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Is Thailand Next?


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The is what happens when extreme paranoia gets out of hand and some groups become dehumanised and only seen as the enemy.

Over the last few years the perceptive of Muslims is that they are demons that are going to take over the world and Western values will be wiped out.

Historically, the last time paranoia of these sorts happened, it resulted in the Holocaust.

The problem is, there seems to be some confusion as to what is defined as free speech and opinion and what is taking the piss, offensive and just down right abusive.

The Americans have brought this problem onto themselves because of they’re righteous and arrogant attitudes. The rights and wrongs don`t fall into this, it`s diplomacy what matters and this is something that sadly the Americans are lacking.

This began in America and now it should be their problem and be prepared to lose face and delete the video, it`s that simple.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I read the world news all the time (not from here).

I can tell you that the whole world seems to be going mad the last 5 years, the things people do makes me lol.

The end is near tongue.png

no ,just the muslim world has gone mad.

Thanks for the insight, but since when has China become a Muslim nation? Their claiming of all territory in the south China Sea as being theirs is a bit hostile, no?

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I read the world news all the time (not from here).

I can tell you that the whole world seems to be going mad the last 5 years, the things people do makes me lol.

The end is near tongue.png

no ,just the muslim world has gone mad.

Thanks for the insight, but since when has China become a Muslim nation? Their claiming of all territory in the south China Sea as being theirs is a bit hostile, no?

13,152,203 Muslims in China. I think that is more than Pattaya.

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I read the world news all the time (not from here).

I can tell you that the whole world seems to be going mad the last 5 years, the things people do makes me lol.

The end is near tongue.png

no ,just the muslim world has gone mad.

Thanks for the insight, but since when has China become a Muslim nation? Their claiming of all territory in the south China Sea as being theirs is a bit hostile, no?

Actually the 2 issues do seem to have some connections:


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I have no problem with religion ..just would not want to live next door or my daughter to marry one......

It means that you do have problems with people of certain religions and races.

How many others fall into your, just would not want to live next door or my daughter to marry one categories?

And this is the problem with threads of these themes; they become platforms for the unintelligent extremist views of people like you, and if this these are the values you have tried to install into your daughter during her upbringing, than I pity her for having a father like you.

The theme of this thread is about will Thailand experience any terrorist acts because of the said video, and not as a facility for airing one’s views on certain races and religions.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Unfortunately, Western countries "trying to make it a better world" by interfering and/or getting involved in wars in other countries, has not helped either those countries or the average citizen in their own countries.

Admittedly, a few have made enormous profits out of the various conflicts.

If a certain US president and a certain a*se kissing British Prime minister hadn't gotten us involved in Iraq under faulse claims of WMD, Things might have been different now. That was the catalyst to all the resentment towards the west. IMHO!

Sent from my GT-P6200 using Thaivisa Connect App

nonsense, the hatred has and always will be there.it has been going on for decades

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Unfortunately, Western countries "trying to make it a better world" by interfering and/or getting involved in wars in other countries, has not helped either those countries or the average citizen in their own countries.

Admittedly, a few have made enormous profits out of the various conflicts.

If a certain US president and a certain a*se kissing British Prime minister hadn't gotten us involved in Iraq under faulse claims of WMD, Things might have been different now. That was the catalyst to all the resentment towards the west. IMHO!

Sent from my GT-P6200 using Thaivisa Connect App

nonsense, the hatred has and always will be there.it has been going on for decades

But it seems to have a bit escalated around that time, don't you think?
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You can all but guarantee there will be extremists scattered through the demonstrators today. The warning from the American embassy and the closing of the embassy, IMO is fully justified. Bkk could be a dangerous place for Americans today.

Be careful out there, if you have to be there!

How do "they" know who are/aren't Americans before the attack them?

Could you yanks out there give all of us other aliens a break and wear a nice big "yellow" American flag on your chests. Cheers. lol

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Mark my words... If we don't stop pampering to these Muslim idiots and start putting them in their place, 5-10 years down the line they will take over the world

You mean they will usurp christians' perceived rights to rule the world, like they've tried to do since European empire building began? Duh!

I know which world I'd prefer. The one with freedom, music, art, literature, movies, etc, etc. Oh, and the one that has religious tolerance.

That would be the religious tolerance shown by catholics and protestants towards each other in Northern Ireland, or the freedom to choose between conversion to christianity or death as caringly given to africans in the "great age of exploration"....or the good old boys of the Knights Templar in the middle east during the Crusades.

Don't get me wrong.... I have no time for religious intolerance from anyone for anyone. In fact, I have no time for religion at all, nor for people who fan the flames of distrust with words such as yours. That is not the way forward to solving the problems......throw some words, get a stick thrown back....throw a rock in retaliation.... a bomb comes back.... let's invade these troublemakers????? Many fine young people have died in vain for that approach.

As for your "appreciation of music, art and literature", I hope some of what you read will eventually cover more on world history, so that you can begin to understand the contribution made by the islamic world to the arts. Take your blinkers off man.

Thank you for the history lesson and now back to the topic:

Whether you like or don`t like the cultures of some nations, is immaterial.

The fact is that the said video is antagonistic to millions around the world. Considering that this began in America, then any retaliatory consequences that follow must be the liability of the United States.

This goes well beyond the principals of free speech. America’s, up yours approach to the problem are actions of extreme arrogance of a people that believe they are the righteous among nations.

Any Americans that suffer extremist attacks as a direct result from this video, must lay the blame solely on America’s doorstep and their leaders who seem reluctant to pull they’re punches, lose face or have to appear to give in to those that Americans don`t particulally like and pull this video from Utube, who are probably making $$$$$$$$$$$ out of it.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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The is what happens when extreme paranoia gets out of hand and some groups become dehumanised and only seen as the enemy.

Over the last few years the perceptive of Muslims is that they are demons that are going to take over the world and Western values will be wiped out.

Historically, the last time paranoia of these sorts happened, it resulted in the Holocaust.

The problem is, there seems to be some confusion as to what is defined as free speech and opinion and what is taking the piss, offensive and just down right abusive.

The Americans have brought this problem onto themselves because of they’re righteous and arrogant attitudes. The rights and wrongs don`t fall into this, it`s diplomacy what matters and this is something that sadly the Americans are lacking.

This began in America and now it should be their problem and be prepared to lose face and delete the video, it`s that simple.

oh goody, a holocaust parallel, amusing on so many levels and so much to work with.

I am truly astounded i hadn't seen the similarity before now.

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Brain washing really seems to be easy to do. I remember J. Witnesses knocking on my UK door with some really daft talk stuff that had know real answers to my questions, and l thought then how easy it was for kids brought up in that environment to be brain washed. sad.png

If religion wasnt taught from birth but at 18 years of age I doubt there would be many followers at all and the wor;ld would be a better place.

Id go so far as to say anyone teaching their kids religion as a truth is a child abuser

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To be honest 20 years ago i lived in a town with a large muslim community ,there was very little trouble they ran the shops and we shopped in them ,never saw a burqua ,then the mosque opened ,downhill eversince ,the place is now a hellhole ,demonstrations ,women covered from head to toe ,now you no longer see white people in the asian part of town where we all used to shop , i for one didnt think about muslims one way or the other ,now lets just say i feel differently towards them.

i also feel quite different when i see a lady in a full burqa. and my wife feels that i feel different. my mistake was that she once overheard me murmuring "i wonder how old she is and whether she has big boobs."

A "hands on " approach may be needed to verify, just make sure you are not in a Muslim country before you try this as u might not have any hands left afterwards

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To be honest 20 years ago i lived in a town with a large muslim community ,there was very little trouble they ran the shops and we shopped in them ,never saw a burqua ,then the mosque opened ,downhill eversince ,the place is now a hellhole ,demonstrations ,women covered from head to toe ,now you no longer see white people in the asian part of town where we all used to shop , i for one didnt think about muslims one way or the other ,now lets just say i feel differently towards them.

i also feel quite different when i see a lady in a full burqa. and my wife feels that i feel different. my mistake was that she once overheard me murmuring "i wonder how old she is and whether she has big boobs."

I had one getting mad at me when I complimented her with her 3 beautiful children

Looks a bit of an ole bag to me??

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I read the world news all the time (not from here).

I can tell you that the whole world seems to be going mad the last 5 years, the things people do makes me lol.

The end is near tongue.png

Yeah, isn't it December 22nd 2012 ?

There is no end or beginning

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I knew someone would want to bring up something that happened over a thousand years ago. Tell me what they have contributed lately. It's not me that has blinkers, it's people like you who fail to see what's really happening. Have a look what's happening in several European countries now. People have had a gutfull.

please tell me what you contributed lately. i am quite interested, can hardly wait tongue.png

I spent my working career in the Occupational Therapy department of a major hospital caring for service veterans. What's your contribution? But my point was, which you have clearly missed, is that the western world has produced just about everything we use today. Cars, radio, television, computers, electricity, aircraft, etc, etc, etc Tell me what one muslim country has contributed in recent times.

Edited by giddyup
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I wish the US would heal itself of the need for ME oil. That is at the root of at least some of this.

The US has more oil reserves on its own soil and off its coasts than all of the rest of the world combined. The tree huggers just won't let them get it.

That hurts its economy too because instead of sending US$700 billion a year to the ME, that money could stay at home. The ME wouldn't be rich any longer and the wealth coming out of the ground would belong to the US and would create lots of jobs and taxes paid at home.

Canada is the largest provider of oil to the US, not the ME, but the tree huggers won't let Canada provide another big pipeline to supply the US even more. Thus, still dependence on the ME and wealth to the ME. It should rather go to Canada and better yet, stay on US soil.

The US also gets a lot of oil from Mexico and Brazil, but that's still wealth and jobs being exported.

Now, if the US would get serious and wean itself from needing that ME oil, the US could let those ME countries blow each other up. I believe we'd see a major shift in US policy.

Just my $.02

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I should have added that the US spends more on military than all of the rest of the world combined. Russia spends just 8% of what the US spends. Without nukes, Russia and China are paper tigers.

Many allies of the US sleep well knowing the US would be right there. The UK comes to mind. The UK has always been a great friend to the US. (Well since the Revolution more than 200 years ago, LOL.) The US has huge bases in Germany, freeing Germany up to spend very little on military. Canada and Japan spend little. Japan doesn't even have nukes. The US has a treaty to protect Japan. Much of W. Europe depends on the US.

The US didn't want to get into the war against Hitler and didn't for a few years. Churchill kept asking for help and he finally got it. 90,000 US servicemen were killed in Europe and who knows how many wounded. 20,000 were killed just at the Battle of the Bulge, but that battle was the beginning of the end for Hitler.

If it weren't for the US entering the battle against Hitler, much of Western Europe might be doing the goose-step today.

Yesterday it was Hitler. Today it is Muslims. Tomorrow it will be Muslims until some people get it that the evil is within them. No one could insult and provoke me to kill 3,000 people from many different countries, religions and ethnicities like the Muslims did at the World Trade Center. A lot of ME Muslims died at the WTC but the terrorist didn't care.

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Several posts have been deleted.

Granted that this is an emotional topic and people are veering away from how it relates to Thailand, but still, inflammatory language, advocating violence, and flaming others are not allowed on ThaiVisa.

Please keep that in mind while posting.


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The is what happens when extreme paranoia gets out of hand and some groups become dehumanised and only seen as the enemy.

Over the last few years the perceptive of Muslims is that they are demons that are going to take over the world and Western values will be wiped out.

Historically, the last time paranoia of these sorts happened, it resulted in the Holocaust.

The problem is, there seems to be some confusion as to what is defined as free speech and opinion and what is taking the piss, offensive and just down right abusive.

The Americans have brought this problem onto themselves because of they’re righteous and arrogant attitudes. The rights and wrongs don`t fall into this, it`s diplomacy what matters and this is something that sadly the Americans are lacking.

This began in America and now it should be their problem and be prepared to lose face and delete the video, it`s that simple.

oh goody, a holocaust parallel, amusing on so many levels and so much to work with.

I am truly astounded i hadn't seen the similarity before now.

I am glad you are impressed.

My point is that if people are brainwashed enough and taught to believe that those of any certain group or groups are anti establishment, inferior, backward and problematic, than this can lead to the perception of hatred, the dehumanising and apathy against these people, as what happened in the case of selective ethnic peoples during Word War Two.

This is a dangerous situation when those of a particular kind become only seen as the enemy and what leads to wars.

Sometimes we have to use diplomacy and compromise with those whom we don`t like or not get on with, in order to keep peace in this world.

Perhaps the reason that people think muslims are evil is that it is usually them doing the terrorist acts and unfortunatly its never, to my knowledge ,led to mass demonstrations by good muslims against them hence the fact that we start to dislike them all as we dont know which ones to trust ,personally as i said in an earlier post i never had a problem with them 20 years ago in my old home town where ,although they lived maily in their own part we all got along ,those days have long gone ,now that part of town is like another world where non muslims keep away from ,i now feel differently about them ,a shame but they caused the problems ,and please dont give me the old chesnut about we invade their lands ,they are all cheers for 5 minutes and then they start shooting us.

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"The Religion of Peace?" It's all the fault of the US?

Scroll clear down for a long list of worldwide Muslim terrorist attacks across the globe, just in the past 30 days!

I see that at least 3 of them occured in Thailand. What did Thailand do to inherit the wrath supposedly aimed at the US? Does someone think there isn't a problem in S. Thailand?

This is a worldwide problem, started by Muslims who intend to either convert everyone to Islam or KILL them.


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"The Religion of Peace?" It's all the fault of the US?

Scroll clear down for a long list of worldwide Muslim terrorist attacks across the globe, just in the past 30 days!

I see that at least 3 of them occured in Thailand. What did Thailand do to inherit the wrath supposedly aimed at the US? Does someone think there isn't a problem in S. Thailand?

This is a worldwide problem, started by Muslims who intend to either convert everyone to Islam or KILL them.


Personally, I'd rather be killed. We're here for a good time, not a long time and I don't see a lot of good times with that religion.

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The is what happens when extreme paranoia gets out of hand and some groups become dehumanised and only seen as the enemy.

Over the last few years the perceptive of Muslims is that they are demons that are going to take over the world and Western values will be wiped out.

Historically, the last time paranoia of these sorts happened, it resulted in the Holocaust.

The problem is, there seems to be some confusion as to what is defined as free speech and opinion and what is taking the piss, offensive and just down right abusive.

The Americans have brought this problem onto themselves because of they’re righteous and arrogant attitudes. The rights and wrongs don`t fall into this, it`s diplomacy what matters and this is something that sadly the Americans are lacking.

This began in America and now it should be their problem and be prepared to lose face and delete the video, it`s that simple.

oh goody, a holocaust parallel, amusing on so many levels and so much to work with.

I am truly astounded i hadn't seen the similarity before now.

I am glad you are impressed.

My point is that if people are brainwashed enough and taught to believe that those of any certain group or groups are anti establishment, inferior, backward and problematic, than this can lead to the perception of hatred, the dehumanising and apathy against these people, as what happened in the case of selective ethnic peoples during Word War Two.

The situations are a little different. The Jews were completely non-violent and discriminated against purely because of their religion. Radical Muslims are considered "anti establishment, inferior, backward and problematic" because of their violent behavior and constantly resorting to terrorism..

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"The Religion of Peace?" It's all the fault of the US?

Scroll clear down for a long list of worldwide Muslim terrorist attacks across the globe, just in the past 30 days!

I see that at least 3 of them occured in Thailand. What did Thailand do to inherit the wrath supposedly aimed at the US? Does someone think there isn't a problem in S. Thailand?

This is a worldwide problem, started by Muslims who intend to either convert everyone to Islam or KILL them.


It would serve your post a lot more credence not to point to dedicated anti Islamic hate sites. Regards Thailand look up conflict in the Deep South from independent media sources, not hate sites - it's nothing to do with America

EDIT: You are sounding as blind and ill informed as the Muslims demonstrating and blaming the US government about "that film"

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