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Australian Justice Of The Peace Wanted

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I would think the Honorary Consul would be your best bet.

I heard he isnt a JP, I was thinking there might be some retired lawyers that stay here long term or something like that


Thai lawyers cannot notorize a document. There is a course and some do notorizations, it is only recognised by the Thai law society. There is no law governing notorization in Thailand, making that a document notorized by a Thai lawyer can be challanged in a foreign court.


I should have been a bit more specific in my OP, I need a statutory decleration signed in Phuket. I know you can get it done in Bangkok at the embassy but that is not really convenient for me. I did a bit of research and I read that Larry Cunningham the Aus consulate in Phuket is not a JP.


You may not need a JP.

There have been changes in law which replace the need for JPs with Stat Decs etc by a list of people who are eligle. They include such people as School Teachers Doctors Accountants etc so you may only need to find someone on holiday who has those positions in australia.

http://www.ag.gov.au/Documents/StatutoryDeclaration200602.pdf gives the commonwealth requirements and most states are now similar.


If this is a stat dec for monthly income for a thai non-imm visa, the Australian Consul can authorise a letter which can replace the Australian Embassy stat dec.



If it is to be used for Thai immigration and an extension they will only accept a Stat Dec made at the embassy. Unfortunately I have to travel to Bangkok every year just for it.


What do you want it for? There are recent changes in some Australian states about witnessing Stat Decs. An Australian lawyer can witness as well. You can check online whether they have a current practicing certificate.


If it is to be used for Thai immigration and an extension they will only accept a Stat Dec made at the embassy. Unfortunately I have to travel to Bangkok every year just for it.

If the stat dec is for a monthly income statement for O visa extension and you are an Australian living in Phuket......you are making an unneccessary trip to Bangkok.



What do you want it for? There are recent changes in some Australian states about witnessing Stat Decs. An Australian lawyer can witness as well. You can check online whether they have a current practicing certificate.

If it is to be used for Thai immigration and an extension they will only accept a Stat Dec made at the embassy. Unfortunately I have to travel to Bangkok every year just for it.

Yes as I stated before, I am aware that JPs are in located in Bangkok, I am aware that in some occasions that other people can witness documents. My document has nothing to do with Immigration. It clearly states I need a JP to witness me signing it in front of him/her. Not lawyers or school teachers from various places in Australia or Bangkok. A JP in Phuket is clearly what I need


What do you want it for? There are recent changes in some Australian states about witnessing Stat Decs. An Australian lawyer can witness as well. You can check online whether they have a current practicing certificate.

If it is to be used for Thai immigration and an extension they will only accept a Stat Dec made at the embassy. Unfortunately I have to travel to Bangkok every year just for it.

Yes as I stated before, I am aware that JPs are in located in Bangkok, I am aware that in some occasions that other people can witness documents. My document has nothing to do with Immigration. It clearly states I need a JP to witness me signing it in front of him/her. Not lawyers or school teachers from various places in Australia or Bangkok. A JP in Phuket is clearly what I need

There are no JPs located in Bangkok/ The Embassy can notorize documents but they are NOT a JP.

Did you bother to read the link I attached. There are others. They are not even apointing new JPs.

You could try this too http://www.ag.gov.au...es/default.aspx



Well for 600 baht a lady with a JP stamp witnessed a document in the Australian embassy in Bangkok 3 years ago for me. Did you even bother to read my post? I need an Australian JP in Phuket. Not an american lawyer or a Thai lawyer or aTESOL teacher


Well for 600 baht a lady with a JP stamp witnessed a document in the Australian embassy in Bangkok 3 years ago for me. Did you even bother to read my post? I need an Australian JP in Phuket. Not an american lawyer or a Thai lawyer or aTESOL teacher

I agree none of those would be acceptible. The ones on the lists I sent would. Consolates do not have JPs however they can authorise documents however Australia does not allow Honary consulates to do so.

You asked a question you do not like the answer OK enjoy your trip to Bangkok.


I draw your attention to Page 12 of the JP of NSW Handbook.

It clearly states a JP of NSW can not perform their duties whilst in another State or country.


I'm sure JP's of other States of Australia would be under the same restrictions.

I would say you will need to go to The Australian Embassy in Bangkok because, legally, the embassy is on sovereign Australian soil.


Well for 600 baht a lady with a JP stamp witnessed a document in the Australian embassy in Bangkok 3 years ago for me. Did you even bother to read my post? I need an Australian JP in Phuket. Not an american lawyer or a Thai lawyer or aTESOL teacher

I agree none of those would be acceptible. The ones on the lists I sent would. Consolates do not have JPs however they can authorise documents however Australia does not allow Honary consulates to do so.

You asked a question you do not like the answer OK enjoy your trip to Bangkok.

Thanks for your very informative reply. Im astonished at your knowledge. I asked where in Phuket to find a JP and I get speared into Australian government websites that tell me about Australian laws state by state. Honestly if you dont know the answer to the OP then why are you bothering to respond?


The Australian Consul is not a JP.

John Howard an Australian Lawyer can certify documents the same as a JP.

Bring 1000 baht smile.png

His details are in link http://duensingkippe...theoffices.html


He has absolutely no idea what a statutory declaration is. I dont think ill be taking 1000 baht to Cherng Talay any time soon

He is American

Seriously. Mr. John Howard, formerly of Tellkie and Gibbins to my knowledge is a true blue Aussie. About 3 years ago I had the need to have a document from Aust. witnessed by a JP. His signature was accepted on the said document. The reference to him was provided to me by one, Larry Cunningham, the Hon. Aust. Consul.

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

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The Australian Consul is not a JP.

John Howard an Australian Lawyer can certify documents the same as a JP.

Bring 1000 baht smile.png

His details are in link http://duensingkippe...theoffices.html


He has absolutely no idea what a statutory declaration is. I dont think ill be taking 1000 baht to Cherng Talay any time soon

He is American

Seriously. Mr. John Howard, formerly of Tellkie and Gibbins to my knowledge is a true blue Aussie. About 3 years ago I had the need to have a document from Aust. witnessed by a JP. His signature was accepted on the said document. The reference to him was provided to me by one, Larry Cunningham, the Hon. Aust. Consul.

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

....so help me Buddha......wai.gif


No. American.

Best regards,

Jerrold Kippen


On Sep 25, 2012, at 21:22, wrote:

Are you an australian lawyer?

Sent from Samsung mobile

Jerrold Kippen wrote:

No idea what you are talking about. Suggest you contact a lawyer in Australia.

Best regards,

Jerrold Kippen


On Sep 25, 2012, at 18:48, wrote:

Statutory declarations for australia

Sent from Samsung mobile

Jerrold Kippen wrote:

Sorry, what is "stat decs"?

Best regards,

Jerrold Kippen


No. American.

Best regards,

Jerrold Kippen


On Sep 25, 2012, at 21:22, wrote:

Are you an australian lawyer?

Sent from Samsung mobile

Jerrold Kippen wrote:

No idea what you are talking about. Suggest you contact a lawyer in Australia.

Best regards,

Jerrold Kippen


On Sep 25, 2012, at 18:48, wrote:

Statutory declarations for australia

Sent from Samsung mobile

Jerrold Kippen wrote:

Sorry, what is "stat decs"?

Best regards,

Jerrold Kippen

If you want to get somewhere in this confusing thread which none of us trying to help are not privy to the real reason, talk to the horse not the jockey.

Repeat. His name is John Howard.


The Australian Consul is not a JP.

John Howard an Australian Lawyer can certify documents the same as a JP.

Bring 1000 baht smile.png

His details are in link http://duensingkippe...theoffices.html


Yes <snip> i am aware that John Howard is the lawyer. How about taking that beer out of your gob and lob your glasses on your nose. The link that was provided had nothing to do with a lawyer named john howard. And funnily enough it wasnt the ex prime minister of Australia. Again thanks for all the geniuses helping out here. But if noone can provide the name of a JP in phuket i suggest that if you cant provide an answer keep your mouth shut and let everyone think your a fool than open it and remove all doubt


The Australian Consul is not a JP.

John Howard an Australian Lawyer can certify documents the same as a JP.

Bring 1000 baht smile.png

His details are in link http://duensingkippe...theoffices.html


i am aware that John Howard is the lawyer. How about taking that beer out of your gob and lob your glasses on your nose. The link that was provided had nothing to do with a lawyer named john howard. And funnily enough it wasnt the ex prime minister of Australia. Again thanks for all the geniuses helping out here. But if noone can provide the name of a JP in phuket i suggest that if you cant provide an answer keep your mouth shut and let everyone think your a fool than open it and remove all doubt

If you do find a JP willing to witness your Stat Dec, don't forget, he will be outside of his jurisdiction, with an easy check of the Australian Immigration database showing him out of the country at the time he witnessed your Stat Dec, therefore, making your Stat Dec useless and him probably losing his JP title.

Put simply, what you want, can't be done, legally, in Phuket.


The poster reminds me of the "the dog that bites the hand that feeds it".

All the respondents as far as I can see have acted with goodwill in trying to assist the poster but obviously he will never be satisfied.

I suggest that this thread be closed post haste and not waste any more members' time.


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