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Is Thailand Next?


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Mark my words... If we don't stop pampering to these Muslim idiots and start putting them in their place, 5-10 years down the line they will take over the world

You mean they will usurp christians' perceived rights to rule the world, like they've tried to do since European empire building began? Duh!

I know which world I'd prefer. The one with freedom, music, art, literature, movies, etc, etc. Oh, and the one that has religious tolerance.

Edited by giddyup
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Why are Muslims the most overly sensitive of all people in the world?

Honest question #notroll.

Its the will of Allahlaugh.png

As giddyup pointed out - its 'cos they blame the Western world for all their problems.

They have some justification for this, but fail to realise that many of their problems are caused by their own leaders - both political and religious - who, like our own leaders, lie to them and distort their religion.

Sexual repression causes frustration and manifests into violence and hatred. They all need to get laid regularly, pressure off.

You may be on to something here and Thailand is in the ideal place to help by exporting the Pattaya model of living. As a city of many different cultures including both a large arab community as well as many home grown muslims not to mention the russians, chinese, europeans and americans there is very little racial/ethnic tension here due to the 'get laid' philosophy that underpins it all.

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Brain washing really seems to be easy to do. I remember J. Witnesses knocking on my UK door with some really daft talk stuff that had know real answers to my questions, and l thought then how easy it was for kids brought up in that environment to be brain washed. sad.png

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Unfortunately, Western countries "trying to make it a better world" by interfering and/or getting involved in wars in other countries, has not helped either those countries or the average citizen in their own countries.

Admittedly, a few have made enormous profits out of the various conflicts.

If a certain US president and a certain a*se kissing British Prime minister hadn't gotten us involved in Iraq under faulse claims of WMD, Things might have been different now. That was the catalyst to all the resentment towards the west. IMHO!

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Differing opinions on this - some people say it all began to heat up with the US parallel support and weapons supply to Israel and the Islamic dictatorships. Didn't help when the US supported Saddam in his unprovoked attack on Iran to undermine the Iranian Shiite regime and as you say the invasion of Iraq.. Now we have this four way conflict between Western powers, Shiite, Sunni and the anti western extremists.. As someone mentioned in the overall interest is it in the best interest for western countries to cease engagement. is it best to cease direct involvement and increase the channel of support via Saudi Arabia and Qatar, as is currently happening with Syria and Libya. Downside is the exposure for increasing the influence of the extremists, Russia and China. A very complex scenario for western government policy makers.

To me,the answer is quite simple.

All the "developed" countries.withdraw all armed forces from other countries and stop interfering with these other countries own polotics. If country A wishes to war against country B...OK let them get on with it.

Of course it wont happen,but if we could manage without OIL and we throttle back arms sales,these underdeveloped countries would just have to learn to exist without the money that they presently get.

If the middle east countries could start to manufacture something the rest of the world wants,their unemployed would become employed,their requirements would benefit everyone.

The big problem with most of the current troubles ,is of course ISRAEL....I admire their tenacity in protecting their country ,but their,,,,maybe understandable ...attitudes certainly dont help.

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Differing opinions on this - some people say it all began to heat up with the US parallel support and weapons supply to Israel and the Islamic dictatorships. Didn't help when the US supported Saddam in his unprovoked attack on Iran to undermine the Iranian Shiite regime and as you say the invasion of Iraq.. Now we have this four way conflict between Western powers, Shiite, Sunni and the anti western extremists.. As someone mentioned in the overall interest is it in the best interest for western countries to cease engagement. is it best to cease direct involvement and increase the channel of support via Saudi Arabia and Qatar, as is currently happening with Syria and Libya. Downside is the exposure for increasing the influence of the extremists, Russia and China. A very complex scenario for western government policy makers.

Well said...the lone voice of reason. It's pretty darn complicated alright, and not simply about "education," as the OP is suggesting. My country of origin (USA) is also complicit in all this, so we're not innocent bystanders. I don't think people realize the extent of what this "Arab Spring" uprising means. The corrupt dictators that have been overthrown will be replaced with...who knows? But the possibility exist that it will be Islamic extremist who fills the vacuum. We (the west) have put up with/supported these dictators primarily because they brought stability to the region. Well it ain't going to be stable much longer. If I was Israel, I'd be sh*tting in my pants. Iran won't be their only worry.

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I will be glad (but l/we won't be here) when the oil age is over. Then these folk with a problem can go back to living in tents and take it out on their camels. UNLESS by then they are all living in farangland, which seems they are trying to do. sad.png

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Mark my words... If we don't stop pampering to these Muslim idiots and start putting them in their place, 5-10 years down the line they will take over the world

You mean they will usurp christians' perceived rights to rule the world, like they've tried to do since European empire building began? Duh!

I know which world I'd prefer. The one with freedom, music, art, literature, movies, etc, etc. Oh, and the one that has religious tolerance.

That would be the religious tolerance shown by catholics and protestants towards each other in Northern Ireland, or the freedom to choose between conversion to christianity or death as caringly given to africans in the "great age of exploration"....or the good old boys of the Knights Templar in the middle east during the Crusades.

Don't get me wrong.... I have no time for religious intolerance from anyone for anyone. In fact, I have no time for religion at all, nor for people who fan the flames of distrust with words such as yours. That is not the way forward to solving the problems......throw some words, get a stick thrown back....throw a rock in retaliation.... a bomb comes back.... let's invade these troublemakers????? Many fine young people have died in vain for that approach.

As for your "appreciation of music, art and literature", I hope some of what you read will eventually cover more on world history, so that you can begin to understand the contribution made by the islamic world to the arts. Take your blinkers off man.

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no ,just the muslim world has gone mad.

I agree. Too much resentment of western nations that have stable democracies, enjoy a high standard of living and have a liberated view of sex, the arts, literature etc.

and tragically interfere in world politics every chance they get

Interfering or trying to make it a better world? We all have our own take.

cant see how that differs whatever your take, interference is just that. positive or negative intentions aside

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Mark my words... If we don't stop pampering to these Muslim idiots and start putting them in their place, 5-10 years down the line they will take over the world

You mean they will usurp christians' perceived rights to rule the world, like they've tried to do since European empire building began? Duh!

I know which world I'd prefer. The one with freedom, music, art, literature, movies, etc, etc. Oh, and the one that has religious tolerance.

Well that leaves the muslim world out.They long ago stopped giving anything to the arts,music and litrature ,such a shame .

Edited by thenervoussurgeon
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I have no problem with religion ..just would not want to live next door or my daughter to marry one......

EXACTLY!! In my experience the ones that bathe are almost acceptable though.

why cant people accept that this has nothing to do with muslims and everything to do with extremists?

what was the OP by the way? i seem to have lost sight of it.

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Mark my words... If we don't stop pampering to these Muslim idiots and start putting them in their place, 5-10 years down the line they will take over the world

You mean they will usurp christians' perceived rights to rule the world, like they've tried to do since European empire building began? Duh!

I know which world I'd prefer. The one with freedom, music, art, literature, movies, etc, etc. Oh, and the one that has religious tolerance.

Well that leaves the muslim world out.They long ago stopped giving anything to the arts,music and litrature ,such a shame .

You conveniently missed the freedom and religious tolerance. Tell me what the Muslim world has contributed to the arts, music and literature in the last 200 years? Or just tell me what they have contributed full stop in the last 200 years. Besides oil.

Edited by giddyup
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Mark my words... If we don't stop pampering to these Muslim idiots and start putting them in their place, 5-10 years down the line they will take over the world

You mean they will usurp christians' perceived rights to rule the world, like they've tried to do since European empire building began? Duh!

I know which world I'd prefer. The one with freedom, music, art, literature, movies, etc, etc. Oh, and the one that has religious tolerance.

That would be the religious tolerance shown by catholics and protestants towards each other in Northern Ireland, or the freedom to choose between conversion to christianity or death as caringly given to africans in the "great age of exploration"....or the good old boys of the Knights Templar in the middle east during the Crusades.

Don't get me wrong.... I have no time for religious intolerance from anyone for anyone. In fact, I have no time for religion at all, nor for people who fan the flames of distrust with words such as yours. That is not the way forward to solving the problems......throw some words, get a stick thrown back....throw a rock in retaliation.... a bomb comes back.... let's invade these troublemakers????? Many fine young people have died in vain for that approach.

As for your "appreciation of music, art and literature", I hope some of what you read will eventually cover more on world history, so that you can begin to understand the contribution made by the islamic world to the arts. Take your blinkers off man.

I knew someone would want to bring up something that happened over a thousand years ago. Tell me what they have contributed lately. It's not me that has blinkers, it's people like you who fail to see what's really happening. Have a look what's happening in several European countries now. People have had a gutfull.

Edited by giddyup
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I know which world I'd prefer. The one with freedom, music, art, literature, movies, etc, etc. Oh, and the one that has religious tolerance.

That would be the religious tolerance shown by catholics and protestants towards each other in Northern Ireland, or the freedom to choose between conversion to christianity or death as caringly given to africans in the "great age of exploration"....or the good old boys of the Knights Templar in the middle east during the Crusades.

Don't get me wrong.... I have no time for religious intolerance from anyone for anyone. In fact, I have no time for religion at all, nor for people who fan the flames of distrust with words such as yours. That is not the way forward to solving the problems......throw some words, get a stick thrown back....throw a rock in retaliation.... a bomb comes back.... let's invade these troublemakers????? Many fine young people have died in vain for that approach.

As for your "appreciation of music, art and literature", I hope some of what you read will eventually cover more on world history, so that you can begin to understand the contribution made by the islamic world to the arts. Take your blinkers off man.

I knew someone would want to bring up something that happened over a thousand years ago. Tell me what they have contributed lately. It's not me that has blinkers, it's people like you who fail to see what's really happening. Have a look what's happening in several European countries now. People have had a gutfull.

A lot of what I cited has happened in far more recent times that 1000 years ago, but someone (can't recall who) once said words to the effect that "people learn nothing from history, except that they learn nothing from history."

You cannot seriously beleive (nor expect anyone else to do so) that the long history of western/christian interference and european colonisation/exploitation would not come back to bite us all in the ass one day?

You are definitiely blinkered or blind if you cannot see that I do not support the current violence or anti-western sentiments, but it does not surprise me. What goes around comes around, but humans being what they are, can't see cause and effect when they are part of the cause.... therefore playground politics takes hold and what goes around comes around and around and around....... So your counterpart, sitting writing in iraqivisa.com (or whatever), will be writing the same messages of intolerance, and the two of you will look for bigger insults, then bigger stones, sticks, bullets bombs.....

Sooner or later, the voice of reason has to stop the circle of senseless destruction, without, as someone posted "appeasing" anyone. Those who have committed murder - for instance in the tragic case of the US diplomat in Libya should be brought to book in a court of law, and, in my opinion, so should those who stand in the shadows whipping up xenophobic fervour, wherever they may be, and whatever "faith" they may claim to have.

I agree with you in one respect, we have all had a gut full.... but do you have the cojones to try to do something positive, or can you only take the schoolyard approach "he did it to me first....".

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To be honest 20 years ago i lived in a town with a large muslim community ,there was very little trouble they ran the shops and we shopped in them ,never saw a burqua ,then the mosque opened ,downhill eversince ,the place is now a hellhole ,demonstrations ,women covered from head to toe ,now you no longer see white people in the asian part of town where we all used to shop , i for one didnt think about muslims one way or the other ,now lets just say i feel differently towards them.

I know how you feel. My home town, pubs have closed, and only 2 non muslim majority areas now.. Indeed one of the London bombers came from my home village. It's gone to hell in a basket.

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Mark my words... If we don't stop pampering to these Muslim idiots and start putting them in their place, 5-10 years down the line they will take over the world

You mean they will usurp christians' perceived rights to rule the world, like they've tried to do since European empire building began? Duh!

I know which world I'd prefer. The one with freedom, music, art, literature, movies, etc, etc. Oh, and the one that has religious tolerance.

Their had been religious tolerance in Islamic countries where Jews, Christians and Muslims co-existed for hundreds of years. Not until the 20th century has this tolerance has slowly declined - has got to be a reason, rather than just blind bigotry. Their is an active music, literature, movie scene, but not for western consumption. One exception is the Iranian film industry that produces some beautiful films & has won international awards. You would know the Islamic culture is oriented to poetry rather than fiction and even during the war in Iraq, poetry was published. Music industry is alive and well, but content piracy is a big issue. Not aware of contemporary modern art. So you're right not for you...

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I believe the US embassy in Bangkok has been closed today as they anticipate demonstrations. The middle east uses any excuse to riot and burn American flags.

and the US embassy Bangkok, located in the heart of the Middle East, is especially endangered whistling.gif

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I knew someone would want to bring up something that happened over a thousand years ago. Tell me what they have contributed lately. It's not me that has blinkers, it's people like you who fail to see what's really happening. Have a look what's happening in several European countries now. People have had a gutfull.

please tell me what you contributed lately. i am quite interested, can hardly wait tongue.png

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To be honest 20 years ago i lived in a town with a large muslim community ,there was very little trouble they ran the shops and we shopped in them ,never saw a burqua ,then the mosque opened ,downhill eversince ,the place is now a hellhole ,demonstrations ,women covered from head to toe ,now you no longer see white people in the asian part of town where we all used to shop , i for one didnt think about muslims one way or the other ,now lets just say i feel differently towards them.

i also feel quite different when i see a lady in a full burqa. and my wife feels that i feel different. my mistake was that she once overheard me murmuring "i wonder how old she is and whether she has big boobs."

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I believe the US embassy in Bangkok has been closed today as they anticipate demonstrations. The middle east uses any excuse to riot and burn American flags.

and the US embassy Bangkok, located in the heart of the Middle East, is especially endangered whistling.gif

Sarcasam works sometimes

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Differing opinions on this - some people say it all began to heat up with the US parallel support and weapons supply to Israel and the Islamic dictatorships. Didn't help when the US supported Saddam in his unprovoked attack on Iran to undermine the Iranian Shiite regime and as you say the invasion of Iraq.. Now we have this four way conflict between Western powers, Shiite, Sunni and the anti western extremists.. As someone mentioned in the overall interest is it in the best interest for western countries to cease engagement. is it best to cease direct involvement and increase the channel of support via Saudi Arabia and Qatar, as is currently happening with Syria and Libya. Downside is the exposure for increasing the influence of the extremists, Russia and China. A very complex scenario for western government policy makers.

Well said...the lone voice of reason. It's pretty darn complicated alright, and not simply about "education," as the OP is suggesting. My country of origin (USA) is also complicit in all this, so we're not innocent bystanders. I don't think people realize the extent of what this "Arab Spring" uprising means. The corrupt dictators that have been overthrown will be replaced with...who knows? But the possibility exist that it will be Islamic extremist who fills the vacuum. We (the west) have put up with/supported these dictators primarily because they brought stability to the region. Well it ain't going to be stable much longer. If I was Israel, I'd be sh*tting in my pants. Iran won't be their only worry.

Spot on !

The media has been reporting the fall of these dictatorial regimes as if they've been orchestrated all nice and cuddly on Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media by reasonable, Westernized youngsters with the type of well-balanced views and attitudes you'd want in the boy your daughter brought home for dinner.

Well that's <deleted>.

Do we really believe that young, uneducated, rurally-based goat-herds and tribesmen have access to bloody MacBook Pros and a broadband connection in the mountains in order to keep up with tweets and the like? Isn't more likely they've been whipped up into a frenzy by idealistic religious leaders drunk on the promise of power that comes with a seat at the table once the despot is removed?

The architects of these uprisings and the loose alliances they cobbled together in dark rooms in order to expedite the dictator's departure fizzle out once the mission's accomplished. One only needs to look at the election result in Egypt to see how much of a minority these handful of free-thinkers are typically in.

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