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New Non O In Kl, More Than 30 Days Left On My Last Permission To Stay

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I'm planning to go to Kuala Lumpur to apply for a new Multi entry Non-O (spouse) visa in October. I've got everything lined up as far as those requirements go. I am in Thailand on my first Non-O multi entry which expired on Sept 9. I extended my permission to stay for an additional 60 days, expiring on Nov 10. I got the extension so that my wife could come with me on a trip to Malaysia while she some vacation time from work, rather than me going by myself in September.

My question is this. If I have more than 30 days left on my permission to stay when I apply for the new visa, am I going to run into problems? Or does that last extension end as soon as I leave the country? I'm suddenly paranoid that we are in KL a week too early.

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How did you extend a non im Visa for 'another 60 days'?

Did you go on a visarun, in August? Have you done visa runs, every 90 days?

Usually, extensions on Non-Im visas are done in Thailand, but mostly for a year, not 60 days. Some (ED) are extended for 90 or 180 days. (Afaik, curious!)

But long story short: you leave Thailand, visa gone. Except, you get a re entry stamp (1000 Baht)

But you are going for a new multiple entry, so it doesn't matter.

As long all your papers are ok, and the money is granted/shown.

And you could have used the multiple entry non-o for almost 15 month, if you would have left Thailand in beginning of September (means: now you have to go to KL, one month to early ;-)

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You extended 60 days to visit wife it appears rather than use your last chance of a new 90 day with a border crossing on your previous multi entry visa. Any exit without a re-entry permit will end the current permitted to stay so you have no problem leaving and obtaining a new visa. You are aware of the requirements for 100k in bank and wife id card/home register copies as well as the marriage certificate.

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You can get a 60 day extension to either a tourist or non-o visa if you have a Thai spouse (don't know about other dependents). Same requirements as getting a new multi entry visa, no banking requirements. You can only get it once per visa, as far as I know, you can't back to back it.

I know I could have gotten a new 90 day stamp by doing a border crossing instead of an extension, but I tried that a couple of years ago (with a tourist visa) and the Mae Sai immigration gave me a 15 day stamp anyway, so it still required a trip to immigration to sort out. This time I figured the extension cost more, but saved me time. I did border runs or other trips this past year.

Thanks for the tips. I do know about the 100k and other document requirements. I was just worried about the timing.

Is this just a drop off one morning, pick up the next business day in the afternoon thing, or does it take longer?

Edited by lleviathan
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Bank passbook/copies should be fine and if wife with you take her which suspect will make it even more obvious you have a real relationship (which all the paperwork is designed to show).

Submit morning and pick up next workday afternoon in my understanding.

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