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Thai Police Applicants Told They Cannot Have Genital Implants


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I mean really!!!! They are worried about implants???? What about tea money, which is a nice way of saying CORRUPTION. What about their inability to enforce the law. And their inability to follow the laws of this country. The situation in this country is a total joke. Priorities????? What priorities!

Hey relax.

If the type of corruption in Thailand was so bad, Thai people would not be agreeing to it in majority. This tea money is exchanged basically to keep a blind eye on small problems. Some gambling activities are allowed with some tea money, as well as for selling pirated DVD movies for example. No thai victims are complaining, only millionaires in Hollywood.

Police in Thailand do not get a very good salary. And the police service do not provide radars for example, or police cruisers. Policemen have no incentive to purchase that on their own.

There is no joke about it.

Many farangs accept this as a fact, and live by it, ans in many instances, prefer it to the way of life in their own countries.

Do you really not have a clue??

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I just want to know how all this surfaced? How DID they find out about all this? As for having cartoons on the skin - that is a Thai tradition so to disallow a recruit based on folklore belief is a it weird. But then I guess no more weird the a person who feels he needs to enhance his 'manhood' with fluids and beads. What about ladyboys - does this mean they cannot be admitted either? biggrin.png

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I mean really!!!! They are worried about implants???? What about tea money, which is a nice way of saying CORRUPTION. What about their inability to enforce the law. And their inability to follow the laws of this country. The situation in this country is a total joke. Priorities????? What priorities!

Hey relax.

If the type of corruption in Thailand was so bad, Thai people would not be agreeing to it in majority. This tea money is exchanged basically to keep a blind eye on small problems. Some gambling activities are allowed with some tea money, as well as for selling pirated DVD movies for example. No thai victims are complaining, only millionaires in Hollywood.

Police in Thailand do not get a very good salary. And the police service do not provide radars for example, or police cruisers. Policemen have no incentive to purchase that on their own.

There is no joke about it.

Many farangs accept this as a fact, and live by it, ans in many instances, prefer it to the way of life in their own countries.

Do you really not have a clue??

Well, I guess not. Actually, I do not even know what clue you could be talking about.

I do try to explain my thoughts, to add to the forum, right or wrong, something that others may or may not like or agree to. But adding something should be a prerequisite to posting.

Why don't you try that for a change?

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injected paraffin gel into their genitals

This is a lot more common than people would think, a plastic surgeon I worked with said that he gets at least two cases of sclerosing lipogranuloma a week of penile tissue caused by injections of paraffin or any similar straight-chain saturated hydrocarbons. The body lacks enzymes to break down or metabolize this oil, and a fibrotic reaction occurs, which can although rather grotesquely augment the penis in diameter. The fibrotic reaction eventually results in local ulceration and necrosis and needs radical surgery to excise and replace with a scrotal skin flap. Some cases even experience allergic reactions such as vasculitis, and infections leading to systemic sepsis. The results are pretty similar to body builders who use synthol which is 85% mineral oil, with some lidocaine and alcohol.

With this in mind I don't know how anyone in their right mind would consider to inject paraffin into their private parts

An thumbsup.gif informative well-written and relevant post. Welcome to the forum.

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I can see some logic to this, there is a group of people in Thailand that are career criminals who I would prefer werent police, you can distinglish these people by their tatoos and penis implants, not to mention violent and intimidating behaviour, if you spend any time in Thai jails its easy to regonise them

I will take your word for it.

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I mean really!!!! They are worried about implants???? What about tea money, which is a nice way of saying CORRUPTION. What about their inability to enforce the law. And their inability to follow the laws of this country. The situation in this country is a total joke. Priorities????? What priorities!

Hey relax.

If the type of corruption in Thailand was so bad, Thai people would not be agreeing to it in majority. This tea money is exchanged basically to keep a blind eye on small problems. Some gambling activities are allowed with some tea money, as well as for selling pirated DVD movies for example. No thai victims are complaining, only millionaires in Hollywood.

Police in Thailand do not get a very good salary. And the police service do not provide radars for example, or police cruisers. Policemen have no incentive to purchase that on their own.

There is no joke about it.

Many farangs accept this as a fact, and live by it, ans in many instances, prefer it to the way of life in their own countries.

Do you really not have a clue??

It makes sense to me. The people except it as normal and generally speaking it is only 200 baht for lack of a helmet. Business owners might not like it but they just pass the expense on to the customers. And they definitely do not pay policemen enough I am told they have to supply their own gun transportation and uniforms. And most Farangs except it as a fact and while they might not like it, it is not that big a deal to them that they would go back to where they come from.

Now that we have that cleared up what if it is a women what do they have to have normal breasts?

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Beads, parafin?

Don't smoke next to a policemans dick eh?

WHAT ! , who would want too smoke a bib,s dick .giggle.gif

i can afford to my my fines , thank you .

but i do like them, in those tight trews ,

Edited by elliss
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TV seems desperate for hits. This thread is not news - its barely human interest...

But it's what TV members love to comment on. TV is a business. I don't think they're desperate for hits, it's just that they know the sort of drivel that the rabble on here want to read.

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So just who does these penis inspections? It would seem that implants would require a rather close inspection.

Are you volunteering your services?!

Well thanks, I thought you'd never ask.

Everyone should do their civic duty.

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TV seems desperate for hits. This thread is not news - its barely human interest...

But it's what TV members love to comment on. TV is a business. I don't think they're desperate for hits, it's just that they know the sort of drivel that the rabble on here want to read.

you read it, but, of course, you are not one of the 'rabble' ...ooooh nooo!!!
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