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U S Embassy Bangkok To Close Ahead Of Film Rally


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I was hoping the local muslims were a bit more worldly, oh well, irrational thought leads to irrational behavior...... watch the little youtube movie. Support freedom.

It is sad that these people cannot deal with the truth. I agree, watch the movie support freedom.

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Much has been said within this topic about "freedom of speech" and how it should be defended at all costs. Can I ask those proponents if they would support someone's right to call you a crook or your wife a prostitute? Yes we have laws about libel and slander of individuals. Institutions generally have no such protection. Except that in the USA corporations producing food have been able to legally muzzle criticism of what goes into your food. Where were the free speech fighters then?In the UK we have laws against inciting religious or racial hatred and quite sensible too. It seems you can insult a persons belief but not comment on the chemical contents of your hamburger. I support the freedom to seek the truth, question peoples version of it. I abhor the taking of innocents lives especially in the name of anyone's God. Buddhism seems to be the only religion that has a non violent history, it doesn't actively seek converts or look down on other faiths. Perhaps other religions should take note. Mainstream Christianity also had a violent past but is now grown up and is more accepting of other faiths. Islam needs to do the same and could make a start by dropping the derogatory term "Infidel", I find this as offensive as "nigger " or "Paki".

My bottom line has always been "The freedom to swing my arms in any direction stops short of the next persons nose"

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I think you would have to be a muslim to be able to comment on how a Muslim should feel.

In my opinion (and it's just my personal view) this movie was made with the intention of offending Islam, and that's wrong even if it's not illegal in the country where it was made.

I feel that as a society we are being programmed by the media towards anti-islamic feelings, so much of what we see on the television is accepted as fact by the viewers, and we are hypnotised into taking a view and forming opinions on complex subjects about which we often know nothing, or very little. It's not the first time in history that this kind of brainwashing has occured, and we know how history had a habit of repeating itself.

Are the protests by muslims an overreaction? I don't know. In the UK people have been sent to prison for making racist comments on facebook and twitter, I'd personally call that an overreaction. Yet the maker of this movie faces no prosecution. I understand that and I believe in the right to free speech, but if the movie was made just to be offensive then that's clearly wrong and is an abuse of the right to free speech.

To a muslim who lives in an islamic state it's probably totally beyond their comprehension that a western government could allow such a thing, so it's hardly surprising that they may feel that the government is in some way responsible or condoning of it. It's just a matter of perception based on your own reality, the reality of someone in living in an islamic state is different to that of someone living in California for example.

Absolutey disgusting and sanctimonious blather. And furthermore you are wrong in your summary: "It's just a matter of perception based on your own reality, the reality of someone in living in an islamic state is different to that of someone living in California for example." What amounts to nothing more than an ethnic slur is not cause to maim and kill. Edited by techboy
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Your posting listed below was excellent. It was full of common sense, considerate, knowledgeable and intelligent. I just wish that 5% of the rest of the people on this earth had similar views of the world like you. Please note that I am not referring to just the Islamic notations and/or the followers of Mohammed, I am speaking about all the people of the world. Too many stupid people are breading like rabbits. (Idiocracy)

We all need a little more common sense and just chill.

Wow, I sound like a bloody hippy but I'm a conservative. <deleted>?? blink.png


Sad, that so much MIS-information has spread throughout in mosques. NO, the United States government did NOT produce an anti-Islamic film (it was a short amateur movie created by some "loser" that has been in trouble with the law before); NO, the movie was not made in Hollywood (the video is so poorly made it almost looks like a joke); No, the movie was not shown in US cinemas (no one knew about it or paid attention to it until protests around the world started). NO, the US does not pay attention to what is put on "Youtube" since it is a democracy and ITS people can handle controversal (and offensive) topics without getting angry and wanting to kill someone.

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Sad, that so much MIS-information has spread throughout in mosques. NO, the United States government did NOT produce an anti-Islamic film (it was a short amateur movie created by some "loser" that has been in trouble with the law before); NO, the movie was not made in Hollywood (the video is so poorly made it almost looks like a joke); No, the movie was not shown in US cinemas (no one knew about it or paid attention to it until protests around the world started). NO, the US does not pay attention to what is put on "Youtube" since it is a democracy and ITS people can handle controversal (and offensive) topics without getting angry and wanting to kill someone.

Yes very objective!! I like it. The problem we have here is that most of these people protesting are doing so with a crrtain amount of ignorance. What my mind finds hard to accept of the muslims, why they habe to anger themselves so much so as to kill! Fear, pride and ignorance are virteous if maintained in love, but hate makes them a venom to those who instill it in themselves. If Allah spoke of love.... Then the world is not hearing it.


There is NO justification for all of this violence over some religious misstep, It happens to all religions at some times, and they don't go out in gang violence over the matter. I think these fanics better re-examine their tolerance vows, and put a little more emphasis on them !!

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I think you would have to be a muslim to be able to comment on how a Muslim should feel.

In my opinion (and it's just my personal view) this movie was made with the intention of offending Islam, and that's wrong even if it's not illegal in the country where it was made.

I feel that as a society we are being programmed by the media towards anti-islamic feelings, so much of what we see on the television is accepted as fact by the viewers, and we are hypnotised into taking a view and forming opinions on complex subjects about which we often know nothing, or very little. It's not the first time in history that this kind of brainwashing has occured, and we know how history had a habit of repeating itself.

Are the protests by muslims an overreaction? I don't know. In the UK people have been sent to prison for making racist comments on facebook and twitter, I'd personally call that an overreaction. Yet the maker of this movie faces no prosecution. I understand that and I believe in the right to free speech, but if the movie was made just to be offensive then that's clearly wrong and is an abuse of the right to free speech.

To a muslim who lives in an islamic state it's probably totally beyond their comprehension that a western government could allow such a thing, so it's hardly surprising that they may feel that the government is in some way responsible or condoning of it. It's just a matter of perception based on your own reality, the reality of someone in living in an islamic state is different to that of someone living in California for example.

Yes but do you think that christians would do what these radicals do if someone made a movie of jesus which we did not like.

Or if someone burnt the bible.


These are religious extremists who just want an excuse to fire up against us imbeciles.

Any of them found to be causing any violent deaths during their rallies should be deported back to where they came from.

Let them wreck and trash their own countries.


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I was hoping the local muslims were a bit more worldly, oh well, irrational thought leads to irrational behavior...... watch the little youtube movie. Support freedom.

It is sad that these people cannot deal with the truth. I agree, watch the movie support freedom.

They've got their strategy all wrong. It's such a sad excuse for a film (made on a 5 million dollar budget, no less!) that they should allow it to remain online so that they can portray the stupidity of their opponents for all the world to see.

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I was hoping the local muslims were a bit more worldly, oh well, irrational thought leads to irrational behavior...... watch the little youtube movie. Support freedom.

It is sad that these people cannot deal with the truth. I agree, watch the movie support freedom.

They've got their strategy all wrong. It's such a sad excuse for a film (made on a 5 million dollar budget, no less!) that they should allow it to remain online so that they can portray the stupidity of their opponents for all the world to see.

Are you serious 5 million for that idiot movie. I watched it half because i could not stand it anymore it was so stupid not even funny. The people paying for this have seriously been had. Unless this is just a preview of a much larger movie.

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i am sick and tired of muslim extremeists. what is wrong with these fools? are they so brainwashed they believe all the rubbish they are told? its only a movie, whats the big deal? remember salman rushdie and the fatwa? i bet 99.9% of people protesting about it never read the book. the same with this movie i would imagine.

i think its time for an anti muslim protest, i am going down to the us embassy today toi voice my opinion and im not from the US, im just sick of muslims trying to rule the world by force & terror. i have the right to believe what i want, islam is not for me, ok?

I am with you mushepea.


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The concept of free speech and religious tolerance--even for the crude and asinine--is alien to those that live in Muslim dominated lands. Thus, when they hear of an "American" making an anti-Islamic video they assume, ispo facto, that the State (American Government) approves the release of the film because where they live the State must sanction what the media produces. E.G., if the American Government did not want the video out produced and disseminated it would not be on You Tube.

BS !!, Google is trying to be totally non-political, and not act as the ultimate judge on what is proper and what is not. This is not a US government decision, its a Google decision. I believe Google has consented to block its viewing in several hotbed countries

Good or Bad the USA is still a country that insist on "FREEDOM OF SPEECH",...and we are lucky to be citizens of that country,...for better or worst.

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There are enough examples of Christians killing abortion doctors in the USA. So there are plenty wacko christians too. Im an atheist and the one thing i blame religion for is trying to impose it on others.

In Thailand you cant get alcohol on buddist days (i dont drink dont mind) also a form of imposing religious laws on others.

Your comments are way out of context on this issue.

Muslim EXTREMISTS are just violent people who enjoy killing non Muslims.


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There are enough examples of Christians killing abortion doctors in the USA. So there are plenty wacko christians too. Im an atheist and the one thing i blame religion for is trying to impose it on others.

In Thailand you cant get alcohol on buddist days (i dont drink dont mind) also a form of imposing religious laws on others.

Your comments are way out of context on this issue.

Muslim EXTREMISTS are just violent people who enjoy killing non Muslims.


Actually i believe muslim EXTREMIST kill far more muslims then non muslims. Just look at all the deaths in Irak / Afganistan the majority is certainly not non muslim.

My comments are totally relevant as everyone is portraying thise muslims as idiots (i agree) but then kindly forget about other religious idiots acting like christians never did anything. biggrin.png

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Buddhism seems to be the only religion that has a non violent history, it doesn't actively seek converts or look down on other faiths. Perhaps other religions should take note. Mainstream Christianity also had a violent past but is now grown up and is more accepting of other faiths. Islam needs to do the same and could make a start by dropping the derogatory term "Infidel", I find this as offensive as "nigger " or "Paki".

My bottom line has always been "The freedom to swing my arms in any direction stops short of the next persons nose"

That's one thing that attracted me to Buddhism as well, and the fact that its not the worship of some singular God almighty like most western religions....the invention of man....man's crutch.

I think back during the Bush adminstration when many hi-level officials were all holding early prayer meeting in their offices...lot of good that did us? Or that general that stood up and proclaimed his God was more powerful that the other guys. BS

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freedom of speech - and the right to demonstrate.

It works both ways - freedom to make the film and to voice your hatred of it.

What is more fitting than outside the US embassy the country where the film was made.

maybe some time someone in the US will actually ask WHY it is so easy to whip up anti-US feelings in so many country's all over the world.

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I understand that few of the those who are protesting have seen the film clip when asked by a reporter. While Technologybytes wrote a nice piece about Muslins and their comprehension towards the west I am afraid that he and many others are missing the point. These demonstrations are not really about the film but the film is being used by those with power and a ulterior motive to use uneducated and some ignorant people to inflame anti-American and anti western sentiment. Other Western Embassies have also been attacked which clearly cannot be associated with the film. In the overall scheme of things there are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world but only a few thousand are actually protesting and these are being encouraged to do so. The Hezbollah leader, well know for his anti western feelings, mainly due to the West supporting Israel, has now called for a further week of protests and certain Imans are doing the same during Fridays prayers. I am also sure that providing no military reprisals are taken then it will all blow over in a couple of weeks and the west will seen to be weaker and the Muslims stronger and the Wests' freedom of speech curtailed once again by external forces which is one of the objectives of those pulling the strings of the protestors.

One thing I learned during my service as a US Diplomat and development official is that many unsophisticated Muslims are unable to discern between the different Westerners; they can't really distinguish between a US infantryman and US civil affairs officer personnel (understandable), but when they link the Swedish aid agency with Blackwater it really confuses the situation.

That's why you have Sudanese mobs attacking the German Embassy on accord of an Arab Egyptian's (who happens to reside in the US) abhorrent skit.

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OK, it's 4 PM, three hours after the protest supposedly started. I don't see where anything happened. What the scoop? Is anyone from TV in that area?

I would not be surprised if our Thai Muslim brothers and sisters act a bit more appropriately. As silly as it is to protest over a tacky video, I do support their right to protest peacefully.

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I understand that few of the those who are protesting have seen the film clip when asked by a reporter. While Technologybytes wrote a nice piece about Muslins and their comprehension towards the west I am afraid that he and many others are missing the point. These demonstrations are not really about the film but the film is being used by those with power and a ulterior motive to use uneducated and some ignorant people to inflame anti-American and anti western sentiment. Other Western Embassies have also been attacked which clearly cannot be associated with the film. In the overall scheme of things there are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world but only a few thousand are actually protesting and these are being encouraged to do so. The Hezbollah leader, well know for his anti western feelings, mainly due to the West supporting Israel, has now called for a further week of protests and certain Imans are doing the same during Fridays prayers. I am also sure that providing no military reprisals are taken then it will all blow over in a couple of weeks and the west will seen to be weaker and the Muslims stronger and the Wests' freedom of speech curtailed once again by external forces which is one of the objectives of those pulling the strings of the protestors.

One thing I learned during my service as a US Diplomat and development official is that many unsophisticated Muslims are unable to discern between the different Westerners; they can't really distinguish between a US infantryman and US civil affairs officer personnel (understandable), but when they link the Swedish aid agency with Blackwater it really confuses the situation.

That's why you have Sudanese mobs attacking the German Embassy on accord of an Arab Egyptian's (who happens to reside in the US) abhorrent skit.

...and your point is....?

Are you seriously suggesting that all those Sudanese were clever enough to have logged on to their Internet, saw the film skit but then could not tell the difference between the American and German Embassies? I think the real reason is that they were stirred up with anti western propaganda and just attacked the nearest Embassy. To say that the skit is abhorrent is your subjective decison, Tony Blair said, a few days ago, that it was laughable. I have watched it and it is so badly made it was difficult to make any logical reason out of it. Perhaps some Muslins would be proud of the skit if they were told it was praising their Profit. You say that you were a US Diplomat but by calling it abhorrent is pandering to one side and such words could be used to justify the actions that led to the very sad and totally unnecessary deaths in the Lybian Consulate.Even Hilary Clinton used similar words in condemning the skit but did it stop the protests? No, in fact they increased. Free speech is something of value in western society but hated by most Muslims yet they take great advantage of this free speech when they protest in the UK with Placards denouncing our way of life.

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@RichardBarrow: About 300 security personnel ready to be deployed at the US Embassy for the protest this afternoon - TR @WattaneeNYY http://thai.vi/S1vtKu


hope they took their umbrellas

If it rains on them god does not approve of their actions biggrin.png

hope they took their umbrellas

I was at Lumpini at 2pm. I thought I heard some yelling/protesting right before it started a torrential downpour. I saw traffic moving no problem each way near the Embassy. Does anyone have any updates besides what I heard? Thanks

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With a few honourable exceptions, the above posts are a prime example of accepting the Islamophobia projected in the western media.

Point 1: The US can ban freedom of speech when it suits itself - Wikileaks being a recent example.

Point 2: The youtube version of the so-called film was released to co-incide with 9-11 + provoke the reaction that has resulted.

Point 3: Various aspects of free speech are banned in the EU. Hate and even viewing the 'wrong' internet sites in the UK, anti-semitism and anti-holocaust in various parts of the mainland.

Point 4: The lack of respect for Muslim views is just as bad as Muslim's lack of respect for others' viewpoints.

Point 5: The targeting of US - mainly - embassies is just symptomatic of the general feeling in the Middle East towards a country that has killed hundreds of thousands in invasions of a number of countries in the region - the number is vague because those Iraqis and others killed are not worth counting.

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One thing I learned during my service as a US Diplomat and development official is that many unsophisticated Muslims are unable to discern between the different Westerners; they can't really distinguish between a US infantryman and US civil affairs officer personnel (understandable), but when they link the Swedish aid agency with Blackwater it really confuses the situation.

That's why you have Sudanese mobs attacking the German Embassy on accord of an Arab Egyptian's (who happens to reside in the US) abhorrent skit.

In the case of the arson attack on the German embassy, it is apparently attributable to an Imman inciting his flock of faithful at the mosque to punish Germany because of alleged anti muslim grafitti in Germany. The film was a side issue. I reckon, the protests outside the Canadian embassy in Cairo might have been attributable to there being too much of a crowd at the US embassy and folks wanting to get in some violence before heading back to the coffee shop to smoke their pipes and blame the west for the endemic corruption and societal dysfunction of Egypt.

Edited by geriatrickid
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those are fat policemen with Bellies , can they really be trusted for the safety of innocents heheheh ?

That's not fat, silly.

That's the days takings.

Anyone notice the security company logo? Isn't this the same company that gave us the security fiasco at the London Olympics? laugh.png

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This whole issue is out of control but I didn't get the point what the US Embassy has to do with that. If a Thai makes a nuts video about Buddha overseas, it doesn't make sense for me as well why Budhists around the worlld would start violent demonstrations in front of Thai Embassies.

There is a difference between budhists and muslims. Beign a budhist does not mean you have to discharge or disconnect all your braincells but two.

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With a few honourable exceptions, the above posts are a prime example of accepting the Islamophobia projected in the western media.

Point 1: The US can ban freedom of speech when it suits itself - Wikileaks being a recent example.

Point 2: The youtube version of the so-called film was released to co-incide with 9-11 + provoke the reaction that has resulted.

Point 3: Various aspects of free speech are banned in the EU. Hate and even viewing the 'wrong' internet sites in the UK, anti-semitism and anti-holocaust in various parts of the mainland.

Point 4: The lack of respect for Muslim views is just as bad as Muslim's lack of respect for others' viewpoints.

Point 5: The targeting of US - mainly - embassies is just symptomatic of the general feeling in the Middle East towards a country that has killed hundreds of thousands in invasions of a number of countries in the region - the number is vague because those Iraqis and others killed are not worth counting.

While those points are all valid, with regards to censorship and freedom of speech, the US is still way ahead of many other countries.

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