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Getting Handmade Products Made In Thailand Vs China

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One other question here.

I need to get labor intensive products made, I love Thailand so I would love for it to be there.

My question is, for a small company that will only need a few people working, can Thailand Compete with China as far as ease of setup, wages and all that kind of thing... exporting..

I don't really like the idea of having to go to China all the time, I love the idea of having to go to Thailand. Maybe Cambodia is the place to be ? I would rather the comforts of Thailand I think still.

What do you think ?


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Spent 12 years sourcing in China.

Biggest advantage wasn't labor costs, it was the ease of getting funded to set up favored businesses. Well connected export businesses could get virtually unlimited funds with not much more than a PO from a western company. (Foreigners aren't "well connected" no matter what they're led to believe)

Other big advantage was the low cost of inputs like raw materials, machinery, etc. I'm appalled at the high cost of (many) raw materials and machinery in Thailand.

Unless manufacturing your product requires a big investment, or a large portion of the cost is wrapped up in materials that need to be imported- I'd recommend Thailand because you'll be a happier camper working in a place you enjoy.

I can't speak for the formalities of exporting from Thailand- never tried it. China was no picnic without help from local entities that took their cut (and sometimes a lot more than their cut).

Go for it. Good luck!

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I have a small leather workshop that produces hand stitched and hand carved items, very labor intensive. Thailand is the best place for me. If you think you'll only be ordering quantities that can be produced by a few people, China might not work as well. They want you to order by the tens of thousands.

I agree that sourcing is tough in Thailand. There are many things they just don't have here that I need to order from China. It doesn't matter, I would rather live here than anywhere else.

My best advice is make a plan and time frame to come here and get the company started. Then multiply by three. Everything takes crazy long to get moving here.

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Have a small manufacturing and packaging company here and another facility in Thailand. All labor intensive. By far, I prefer to live in work in Thailand. If its just a few products or a single product line, eventually you can develop suitable suppliers here but its a chore. Agree with everything that has been said above, if you want to discuss it in more detail just PM me.

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