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Us Ambassador Chris Stevens Killed In Libya


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So, we are seeing some signs that Congress is getting more interested in this Petraeus situation, and several Senators and Congressmen from both parties have said they "have not ruled out calling Petraeus to testify." However, there is one sticking point for the Republicans who could be the ones pressing this issue, and that has to do with the good general's own political affiliation - Republican. I suppose they need to think twice before dragging not only a Republican, but a national hero through this muck.

Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss, the top Republican on the Senate intelligence committee, called Petraeus "a great leader" who did right by stepping down and still deserves the nation's gratitude. He also didn't rule out calling Petraeus to testify on Benghazi at some point.
WASHINGTON—Members of Congress said Sunday they want to know more details about the FBI investigation that revealed an extramarital affair between ex-CIA Director David Petraeus and his biographer, questioning when the retired general popped up in the FBI inquiry, whether national security was compromised and why they weren't told sooner.

"We received no advanced notice. It was like a lightning bolt," said Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, who heads the Senate Intelligence Committee.


Given what you just wrote,quoted & the questions you asked,

I envision it a bit differently.

First off I would hope the deaths of Americans & finding out how,why & was it due to negligence would

supersede in importance any petty thoughts of mud or party affiliation

Secondly as you said member from both parties want to know why even this information

was not only suppressed ( most likely due to elections ) & probably also would like to know why the report was not made directly

to them before media. Of course no party wants bad news broadcast during an election but to suppress it for any reason would be worse

if later found out.

Lastly I do not think folks are as willing to protect something as small in this case as a extra marital indiscretion as bad as that may be.

Obviously folks like Bill Clinton were in much higher positions of power. Yet today is he judged by that one event or the many other things he accomplished?

Really all this side show stuff is not the main issue.

That Hillary suddenly decides to jump ship or that the general had an affair is the side show.

I still have hopes the Congress, Senate & American People are capable of concentrating on the main question asked.

Edited by mania
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^Yeah, and the Wall St. Journal said why didn't Obama know of this ongoing FBI investigation of Petraeus? The answers are either his staff kept it from him in the heat of the election, or he was hoping the lid would come off only after the elections...which it conveniently did.

Very interesting and twisted situation for sure, all of it combined. How does the saying go "you couldn't make this sh*t up!"

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And, here's the mystery woman who's part of the love triangle of this randy general. dam_n, if I had known Washington had such swinger parties, I would have spent much more time there than I did. smile.png


From L to R) Natalie Khawam, Gen. David Petraeus, Dr. Scott Kelley, his wife Jill Kelley and Holly Petraeus, the wife of Gen. David Petraeus, watching the Gasparilla parade from the comfort of tent on the Kelleys front lawn on Jan. 30. 2010, in Tampa, Fla

Read more: http://www.nydailyne...9#ixzz2BxkQaJV0

You have it wrong I think. The women he had the affair with is Paula Broadwell.

Jill Kelley, 37, of Tampa, Fla., reportedly alerted the FBI several months ago about threatening emails she had received from Petraeus alleged mistress, biographer Paula Broadwell, a senior military official told the Associated Press.


Paula Broadwell flying with General Petraeus to Afghanistan in June 2011. Petraeus resigned as head of the CIA because he was having an affair with the author.

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I suspect it's not just Petraeus who falls on his sword here. Susan Rice was central to the mythological linking of the Mohammad film to the Benghazi attack. Lets see if she gets appointed to the state department after all this.P.S It is not credible that Obama was not told about events of such importance just because of their proximity to the election, actually the election makes it even more likely he was well aware of events prior to it.

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And, here's the mystery woman who's part of the love triangle of this randy general. dam_n, if I had known Washington had such swinger parties, I would have spent much more time there than I did. smile.png


From L to R) Natalie Khawam, Gen. David Petraeus, Dr. Scott Kelley, his wife Jill Kelley and Holly Petraeus, the wife of Gen. David Petraeus, watching the Gasparilla parade from the comfort of tent on the Kelleys front lawn on Jan. 30. 2010, in Tampa, Fla

Read more: http://www.nydailyne...9#ixzz2BxkQaJV0

You have it wrong I think. The women he had the affair with is Paula Broadwell.

Jill Kelley, 37, of Tampa, Fla., reportedly alerted the FBI several months ago about threatening emails she had received from Petraeus alleged mistress, biographer Paula Broadwell, a senior military official told the Associated Press.


Paula Broadwell flying with General Petraeus to Afghanistan in June 2011. Petraeus resigned as head of the CIA because he was having an affair with the author.

Yeah, I know Paula Broadwell, but this whole thing started with Paula sending threatening nasty emails to Jill Kelley, whom supposedly Petraeus had started up another affair? The FBI got involved because of security concerns of the threats reportedly. Stay tuned....

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^Yeah, and the Wall St. Journal said why didn't Obama know of this ongoing FBI investigation of Petraeus? The answers are either his staff kept it from him in the heat of the election, or he was hoping the lid would come off only after the elections...which it conveniently did.

Very interesting and twisted situation for sure, all of it combined. How does the saying go "you couldn't make this sh*t up!"

The NYT reported last week;

The Federal Bureau of Investigation did not inform the Senate and House Intelligence Committees about the inquiry until this week, according to Congressional officials, who noted that by law the panels — and especially their chairmen and ranking members — are supposed to be told about significant developments in the intelligence arena.

And on November 11, the Washington Post provided a reasonable explanation;

The initial concern was that someone had broken into the CIA director’s e-mail account, leading to concerns about potential security breaches, according to the officials. As the investigation proceeded and more e-mails emerged, along with Broadwell’s role, FBI investigators realized they had uncovered an affair between Petraeus and Broadwell, the officials said. The investigators first interviewed Petraeus about two weeks ago, the officials said. Petraeus was told at the time that no criminal charges would be forthcoming and the idea of him resigning was not raised, the officials said.One of the law enforcement officials said Justice Department officials were unclear on what steps to take next because they had determined that there had been no crime and no breach of security.

It is plausible that evidence of the extramarital affair only came out last week. The focus was on a security breach. The infidelity was an unintended discovery. As there was no security breach and no crime, the matter was not as urgent as if the General had been comprimised.

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Alleged Petraeus Mistress Suggested She Was Privy to State Secrets - The Daily Beast


She quoted a Fox story.

OK I see they've added this:

(It’s possible Broadwell was confusing details broadcast ealier that day by Fox News correspondent Jennifer Griffen, who’d reported that three of the Libyan attackers were briefly held at the annex—not the consulate—before being turned over to a local militia.)

When I watched the video it seemed to me, as I was unfamiliar with the Fox report, that she seemed to be implying something other than what Fox might have reported.

Coupled with her quote:

“The challenging thing for General Petraeus is that in his new position he is not allowed to communicate with the press. So he’s known all of this, they had correspondence with the CIA station chief in Libya. Within 24 hours they kind of knew what was happening.”


On Friday, her personal website and Facebook page were scrubbed from the Internet. (The Washington Post reported Sunday that “Officers close to Petraeus grew concerned about her posts on Facebook, which they believed sometimes divulged sensitive operational details.”)

make it seem like she was read in on some agency matters. But maybe she was just trying to look like she was?

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If he was pumping that Broadwell chick, he had to be slipping one to Natalie as well. I wouldn't throw her out of bed for eating cream crackers.

What a ridiculously childlike assertion.

And not being able to resist making a petty, personal insult is somehow a sign of maturity? whistling.gif

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If he was pumping that Broadwell chick, he had to be slipping one to Natalie as well. I wouldn't throw her out of bed for eating cream crackers.

What a ridiculously childlike assertion.

His infidelity has already been established, the only question is "how many others?".

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If he was pumping that Broadwell chick, he had to be slipping one to Natalie as well. I wouldn't throw her out of bed for eating cream crackers.

What a ridiculously childlike assertion.

His infidelity has already been established, the only question is "how many others?".

But her infidelity has NOT been established.

Do you support his remark concerning Mrs. Kelley?

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If he was pumping that Broadwell chick, he had to be slipping one to Natalie as well. I wouldn't throw her out of bed for eating cream crackers.

What a ridiculously childlike assertion.

His infidelity has already been established, the only question is "how many others?".

But her infidelity has NOT been established.

Do you support his remark concerning Mrs. Kelley?

Who's remark? I was making an observation as to the pulchritude of the bird next to him. Apparently he only ever met Mrs. Kelley with her husband, but Mrs. Broadwell by the sounds of it was somewhat possessive. I'd be surprised if her husband doesn't have her out on her ear.

Jeez Chuck, are you always such a barrel of laughs?


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But her infidelity has NOT been established.

Do you support his remark concerning Mrs. Kelley?

A former associate of Petraeus confirmed the target of the emails was Kelley, but said there was no affair between the two, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the retired general's private life. The associate, who has been in touch with Petraeus since his resignation, said Kelley and her husband were longtime friends of Petraeus and his wife, Holly.


Here is one anonymous source saying there was no 2nd affair between Petraeus and Kelley. Perhaps Kelley was trying to convince Petraeus to stop the affair if she and her husband were family friends as stated.

In any event, I think this is ON TOPIC, because it's tangentially related to any possible cover-up motive but mostly because it's such juicy gossip. smile.png

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More details are leaking out about this potential love triangle and whether it threatened national security, and whether it is related to how Petraeus handled the Benghazi situation. Meanwhile, Petraeus' wife must be thinking "who am I in all this, the maid?"

Where there is smoke there might be fire, and it's looking more like there was fire with the 2nd woman, Kelley. Paula Broadwell reportedly felt that Kelley (she and her husband were family friends) was trying to take Petraeus away from her. It was also reported today that Peatraus may face military prosecution for the affair, as this is against military rules.

Petraeus’ relationship with Kelley, the “second woman” involved in the scandal, is more unclear. But she has been identified as living in Tampa, Fla., and serving as an unpaid social liaison to MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, where the military's Central Command and Special Operations Command are located.

Read more: http://latino.foxnew.../#ixzz2C2tIFMtT

They are both young, married, beautiful and have deep ties to the military. They are both also doting moms with impressive careers.

“I believe everything. And I believe nothing. I suspect everyone. And I suspect no one.”

So said Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau. His zany approach turns out to be a perfect guide for getting to the bottom of the horror in Benghazi and the flameout of David Petraeus, former hero.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/12/how-petraeus-betrayed-us/#ixzz2C2vhDgbN


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This explains the email trick Broadwell and Patraeus used, popular with terrorists and teens.


Petraeus and Broadwell apparently used a trick, known to terrorists and teen-agers alike, to conceal their email traffic, one of the law enforcement officials said.

Rather than transmitting emails to the other’s inbox, they composed at least some messages and instead of transmitting them, left them in a draft folder or in an electronic “dropbox,” the official said. Then the other person could log onto the same account and read the draft emails there. This avoids creating an email trail that is easier to trace.


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The net widens:

Top US commander in Afghanistan Gen John Allen is being investigated for allegedly sending "inappropriate emails" to a woman at the centre of a scandal ending the career of CIA head Gen David Petraeus, officials say.


Wow, this is getting weirder. "As part of this inquiry, the FBI also uncovered some 30,000 pages of emails between Ms. Kelley and Gen. Allen", <deleted>?


I guess the rate of extra-marital affairs for military personnel is double that of the general population.

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The net widens:

Top US commander in Afghanistan Gen John Allen is being investigated for allegedly sending "inappropriate emails" to a woman at the centre of a scandal ending the career of CIA head Gen David Petraeus, officials say.


So General Allen sent up to 30,000 e mails to this woman between 2010 and 2012. How did he ever get any work done? No wonder the NATO campaign in Afghanistan is such a balls up. This guy would give Jingthing a run for his money!smile.png
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The net widens:

Top US commander in Afghanistan Gen John Allen is being investigated for allegedly sending "inappropriate emails" to a woman at the centre of a scandal ending the career of CIA head Gen David Petraeus, officials say.


Wow, this is getting weirder. "As part of this inquiry, the FBI also uncovered some 30,000 pages of emails between Ms. Kelley and Gen. Allen", <deleted>?


I guess the rate of extra-marital affairs for military personnel is double that of the general population.


the FBI agent who started the probe, who's now being investigated for sending "shirtless" photos to Kelley; and, as reported by the New York Post on Tuesday morning, a child custody battle involving Kelley's twin sister that allegedly concerns both Petraeus and Allen.

This thread has gone silent because all those calling for the head of the worst president and Secretary of State in history over the worst scandal in history, Benghazi-gate, have lost interest in this more important stuff.

Anyway, it's all just a plot by Obama for a cover-up,...err, all except the shirtless FBI officer. cheesy.gif

*oh, and BTW, what the hell are Obama and Clinton doing playing around in Thailand this weekend when they should be back home answering questions about Benghazi-gate? biggrin.png

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This thread has gone silent because all those calling for the head of the worst president and Secretary of State in history over the worst scandal in history, Benghazi-gate, have lost interest in this more important stuff.

Anyway, it's all just a plot by Obama for a cover-up,...err, all except the shirtless FBI officer. cheesy.gif

*oh, and BTW, what the hell are Obama and Clinton doing playing around in Thailand this weekend when they should be back home answering questions about Benghazi-gate? biggrin.png

This is a post I made early on in this thread. It is only the first mistake the Obama administration made.

I understand some of the injured Embassy personnel are contract security officers. Unfortunately they were outgunned in a soft target, which the staff should not have occupied in the first place.

This is an administration failure.

The cover-up will be coming back to the public eye as soon as Obama's SecState, SecDef, Acting DCIA, et al, can tear themselves away from wine testing in Australia and schmoozing in SEA.

Nothing like a little delaying tactic to make the public lose interest, even in a sex scandal.

Edit in: See how effective the sex scandal has become? The topic on this thread has now changed from the cover-up of the killings in Benghazi to the sex scandal.

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^chuck, I love the drama of a good cover-up to hide exposing a scandal that could lead to an impeachment proceeding as much as the next guy. However, even the most critical of Obama have to admit this is quite a stretch...almost like the labor department making up the numbers for the jobs report before the election.

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, and this whole sordid mess is just too weird to be a made up cover-up. Hollywood couldn't come up with a story line this good. Until I see some solid proof, I will refrain from calling it a cover-up as should you.

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You keep claiming a coverup by the administration, but you have presented absolutely no credible evidence to support your allegation.

Now you are hinting that the idiotic and irresponsible conduct of Petraeus and now Allen is somehow part of the Benghazi coverup.

Both of these clowns have made fools of themselves and demonstrated poor judgement sufficient to call into question the competency of Petraeus to have been leading the CIA.

NBC News yesterday reported that approx. 6 weejks ago, then-CIA Director David Petraeus and Gen. John Allen, commander of U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan, intervened in a Washington, D.C., custody battle in September, writing letters on behalf of a woman who was found by a judge to have a "severe deficit in honesty and integrity."

The woman, Natalie Khawam, is the twin sister of Tampa socialite Jill Kelley, who has emerged as a central figure in the scandal that led to Petraeus’ resignation last week.The letters, which have been obtained by NBC News, were filed in court on behalf of Khawam, who the judge hearing the case harshly criticized for a “stunning willingness to say anything, even under oath, to advance her own interests.”


The aforementioned intervention is shocking for the complete absence of common sense and prudence required of officials charged with serious responsibilities. I think what we are going to see is that the former CIA director was responsible for the dossier, a dossier that was occurring in real time and one which neither he nor his agency were in a position to respond to with the immediacy with which you think should have occurred.

If there is a cover up, it will be to protect these two nitwits as it calls into question the reliability of senior military officials.

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Edit in: See how effective the sex scandal has become? The topic on this thread has now changed from the cover-up of the killings in Benghazi to the sex scandal.

Not really surprising since I doubt there will be any new information until the hearings convene.

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Sure, everything that has happened has been purely by coincidence. Breaking the scandal when it did was happenstance and had nothing to do with the upcoming testimony before the House Committee. Somebody just happened to let it slip at the wrong (?) time.

Since you three claim there is no cover-up conspiracy. Then why did it take the Obama administration nearly three weeks to admit the attack had nothing to do with the film? Obama blamed the film in his speech to the UN and every softball interview he had prior to the election, Ambassador Rice blamed the film in front of every camera she could find and the attitude from SecState was to attempt to deflect any blame from Obama by trying to accept responsibility.

One thing you administration supporters need to understand is that not one in a million Special Agents of the FBI will take it upon him/herself to begin, or continue, an investigation once the first hint of involvement by the DCIA. Here is a scenario that I see as very plausibile.

1. A complaint is received at the Tampa field office from Mrs. Kelley, where it is assigned to a Special Agent for investigation. During the initial phase of his/her investigation Gen. Petraeus' name surfaces.

2. At this point the Special Agent reports the information to his immediate supervisor, who immediately reports it up the line to an ASAC (Assistant Special Agent in Charge), where it is passed on further to the SAC (Special Agent in Charge), presumably in Tampa.

3. The Tampa (?) SAC, realizing he has a hot potato on his hands then reports the findings to a Deputy Director in DC.

4. The Deputy Director then goes to the Director of the FBI, whereupon the FBI Director provides the scandalous information to one Eric Holder, the Obama appointed Attorney General of the US..

5. My guess would be that Holder was sitting in the Oval Office within minutes of receiving the sex scandal information on Petraeus and the two of them, Obama and Holder, were discussing how they could use that information at a later date.

6. At this point the green light was issued for the investigation to continue under extremely strict need to know direction.

Now we may all know.


Petraeus Personally Investigated Benghazi Attack

Petraeus Scandal Widens: Gen. Allen Implicated in Affair

By JONATHAN KARL (@jonkarl)

Nov. 13, 2012

In late October, Petraeus traveled to Libya to conduct his own review of the Benghazi attack that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

While in Tripoli, he personally questioned the CIA station chief and other CIA personnel who were in Benghazi on Sept. 11 when the attack occurred.

...from the article...

"He was looking forward to testifying," a Petraeus friend told ABC News. "He wanted to be fully prepared.

But now Petraeus is telling friends he does not think he should testify.

Petraeus has offered two reasons for wanting to avoid testifying: Acting CIA Director Morell is in possession of all the information Petraeus gathered in conducting his review and he has more current information gathered since Petraeus' departure; and it would be a media circus.



Added a couple of comments by edit.

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