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Carry Concealed Gun In Chiang Mai?


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Why so much on the attack Bert? He asked a simple question and you seems to be bullying him into a corner.

I carry insurance in the hopes of never using it, It seems that he feels the same way about a gun. And no, I don't have insurance because I do crazy things or hang out in crazy places, but things happen...

Thailandbert, I don't do any of that. Perhaps you are the one with the attitude problem.

When I visit the US, I pack heat, legally.

Then please explain to me why if you do not do any of the things mentioned you still feel the need to carry a loaded gun when everyone else doesn't ?

Again can you tell me why you need to PACK HEAT when you visit the States ?

Just how many times have you had to shoot someone, obviously in self defense whilst you were minding your own business ?

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Personally, I do agree with you. very few things are as unsettelling as seeing on gun under the shirt/jacket of the guys next to you at the bar (even if they are still wearing their badge)

But as 'elektrified' alluded to, their have been incidents in Chiang mai where people have been threatened/attacked. The case where the foreigner ended up killing a thai guy with a knife at the pool hall (because he was attacked). It happens, and in this case he was released without charges because it was in self defense. This is not to say I agree with carrying weapons, but apparently there are times where they are life saving. (yes, at the same time life taking as well)

Why so much on the attack Bert? He asked a simple question and you seems to be bullying him into a corner.

I carry insurance in the hopes of never using it, It seems that he feels the same way about a gun. And no, I don't have insurance because I do crazy things or hang out in crazy places, but things happen...

Thailandbert, I don't do any of that. Perhaps you are the one with the attitude problem.

When I visit the US, I pack heat, legally.

Then please explain to me why if you do not do any of the things mentioned you still feel the need to carry a loaded gun when everyone else doesn't ?

Again can you tell me why you need to PACK HEAT when you visit the States ?

Just how many times have you had to shoot someone, obviously in self defense whilst you were minding your own business ?

I never seen anyone get killed by an insurance, unless their wives bump em off.

But all jokes aside the question was of course valid and some people including me might not like guns that much and over react at times. I really feel unsafe when people start carrying guns, or knives. People get angry do something they later regret but the victim is dead or badly wounded. That wont happen if you don't have a gun.

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Thailandbert, I don't do any of that. Perhaps you are the one with the attitude problem. When I visit the US, I pack heat, legally.

Pack heat? What, are we in the movie Scarface? Your original question is legit, sure, but your follow up to several comments is, kinda, an embarrassment to Americans. No wonder we get a bad rap. Anyway, I hope you get your concealed weapon permit. God forbid the stage coach from Santa Fe doesn't make it to Carson City, whoops, I mean Hua Hin. Yeeeehawww!

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So, to get back to the topic. Does anyone have an answer to the question (I know CMSteve gave one). Most of the replies are from members who don't like guns and their replies doesn't help the op one bit.

BTW, I like guns myself, but not for carrying them around the city. I like target shooting (did it in my home country) but guns tends to be very expensive here (not to mention the ammo) so I don't have any guns here.

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I carried a firearm at my work for years and our credo was that it is better to be judged by twelve than carried by six. We were in volatile situations that were quite literally shoot first ask questions later. This is context.

To carry in CM because something may happen makes handgun little more than carrying a cigarette lighter in case someone wants a smoke. Millions on interactions every day with no harm. This is where I think some of the comments are coming from as far as actualised risk. If people start to carry when there is no real objective risk then more people do and it actually increases the risk of something going horribly wrong. The police realise this ...which is why we have licenses and regulation.

If there is a specific threat that is quite different but the OP has not suggested that and as I have posted earlier a specific threat actually makes it harder to obtain a hand gun legally.

But to answer the Op yes you can get a handgun (see earlier post). They can costs five times more than in the states. Concealed carry would be very very difficult you would have to have a real and iminent threat and be able to demonstrate this to BIB who would then be obliged to act on that threat anyway. You do see extremely rich or influential people with legal conceal and carry because there is an acknowledged threat and the BIB cannot always be there. Everything outside of a sporting or protecting property is a risk assessment by BIB and there is a line where they think you might use the hand gun if there is a specific threat so they will not give you one but for some influential or monied Thais the threat is so substantial (and Thai life is worth more than yours per BIB) they get a conceal carry licence. Its weird in one way but the more you need it the less likely you are to get it.

Handguns and rifles on home ground are realtively easy but again most license in name of wife its just easier (excuse is break ins in neighbourhood, a few attempts at house scared of by husband, has a bit of gold, husband works away sometimes,......... solution a point and click).

No issue with guns or rifles for me....at home. But like I said before conceal carry in CM for the vast majority is unnecessary and frightens me if someone does.

Edited by mamborobert
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If you are in a high violent crime zone like the US carrying a gun would seem a good idea. Wanting a gun locked safely away in your home here is probably unecessary but OK I can see that. Wanting to walk around town packing heat though seems pretty bizarre, would seem the OP lives a dangerous lifestyle. If he gets his magnum lets hope he keeps away from the rest of us as he surely must be a magnet for trouble.

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Since OP's original question was answered quite a few posts back, why should this forum be used for a discussion of the efficacy of "packing heat" or "grabbing your piece." The ambiguity of the last phrase is intended. Seems gun advocates apparently lack sufficiency of one and require another.

Edited by Mapguy
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It's a bad idea for a foreigner to carry a handgun in Thailand. It will lead to nothing but trouble if you ever have to discharge that weapon. If for some reason you feel the need for protection, it is cheap to hire two unemployed Muay Thai fighters or better yet one or two off duty police. Chiang Mai, is about as laid back as you can get.

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I have to side with the '<deleted>!' users on this one. I've lived all over the world. And never thought, 'wow, I wish I had a gun hidden under my shirt right now'. Concealed weapons are for undercover police/military and movie stars.

As others have said... THAILAND... really?! Do you think ANY situation will get better once you pull out your 'dirty harry'? If anything a passing police officer would jump off his scooter and shoot you!

If you avoid trouble (which would be hard to find even if you wanted to in Chiang Mai) I can't see why you would ever feel an urge to carry a firearm. Thankfully one thing Thailand does trump the US on is gun ownership laws.


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OK...here it is...from one of the follow-on links in kwaibah's main link. Now we have some meat to work with, so to speak.

"Foreign persons can obtain a gun licence in Thailand, there are no laws to prohibit that but the applications for a gun licence coming from a foreigner is more strictly analysed than one coming from a Thai.

"If you need a gun for hunting, self defence or recreational purposes, the acts required for the license are: a signed and an original copy of your Identity Card, evidence of your occupation, a signed and an original copy of the blue book (the house registration), a recommendation letter from a police official or government official to attest that you have a good character; the letter also has to state the reasons why you need the gun. If you want the gun for sporting purposes, you will also need a membership card’s copy."

Edited by mesquite
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Just can't give up that old Cowboy and Indian mentality can they? We've got enough cranky Thai's running around tooled up without importing more gun totin' hombre's. Why not go back to the ranges from whence thou came and shoot holes in them thar redskins?


  • The number of gun related deaths in America, where guns are legal, is 2600% higher than England, where guns aren"t legal. I can"t help but think, the person in charge of legalising guns feels the same way about Americans as I do...ouch

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as long as we are throwing out statistics.....


  • In or about 2006, there were about 60 million (actually closer to 58M, but we'll use the rounded-up number to be kind to hopolophobes) people in the UK as a whole, including Scotland.

  • In England and Wales alone — discounting Scotland — there were over 163 thousand knife crimes.

  • By the end of 2006, there were more than 300 million people in the US as a whole.

  • In the US as a whole, there were fewer than 400 thousand gun crimes.

  • In the UK, based on these numbers, there was one knife crime commited for every 374 people (rounded down).

  • In the US, based on these numbers, there was one gun crime committed for every 750 people — less than half a gun crime per 374 people (about 0.4987 gun crimes per 374 people, actually).

  • That means that, based on these statistics, you are more than twice as likely to be a victim of knife crime in the UK as you are to be a victim of gun crime in the US."

Just can't give up that old Cowboy and Indian mentality can they? We've got enough cranky Thai's running around tooled up without importing more gun totin' hombre's. Why not go back to the ranges from whence thou came and shoot holes in them thar redskins?


  • The number of gun related deaths in America, where guns are legal, is 2600% higher than England, where guns aren"t legal. I can"t help but think, the person in charge of legalising guns feels the same way about Americans as I do...ouch

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as long as we are throwing out statistics.....


  • In or about 2006, there were about 60 million (actually closer to 58M, but we'll use the rounded-up number to be kind to hopolophobes) people in the UK as a whole, including Scotland.
  • In England and Wales alone — discounting Scotland — there were over 163 thousand knife crimes.
  • By the end of 2006, there were more than 300 million people in the US as a whole.
  • In the US as a whole, there were fewer than 400 thousand gun crimes.
  • In the UK, based on these numbers, there was one knife crime commited for every 374 people (rounded down).
  • In the US, based on these numbers, there was one gun crime committed for every 750 people — less than half a gun crime per 374 people (about 0.4987 gun crimes per 374 people, actually).
  • That means that, based on these statistics, you are more than twice as likely to be a victim of knife crime in the UK as you are to be a victim of gun crime in the US."

Just can't give up that old Cowboy and Indian mentality can they? We've got enough cranky Thai's running around tooled up without importing more gun totin' hombre's. Why not go back to the ranges from whence thou came and shoot holes in them thar redskins?


  • The number of gun related deaths in America, where guns are legal, is 2600% higher than England, where guns aren"t legal. I can"t help but think, the person in charge of legalising guns feels the same way about Americans as I do...ouch

I know which I would rather be on the receiving end of....the knife and fork crime in uk

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This topic never really had, and certainly does not have now any relevance to Chiang Mai. Why does it continue?

Did you read the op? rolleyes.gif

How can a foreigner obtain a permit to carry a concealed gun in Chiang Mai?

Yes, I have read the OP. The only relevant responses would be to provide the office, the location and the telephone number of the office where this is done. The rest of it is subject to national law in Thailand which is found elsewhere.

Also, possibly, the name, address and other contact information of a gun shop in Chiang Mai would be helpful. Beyond that, there are gun clubs in Chiang Mai which probably have some advice. There, again, the names, locations and contact information would be useful. Beyond that, may be you could ask a policeman, or go to a police station to help.

Ok? SO, what's with all the BS?

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You have to be an American to come out with something like this ? What do you need to carry a gun around with you for ?

As already said it is a very hard process to go through just to obtain a permit never mind one to carry a concealed gun. I think you have to be able to prove that you are in the gold bullion business or gems business and so have an excuse to need to carry a gun for protection.

Chiang Mai isn't exactly Dodge city

Yes, American. Personal protection is the reason. I have heard that some foreigners carry guns illegally, but having a permit would seem a better way to go. Such permits are widely available in the US.

You are over looking the facts.

1 Americans are paranoid (I am one and have spent enough time over there t know it) Americans are just a bunch of little Dick Chennies running around yelling fire all the time.

2 how any times have you heard of a foreigner being attacked in Thailand that is not doing some thing illegal or drinking. If you want it for when you are drinking you might want to consider staying at home. Don't read the Thai news as I can't read Thai. But the last case I heard of involving a Thai and a foreigner it was the Foreigner who killed the Thai.

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This topic never really had, and certainly does not have now any relevance to Chiang Mai. Why does it continue?

Did you read the op? rolleyes.gif

How can a foreigner obtain a permit to carry a concealed gun in Chiang Mai?

Yes, I have read the OP. The only relevant responses would be to provide the office, the location and the telephone number of the office where this is done. The rest of it is subject to national law in Thailand which is found elsewhere.

Also, possibly, the name, address and other contact information of a gun shop in Chiang Mai would be helpful. Beyond that, there are gun clubs in Chiang Mai which probably have some advice. There, again, the names, locations and contact information would be useful. Beyond that, may be you could ask a policeman, or go to a police station to help.

Ok? SO, what's with all the BS?

There is a gun shop at star arena go in and ask them. They have quite a few for sale.

When you get one let e know and we can shoot it out at high noon at Thapa Gate. Inthe mean time get a bow and arow they are legal and can kill.

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After reading most of this,it can be a little of topic,but the only reason I would opted for a legal gun permit is the "road rage" situation in here...seems like a lot of Thais are actually carry guns...legally or not...so what do you do,if they cut you off and you react "normally"...honk,or flush your lights ??!!...they get enraged and flush the gun...what do you do?

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