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U S Embassy In Bangkok Issues Security Warnings To Citizens In Thailand


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No one spoke personally to offend any one of the people rioting. The video criticised a person and his faith, and by association others faith.

preventing people from criticising the moslem faith is no more relevant than me expressing my opinion about say french people, man utd or the moonies. I dont have to like any of them, and i can choose to express my opinion or not. Even less, i dont have to show any religion true respect either, since by definition, if i dont agree, that religion shows no respect, love or compassion for me or my opinions.

But, that is my choice, but to prevent me from expressing my views because the reaction of those offended is so disproportional and irrational is illogical. It is like tolerating a naughty child that throws a tantrum.

Murdering people because of a slight to ones faith is utterly barbaric and not much beyond the conduct of cavemen.

There is no excuse for violence but clearly this is a personal insult to many within the Muslim community. Think about somebody calling your dead father, who was a great and caring man, a child molester and then multiply it 50 fold to get an idea of how insulting and how much personal attack this was against some people... regardless if their belief system is right or wrong.

I personally can not see getting this worked up by any ignorant person purposely trying to get me going with words but I do understand their and others beliefs enough to understand how insulting and personal of an attack like this is ... I also have absolutely nothing against these people protesting as long as they are not causing injury and destruction. I just wish both sides could understand the other side a little better such as, even here in Thailand, I don't think there is a real understanding that in the US there generally is nothing the government can or will do to prevent or punish somebody for making such an inflaming and insulting film ... but maybe some believe this in itself is wrong and in my mind they have every right to make these feelings be known if they do it without harming others.

I don't believe that more than 0.01% of "the protesters" have even seen that crappy movie. Can't you see that they simply jump on any bandwagon that passes by, not even knowing what it was all about? Problem is that one just has to say something like: "That guy with the pink shirt over there insults our prophet, because for an infidel wearing a pink shirt is an infidel statement saying that our prophet is a pussy!" and all of them would cut the poor pink shirt guy's head off and another hundred or so all over the world, until pink shirts are banned in all western countries.

These people have to grow up and think for themselves. Until then, it;s a catch22 situation.

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No one spoke personally to offend any one of the people rioting. The video criticised a person and his faith, and by association others faith.

preventing people from criticising the moslem faith is no more relevant than me expressing my opinion about say french people, man utd or the moonies. I dont have to like any of them, and i can choose to express my opinion or not. Even less, i dont have to show any religion true respect either, since by definition, if i dont agree, that religion shows no respect, love or compassion for me or my opinions.

But, that is my choice, but to prevent me from expressing my views because the reaction of those offended is so disproportional and irrational is illogical. It is like tolerating a naughty child that throws a tantrum.

Murdering people because of a slight to ones faith is utterly barbaric and not much beyond the conduct of cavemen.

There is no excuse for violence but clearly this is a personal insult to many within the Muslim community. Think about somebody calling your dead father, who was a great and caring man, a child molester and then multiply it 50 fold to get an idea of how insulting and how much personal attack this was against some people... regardless if their belief system is right or wrong.

I personally can not see getting this worked up by any ignorant person purposely trying to get me going with words but I do understand their and others beliefs enough to understand how insulting and personal of an attack like this is ... I also have absolutely nothing against these people protesting as long as they are not causing injury and destruction. I just wish both sides could understand the other side a little better such as, even here in Thailand, I don't think there is a real understanding that in the US there generally is nothing the government can or will do to prevent or punish somebody for making such an inflaming and insulting film ... but maybe some believe this in itself is wrong and in my mind they have every right to make these feelings be known if they do it without harming others.

Well, it starts with believing that a man born 1500 years ago was my father. Why would the reacyion to insulting jesus be so much less virulent?

We have been witnessing violent acts in Thailand with one side claiming it to be because of some type of manipulation, and faith. One side claims yhe oyher side is illeducated and being manipulatedand is essentially stupid.

But when it is faith based, for some reason we dont say people are behaving in,a stupid manner we say it is faith based so its ok to act in an apparently stupid manner.

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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

Free speech tell that to the Monty Python team about their movie

In America we dont punish people for speaking their mind, we have free speech. The day the USA bows to such cowardly acts is the day it loses what makes it great.

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I agree to less hatred; as in anyone who is not a believer of Islam is worthy of death.

Yet another completely uninformed comment. As others have stated in this thread, Islam incorporates the Jewish and Christian prophets in the Koran and respects them as "People of the Book", not as enemies of Islam. FYI Islam also includes biblical stories such as Noah's Ark.

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These are the same folks the American Taliban (Tea Party) worship and the times they want America to return to. I have little doubt these extremist have gained traction because of Muslim extremists and 9/11. Seems that extremists not only have a way of creating other radicals on their own side but also just as extreme views on the other side. If America doesn't keep itself in check, there will be a war against Islam and the people will blindly follow these tea bag leaders as German citizens followed Hitler down the road of genocide.

Your attempt to equate the "Tea Party" members with these Muslim extremists is FAIL to the max. Show me news articles of Tea Party members torching buildings or murdering people. In the U.S., the "Tea Party" voiced their views at Town Hall Meetings and meetings with their elected representatives. Then they made their voice heard by using the ballot box in the 2010 elections. That is how people of reason do it.

You really do need to take your blinders off and inform yourself better.

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Anyone remember the free speech in America over Monty Pythons Life Of Brian ?

Yes and it was banned in a few European countries as deemed offensive to conservative Christians. But no rioting and killings

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I have been repeatedly tol by "brits, Germns wtc taht it is not safe being an American...

Sorry Gents !!! I dont think anyone is going to ask for passports or check accents prior to doing something.

Us "westerners are all in the same boat.

It's more like all of us 'infidels' are in the same boat and it's sinking. Is it time to buy some skin-darkening cream (or brown shoe polish), grow a beard (men - optional for women) and pick up some non-chic arab fashions yet? I don't think the Canadian patch ploy is going to do it.

Does this mean that 'Innocence of Muslims' is going to win the Thai-Muslim Palm d' RPG film awards this year ... or not?

Edited by MaxYakov
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I think that I Like Thai has hit the nail on the head. There is residual hostility dating back from the days of the Crusades beginning in 1096. The crusaders were merciless, believing that it was their mission to kill every Muslim - man, woman or child and they slaughtered whole cities full of people not even sparing their animals. It is also significant that the man behind the film is a Coptic Christian. The Coptic Christians have been killed and driven out of their homes in the wake of the Arab Spring so you can see why he would have serious grievances with the Muslims. It would be nice if America could reduce its presence in the Muslim lands. The problem is that we can't evacuate ALL of the Jews to New York so we're stuck in a situation that really sucks.

And what of the Christians that suffer persecution on a daily basis? Tunisia, Algeria and Libya at one time had very large Christian populations . Over the centuries they were driven out or killed. Today Christians are being forced out of Iraq and are accused of blasphemy in Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Darfur genocide was all about the enslavement and murder of African Christians.

They'd probably be targeting jews, but since the forced expulsion of Jews from their ancestral homes in 1948, all that's left to target now in are Christians. The EU certainly doesn't speak out, and only the USA and to a lesser extent Canada and Australia have made an effort. it is shameful that the Vatican remains silent on the plight of Iraq's Christians and the Archbishop of Canterbury, he of the wagging finger and stern rebukes of Anglicans in the UK, says nothing on the plight of Anglicans in Africa.

As a piece of trivia, there is only one country in the Middle East where the Christian population is growing: Israel. Go figger.

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Anyone remember the free speech in America over Monty Pythons Life Of Brian ?

I remember some citizens using their First Amendment (Free Speech) rights to picket/protest the film. They do have the rights to do that. Don't recall any burning, looting, or murdering about it here. I also don't believe that the U.S. government banned the movie. If I remember correctly, the bannings happened in Europe.

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These are the same folks the American Taliban (Tea Party) worship and the times they want America to return to. I have little doubt these extremist have gained traction because of Muslim extremists and 9/11. Seems that extremists not only have a way of creating other radicals on their own side but also just as extreme views on the other side. If America doesn't keep itself in check, there will be a war against Islam and the people will blindly follow these tea bag leaders as German citizens followed Hitler down the road of genocide.

Your attempt to equate the "Tea Party" members with these Muslim extremists is FAIL to the max. Show me news articles of Tea Party members torching buildings or murdering people. In the U.S., the "Tea Party" voiced their views at Town Hall Meetings and meetings with their elected representatives. Then they made their voice heard by using the ballot box in the 2010 elections. That is how people of reason do it.

You really do need to take your blinders off and inform yourself better.

Seens to me you might want to educate yourself on who the Taliban as well as what the majority of people consider extreme views (including the Taliban and the Tea Baggers).

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A couple of idiot with some pseudo background can destroy everything. This creepy thing, I don't dare to name it to film, 30 years ago I made better quality in the garage, has only one goal... Thank you mosad

i'd hope mossad would make a better production.

didn't they make the passion of the christ?

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A couple of idiot with some pseudo background can destroy everything. This creepy thing, I don't dare to name it to film, 30 years ago I made better quality in the garage, has only one goal... Thank you mosad

Who is mosad? I don't think this chap was involved.

Oh wait, are you one of those fellows that still wants to blame this on the jew people? Ahhh I see. Hmm, well considering the chronic ineptness of Mossad, I doubt they would have been able to pull it off. Those folks have been in clusterf*ck mode for the past few years.

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I'm calling for [peaceful] 'Freedom of Speech' counter-protests at the (pick your favorite Muslim-based country's embassy/consulate). Formal attire is optional.

That would be rather funny. I don't think they have ever faced a full out protest and the only time middle eastern embassies have been attacked has been when their own nationals did the attacking.

It would be rather hilarious if the katoeys decided one day to protest outside the Iranian embassy in Bangkok to complain about the cheap charlie Iranian tourists that make all sorts of demands and won't pay up.

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Anyone remember the free speech in America over Monty Pythons Life Of Brian ?

Yes and it was banned in a few European countries as deemed offensive to conservative Christians. But no rioting and killings

Speaking of banning movies/videos: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2002/jul/02/media.filmnews

The release of Straw Dogs on video in October will mark the end of the censorship of a clutch of films which were first seen on British screens in the 1970s. They include The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Exorcist, The Driller Killer, and indirectly, A Clockwork Orange.

I still think that the Muslim countries (and others) are due for some 'Freedom of Speech' counter-protests. It's not going to happen, of course.

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These are the same folks the American Taliban (Tea Party) worship and the times they want America to return to. I have little doubt these extremist have gained traction because of Muslim extremists and 9/11. Seems that extremists not only have a way of creating other radicals on their own side but also just as extreme views on the other side. If America doesn't keep itself in check, there will be a war against Islam and the people will blindly follow these tea bag leaders as German citizens followed Hitler down the road of genocide.

Your attempt to equate the "Tea Party" members with these Muslim extremists is FAIL to the max. Show me news articles of Tea Party members torching buildings or murdering people. In the U.S., the "Tea Party" voiced their views at Town Hall Meetings and meetings with their elected representatives. Then they made their voice heard by using the ballot box in the 2010 elections. That is how people of reason do it.

You really do need to take your blinders off and inform yourself better.

Seens to me you might want to educate yourself on who the Taliban as well as what the majority of people consider extreme views (including the Taliban and the Tea Baggers).

Yep, the tea party is not an extremist oganisation, just look at their views on the legitimacy of Obama: http://www.teaparty.org/AFPInfo.html

Bottom line is, the Blame Stream Media has consistently protected 'America's Fraud President' and buried Obama Frauds such as:

  • Forged Birth certificate issued by the White House!
  • Multiple Social Security numbers!
  • Sealed College records!
  • Surrendered license to practice law!
  • Missing birth records in Hawaii!
  • Selective Service records sealed!
  • Foreign Passports!
  • Association with known Communists and subversives!
  • Sworn testimonies by credible witnesses proving Obama was not born in America.
  • America's top Sherriff threatened if he continues investigating the Obama Frauds!

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I'm calling for [peaceful] 'Freedom of Speech' counter-protests at the (pick your favorite Muslim-based country's embassy/consulate). Formal attire is optional.

That would be rather funny. I don't think they have ever faced a full out protest and the only time middle eastern embassies have been attacked has been when their own nationals did the attacking.

It would be rather hilarious if the katoeys decided one day to protest outside the Iranian embassy in Bangkok to complain about the cheap charlie Iranian tourists that make all sorts of demands and won't pay up.

Yes, it would be funny (as in strange) if the 'infidels' got off their collective, comfortable, contented <deleted> and did a little 'backlashing' (peaceful or otherwise, formal attire or not).

As far as a katoey protest goes ... didn't I suggest 'peaceful'? I guess in their case, peaceful would be optional (and attire would be ...?).

An Aussie Muslim had something to say about counter protests: http://www.theage.co...0915-25zjr.html

Muslim community member and volunteer Tony Vlahos said the Sydney protests were an embarrassment. "Ultimately, just because something's vile, it doesn't give people the right to protest violently against it and call for people to be beheaded," he said.

"I would love to see a counter protest at Melbourne's US consulate condemning the violent rioting in Sydney as against the principles of Islam and contrary to the example of the prophet Muhammad, and also supporting the right to free speech even when we find the message to be as antagonistic and vile as was in the Innocence of Muslims video."

Did he say a counter protest at Melbourne's US consulate? <deleted>!? Maybe I need more coffee? Maybe Melbourne doesn't have any embassies/consulates for Muslim-based countries or maybe he wouldn't date suggest protesting at one?

Edited by MaxYakov
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I'm Christian and you know what Islam says about my religion? It says Jesus Christ wasn't the son of God. Neither was he crucified and he didn't die on the cross for the sins of the world. They have disrespected the foundation of my religion. Now do you see any Christians going out there protesting and killing Muslims? Or firebombing their mosques?

There is no excuse for their kind of barbaric behavior. And it's amazing some people are still practically defending what they're doing in the name of their peaceful religion.

No.. but I see Christians creating this stupid movie that seemed to have only 1 point.. to insult and incite violence and hatred.

I believe you should qualify this as extremist Christians as I think it fair to say they are not representative of all Christians just as extrmeist Muslims are not representative of all the adherents of Islam.

Why should extremist Christians automatically be praised/blamed for creating that video. Why couldn't an atheist who dislikes Muslims create it? Why must Westerners pretend they don't dislike Muslims while the Muslims make their sentiments crystal clear.

I dunno, but I think Muslim dudes like goats a little too much.

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These are the same folks the American Taliban (Tea Party) worship and the times they want America to return to. I have little doubt these extremist have gained traction because of Muslim extremists and 9/11. Seems that extremists not only have a way of creating other radicals on their own side but also just as extreme views on the other side. If America doesn't keep itself in check, there will be a war against Islam and the people will blindly follow these tea bag leaders as German citizens followed Hitler down the road of genocide.

Your attempt to equate the "Tea Party" members with these Muslim extremists is FAIL to the max. Show me news articles of Tea Party members torching buildings or murdering people. In the U.S., the "Tea Party" voiced their views at Town Hall Meetings and meetings with their elected representatives. Then they made their voice heard by using the ballot box in the 2010 elections. That is how people of reason do it.

You really do need to take your blinders off and inform yourself better.

Seens to me you might want to educate yourself on who the Taliban as well as what the majority of people consider extreme views (including the Taliban and the Tea Baggers).

Yep, the tea party is not an extremist oganisation, just look at their views on the legitimacy of Obama: http://www.teaparty.org/AFPInfo.html

Bottom line is, the Blame Stream Media has consistently protected 'America's Fraud President' and buried Obama Frauds such as:

  • Forged Birth certificate issued by the White House!
  • Multiple Social Security numbers!
  • Sealed College records!
  • Surrendered license to practice law!
  • Missing birth records in Hawaii!
  • Selective Service records sealed!
  • Foreign Passports!
  • Association with known Communists and subversives!
  • Sworn testimonies by credible witnesses proving Obama was not born in America.
  • America's top Sherriff threatened if he continues investigating the Obama Frauds!

You know there are credible news sources one could read. Culture educated by the likes of Wikileaks. Even the Donald gave up on that stuff and most of that stuff is from sources no one would rely upon. Trust me, if any evidence of any of that, the John McCain's out there on on capital hill would be all over it.

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These are the same folks the American Taliban (Tea Party) worship and the times they want America to return to. I have little doubt these extremist have gained traction because of Muslim extremists and 9/11. Seems that extremists not only have a way of creating other radicals on their own side but also just as extreme views on the other side. If America doesn't keep itself in check, there will be a war against Islam and the people will blindly follow these tea bag leaders as German citizens followed Hitler down the road of genocide.

Your attempt to equate the "Tea Party" members with these Muslim extremists is FAIL to the max. Show me news articles of Tea Party members torching buildings or murdering people. In the U.S., the "Tea Party" voiced their views at Town Hall Meetings and meetings with their elected representatives. Then they made their voice heard by using the ballot box in the 2010 elections. That is how people of reason do it.

You really do need to take your blinders off and inform yourself better.

Seens to me you might want to educate yourself on who the Taliban as well as what the majority of people consider extreme views (including the Taliban and the Tea Baggers).

Yep, the tea party is not an extremist oganisation, just look at their views on the legitimacy of Obama: http://www.teaparty.org/AFPInfo.html

Bottom line is, the Blame Stream Media has consistently protected 'America's Fraud President' and buried Obama Frauds such as:

  • Forged Birth certificate issued by the White House!
  • Multiple Social Security numbers!
  • Sealed College records!
  • Surrendered license to practice law!
  • Missing birth records in Hawaii!
  • Selective Service records sealed!
  • Foreign Passports!
  • Association with known Communists and subversives!
  • Sworn testimonies by credible witnesses proving Obama was not born in America.
  • America's top Sherriff threatened if he continues investigating the Obama Frauds!

Wow. That link read like a Billy Graham speach to get money.The bible belt worshippers must be jumping on this bandwagon like flys to honey. Nothing against what they are doing though. It is America after all.

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Why can they say "kill infidels" or "kill Americans" and nobody is protesting, burning their embassies, taking them into account for inciting violence? But if I said "Mohammed was no prophet" not to say "kill Muslims" the hell would break loose? Can't these people learn the lesson about themselves first before they try to teach and convert the world? And anyway, what's so good about being a Muslim and about Muslim countries that they want so passionately to export? Real Crusaders of the 20th/21st Century! All what they know is HATE.

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Why can they say "kill infidels" or "kill Americans" and nobody is protesting, burning their embassies, taking them into account for inciting violence? But if I said "Mohammed was no prophet" not to say "kill Muslims" the hell would break loose? Can't these people learn the lesson about themselves first before they try to teach and convert the world? And anyway, what's so good about being a Muslim and about Muslim countries that they want so passionately to export? Real Crusaders of the 20th/21st Century! All what they know is HATE.

Signed: Anders Behring Breivik

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