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U S Embassy In Bangkok Issues Security Warnings To Citizens In Thailand


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The religion of Islam has more followers in the world than any other religion, so Muslims form the largest religious group in the world and as they tend to propagate more this will only increase.

Muslims are or will be your neighbours, your fellow students, or co-workers. So get over all this hate and learn to live with them and their religious views. Read the Quaran, open your eyes a little. I think many of you people are homophobic about Muslims. I think that if you read their holy book you may change your views. Some of the nicest people I have met in the world are Muslims. Salom Ali Kum.

Wrong on at least one point! It's the Muslims that are homophobic (that would be about homosexuals). I'm a Muslimphobic, Shariaphobic infidel. Especially after it got personal when a Muslim proceeded to self-enforce his religion's Sharia law on a Sukumvit sidewalk in Bangkok after I took his picture. All I got was his screaming 'It is forbidden! It is forbidden!' and his in-my-face demand that I delete the picture. He even threatened to call the Tourist Police of all things! I relented and deleted the picture, but does the nature of this encounter sound familiar?

It appears as though the Muslims and the infidels live in different universes, yet we still have to share the planet.

How did the protest at the US Embassy, Bangkok go I wonder.

Wa Alaykum As-Salam

Edited by MaxYakov
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The religion of Islam has more followers in the world than any other religion, so Muslims form the largest religious group in the world and as they tend to propagate more this will only increase.

Muslims are or will be your neighbours, your fellow students, or co-workers. So get over all this hate and learn to live with them and their religious views. Read the Quaran, open your eyes a little. I think many of you people are homophobic about Muslims. I think that if you read their holy book you may change your views. Some of the nicest people I have met in the world are Muslims. Salom Ali Kum.

... some scary $#it you're posting! What really worries me is that you really seem to believe reading that pile of junk will make anyone love or understand this backwardly religion which is forced upon this world by Imams whose only job is to brainwash people from toddler age onwards by just preaching hate phrases every single day.

Doesn't mean that the Jewish or Christian "holy book" is better, but at least these religions don't have leaders preaching to hate and kill everything non-jewish or non-chiristian on a 24/7 basis. YOU need to open your eyes and understand that this religion and a relatively small but brainwashed percentage of blind followers are a serious threat to the remaining 5 billion people who have chosen to opt for a less violent and more tolerant religions and to the ones who have ultilized their freedom of choice and speech to opt for no religion at all.

The fact that a shoddy movie, that most people not even knew it existed, made by some amateurs, evolves in a crisis of global scale with muslims killing people who have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the whole thing, burning down embassies, including a German one (what the heck has Germany to do with that movie???) and a hate preacher Imam putting out a Fatwa, ordering to "kill each and everyone involved in making this movie - kill them all!" should by now have woken up the majority of 5 billion people and make them understand that we have to be aware of what might be coming...

It's time for the rest of the world to make a stance here and united say "Stop!" to muslim violence and hate preachers! We have to put our feet down and help to grind this to a halt before it's too late. Those percentage of muslims, who really are good and sane minded and who are able to divide reality from what muslim hate preachers teach and who truly believe that their religion is righteous and a religion of peace now also have the duty to help the rest of the world by condemning intolerant hate speeches and Imams who openly order muslims to kill non-muslims.

You, Colabamumbai, are on duty here right now as well and instead of dull babble about how super the Quran and it's religion is, you need to put your feet down too out there, in the open, and fight united with well-mannered, educated and humane muslims and non-muslims to stop this crazed and relatively small percentage of extremist muslims from making that religion become the most violent, untouchable opression tool this world has ever seen.

We all have the right to chose and the right to fight and I say NO! to muslim hatred and muslim violence! As simple is that!!!

As simple as that, huh? How about this?:


"While voters inside Egypt are almost equally split 50/50 between Sharia and no-Sharia, we find the votes of American Egyptian Muslims reflecting an unprecedented level of radicalization that surpasses most Muslim countries. This should be very troubling to Americans, especially to those who care about Homeland Security."


"America must register the fact that American Muslims are more radical than Muslims in many Muslim countries and that this radicalization must be exposed and its source stopped. The U.S. must fight to stop Sharia legally, socially and culturally before we get a demand for Sharia by the growing Muslim population in America. The West must understand that Sharia is rejected and feared by many Muslims in the Middle East and that wherever Sharia is practiced, freedom and democracy cannot exist."

Salom Ali Kum

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The religion of Islam has more followers in the world than any other religion, so Muslims form the largest religious group in the world and as they tend to propagate more this will only increase.

Muslims are or will be your neighbours, your fellow students, or co-workers. So get over all this hate and learn to live with them and their religious views. Read the Quaran, open your eyes a little. I think many of you people are homophobic about Muslims. I think that if you read their holy book you may change your views. Some of the nicest people I have met in the world are Muslims. Salom Ali Kum.

Well I assume you're reading the classical arabic version of the Qaran since the translated english version sugar coats what a bloodthirsty book it is. Especially verse 9.5, which essentially says after the forbidden months muslims should make it their duty to kill all non-beleivers unless they they repent and become muslim. In no way would any non muslim arabic speaker be of the opinion that Islam is a peaceful religion.

Edited by Time Traveller
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How can anyone, including Islamists, believe in anything but killing when their religion is based on the Bible ... unless they believe it is okay to pick and choose where God knew what he was talking about and where he didn't.


For more biblical quotes ... http://www.evilbible.com/

This is all totally irrelevant to our modern day era because these are part of the old ceremonial laws many centuries before Christ and were only relevant to God's chosen people at that time, the Israelites. The crucifixion of Christ did away with all of this.

Discounting the fact Jews don't buy into Jesus being the son of God or the entire new book (God Part II - God Changes his mind, yet again) you seem to believe that the almighty is flawed and was so clueless that he believed it was good for people to kill for silliness, rape (including children), enslave people and go to war with non-believers and plunder their wealth (leaving 1/2 at the church door for God) but in reality what he really wanted was long haired folks wearing peace signs with flowers in the hair.

To quote Jesus ...
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets.
I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place."
(Matthew 5:17 NAB)

"Whoever curses father or mother shall die"
(Mark 7:10 NAB)

the scripture cannot be broken.”
--Jesus Christ, John 10:35

“Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law"

“For the law was given by Moses,..."
(John 1:17).

"All scripture is inspired by God
and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness..."
(2 Timothy 3:16 NAB)

Christians either need to get on with the killing if they really buy into the bible or accept the fact followers pick and choose what they believe and what the words mean.

It is just amazing to me Christians can hold Jesus in such high regards for being the son of God while completing discounting God's own words not those his son claims to be his words ... as if kids don't lie and say their parents told them it was okay and often add the "but don't talk to dad about it, go through me and I will talk to him for you"

Be it Muslims, Jews or Christians ... there will always be radicals coming and going in history born out of their beliefs of this book written by men that also defies the most basic logic.

I mean what kind of God would put his word in a book and then condemn those to eternal suffering who don't obey the words in the book when the vast majority of humans ever to live never had access to or heard of the book. Lets face it, if God wanted us to know right from wrong when he created us, he would have built something in and maybe call it something like a conscious.

Edited by Nisa
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How can anyone, including Islamists, believe in anything but killing when their religion is based on the Bible ... unless they believe it is okay to pick and choose where God knew what he was talking about and where he didn't.


For more biblical quotes ... http://www.evilbible.com/

This is all totally irrelevant to our modern day era because these are part of the old ceremonial laws many centuries before Christ and were only relevant to God's chosen people at that time, the Israelites. The crucifixion of Christ did away with all of this.

Discounting the fact Jews don't buy into Jesus being the son of God or the entire new book (God Part II - God Changes his mind, yet again) you seem to believe that the almighty is flawed and was so clueless that he believed it was good for people to kill for silliness, rape (including children), enslave people and go to war with non-believers and plunder their wealth (leaving 1/2 at the church door for God) but in reality what he really wanted was long haired folks wearing peace signs with flowers in the hair.

To quote Jesus ...
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets.
I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place."
(Matthew 5:17 NAB)

"Whoever curses father or mother shall die"
(Mark 7:10 NAB)

the scripture cannot be broken.”
--Jesus Christ, John 10:35

“Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law"

“For the law was given by Moses,..."
(John 1:17).

"All scripture is inspired by God
and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness..."
(2 Timothy 3:16 NAB)

Christians either need to get on with the killing if they really buy into the bible or accept the fact followers pick and choose what they believe and what the words mean.

It is just amazing to me Christians can hold Jesus in such high regards for being the son of God while completing discounting God's own words not those his son claims to be his words ... as if kids don't lie and say their parents told them it was okay and often add the "but don't talk to dad about it, go through me and I will talk to him for you"

Be it Muslims, Jews or Christians ... there will always be radicals coming and going in history born out of their beliefs of this book written by men that also defies the most basic logic.

I mean what kind of God would put his word in a book and then condemn those to eternal suffering who don't obey the words in the book when the vast majority of humans ever to live never had access to or heard of the book. Lets face it, if God wanted us to know right from wrong when he created us, he would have built something in and maybe call it something like a conscious.

I wonder what EARLY man would think about all these NEW religious beliefs??? he was too busy learning how to survive and feed himself. I'm not a disbeliever, but all these religions are much the same as businesses. people should believe what they want to believe, NOT what they HAVE to. And all this anti this and anti that, politics here politics there. All fanatics should get REAL, singled out if they are a threat, moderation is the name of the game, as my slogan says happy but bash when you have to.

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For those choosing the strategy of pretending to be another nationality and thinking that it will get you a pass from the "Behead the Infidels" crowd; You might not want to choose French! wink.png

ABC News: French Mag to Publish Cartoons of Prophet Mohammed

"A French satirical magazine is set to publish several cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed on Wednesday, a move that is likely to inflame the Islamic faithful and militants who have already rioted in more than 20 countries over a movie mocking the prophet."

France24: France to close embassies in fear of cartoon backlash

"France announced Wednesday it will close 20 embassies across the Muslim world on Friday after French weekly Charlie Hebdo published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed naked, amid growing unrest over an anti-Islamic film that has left dozens dead."

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Wow, we need to look no further to see how easy it is for ignorant people to condemn entire groups on either side of the equation. Some people are so far gone they have no clue how ignorant, wrong, extreme and dangerous their views are. However it does make it easy to see how just how ignorant people can be when they are misinformed be it Hitler's Germany or extremists in the middle east or the nut job racists and religious freaks in the west.

But you got to love the attitude (if you have serious issues) that the west should not be held accountable for the actions of a few but all the people of the Islamic faith should be.

So you do think that the actions of the Muslims protesting, rioting, burning and killing should not be condemned.

Nisa won't answer direct questions and being slipperly is not an honorable trait.

Responding to him with reasoning and arguments only provides him with the opportunity to misrepresent or contort your statements for more of his somewhat nonresponsive rhetoric or pontification based purely on something he just read off of Wikipedia. Haha, internet educated people are perhaps right up there with Muslims as far as danger to society.

Needing some attention are we? biggrin.png


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@ ttelise... You have a good taste in cars and most likely are right with what you wrote. As I said, I believe Nisa has lost his bearings this time...

Thanks. More interested in girl in photo if referring to my avatar thingy as I married her.

Poor Nisa, it's almost like he is willing to compromise his values to rationalize his dislike of western cultures. I often wonder if anyone really thinks like that of he is some part of a propaganda machine.

Life is too short to be unhappy. Drop the hate and find ways to tolerate and be happy.

Muslims or people offended should protest Egyptians or Google since both had more to do with the movie clip than US or it's embassies.

I think most Americans would disagree or condemn this movie, but the reaction by Muslims clouds the issue and redirects our focus when a bunch if maniacs riot and attack innocent Americans.

Edited by ttelise
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The religion of Islam has more followers in the world than any other religion, so Muslims form the largest religious group in the world and as they tend to propagate more this will only increase.

Muslims are or will be your neighbours, your fellow students, or co-workers. So get over all this hate and learn to live with them and their religious views. Read the Quaran, open your eyes a little. I think many of you people are homophobic about Muslims. I think that if you read their holy book you may change your views. Some of the nicest people I have met in the world are Muslims. Salom Ali Kum.

The religion of Islam has more followers in the world than any other religion, so Muslims form the largest religious group in the world and as they tend to propagate more this will only increase.

No, i believe that would be christianity.

But it's always good to start a post with a solid fact, eh?

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The religion of Islam has more followers in the world than any other religion, so Muslims form the largest religious group in the world and as they tend to propagate more this will only increase.

Muslims are or will be your neighbours, your fellow students, or co-workers. So get over all this hate and learn to live with them and their religious views. Read the Quaran, open your eyes a little. I think many of you people are homophobic about Muslims. I think that if you read their holy book you may change your views. Some of the nicest people I have met in the world are Muslims. Salom Ali Kum.

... some scary $#it you're posting! What really worries me is that you really seem to believe reading that pile of junk will make anyone love or understand this backwardly religion which is forced upon this world by Imams whose only job is to brainwash people from toddler age onwards by just preaching hate phrases every single day.

Doesn't mean that the Jewish or Christian "holy book" is better, but at least these religions don't have leaders preaching to hate and kill everything non-jewish or non-chiristian on a 24/7 basis. YOU need to open your eyes and understand that this religion and a relatively small but brainwashed percentage of blind followers are a serious threat to the remaining 5 billion people who have chosen to opt for a less violent and more tolerant religions and to the ones who have ultilized their freedom of choice and speech to opt for no religion at all.

The fact that a shoddy movie, that most people not even knew it existed, made by some amateurs, evolves in a crisis of global scale with muslims killing people who have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the whole thing, burning down embassies, including a German one (what the heck has Germany to do with that movie???) and a hate preacher Imam putting out a Fatwa, ordering to "kill each and everyone involved in making this movie - kill them all!" should by now have woken up the majority of 5 billion people and make them understand that we have to be aware of what might be coming...

It's time for the rest of the world to make a stance here and united say "Stop!" to muslim violence and hate preachers! We have to put our feet down and help to grind this to a halt before it's too late. Those percentage of muslims, who really are good and sane minded and who are able to divide reality from what muslim hate preachers teach and who truly believe that their religion is righteous and a religion of peace now also have the duty to help the rest of the world by condemning intolerant hate speeches and Imams who openly order muslims to kill non-muslims.

You, Colabamumbai, are on duty here right now as well and instead of dull babble about how super the Quran and it's religion is, you need to put your feet down too out there, in the open, and fight united with well-mannered, educated and humane muslims and non-muslims to stop this crazed and relatively small percentage of extremist muslims from making that religion become the most violent, untouchable opression tool this world has ever seen.

We all have the right to chose and the right to fight and I say NO! to muslim hatred and muslim violence! As simple is that!!!

Scary shit? Now would you say that to someone who read the bible to understand Chistianity. Reading=understanding maybe. No one said the Quaran was super, only you. The Muslims that I know are not extremists and here in Thailand my experience is that Muslims will welcome you into their homes faster than Buddhists, But I have only been living and or coming to the far east for 35 years now. That includes living in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Muslims were killing people before any movie.

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The religion of Islam has more followers in the world than any other religion, so Muslims form the largest religious group in the world and as they tend to propagate more this will only increase.

Muslims are or will be your neighbours, your fellow students, or co-workers. So get over all this hate and learn to live with them and their religious views. Read the Quaran, open your eyes a little. I think many of you people are homophobic about Muslims. I think that if you read their holy book you may change your views. Some of the nicest people I have met in the world are Muslims. Salom Ali Kum.

The religion of Islam has more followers in the world than any other religion, so Muslims form the largest religious group in the world and as they tend to propagate more this will only increase.

No, i believe that would be christianity.

But it's always good to start a post with a solid fact, eh?

It is a fact largest relegious group is Muslims, sorry not Christianity any more, probably many have converted to Islam.

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The religion of Islam has more followers in the world than any other religion, so Muslims form the largest religious group in the world and as they tend to propagate more this will only increase.

Muslims are or will be your neighbours, your fellow students, or co-workers. So get over all this hate and learn to live with them and their religious views. Read the Quaran, open your eyes a little. I think many of you people are homophobic about Muslims. I think that if you read their holy book you may change your views. Some of the nicest people I have met in the world are Muslims. Salom Ali Kum.

Well I assume you're reading the classical arabic version of the Qaran since the translated english version sugar coats what a bloodthirsty book it is. Especially verse 9.5, which essentially says after the forbidden months muslims should make it their duty to kill all non-beleivers unless they they repent and become muslim. In no way would any non muslim arabic speaker be of the opinion that Islam is a peaceful religion.

I do not take any religious books too,seriously, but do like to understand another faiths thinking, whether it be about Jews Hindus, or Christians, Buddhists etc., their beliefs and maybe moral values. I am never too old to learn something new.

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@catweazel: "extremist muslims from making that religion become the most violent, untouchable opression tool this world has ever seen" That accolade previously applied to Christians - Extremists Muslims still have a fair way to go to catch up, but really don't believe they will. Moderates will eventually get it under control, even if it takes 50 years or so

Edited by simple1
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The religion of Islam has more followers in the world than any other religion, so Muslims form the largest religious group in the world and as they tend to propagate more this will only increase.

Muslims are or will be your neighbours, your fellow students, or co-workers. So get over all this hate and learn to live with them and their religious views. Read the Quaran, open your eyes a little. I think many of you people are homophobic about Muslims. I think that if you read their holy book you may change your views. Some of the nicest people I have met in the world are Muslims. Salom Ali Kum.

The religion of Islam has more followers in the world than any other religion, so Muslims form the largest religious group in the world and as they tend to propagate more this will only increase.

No, i believe that would be christianity.

But it's always good to start a post with a solid fact, eh?

It is a fact largest relegious group is Muslims, sorry not Christianity any more, probably many have converted to Islam.

In the age of Wikipedia, it's really easy to check those figures and you're wrong. And 'probably many have converted to Islam' is an opinion, not a fact.


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The religion of Islam has more followers in the world than any other religion, so Muslims form the largest religious group in the world and as they tend to propagate more this will only increase.

Muslims are or will be your neighbours, your fellow students, or co-workers. So get over all this hate and learn to live with them and their religious views. Read the Quaran, open your eyes a little. I think many of you people are homophobic about Muslims. I think that if you read their holy book you may change your views. Some of the nicest people I have met in the world are Muslims. Salom Ali Kum.

The religion of Islam has more followers in the world than any other religion, so Muslims form the largest religious group in the world and as they tend to propagate more this will only increase.

No, i believe that would be christianity.

But it's always good to start a post with a solid fact, eh?

It is a fact largest relegious group is Muslims, sorry not Christianity any more, probably many have converted to Islam.

No. Islam is not the largest religious group; not by a longshot. I think you might be referring to the fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion. The world still needs nearly one billion Muslims to have as many adherents as Christianity.

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My mistake I apologize, they are the second largest and growing faster than any other, population wise, and will soon be the largest.

The message was, get used to Muslims, but you did not get that. I am not here to nit pick, nor do I need to use Wikpedia to refute someones thinking.

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Depends what source you believe has creditability. Consensus seems to be around 2.3 billion Christians and 2.1 billion Muslims, with Muslims having the fastest growing population.

I'd bet if you counted only people who practice their religion (eg praying), the number of Muslims would be way ahead of Christians.

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Depends what source you believe has creditability. Consensus seems to be around 2.3 billion Christians and 2.1 billion Muslims, with Muslims having the fastest growing population.

I'd bet if you counted only people who practice their religion (eg praying), the number of Muslims would be way ahead of Christians.

No argument with me on that observation

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Depends what source you believe has creditability. Consensus seems to be around 2.3 billion Christians and 2.1 billion Muslims, with Muslims having the fastest growing population.

I'd bet if you counted only people who practice their religion (eg praying), the number of Muslims would be way ahead of Christians.

No argument with me on that observation

Might very well be true but I think this is based on our being much more familiar with those who relate to being Christians. But the majority of Jews and Muslims I know also don't really practice their religion too much either except on the bigger holidays ... but the fact is growing up in the US, I was exposed to considerably more people who claimed to be of some Christian faith when the subject came up. However, I had one business years ago where the majority of people I dealt with were Iranian and I would have had no idea they were Muslims except for them taking off Ramadan as Jews and Christians take off their holidays but rarely practice their religion.

I also wouldn't count praying as much of a gauge to practicing of religion as Christians tend to pray personally while a practicing Muslim I believe needs to pray 5 times a day..

Interesting link showing breakdown of Muslims by region and country ... http://en.wikipedia....slim_population

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My mistake I apologize, they are the second largest and growing faster than any other, population wise, and will soon be the largest.

The message was, get used to Muslims, but you did not get that. I am not here to nit pick, nor do I need to use Wikpedia to refute someones thinking.

No, They maybe the second largest but there's still more of everyone else then them, Why should we tiptoe around these idiots who blow stuff up when someone just says something they don't like about their beloved prophet. They're the ones who should be more tolerant.

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All this insanity and idiocy perpetrated in the name of a god ( and by that I mean all gods) whose very preaching have long been annihilated by science, common sense , critical thinking , and human intelligence.

Very sad to see such nutcases still ruining the party in the 21st century.

Edited by Scott
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My mistake I apologize, they are the second largest and growing faster than any other, population wise, and will soon be the largest.

The message was, get used to Muslims, but you did not get that. I am not here to nit pick, nor do I need to use Wikpedia to refute someones thinking.

No, They maybe the second largest but there's still more of everyone else then them, Why should we tiptoe around these idiots who blow stuff up when someone just says something they don't like about their beloved prophet. They're the ones who should be more tolerant.

Not sure I'd call it tiptoe-ing around to go out of your way to purposely try to inflame people by using the worst insults possible to insult them and what they hold most dear. I also don't believe the overwhelming vast majority of Muslims have every blown anything up or is in anyway violent at all. Nor do I think the vast majority are so ignorant to condemn an entire other people of a single religion as being evil or violent.

Gotta be a pretty large percentage though when you consider all of the gorilla war fare, civil wars, ethnic cleansing and the mobs of Muslims dragging bodies through the streets and stomping people to death. Then we have just keeping the wife in line by beating, stoning or a little acid wash to the face. Then those not acting this way accept or tolerate these behaviors. They also revel and applaud actions of those few you refer to who are able to gain access to bombs and are able to get close enough to blow a few Americans or other cultures to bits with them. Good people for sure.

You see 50 % as a glass half full, I view 50 % as a whacked out society.

Edited by ttelise
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