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Younger Man And Older Woman Relationship?


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Aside from what has already transpired you should generally avoid schtuping married women.

The age difference is no big problem in itself. When I was 17 I lived with a 26 year old Thai girl and we had a lot of fun.

While I have enormous respect for the teaching profession I would ask you why you are vectoring straight for an English teaching position right after completing an engineering degree. What about a technical job in Thailand?

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Good luck to the OP with whatever they decide to do.

Studying that long for a degree that is supposedly of high value only to throw it away to teach English here for someone who supposedly 'loves' them is noble, but naieve.

If you are to go through with this I am sure that, for a while, everything will be fine, everyone will be happy (unless the husband somehow finds out), you struggle along to teach in whatever school you are at, but, as everyone else has said, your attention will start to wane and you will look for alternatives. Everyone has already said it but if this woman is willing to be with you whilst still married you cannot help but think that she would not hesitate to do the same to you also.

I came here when I was 21 also, to be with an older woman, taught English, just like you. And it was great for about a year and a half then I ended it and ended up with someone younger instead. I was with her for seven years, nearly at the marraige stage, but I ended that also because, yes, she was young, and very nice, but she was also immature, so now I am with someone older than me and I am happy and the story there is that I was in an unhappy relationship (with my ex) but did not know it until many years later.

Try to think about how life with this woman may be five years from now. Moving countries to be with someone is tough. If you can still see yourself being as happy and in love with her then as you are now then go for it. Otherwise, sadly, this may be short lived and will only end in tears.

All the best.

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