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Chuwit Gets 5 Years Jail For Bangkok Bar Demolition Raid


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Chuwit gets 5 years jail for bar demolition raid




BANGKOK: -- The Court of Appeal sentenced MP Chuwit Kamolvisit to five years in jail yesterday over his role in a notorious raid that razed a group of beer bars in the heart of Bangkok in 2003.

Chuwit, who now leads the Rak Thailand Party, said he would appeal against the verdict in the Supreme Court.

Yesterday, he was convicted alongside 65 accomplices over the operation to use force to push bar owners out of an area known as Sukhumvit Square on Sukhumvit Soi 10. The bars sprawled over more than 10 rai of land.

The raid in January 2003 drew a media spotlight and huge public attention because the operation involved backhoes and hundreds of robust men. All beer bars on the block were demolished.

At the time of the demolition, Chuwit was a massage-parlour tycoon, yet to enter politics. His accomplices included Lt Colonel Himalai Phiewphan, a military officer attached to the Armed Forces Development in 2003, and Major Thanyathep Thammathorn, who worked at the 11th Infantry Battalion, the Royal Guards.

All 131 defendants in the case denied any wrongdoing. However, about half were found guilty by the Court of Appeal. "Witnesses including some policemen saw the defendants before, during, and after the demolition at the scene," the court said.

Chuwit was granted bail pending a review by the Supreme Court. As an MP carrying out his duty during a parliamentary session, he was not required to post any collateral.

Himalai and Thanyathep both posted collateral for bail.

Initially, the Criminal Court acquitted most defendants in the case including Chuwit, Himalai, and Thanyathep in 2006. The Criminal Court convicted just a lawyer, Chanwet Malaibucha, who received an eight-month jail term.

Chanwet, prosecutors and co-plaintiffs appealed against the 2006 verdict. Yesterday, he also received a five-year jail term.


-- The Nation 2012-09-12


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Sounds like all these former thugs and pimps have moved on to become fine upstanding members of society. He won't do the time. So now that he has been convicted of an offence I would presume that he will be leaving politics.

Edited by chooka
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Initially, the Criminal Court acquitted most defendants in the case including Chuwit, Himalai, and Thanyathep in 2006. The Criminal Court convicted just a lawyer, Chanwet Malaibucha, who received an eight-month jail term.

It appears that one can have such things hang over them, regardless of any previous verdict. No "double jeopardy" statutes in Thailand. Keep trying until you get the verdict you like!

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Well this will be interesting, I wonder when the statute of limitations is on this one, it is pushing 10 years since the crime already.What is interesting is that Chuwit has just been sentenced, yet he is still a serving MP...in session? Currently non of the court cases against some of the red leaders are being heard because the red leaders are serving MP's. This clearly sets precedence that hearings and sentencing can take place.

Very funny that the lawyer appeals an 8 month sentence and gets 5 years...Doh!

Edited for wrong word!

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Well this will be interesting, I wonder when the statutory of limitations is on this one, it is pushing 10 years since the crime already.What is interesting is that Chuwit has just been sentenced, yet he is still a serving MP...in session? Currently non of the court cases against some of the red leaders are being heard because the red leaders are serving MP's. This clearly sets precedence that hearings and sentencing can take place.

Very funny that the lawyer appeals an 8 month sentence and gets 5 years...Doh!

Thailand may be different but normally with the statute of limitation it means that the charges have to be filed with the court within that time. This matter has already been heard and is now just an appeal.

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Well this will be interesting, I wonder when the statutory of limitations is on this one, it is pushing 10 years since the crime already.What is interesting is that Chuwit has just been sentenced, yet he is still a serving MP...in session? Currently non of the court cases against some of the red leaders are being heard because the red leaders are serving MP's. This clearly sets precedence that hearings and sentencing can take place.

Very funny that the lawyer appeals an 8 month sentence and gets 5 years...Doh!

Thailand may be different but normally with the statute of limitation it means that the charges have to be filed with the court within that time. This matter has already been heard and is now just an appeal.


I guess that means that Thaksin can outrun crimes he has not yet been charged with, but his original 2 year jail term must stick then. Though wasn't there recently the Banker who came back to Thailand after years in exile as his crime is now past its sell by date? I thought he had been charged? Whatever, this is a story bound to sell more newspapers!

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So is it the case in Thailand that when you are convicted, you appeal, get bail then walk out? Isn't it in most countries, you go to jail first, then post bail?

Actually in most countries you get arrested and charged and then post bail while awaiting your trial

If at trial you are convicted, you are then normally taken immediately into custody and transferred into the prison system

Where you have to stay incarcerated until the time of your appeal and are only released if the original conviction has been overturned by the appeals court.

Which means there is absolutely no chance of being released on bail while waiting for your appeal

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Hope that this scum losses his appeal and end s up in jail with some other inmates finishing him off.....this guy was once selling girls including underaged girls from neighbouring countries and yet Thais voted him in. I also hope that someday somebody would send his kids to work in a brothel. Simply filth along with the media and people who support him.

Running brothels and facing criminal charges he must of had one magnificent P.R machine behind him to get elected.

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You'd think they'd try to keep stories like this hushed. They really are quite embarrassing for Thailand. I mean granting bail after a conviction and then inevitably having the rich/well connected convicted criminal overturn/erase the conviction never to see the inside of a jail cell.

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The final bar fine for Chuwit.I hope they allow him to pimp his cell out. Those "gambling dens which do not exist" can now be operated without impediment by the "people who are not connected to a certain rich and powerful Northern family".

Edit: removed bold

Edited by dave1212
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I remember the Demolition of that Bar area in 2003.. I am amazed it has taking 9 years to bring this guy and his helpers to Justice.

But we all know, like Thaksin he will not see on par-second in Jail.

People will get paid off. and no appeal will be necessary

Edited by jerrysteve
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Hope that this scum losses his appeal and end s up in jail with some other inmates finishing him off.....this guy was once selling girls including underaged girls from neighbouring countries and yet Thais voted him in. I also hope that someday somebody would send his kids to work in a brothel. Simply filth along with the media and people who support him.

Running brothels and facing criminal charges he must of had one magnificent P.R machine behind him to get elected.

Seems Thais really like to elect/vote for criminals, alleged criminals and downright nasty people...

... look at the current government, i suspect you could find more than a handful there ;)

And i suspect Jaivin2011 will be right along with proof and evidence into his 'underage girls' comment, surely he wouldn't cast allegations without proof? right... coffee1.gif

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I remember this day, was living on soi 11 at the time, came around the corner for a coffee at the French sounding cafe place where sofitel now sits and across the street it was gone. didnt even move out pool tables, tvs, fridges or bar stock, just bull-dozed everything in site.

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I remember this day, was living on soi 11 at the time, came around the corner for a coffee at the French sounding cafe place where sofitel now sits and across the street it was gone. didnt even move out pool tables, tvs, fridges or bar stock, just bull-dozed everything in site.

Well I hope he was required to compensate the owners for thier building, fittings and stock that he destroyed now that he was found guilty of wrong doing.

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There was 1 ot 2 midle men involved, they had a lease from Chuwit, Chuwit had chanclelled the lease, but these midlemen still leased it out to bars !!

Chuwit admitted he had done something wrong, therefore he did not sell or build on the land (valued severak hundred million Baht) he made a park Chuwit Park !!! Humor he have !

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Regardless how much you liked the soi 10 bar scene, Chuwit's razing was justified as the bar owners were just greedy squatters whose lease had expired and refused to leave on land that was being sold. The razing was perhaps the most rational solution to solve a chaotic problem handled in the Thai way which has been repeated over and over elsewhere in Thailand. Immediately after the incident, Thaksin condemned the razing and vowed to find and prosecute those involved. The supreme court ruling should be interesting.

greedy squatters?

to my recollection the leases had not expired, they were illegally extended and sub leased out by the lessee. The "squatters" believed they had valid leases.

As for the razing being a rational solution (we are not even going to discuss the legality of the issue because the verdict already establishes that), your remark strikes me akin to saying murder is a ration solution to a messy divorce.

Anyways, its not all bad, Bangkok now has a lovely park that is open for two whole hours every morning and evening.

I get to explain almost daily to a 5 year old as we walk home from school why we can go in.

Glad you pointed this out to the utterly misinformed.

People, get it? People lost their investments and livelihoods, without warning or recourse. Foolish, uninformed comments have no place in this discussion.

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