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Asia Must Make Money, Not Trouble: Yingluck


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Thailand & Ms Yingluk doesn't need to concern itself about conflicts between China & whoever

They have a few in house tensions to contend with before telling others to "put their house in order"

If Thailand looked a better prospect then China would be investing heavily here too, but now it seems to be skirting all around Thai borders & going into Myanmar, Laos,Cambodia & Vietnam


"After several years of the political unrest, Thailand is experiencing a much welcomed period of stability,"

More like a history of political unrest & a continued period of instability !

The Chinese investments in Myanamar are all related to resources: Energy sources, timber and mining. Thailand does not have these resources available for export.

Laos investments are associated with securing what is a defacto serf state and Cambodia investments are a hedge against the Chinese nemesis of Vietnam which is closely linked to Russia and slowly creeping towards the west with its rapprochement with the USA which is investing through the backdoor via Canada.

The reality is that there is now a period of stability in Thailand. The Yingluck administration has provided a calming influence. Sure there are ongoing disputes, but the situation is much better than it was 2 years ago or 5 years ago,

"Sure there are ongoing disputes, but the situation is much better than it was 2 years ago or 5 years ago,"

Could that have some thing to do with the people causing the unrest being in power now. The opposition is not bent on destruction to get there ways. They are trying to do it legally. A far cry from the last opposition.

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Asia Society - Sept. 26, 2012


Video News Link to the program




She went to University in the USA.....................?????????????????????.... Wasn't an English speaking one for sure and don't know of any Thai Unis in the USA...?? Or Is there one and that is why her English is sooo atrocious ...?? Especially when you compare her to Aung San Suu Kyi,,,, ok there is a considerable age difference and Aung went to schools and Unis in India and England but still...!! Ouf! Painful to listen to Yingyuck ....and am I dreaming or is this guy Eric John drooling all over her... what a smooth talker !

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Asia Society - Sept. 26, 2012


Video News Link to the program



She went to University in the USA.....................?????????????????????.... Wasn't an English speaking one for sure and don't know of any Thai Unis in the USA...?? Or Is there one and that is why her English is sooo atrocious ...?? Especially when you compare her to Aung San Suu Kyi,,,, ok there is a considerable age difference and Aung went to schools and Unis in India and England but still...!! Ouf! Painful to listen to Yingyuck ....and am I dreaming or is this guy Eric John drooling all over her... what a smooth talker !

Goes with being a career diplomat. laugh.png

Don't think he was drooling. He's got far better at home. wink.png

He was just being diplomatic by nodding, smiling at her babbling along with faint praise and encouragement.

The over riding aspect to me of the whole interaction was the surreal nature of the 800 lb. gorilla sitting in the front row of the auditorium of wikileak and Eric John and Thaksin and Yingluck.

p.s. forgot to add she did graduate from Kentucky State University with a Master's Degree that was done utilizing English.

At the very end of the video, Mr. John makes mention of it when he asked her if she was going to visit Kentucky while she's in the USA. She said, no because she has not enough time.

A bit of dig I thought by Mr. John was his followup, "Kentucky State University should give you an honorary doctorate degree."



Edited by Buchholz
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Asia Society - Sept. 26, 2012


Video News Link to the program



She went to University in the USA.....................?????????????????????.... Wasn't an English speaking one for sure and don't know of any Thai Unis in the USA...?? Or Is there one and that is why her English is sooo atrocious ...?? Especially when you compare her to Aung San Suu Kyi,,,, ok there is a considerable age difference and Aung went to schools and Unis in India and England but still...!! Ouf! Painful to listen to Yingyuck ....and am I dreaming or is this guy Eric John drooling all over her... what a smooth talker !

Goes with being a career diplomat. laugh.png

Don't think he was drooling. He's got far better at home. wink.png

He was just being diplomatic by nodding, smiling at her babbling along with faint praise and encouragement.

The over riding aspect to me of the whole interaction was the surreal nature of the 800 lb. gorilla sitting in the front row of the auditorium of wikileak and Eric John and Thaksin and Yingluck.

p.s. forgot to add she did graduate from Kentucky State University with a Master's Degree that was done utilizing English.

At the very end of the video, Mr. John makes mention of it when he asked her if she was going to visit Kentucky while she's in the USA. She said, no because she has not enough time.

A bit of dig I thought by Mr. John was his followup, "Kentucky State University should give you an honorary doctorate degree."



Yup and I loved her little Thai Girlish Giggle to that comment but couldn't understand exactly what she said when she replied as she was still giggling like a nervous teenager .... I bunny hopped through the 45 minute video but I still wonder how these people could applaude on and on after her initial speach which was painful to listen to ..... Guess they were being polite...!!..... I also wondered why Mr.John never brought up her dear brother's position and involvement in the past 2 year events... Why are they pretending to like her so much ... ?? Or have they really been charmed?? That is why I said he seemed to be drooling all over her .... What is wrong is this whole picture ???

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