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School Calendar


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Hello to all forum members,

does anybody know when the High School year is going to finish in Ban Phue this 2006? When will the new scholar year start?

Generally, when is planned to finish the High School year for 2006 in North-east region (Ie Udon Thani). When will begin the new year?

Thank you for the information.


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Academic calendars, if they exist in Thailand, tend to be closely guarded and very flexible. The Director hides it in a safe somewhere. Thai teachers do not know the future from one week to the next; sometimes even the day before - even department heads! Of course, there are exceptions.

General rule in govt. schools is that the classes end in late March, with exams going forever, even to April 7 or so (except seniors M6 take exams very early). When the staff gets to go on holiday, however, is up to the whim of the administrators.

They were trying to keep me on campus through April last year, when I informed them, "Oh no, because this school doesn't give me a work permit, I've already paid over 40,000 baht for tickets to go get a new visa in America. Good-bye." My passport is stamped "Departure Bangkok 23 March."

The new school year usually starts in mid May. Nobody knows exactly when. Besides, teachers may report early, although I didn't, because they didn't even get around to hiring me until the day before school started.

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^On target exactly. I was recently joking with my colleagues about how could it ever be possible to have intramural sports here- because nobody could manage anything that actually involved sharing a fixed, preplanned school schedule.

"Oh, I'm sorry you put your football team on a fan-cooled bus and drove them all the way here from Nonthaburi- didn't you know it was Happy Fluffy Dance Day at our school? The Director announced it as long ago as this morning!!!"


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