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Newborn Thai/india Being Denied Birth Certificate


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Hi - I have some married friends who recently had a baby girl. He's Indian, she's Thai. Because he owes the wife's family some money, but is poor and cannot repay, the man that controls the wifes's family, her brother-in-law, has withheld the faxing of family documents necessary for obtaining a birth certificate.

My friend says that he has to comply by presenting this document by the end of the month (two days from now) or the child will be an illegal and never able to get a Thai birth certificate, travel out of the country, go to school, etc.

He said another family could provide him with papers, and then he could do some paperwork to change things into his name. Alternatively, he might be able to contact his consulate and have her made and Indian citizen. This all seems like an unnecessary paper chase. Apparently documents from the hospital, properly registered, aren't enough, as in my home country.

This all sounds so strange to me. Anyone run into a situation like this before? Anyone have any suggestions? - Buzzer

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It is my understanding, and I have had this confirmed by two Thais, that it is the hospital that registers the birth in Thailand, they only need the national ID of the mother.

Once registered the child is on the books as being a Thai citizen..

So the question now is.... Has he asked YOU for the money to clear this debt of his yet?

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I suspect they need the ID and Home Register of the mother to prove citizenship and that Home Register is what the family is not supplying. Perhaps someone has run into this and has an answer. Obviously if he had any money a lawyer would probably be the first step.

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It is my understanding, and I have had this confirmed by two Thais, that it is the hospital that registers the birth in Thailand, they only need the national ID of the mother.

Once registered the child is on the books as being a Thai citizen..

I was talking to a non-Thai friend with a lot of experience here and he seemed to say the same thing. He added that they should just forget about his citizenship. choosing to register the baby in her name. Communication with him in English is difficult.

So the question now is.... Has he asked YOU for the money to clear this debt of his yet?

A VERY good point! I think they know if they did that that it would damage the friendship, AND I wouldn't do it anyhow.


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Whatever happens, he must remember that India forbids dual Thai/Indian nationailty. So if he does end up registering the baby with the Indian embassy, they will ask for evidence showing that it has relinquished all rights to it's Thai nationality.

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