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Back in time, long time ago, backpackers used to travel just with pure necessities.

A set of spare clothes, sarong, towel, soap, shampoo, thootbrush and paste.

Today, for a three week holiday in the tropics, people have a whole collection of

suitcasses, backpacks, laptop case, day-bags, hand-bag and bum-bag as if they

would emigrate for ever but for some reason do not have enough space for soap

and towels?


If they are here for a 3 week holiday then a lot hotels provide towels and little bottles of shampoo/soap.

Plus how do you know? Are you rifling through the bags? wink.png


They are trying to help the airline industry.

U.S. airlines collected more than $1.7 billion in baggage fees during the first half of the 2012, the largest amount ever collected in that six-month period.


I see lots of backpackers with a backpack and now they have a "front pack" as well. Many of them look totally miserable hauling those heavy packs around sweating like crazy. Also a pain in the butt to get on/off of buses/trains/songtaeows you name it...and my guess is many are also semi constantly paranoid about someone stealing whatever it is they are hauling around.

Most of them carry three to four times more STUFF for a vacation in warm weather thailand with a dirt cheap laundry on every corner than i carried on a one year backpack around the world back in my "hippie days"...Up to them but i sure as hell wouldn't want to have to carry all that crap around...sorta takes the fun out of traveling ..

I never quite understand why when backpacking is so EASY now with ATM's, people speaking english, tons of information online, cellphones, laundries, buy throwaway cheap clothes etc why today's backpackers seem to make it so much more difficult than it needs to be...not to sound like an old geezer but back in the early 70's it was a considerably different experience with no atms no internet very little english anywhere, no calling mommy on the cell phone etc....Glad i got to experience it.

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Back in time, long time ago, backpackers used to travel just with pure necessities.

A set of spare clothes, sarong, towel, soap, shampoo, thootbrush and paste.

You brought a towel? I just used a chamois leather (is that the correct English word?), much lighter and just as good.

Back in time, long time ago, backpackers used to travel just with pure necessities.

A set of spare clothes, sarong, towel, soap, shampoo, thootbrush and paste.

You brought a towel? I just used a chamois leather (is that the correct English word?), much lighter and just as good.

Naa,back in my "hippie time" ;-) we didn't need towels, we just didn't wash :-)

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If they are here for a 3 week holiday then a lot hotels provide towels and little bottles of shampoo/soap.

Plus how do you know? Are you rifling through the bags? wink.png

I suppose it's fairly normal that good hotels provide towels, soap, shampoo, tea and coffee

facilities or even a fridge and tv.

But small resorts with 200/250 baht bungalows? What do people expect for 200 baht?

Free pick-up, free water, free wifi, free tea/coffee, free laundry facility not enough?


I once helped an American girl lug her bags from where I bumped into her to the bus station (this was in London). I'm sure she had a washing machine in there. Her friend kept telling her off for bringing so much crap with her.


When travelling I carry my own towel or buy one locally.

I do not like to use any hotel laundry service for sanitary reasons.

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