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The Hotbutton Racism Thread


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Perhaps people who live in glass houses etc etc.

"When I see comments that Thais are lazy, stupid, a nation of halfwits, or are a “nation of children” it reminds me of what was said during slavery and segregation. It does not imply “equality” to me; it implies that the person making the comments believes himself/herself/his culture to be superior, and one is the master and the other is the servant."

I live in Thailand and speak to Thais on a daily basis, I regularly hear comments like the above, however its Thais who are making them, usually directed towards their neighbours from Laos, Cambodia or Burma.

Lets not forget the comments also passed about Indians and how they and their food stinks.

You only have to watch Thai lakorns to see the caricature sterotypical way people from Issan are portrayed.

It may well be the Op has looked in the mirror and doesnt like what he sees.

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Personally I think reporting people for posting things you dislike is childish. Challenge their ignorant comments with your own better words. Don't seek to delete everything you dislike.

Thailand is a developing country with very few human rights, a massive wealth disparity and a terrible and voluntary education system. It's not a big surprise that many farang have a hard time assimilating.

All of that said, Thai women are very cute and give me a boner every time I leave the house when in Thailand, so as Hemingway would say, all is forgiven.

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Needlessly provocative.

Better to stick to the Bikes in Thailand forum. We're all biking brothers there.... But we still fight with each other. sad.png

Bottom line is, Humans have to strive to be nice, because most aren't.

Civil wars are the nastiest. Neighbor against neighbor, brother against brother. Doesn't seem to take much to strip away the veneer of civilization.

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Personally I think reporting people for posting things you dislike is childish. Challenge their ignorant comments with your own better words. Don't seek to delete everything you dislike.

Thailand is a developing country with very few human rights, a massive wealth disparity and a terrible and voluntary education system. It's not a big surprise that many farang have a hard time assimilating.

All of that said, Thai women are very cute and give me a boner every time I leave the house when in Thailand, so as Hemingway would say, all is forgiven.


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Perhaps people who live in glass houses etc etc.

"When I see comments that Thais are lazy, stupid, a nation of halfwits, or are a “nation of children” it reminds me of what was said during slavery and segregation. It does not imply “equality” to me; it implies that the person making the comments believes himself/herself/his culture to be superior, and one is the master and the other is the servant."

I live in Thailand and speak to Thais on a daily basis, I regularly hear comments like the above, however its Thais who are making them, usually directed towards their neighbours from Laos, Cambodia or Burma.

Lets not forget the comments also passed about Indians and how they and their food stinks.

You only have to watch Thai lakorns to see the caricature sterotypical way people from Issan are portrayed.

It may well be the Op has looked in the mirror and doesnt like what he sees.


The most racist people here in Thailand are the Thais themselves.

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If you want to say that Thais are themselves racists...I cannot deny there is not truth to that.

But on the other hand, if I hear people who prefer to be called "pinkies" say that "I will never be accepted by Thai society", what they don't realize is that they may be more accepted by Thai society (and have better upward mobility) than actual born Thais (such as people from Isaarn).

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If you want to say that Thais are themselves racists...I cannot deny there is not truth to that.

But on the other hand, if I hear people who prefer to be called "pinkies" say that "I will never be accepted by Thai society", what they don't realize is that they may be more accepted by Thai society (and have better upward mobility) than actual born Thais (such as people from Isaarn).

Not so sure that's a good thing and something several people have been pointing out. Nice deflection though... ;)

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it might be because another Falang slighted them.

Yet you are the one using the derogatory racist term to describe all 'white foreigners'.

only by those of us inclined to seek offense. why not move beyond semantics on this one? I believe it is being discussed elsewhere

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Plenty of examples here of while western societies in general have moved forward on the issue of race, some individuals haven't been able to keep up and regard the battle against racism and bigotry as a personal attack on themselves.

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Plenty of examples here of while western societies in general have moved forward on the issue of race, some individuals haven't been able to keep up and regard the battle against racism and bigotry as a personal attack on themselves.

The problem with racism is only solved through discussion not firing back with the same kind of ammunition (poor analogy, I know...). It's too bad some here don't realize that.

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I agree with the OP.

Lots of bigots on here, but really you should not let that piss you off. People who have those views probably have some serious problems in life.

Having a rant is fine, some like to talk down to others to make themselves feel better, this is how some people just are.

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Perhaps people who live in glass houses etc etc.

"When I see comments that Thais are lazy, stupid, a nation of halfwits, or are a “nation of children” it reminds me of what was said during slavery and segregation. It does not imply “equality” to me; it implies that the person making the comments believes himself/herself/his culture to be superior, and one is the master and the other is the servant."

I live in Thailand and speak to Thais on a daily basis, I regularly hear comments like the above, however its Thais who are making them, usually directed towards their neighbours from Laos, Cambodia or Burma.

Lets not forget the comments also passed about Indians and how they and their food stinks.

You only have to watch Thai lakorns to see the caricature sterotypical way people from Issan are portrayed.

It may well be the Op has looked in the mirror and doesnt like what he sees.


The most racist people here in Thailand are the Thais themselves.


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So you were a guest in the US, (possibly became a citizen or was born as one by an immigrant, and that is a point in itself), took benefit from all the things you were entitled to; free schooling, govt. assistance, tax returns etc.

Now it seems you are using the best thing America taught you; that is is not only ok but right and just to express your opinion freely; you are using that right to advocate limiting the free speech of others because you don't like or agree with what they are saying.

When you grew up in the US, how many times did your family complain about things, or criticize a politician etc.?

You can't have it both ways; I think one of the things people complain about is the double standard attitude you get here, of which you seem to be promoting.

The problem is that many don`t seem to be able to differentiate between what is free speech and opinions and what is just being plain insulting, demeaning and abusive.

I know that there are a fair number of members that have extreme right wing views and sooner of later according to the themes of some threads, they crawl out of the woodwork and display themselves for what they really are.

I guarantee that those who have preconceived notions about Thais will also be prejudice and have extreme bigoted attitudes towards other races and religious bias regarding other groups of people.

Some just cannot help themselves, it`s something that has been installed in them probably from birth by past family members or influenced from the gutter environments that they originate from in the home countries.

Over the many years I have lived in Thailand I have been appalled and sometimes shocked by the opinions of some farangs I have been unfortunate to meet during my travels and most of they’re brain dead philosophies is blown straight out of their asses and that’s where it belongs, in the toilet.

The OP is dead right, because these sorts of attitudes and behaviours is simply not wanted here, especially considering that the majority of us are guests in this country. Theses idiots are not doing themselves or anyone else any favours.

As the wise man says; Bug off.

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I remember years ago doing a study on immigration. The study showed that the majority of immigrants migrating to North America historically settled in the inner core of large cities and formed their own ethnic communities. These barrios or ghettos as many would call them, were the immigrants first place to form ideas about North America and gather knowledge of North American life. It shaped their future on how they perceived their new country. As time passed the majority of new North Americans moved towards the suburbs. They became established. Their ancestors living in the suburbs see North America completely different, than their forefathers.

I see many of the foreigners as seeing Thailand through the first generation cycle and is distorted by who they associate with and where they live This will change with time

Edited by lovelomsak
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I agree with the OP.

Lots of bigots on here, but really you should not let that piss you off. People who have those views probably have some serious problems in life.

Having a rant is fine, some like to talk down to others to make themselves feel better, this is how some people just are.

I agree with both you and Submaniac. Many here like to justify their racist rants as being "constructive criticism." They also like to hide behind the cloak of "freedom of speech" when more often than not, it's really "hate speech."

Unfortunately, Submaniac, as much as I sympathize with your plight, I don't see any remedy. Bigots can't change their stripes, nor do they want to. Those that do have legitimate gripes are drowned out by the idiot farangs who like to feel better about themselves by putting down the Thais. The sad thing is it's so counter productive. I've had a few work colleagues (mostly educated Thai females) read some of these postings and they are all universally aghast. And they'll usually respond with the same response that I've posted on TV from time-to-time, which is "if they hate us so much, why don't they just leave?" Sound familiar?

Honestly, if the Thais in power knew how farangs feel about Thailand through TV (perhaps they already do), I can see why they would make it as difficult as possible for long term farangs to stay. Who's to blame them? Why make it easier for farangs to stay in Thailand when your only reward is more whining/whinging farangs?

Hear, hear... the spokesman for a racist free society has spoken. rolleyes.gif

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I guess the OP misses the point that living in Thailand we ourselves are the victims of all sorts of racism, jingoism and xenophobia.

Some of the steam gets vented on TV.

What's your point?

PS If someone has a serious problem with the way the are treated outside their home country, they should return post haste.

Edited by bangkokburning
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I guess the OP misses the point that living in Thailand we ourselves are the victims of all sorts of racism, jingoism and xenophobia.

Some of the steam gets vented on TV.

What's your point?

PS If someone has a serious problem with the way the are treated outside their home country, they should return post haste.

You should change your Thai visa user name to: Genius.

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OP please have a look at this gem.


Do you actually live in Thailand? Because you seem to be bearing a grudge.

If you do live in Thailand, your existence must be pretty miserable here and in your case I completely agree with a comment made in your previous post; if you don`t like the way you are treated here, than go back to wherever you came out of, genius.

The problem is that these types of threads soon become platforms for the airing of the warped views such as burning down Bangkok and is probably better off closed.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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OP please have a look at this gem.


Do you actually live in Thailand? Because you seem to be bearing a grudge.

If you do live in Thailand, your existence must be pretty miserable here and in your case I completely agree with a comment made in your previous post; if you don`t like the way you are treated here, than go back to wherever you came out of, genius.

If you don't like him having a grudge then why don't YOU go back to whatever hi-so country you come from? rolleyes.gif

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OP, please don't get too tied up in knots about people venting their frustrations.

They should be more considerate and understanding in their posts, but most (sadly not all), are actually just venting their frustrations and don't truely mean what they say. Instead they use TV in the same way they would when "bitching" to their friends in a private conversation. Because for many, things here can be frustrating.

Personally I just have a laugh at their frustrations, and try to see the incident/story from their point of view. Because their frustrations are usually caused because they don't understand Thai culture and have different priorities to Thai people (But can't understand how Thai people could possibly have different priorities to themselves).

Likewise, their comments are often made from people who have an education and/or 30+ years in the workforce across various different states/countries/industries, so a lot of life experience. Their comments then often refer to people who comparatively have much less education and life experience (e.g. Most complaints about a "lazy, stupid person etc" won't be directed at the educated hard working demographic lol). It's often the same kind of comments we'd hear in our home countries, again while people feel that it's a private conversation, about people in the same demographic (low education, living off the govt etc). Race is simply the common demographic which they are using in an over generalized broad statement.

Sometimes the posters really do believe that all Thai people are x y z etc. when this happens, I just feel pity for the posters, because they have a very narrow minded view on life, and don't recognize the diversity of lifestyles in the world. These people are not worth arguing with or Chastising because they are usually too narrow minded to see opposing points of view, do arguing simply draws attention to their ramblings and leads to more Thai bashing from them + others like them (aswell as the trolls who join in just for fun lol). Especially as many of the trolls do have a lot of spare time to continually blast you with their ignorance, and feeding them only makes them stronger

One of the great things about Thailand, that many people enjoy here. Is the lack of political correctness, it's strange as you can say things here which you couldn't in the west, but get sent to jail for saying the wrong word in regards to other topics. So I think it's simply best to let them say their piece, argue or not that's upto you, but the same political correctness shouldn't be applied to all posts, because it's a Thai forum. Instead, each poster can make up their own mind about the posters.

PS some things, eg corruption, prostitution and other social issues are legitimate concerns, ones which many Thai people are likewise concerned about and the image it portrays to the world.... Because that is the image often presented by Thailand to the west

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Likewise, their comments are often made from people who have an education and/or 30+ years in the workforce across various different states/countries/industries, so a lot of life experience. Their comments then often refer to people who comparatively have much less education and life experience. It's often the same kind of comments we'd hear in our home countries, again while people feel that it's a private conversation, about people in the same demographic (low education etc). Race is simply the common demographic which they are using in an over generalized broad statement.

Tell that to Bendix... coffee1.gif

But sure by all means do proceed... What's your profession in Thailand?

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Note to the OP.

I see you still have that childish "one liner" at the bottom of each post you make and i note you are also fully aware that there are other members that don't appreciate it

Kindly remove it as i find it offensive and racist then i will sit down and read your racism post.

You sound like a hypocrite so heres an oppotunity to prove you are not.

That brings the freedom of speech vs. political correctness nicely on the point.

Everyone is for freedom of opinion and freedom of speech as long as it is the one opinion....but at different opinion it must be banned immediately.

So Submaniac is strongly against bashing Thais and think it is racist.

But bashing British is complete normal and a sign of freedom of speech.

I havenot read any British bashing in TV it seems to me we just give them free wheeling opportunity to do themselves in. Unless I misunderstand bashing.

I guess we have been on different Forums?

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