was the down payment and her monthly re-payments to date (as its still on a red plate that less than 6 months normally ..but no she demanded a NEW car)

A complete fu_kwitbah.gif

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This article doesn't tell the whole story, I'm sure. It's so confusing.

Accident damage is not covered by warranty, it's covered by Insurance. So is the dispute with the insurance company or the dealer.

Yes, some dealers have body shops and undertake repairs, and I have seen some shockingly bad minor repairs. That's not about warranty though.

Perhaps it is the frustation of repeated bad warranty work and then bad accident repair that drove this couple over the top. It takes a lot to get the average Thai to go balistic, but when they do.. watch out.

To the morons who question how they could afford a new car... at least one of this couple is a police captain, so it's highly likey the other is also a high rank. Of course they can afford a new car, but it's a major purchase and that may help to explain why they are so aggrivated.

New Car Dealerships in Thailand make their own rules as they go along, 2 years ago I was flatly refused a warranty repair on my 18 month old Toyota in Khon Kaen, the Toyota dealer there told me my warranty was in Chiang Mai where I bought the car... this kind of moronic stupidity gives car dealers and the brands that they represent a bad name, sooner or later someone is going to say enough-is-enough and punch a service manager on the nose!

Edited by technologybytes
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I fully sympathize!!! with her. Toyota is infamous for doing the same BS in the repair department. I have lodged several complaints to the Toyota head office in Japan. I will never know the outcome of my complaints because I will never take my vehicle's for Toyota to repair ever again. It is just wrong!

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WOW....gives you great insight into how the minds of BiB work...a simple commerical dispute and firearms are pulled and these people are suppose to serve and protect a population, this incident should be enough for BiB concerned to be kicked out of the police force

My guess: They get either transfered to another village, or: nothing, cause she had her 'days'!

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I saw this on TV. Forgetting the actual situation for a moment, it was hilarious. Just like a channel 7 soap opera. Lots of screaming and finger pointing.

The problem is that after nearly 20 years in wonderful Thailand, I still don't know if the soaps are based on real life or vice versa!!

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WOW....gives you great insight into how the minds of BiB work...a simple commerical dispute and firearms are pulled and these people are suppose to serve and protect a population, this incident should be enough for BiB concerned to be kicked out of the police force

Not sure BiB is strictly correct heresmile.png

Bimbo in Brown...? or could be B*tch in Brown....take your pick...biggrin.png

Babe in Brown. Bird in Brown. We could go on....

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In Arizona where a lot of people carry Guns before negotiaton starts on Car deals we ask if they leave there gun in the trade in and have them lock the car and take there keyes from them, I think they will get a raise in there salary now ,so they can afford the car

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13 year old boys and girls, in adult bodies, will do some very strange things. They can not be counted on to be rational, nor to have common sense. Now, when you give them the power a police captain has, and a gun, that is a recipe for these kinds of events. Surprised it does not happen more often, or is it that we are simply not hearing about it? Since the media censorship here is so tremendous, and pervasive, in this near democracy, I am certain that is the case. Lack of maturity and emotional development is shockingly common here in the LOS. Welcome to Planet Thailandia.

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Just proves my point that most Thais do not know how to handle anger.

The police should be trained to control their anger as pulling a gun in a dispute is more like a politicians sons action than a police one.

At least it was not a Ferrari, imagine what she would pull in that case.

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WOW....gives you great insight into how the minds of BiB work...a simple commerical dispute and firearms are pulled and these people are suppose to serve and protect a population, this incident should be enough for BiB concerned to be kicked out of the police force

And the outcome is: Inactive post or a new job as shooting instructor in the far south...
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