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Availability Of E-Readers


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I take my Kindle 3G everywhere. The ability to surf the kindle bookstore, anywhere at anytime is superb. You can download blogs, newspapers and magazines too.

And yes you can check your emails over its experimental web browser.

Correct. I am writing this post on my Kindle 3G. HOWEVER, the 3G surfing is now limited to 50MB per month, although you can browse the Amazon Bookstore for as long as you want.

Cool I didn't know that, so I guess you can do that as well with fi-fi coverage on a fi-fi model and unlimited?

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I take my Kindle 3G everywhere. The ability to surf the kindle bookstore, anywhere at anytime is superb. You can download blogs, newspapers and magazines too.

And yes you can check your emails over its experimental web browser.

Correct. I am writing this post on my Kindle 3G. HOWEVER, the 3G surfing is now limited to 50MB per month, although you can browse the Amazon Bookstore for as long as you want.

Cool I didn't know that, so I guess you can do that as well with fi-fi coverage on a fi-fi model and unlimited?

Yes, absolutely. Go on - treat yourself! The Kindle keyboard might be the best option for you Internet-wise, but obviously check what else is out there.

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Yes, absolutely. Go on - treat yourself! The Kindle keyboard might be the best option for you Internet-wise, but obviously check what else is out there.


Have a Kindle3 WI-Fi and regard it as the best "gadget" I have ever purchased. From my point of view any eReader is a great choice.

Back to the Kindle : Once signed up with Amazon it takes perhaps one minute from when I press the "buy" button -- to when the selected book is delivered -- ready to read -- via Wi-Fi. Really amazing. I imagine that G3 is similar.

The Kindle hardware has become cheap as Amazon makes its money from the sale of the books. Whilst not cheap -- the range is vast -- and the convenience of instantly obtaining almost any book title is second to none.

I have a second K3 keyboard arriving from Aust. in a couple of weeks. A$99.00

There are several sites offering excellent current best seller book selections for less than $2.00 each. These have no copy protection -- so they can be shared. As mentioned in a previous post the internet also provides the ability to download thousands of best sellers at no charge.

Edited by tig28
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I love my Kindle, and I would not use a tablet for reading. I can go maybe 3 weeks without charging, I can download tons of books for free or for $0.99. I can "carry" hundreds of books with me wherever I go.

I don't like the fact that Amazon has jacked up the prices of some best-sellers to as much or even more than I can get a physical copy of the same book sent to me, so I ignore those and focus on the rest.

Well how about this ? Ken Follett's latest at 20 pence or 32 cents?


"A supersize epic . . . an intricate plot that spans the Second World War and its aftermath. There are spies, American heiresses, Russian gangsters and do-good boys from the East End whose overlapping stories paint a remarkable, and at times heartwrenching, vision of humanity at that time' --The Bookseller

They have done this with a few top sellers lately.

Can only assume that anyone comparing e readers to tablets etc has never used one.

Edited by roamer
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Although I like electronic gadgets, I was very very reticent to buy a Kindle. I liked my books too much and am an avid reader.... On one trip to Thailand I travelled with 5 paperbacks to keep me going while lazing around. I took the plunge about a year ago, and have never regretted it for a moment. I now carry maybe 20-30 unread books at any one time, in a wee gizmo that weighs less than one book.

In bright sunlight, the Kindle is far easier to read than a laptop or tablet screen too.

If you have any doubts about the Kindle, forget them.... go for it!

FYI I have no financial interest.... yada yada yada.

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I too love my Kindle. I have nearly 7,000 books on my computer using a free program called Calibre. This program converts books and it is very easy to transfer books to your Kindle. There are many sites offering free books. PDF files also work on the Kindle.

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Can only assume that anyone comparing e readers to tablets etc has never used one.

I have

B&N Original Nook, Kindle 3 wi-fi, Galaxy Tab 7", Galaxy Tab 2 10" .... bet that's more than you have used.

The battery life of the Nook was about 24hrs, but great e-ink, the Kindle 3 wi-fi, best e-reader, battery lasts 3 weeks, nice display. BUT the tablets win because they can do so much more and are in constant use. Despite an 8hr battery life.

I'm just too lazy to carry two devices around with me.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Are you locked into the amazon book store for reading with it ?

That all depends on how naughty you are. There are thousands of pirate books out there not that I would dream of downloading any, dearie me, no...

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But for those who need to carry a phone or tablet around which can have Kindle installed on it, the argument over battery life is mute Vs carrying two gadgets?

I have Aldiko book reader installed on my Samsung Note phone but I find the 5" screen too small for serious reading, I use it sometimes to spend 10 min.

at Swampi airport immigration in the queue. As for tablets I nerver tried one but they are very heavy compared to a kindle reader (not the fire, very heavy too).

The kindle is easy to put inside my pc bag.

You should try one if you read a lot of books.

You should try Kindle on your Samsung as well. I found it very readable on the Galaxy S2 phone and the options to change font and background suited my aging eyes, granted I don't read a lot with everything else to read on the web. The Kindle reader on Android though is easier on my eyes than any other reader or web browser on Android I have come to use and I like the Amoled screen - but it's a very personal thing and I can see why people could go with either.

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How is the kindle for reading pdf's ? I have a lot of books not from amazon I would like to read and thinking the sony prs model might be better. Are you locked into the amazon book store for reading with it ?

Hi thunder30101

You are certainly not "locked" to buying books from any particular supplier with ANY eReader. There are several sites offering excellent current best seller book selections (for any eReader) all for less than $2.00 each. These have no copy protection -- so they can be shared. As mentioned in a previous post the internet also provides the ability to download thousands of best sellers at no charge.

Various readers use different formats -- you can convert between Formats with this free program:

http://calibre-ebook.com/ It is also an on PC eBook reader and storage system.

PDF files are a different matter. It is hit & miss. Some PDF files convert well to any reader format (Mobi/Epub Etc.) some do not. The (old) PDF format has been bastardized and frequently files do not fully comply with PDF rules and this noncompliance causes layout problems in particular. Some readers have a native PDF reader codec on-board but layout problems often remain.

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I can't say that the Sony story surprises me.

I had the same problem getting a battery for one of their early Ipod players.

It took months and was not cheap.

God bless the Throw Away Technology World :bah:

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these devices might work for casual readers but for serious book readers the screen strain your eyes and worst in outdoors, the battery life is beyond pathetic as compared to a proper e readers.

But for those who need to carry a phone or tablet around which can have Kindle installed on it, the argument over battery life is mute Vs carrying two gadgets?

Until you use up your phone battery while reading on a long flight, and then need to call someone when you arrive. And who carries a tablet with them everywhere they go, unless it's in a bag? In which case slipping an e-reader in as well adds very little to the weight.

I have a Kindle 3G touch. It was seamlessly delivered to my place upcountry. The 3G connection works with GPRS and EDGE as well, everywhere in the world I've taken it, for free. I like how I can sit in the middle of nowhere and instantly buy the latest novels, and rarities that I couldn't get anywhere in Thailand, let alone Isaan, without ordering and waiting. I like how many of those rarities are free. I like how I can buy a 1000 page novel and read it in comfort without having to physically bend the spine of the book to fully see the middle pages. I like how I don't have to pack 5 or 6 books when I travel to places with no English bookshops. I like how I'm not limited to the font size of a paper book, but can adjust it according to my eyesight and the lighting conditions at the time. I like being able to browse a bookshop, particularly at an airport when I'm looking for something to read on a flight, physically picking up a book that I like the look of and flip through it while deciding to buy it or not; and then put it down, connect to the airport wifi, or any cellular connection, and buy it cheaper on my Kindle. Yes I could do the same on my phone or tablet, and actually have the Kindle App on both, but I find I can't concentrate on the backlit screen for any length of time without my eyes watering, whereas the Kindle is just like the real thing. And I don't need to pay for the connection when buying a book in an area with no wifi access.

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probably better to buy one before you come...

..a timely post as am looking to buy two e reading tools...got into analysis paralysis stage on google but think I will go for the tablet .....more bang for the buck and colour for mags etc...also for a child more flexibility...

the only downside it seems ... is the battery life of a tablet is low vs e reader and maybe the screen being anti glare on an e reader may be advantageous to some?

be ware also that some e readers limit you to their own download sites.....ie no freebies

The non-light emitting screens of the kindle are far less fatiguing (damaging?) for your eyes than tablet screens.

maybe but like the ability to read outside at night..can control the intensity easily..

Probably no worse than sitting in front of a PC or TV as most of us spend/t our lives?

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Okay I just ordered a Kindle Paperwhite from the BKK shop, price 6990 bath (only fi-fi model here) + 890 bath for a synthetic leather bag (i might regret that "leather" bag, have a really nice one for my current kindle, bought at Amazon), free shipping to Pattaya. Estimated delivery date: 22-25- Oct.

I am not sure it will be in Oct., I read several places that the Paperwhite had people scrambling at Amazon stores due very good reviews from leading magazines and they are sold out.

I will tell you about the reading experience when I get it unless somebody get it before me and can tell us about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay got my Paperwhite Kindle yesterday sent from the shop in BKK free of charge as promised.

The reading experience is very good and now I can read in the bedroom without any lights which my

wife likes. I can also sit out at the patio in the evening in dimmed light conditions.

I just have to get used to the touch screen but not a problem, all in all very happy with it.

The Kindle shop in BKK seems very professional and sent me e-mails for order no (receipt for money received via bank transfer) and when they shipped it.

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I'm quite happy with my Kindle but my next Kindle will be the paperwhite model. As far as the audio capability, the robot sounding voice is useless for me. If I want a device to read for me, I use my old Nokia phone with Audible books.

I was recently in the US and found that Walmart sells Kindles. The paperwhite model wasn't available at that time. My Kindle has never had any problems but I would REALLY miss it if it were to die, thus the need to have a spare and I like the idea of a lighted screen.

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