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What Is Wrong With Those Idiots ?


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A video gone viral about (mainly) Thais provoking drugged tigers in the infamous Tiger Temple, another proof that those people who allow torturing of 'holy' baby elephants (and still dare to call themselves buddhist) have a twisted mind and even seems to become worse.

It's a totally disgusting video.

Edited by rubberduck
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Hardly viral with less than 1000views but I hope it does! That is disgusting, those participating should be ashamed of themselves. A couple of times the Tigers flinched when one of the 'workers' made out they were going to hit them, only one reason it would do that!

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

Edited by skybluestu
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Hardly viral with less than 1000views but I hope it does! That is disgusting, those participating should be ashamed of themselves. A couple of times the Tigers flinched when one of the 'workers' made out they were going to hit them, only one reason it would do that!

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

yes, there was the touch on the back of the neck with something that could have even been a half brick, so obviously there is some unfortunate conditioning going on to provide tourists with an up close thrill

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Tad disappointing considering the extreme message from the poster.

Kind of don't see the point of the exercise and one Thai lady with a brick in her hand has obvious issues, but the video itself is somewhat harmless....back to investigative journo school with you.

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Have you ever been to this Temple?

If it is the one at Katchanaburi (run by monks), I have been there and have nothing but praise for what I saw. I am no expert, but the way I saw the tigers attack the meat at feeding time, I am convinced that they are not drugged.

The tiger flinches when the brick is put near its head? I'm not convinced of that either.

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Maybe I have badly missed something here, but I'm guessing that these tigers have been bred in captivity and are fairly tame. To me, and again, i could be very wrong, they seem OK, with no sign of being doped up. I don't think they would have been playing quite so happily if they had been seriously mistreated - probably more likely to be gorging on some unfortunate tourist as pay-back to humans.

Sorry, but if you're looking for a title for the video, "Crouching Tiger, Flying Brick" , it ain't.

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I have been and yes they are sleepy and maby look like they are drugged during the day but big cats sleep during the day when it's too hot to be running around chasing stuff and coupled with being hand raised by humans seems pretty normal to me but I'm not David Attenborough... But my vote is no, they are not drugged. And yes I got a great photo...

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Have a look at the video between 36 and 39 seconds, a staff member steps into the frame with something box/square in her hands, presses it to a Tiger's head and the Tiger jumps away.

An explanation of what that is and what she is doing would be interesting.

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I wish people would stop funding this animal trafficking. They are not meant to be circus exhibits. The same with tourists who pay to have their photo taken on the streets with elephents, iguanas, sea eagles, sloths, etc..

Thoughtless muppets.

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I wish people would stop funding this animal trafficking. They are not meant to be circus exhibits. The same with tourists who pay to have their photo taken on the streets with elephents, iguanas, sea eagles, sloths, etc..

Thoughtless muppets.

Depends entirely on the individual situation.

If the animals are cared for well and treated well, then there are great advantages in it for the appreciation and awareness of animals and conservation.

If treated poorly, then goes without saying.

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Whats wrong with you lot? Am I the only one that sees idiots also?

Taking tourists knee deep in water backs against the wall, than playing with tigers using rubbish tied to sticks surrounded by shrieking Thai staff in pink tops.

How is this possibly to be viewed other than Idiotic?

One slip, one hit with a big claw, one bad tiger day and a tourist gets mauled injured. Then you have people baying for blood Thailand gets a bad rep again.

Tourism gets damaged again, government over reacts (as always) acts and decides the tigers are dangerous they get killed or locked in cages indefinitely

It's great somewhere takes care of these creatures, and in my opinion they do look like large cats having fun.

But why do this to start with? surely its better and safer to have the tourists out of the water and take the rubbish out of the equation.Also employ staff/volunteers that do not shriek like banshees

Show these awesome animals off to the world, and treat them with some respect.

I agree completely.... This dog and pony show is not going to end well...

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