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Protest At U S Embassy Bangkok


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I doubt it will even come close to the extremist posts yet to come.

You are probably correct if you are referring to the American haters.

Critique of American laws/policy equates to hate of America? That is an extreme statement

Taken out of context my friend. Critique of American laws/policy all you want. No harm done. I don't like some of them myself. Nisa was refeering to extremist post and so was I.

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The article did not identify the protestors. I wonder if they are some of the multiple thousands of Thai citizens who have been wrongfully denied an entrance visa to the USA after seeing K. Thaksin was issued a visa which is in violation of US Federal law.

Wrongfully denied? Many of us suffer disappointment when a visa is refused for a loved one or friend, but I believe you go off the deep end when you make a claim like this.

If people are unable to meet the basic requirements of a visa, it is hardly the fault of the USA. On the contrary, you should be blaming the thousands that are caught making bogus submissions, lying, attempting to illegally remain in the USA or of being downright inadmissable for buggering it up for the decent people.

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The article did not identify the protestors. I wonder if they are some of the multiple thousands of Thai citizens who have been wrongfully denied an entrance visa to the USA after seeing K. Thaksin was issued a visa which is in violation of US Federal law.

Wrongfully denied? Many of us suffer disappointment when a visa is refused for a loved one or friend, but I believe you go off the deep end when you make a claim like this.

If people are unable to meet the basic requirements of a visa, it is hardly the fault of the USA. On the contrary, you should be blaming the thousands that are caught making bogus submissions, lying, attempting to illegally remain in the USA or of being downright inadmissable for buggering it up for the decent people.

But really GK it is you that has gone off the deep end isn't it ! My perception of the message that Pimey1 was trying to get across is that many people have had visa apps turned down for far less reason than the reason the US had to turn down the visa app from Thaksin. Under Fedral law Thaksin should not have been going walk-a-bout around the US. There are Brits who have been refused entry for some minor criminal record (you get a criminal record for taking your bin out 2 days early in some parts of the UK), yet the guy that embezzles billions from the Thai tax payer is given the key to several cities. Wrong on every account.

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Where the heck is the Hook? I guess only THE SHADOW knows for Sure!coffee1.gifsad.png

In jail serving his 7 year sentence for calling for the death of people. He is soon to be deported to the USA to face charges for participating in various violent attacks.

It will be interesting to see what the reaction is of the Thai authorities if some demonstrators show up with signs calling for beheadings etc. Calling for the murder of people at a "rally" such a manner contravenes Thai law. I suppose the intelligent thing to do is to sit back and laugh at the protestors. They are going after the wrong people, and that speaks volumes about the protest leaders.

In case anyone cares, the Egyptian government has laid charges against several people alleged to be responsible for the film. Two of these people are in Canada and apparently have no connection to the film, but they are actively involved in the representation of human rights for the Coptic Christian minority of Egypt. One of the chaps is the head of some refugee group and has asked for police protection. It seems the Egyptian government has used the film as a way in which to go after Coptic Christians in the west who have had the temerity to campaign on behalf of their religious community's human rights. Interestingly enough, the death threats made against these people, nor the $100,000 bounty offered by a Pakistani cabinet minister for the death of the film maker(s) hasn't caused and outcry from the usual Christian and USA bashers.

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Two things were evident at the last demonstration. All the women were grouped at the end, and did not mix with the men at all. None of their signs promoted violence, as some of the men's signs did.

It rained heavily, and they weren't able to burn their Israeli, or American flags, and they did try. This last thing is undoubtedly why they are staging another demonstration, to burn their flags.

They were probably the laughing stocks in world radical Muslim fundimentalist circles with not getting their flags to burn, thus the reason for the new demonstration, this time in the morning before the rains are forecasted to fall. As a journalist if it does rain again (and it should), I can spin a pretty good angle on devine intervention...a second time.....hahahaha.

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Probably about the stupid video again. Seems there are people who think the President of the US can arbitrarily tell Youtube to stop access to the video. I know there are those who have not read the US constitution. I once asked my university students if they had read their own Thai constitution and most have never read their own so finding those who have even read the first amendment of the US constitution is asking for the blind leading the blind.

Could it be they don't agree with the US Constitution that allows this kind of freedom of expression (the kind designed specifically to insult others most sacred beliefs for no other purpose than to inflame others). While there are those who see the constitution as some holly scripture written by men with some divine insight nobody is capable of in these times, the truth it is a 200 year old document written for the those times with the ability to be amended and not some divine scripture mean to be worshiped and never altered ... doing so is similar to extreme Muslims view of their ancient writings.

Using an excuse that people shouldn't protest because it is the law in the United States makes no sense at all unless the US took the same view to the laws of other countries.

Is this what the European school system teaches people? You understand the US constitution has been changed <amended> a couple times. It is a document that supports the ideas of men and freedom. Maybe you should read it one day its a very idealistic document written during the age of revolutions and empire collapse. Its concepts and ideas were not new but to use them as a national charter created one of the greatest countries in history. You can be an American hater but just like penis envy its not our fault that you don't measure up. These Muslims protesting are about equal to a dark ages peasant carrying a pitchfork and torches. Seriously they should just cut off all web access to these counties so they can practice their religion of intolerance. I find it kind of ironic how almost every single Muslim country is nothing more than an oppressive religious state degrading to women and freedom of speech full of citizens that are brainwashed into how they have to live and act based on some dumbass with a microphone at 6am. I think Thailand understands the "Muslim" problem very clearly just look at how many monks and teachers have been killed in the south. These people deserve stick instead of carrot if they want a fight the west should give it to them. Look at the pictures of these protesters they should be protesting for better hygiene and dental product why does your average Muslim protester look like an extra from the a Bob Hope Bing Crosby travel film. One day the women will have a say in all this religious BS and I think that things will change.

You want to talk about inflaming people these asshats are lucky they don't get a good boxing for burning the Ole Stars and Stripes. Just imagine if the US decided to act like a Roman empire, Mongol empire, Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia then you guys would be crying about how unfair things are where the only option is death and destruction not tolerance.


"but just like penis envy its not our fault that you don't measure up"

So Britain doesn't measure up to US penis sized brains? Is that what you're saying?

I think you forgot your roots.... Cunta kinte!

or would you admit being white, caucasean, part British?.... don't include Brits in your wordings of 'nobody matches up' to your super power. The Yuan will soon be stronger than the dollar, and the Pound will continue as it does...... play by the rules. Britain doesn't have none-measure up to require a QE3 soon. (and I am not talking about ships, though morally to float maybe I am!)

I take offence at your post.

-mel. (Brit)

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Probably about the stupid video again. Seems there are people who think the President of the US can arbitrarily tell Youtube to stop access to the video. I know there are those who have not read the US constitution. I once asked my university students if they had read their own Thai constitution and most have never read their own so finding those who have even read the first amendment of the US constitution is asking for the blind leading the blind.

Could it be they don't agree with the US Constitution that allows this kind of freedom of expression (the kind designed specifically to insult others most sacred beliefs for no other purpose than to inflame others). While there are those who see the constitution as some holly scripture written by men with some divine insight nobody is capable of in these times, the truth it is a 200 year old document written for the those times with the ability to be amended and not some divine scripture mean to be worshiped and never altered ... doing so is similar to extreme Muslims view of their ancient writings.

Using an excuse that people shouldn't protest because it is the law in the United States makes no sense at all unless the US took the same view to the laws of other countries.

Is this what the European school system teaches people? You understand the US constitution has been changed <amended> a couple times. It is a document that supports the ideas of men and freedom. Maybe you should read it one day its a very idealistic document written during the age of revolutions and empire collapse. Its concepts and ideas were not new but to use them as a national charter created one of the greatest countries in history. You can be an American hater but just like penis envy its not our fault that you don't measure up. These Muslims protesting are about equal to a dark ages peasant carrying a pitchfork and torches. Seriously they should just cut off all web access to these counties so they can practice their religion of intolerance. I find it kind of ironic how almost every single Muslim country is nothing more than an oppressive religious state degrading to women and freedom of speech full of citizens that are brainwashed into how they have to live and act based on some dumbass with a microphone at 6am. I think Thailand understands the "Muslim" problem very clearly just look at how many monks and teachers have been killed in the south. These people deserve stick instead of carrot if they want a fight the west should give it to them. Look at the pictures of these protesters they should be protesting for better hygiene and dental product why does your average Muslim protester look like an extra from the a Bob Hope Bing Crosby travel film. One day the women will have a say in all this religious BS and I think that things will change.

You want to talk about inflaming people these asshats are lucky they don't get a good boxing for burning the Ole Stars and Stripes. Just imagine if the US decided to act like a Roman empire, Mongol empire, Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia then you guys would be crying about how unfair things are where the only option is death and destruction not tolerance.


"but just like penis envy its not our fault that you don't measure up"

So Britain doesn't measure up to US penis sized brains? Is that what you're saying?

I think you forgot your roots.... Cunta kinte!

or would you admit being white, caucasean, part British?.... don't include Brits in your wordings of 'nobody matches up' to your super power. The Yuan will soon be stronger than the dollar, and the Pound will continue as it does...... play by the rules. Britain doesn't have none-measure up to require a QE3 soon. (and I am not talking about ships, though morally to float maybe I am!)

I take offence at your post.

-mel. (Brit)

GDP nobody matches up >PERIOD<. The British Empire had its time in sun just like America will not be a superpower forever. I don't see England mentioned in my post at all. Actually I use to like the English until I moved to Thailand now I see what I consider the English cookie cutter personality. Beer Check Violence Check shaved head pensioner Check blowhard Check. And "soon" is not now, who knows what the future will bring Europe is about to collapse because of the inability of all these countries to cooperate on anything dealing with foreign or fiscal policy. Good job in Libya good thing Europe took care of its own problem "not". While we are talking about England and Muslims I wonder what country was the root cause of the middle east unrest? Anyone? Come on its easy? You know those same country Laurence of Arabia came from. I have zero British heritage I am American with Irish, French and Danish heritage. North America had many nationalities in the 1700's not just the British. What is British now anyway? Indian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani? Multiculturalism has been a god send for England right? So if someone burns the Union Jack do you clap? Do you go good job!!! I don't think so. You guys will always have so much more blood on your hands than America and at least we don't colonize countries and treat the locals like coolies.

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good plan by the leaders ( of these sheeple ) protest the video, but they are not allowed to look at as it would further defame their prophet.

looking for the video, youtube links even more vile ( in their followers eyes) cartoons

youtube must be raking in huge bux by all the hits.

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To add to my totally off-base and ridiculous comments, the US Constituion has been amended technically only 18 times. The first 10 amendments were passed all at once after the original document was approved. The others were added as time went on and to correct what might be called deficiencies in the main document.

Also, it is harder to get an amendment passed now as 33 states have to approve the measure. 150 years ago, easier as we had less number of states. Generally, most amendments were passed faster as they were needed at the time for whatever reason. 3 have not passed for various reasons.

I don't condemn anyone demonstrating against my country but like all of us, we and they should have the facts straight. They can burn our flag, hell, even US citizens burn the flag. It pains me to see the burnings as I served my country in the military for over 24 years but that is what people seem to want to do to get their jollies off.

But again, my totally off-base and ridiculous comments for all to see.

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To add to my totally off-base and ridiculous comments, the US Constituion has been amended technically only 18 times. The first 10 amendments were passed all at once after the original document was approved. The others were added as time went on and to correct what might be called deficiencies in the main document.

Also, it is harder to get an amendment passed now as 33 states have to approve the measure. 150 years ago, easier as we had less number of states. Generally, most amendments were passed faster as they were needed at the time for whatever reason. 3 have not passed for various reasons.

I don't condemn anyone demonstrating against my country but like all of us, we and they should have the facts straight. They can burn our flag, hell, even US citizens burn the flag. It pains me to see the burnings as I served my country in the military for over 24 years but that is what people seem to want to do to get their jollies off.

But again, my totally off-base and ridiculous comments for all to see.

I think your comments were some of the mist intelligent on here. Far from ridiculous.

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Sure the movie was bizar that some one actually spent money on it, but I find it ironic that protesters use freedom of speech in countries where people can do such things, protesting about western freedom of speech.

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@bigrick: As you are having conversations with Muslim moderates you may like to review the following that I posted on another thread:

Great article in the NY Times talking to the voice of moderates in Islamic states. A quote from the article "The world will respect us when we return to being people who take part in human civilization, instead of [being] parasites who are spread out over the map of the advanced world, feeding off its production and later attacking it from morning until night. ... The West is not an oasis of idealism. It also contains exploitation in many areas. But at least it is not sunk in delusions, trivialities and external appearances, as we are. ... Therefore, supporting Islam and the prophet of the Muslims should be done through work, production, values, and culture, not by storming embassies and murdering diplomats:

full text at:


Edited by Scott
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Yeah what a terrible report. Who is protesting and for what? People just causing traffic that have nothing better to do with there time.

Terrible report? Huh? This isn't a news report this is a security advisory from the US embassy in Thailand that was sent out to the mailing list. I received this same email myself. No reporting is being done here. They have information of an upcoming even for Thursday and are taking precaution by alerting their citizens to be vigilant if you need to visit the area.

i guess it's a good thing that its here as we'll then, so that the non us citizens are aware.

A lot of American readers here may not be on the embassy's mailing list and therefore will appreciate the advisory being posted here.

Nor did anyone force any non-USA citizen to read the post here.

The forum isn't a purely Brit or Ozzie forum. Deal with it.

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Yeah what a terrible report. Who is protesting and for what? People just causing traffic that have nothing better to do with there time.

Terrible report? Huh? This isn't a news report this is a security advisory from the US embassy in Thailand that was sent out to the mailing list. I received this same email myself. No reporting is being done here. They have information of an upcoming even for Thursday and are taking precaution by alerting their citizens to be vigilant if you need to visit the area.

i guess it's a good thing that its here as we'll then, so that the non us citizens are aware.

A lot of American readers here may not be on the embassy's mailing list and therefore will appreciate the advisory being posted here.

Nor did anyone force any non-USA citizen to read the post here.

The forum isn't a purely Brit or Ozzie forum. Deal with it.

Just back the truck up a bit OK. The point I was making was that its not just US Citizens that are in that area. The message to the US citizens is fine, and by virtue of the fact that it was placed here, means that other people can be made aware. Where was it stated that is a Brit and Aussie (spelled correctly) forum?
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Terrible report? Huh? This isn't a news report this is a security advisory from the US embassy in Thailand that was sent out to the mailing list. I received this same email myself. No reporting is being done here. They have information of an upcoming even for Thursday and are taking precaution by alerting their citizens to be vigilant if you need to visit the area.

i guess it's a good thing that its here as we'll then, so that the non us citizens are aware.

A lot of American readers here may not be on the embassy's mailing list and therefore will appreciate the advisory being posted here.

Nor did anyone force any non-USA citizen to read the post here.

The forum isn't a purely Brit or Ozzie forum. Deal with it.

Just back the truck up a bit OK. The point I was making was that its not just US Citizens that are in that area. The message to the US citizens is fine, and by virtue of the fact that it was placed here, means that other people can be made aware. Where was it stated that is a Brit and Aussie (spelled correctly) forum?

OK, cool. There's so much America bashing here, I feel the need to stick in a reminder whenever opportune.

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Thai Muslims in film protest at US embassy, Google

BANGKOK, Sept 27, 2012 (AFP) - Several hundred Muslims, many waving banners and shouting "execute people who mock Islam", rallied outside the US embassy and Google offices in Bangkok Thursday to denounce an anti-Islam film that has sparked global protests.

The demonstration saw a brief scuffle as protesters tried to surge towards the United States embassy through lines of riot officers, but police said it passed largely peacefully with no one seriously injured.

Around 300 people took part in the rally, the latest in a wave of protests against a low-budget film entitled "Innocence of Muslims", believed to have been produced by a small group of extremist Christians in the United States.

Addressing the crowd of mostly men from the back of a pick-up truck outside the consulate in Bangkok's business district, one organiser asked in Thai: "What will we do with the Jewish, Christians and Americans if we see them?". He was met with cries of "Kill them!"

A procession of demonstrators later petitioned Internet giant Google, asking the company to ban the film, which was hosted on its video sharing site YouTube.

"I acknowledge that this is an important issue," said Google Thailand representative Peter Fretten, who met the group and spoke to them in Thai, offering to forward the protesters' concerns to the company's headquarters.

Violence triggered by the film, which mocks the Prophet Mohammed, has claimed around 50 lives, including that of the US ambassador to Libya.

The US embassy, which closed for a previous similar demonstration last week, stayed open to the public on Thursday.

Buddhist-majority Thailand has about 1.2 million Muslims -- about four percent of the population -- according to the latest available data, many living in the country's southern states near the Malaysian border.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-09-27

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Addressing the crowd of mostly men from the back of a pick-up truck outside the consulate in Bangkok's business district, one organiser asked in Thai: "What will we do with the Jewish, Christians and Americans if we see them?". He was met with cries of "Kill them!"

I'm not a Jew or Christian, but I am an American. I'm sure glad nobody killed me over an idiotic video when I walked by earlier today.

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I like the part where thry say:

"What shall we do when we see Jewish, Christian and Americans? Kill them."

Haha. Great. Good people with high moral character.

So 50 killed thus far over a movie. I doubt any of the 50 killed even saw the movie, much less advocated for the movie.

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The last demonstration in BKK was organised by the head of the Al Quds Federation of Thailand. Don't know if it's the same guy this time. For those who don't know Al Quds is an Iranian organisation "responsible for extraterritorial operations" of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

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