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I'm Bored So.......


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I have more free time and more money than I did when I was working my ass off at a job. Now I'm 31, living in Thailand, and after a few clicks of my mouse all my bills are paid for the month. It's so easy it makes a mockery of all the work I used to do in my previous jobs. I'm practically retired.

Some advice... stop thinking that work is going to change your life or make your life easier. Work is very overrated.

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You are only a prisoner if you erect the obstacles to freedom yourself. You made yourself the prisoner, no one else, and that means only you have the power to set yourself free.

Erma Bombeck the brilliant humorist/ newspaper columnist/author wrote a book way back when, entitled The Grass Is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank. I suggest you read some of the late Erma's writings.

It took poor Dorothy a bad bump on the head and the near loss of her dog Toto to understand that there is no place like home. I also suggest you watch the movie, the Wizard of Oz, but be sure to have a grown up with you as the wicked witch and the flying monkeys can be quite frightful.

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You are only a prisoner if you erect the obstacles to freedom yourself. You made yourself the prisoner, no one else, and that means only you have the power to set yourself free.

Erma Bombeck the brilliant humorist/ newspaper columnist/author wrote a book way back when, entitled The Grass Is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank. I suggest you read some of the late Erma's writings.

It took poor Dorothy a bad bump on the head and the near loss of her dog Toto to understand that there is no place like home. I also suggest you watch the movie, the Wizard of Oz, but be sure to have a grown up with you as the wicked witch and the flying monkeys can be quite frightful.

Do you mind? ............... I was married to the Wicked Witch coffee1.gif

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I'm at work and it's late on a Saturday afternoon, I'm in Glasgow, Scotland, and it's a nice bright day outside. I've been quite busy today however I'm a prisoner to my business, I can't leave my shop until 5.00pm.

It's times like this that my mind wanders to that delightful day not too far in the future when I won't be a prisoner to my business any more. Envy is a powerful word, and I don't envy anyone in life, however I do admire. Here's a little list of people I admire.............

I admire people who have the bottle to have a go, who take a chance in life knowing it may go wrong, but that's okay, tomorrow is another day and they can start all over again.

I admire those people who have turned up religiously at their job year in year out, putting in the long hours in the hope / knowledge that at the end of it they will have the opportunity to live their own lives, in their own way. This song expresses that mentality fabulously well......listen to the lyrics, it may be describing you......

There's a man I meet

Walks up our street

He's a worker for the council

Has been twenty years

And he takes no lip off nobody

And litter off the gutter

Puts it in a bag

And never thinks to mutter

And he packs his lunch in a Sunblest bag

The children call him Bogie

He never lets on

But I know 'cause he once told me

He let me know a secret

About the money in his kitty

He's gonna buy a dinghy

Gonna call her Dignity

And I'll sail her up the west coast

Through villages and towns

I'll be on my holidays

They'll be doing their rounds

They'll ask me how I got her I'll say

I saved my money

They'll say isn't she pretty

That ship called Dignity

And I'm telling this story

In a faraway scene

Sipping down Raki

And reading Maynard Keynes

And I'm thinking about home

And all that means

And a place in the winter

For Dignity

And I'll sail her up the west coast

Through villages and towns

I'll be on my holidays

They'll be doing their rounds

They'll ask me how I got her I'll say

I saved my money

They'll say isn't she pretty

That ship called Dignity

Set it up set it up set it up set it up set it up set it up

Yeah set it up again set it up again set it up again set it up again

Set it up set it up set it up set it up set it up set it up

Yeah set it up again set it up again set it up again set it up again

And I'm thinking about home

And I'm thinking about faith

And I'm thinking about work

And I'm thinking

How good it would be

To be here some day

On a ship called Dignity

A ship called Dignity

That ship

That song describes the human condition in so many ways........

I admire people who have the ability to get on with their lives without complaint, people who can see the bigger picture, people who are content in themselves, and people who have the wit and intelligence to know when to talk, when to walk, and when to listen.

So for all you guys, ( and ladies ) out there in Thailand that worked your shift and now it's your turn to live your own life wai.gif

To all of you that have had the bottle to have a go. wai.gif

To all of you that have packed up your bags and moved to a new country to start a new life wai.gif

To all of you that live your life avoiding the chance to complain and bicker ( that's the majority of the TV membership disqualified tongue.png ) wai.gif

But most of all, whatever happens, I hope you / we all get a chance to sail on our ship called Dignity. wai.gif

As always......

Just sayin'

Nice.....yep I did it against all the advice and have never ever regretted it...:D

Sent from my GT-N7000B using Thaivisa Connect App

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To be fair, it's easy to say that work is overrated, however it is an essential and often fulfilling part of life too. I was at a boxing match last week ( Ricky Burns v Kevin Mitchell ),


Great fight, have a look at it, anyway after the fight there was an even better fight in the bar of the hotel next door to the SECC, Glasgow. Dozens of police turned up and I wandered outside and had a look at the BBC Pacific Quay Centre across the River Clyde.

The police were everywhere and I called a taxi, I was wandering waiting for it while talking to a pal I was at the fight with wihen I noticed this massive high ranking policeman stride purposely towards me.......I thought " <deleted>?......I've done nothing wrong here ", ( please note here, I've done plenty of wrong things elsewhere )......anyway he walked up and said " theblether, how are you!!! "

I took a moment to catch my thoughts and then it struck me........a teenage friend that had joined the police at 19, the last time I had seen him he was heading down to serve with Cumbrian police force. This guy is a gentleman among men and I was delighted to see him.

He was telling me that he's retiring next year after serving 30 years, his marriage is breaking down and he wants a change of life, I don't blame him. 30 years chasing your tail in the police force would do anyone's head in. So he'll be 49, single, protected pension, and ready to sail on his ship.

I'll be meeting him for a few pints over the next couple of weeks, I reckon a round the world trip is on the cards for him, finishing off with a few months in SE Asia........you have to appreciate the amount of guile, and strength, it takes to work shifts for 30 years, and the amount of sh*t that has come his way would float a boat.

To all of you that have been through that experience already......full respect from me, you deserve every moment in the Sun wai.gif

ps You shouldn't be so shocked that theblether has pals in real life you know, I'm not that bad a guy biggrin.png

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I have more free time and more money than I did when I was working my ass off at a job. Now I'm 31, living in Thailand, and after a few clicks of my mouse all my bills are paid for the month. It's so easy it makes a mockery of all the work I used to do in my previous jobs. I'm practically retired.

Some advice... stop thinking that work is going to change your life or make your life easier. Work is very overrated.

Yeah, online banking is AWESOME!!!

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You work you’re guts out all your life, scrimp and save for a life of ease and plenty when you retire, then by the time you’re archived your goal, you are too old and knackered to enjoy it.

All the nice pretty young girls of your dreams only see you as a walking ATM and the older you get each year, the higher the price becomes, the young group consider you as not a cool person to be seen out with, the phone stops ringing and the party invitations cease.

If you have the money, than best to make the most of it while you’re young.

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Do you mind again!!! theblether is only 46 and extraordinarily hansum!!!

Walking ATM.......sheez some people!!!

@pigeonjake, Smokie has called off........I'm going to a stag party, or The Last Rites, as I prefer to call it. We'll soon you soon in Glasgow and give you a night to remember before you head back to the wife, and beautiful baby, and farm, and the 200 pigs, the Thai family........jeez I'm exhausted thinking about it, maybe you should just stay here :-)

Aye...another night Jake. smile.png

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ive just had a walk round this old boiler,(not women),lol

give the lads there jobs,thell be down sleeping by 2am,

and im earing enough to buy some more pigs, a few goats,buy the feed,,,,,lol,,

get me home,,

have a good nite blether and you smokie, dont eat to much pitza, youll sink instead of swim next time you do a mile,,


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It's times like this that my mind wanders to that delightful day not too far in the future when I won't be a prisoner to my business any more.

I have always thought I would work to live & not the other way around.

I have lived my life that way & have spent less time toiling than living & enjoying life.

When I was young I saw too many folks wait till 65 then spend their "golden" years either in

a wheelchair, a rest home (interesting name for it), or in the back of a tour bus as they were too old to actually walk the trails or beaches in the places they

said they would always go someday.

I admire those people who have turned up religiously at their job year in year out, putting in the long hours

In an odd way so do I. But not in an admiring as in I wish I could do that way. More of a fascination with the will power to

be able to do such a thing.

I am not saying one should be willy nilly & just live hand to mouth but I definitely have always been smart or lucky enough to live

more than work. I also had a great teacher in a friend who did the same type of work as I when I was younger. He was my opposite but we

were great friends.

He would save every penny never go out adventuring & even went so far as to tell me one time...."You know if you drank a regular cup of coffee

instead of that more pricey cup you would save XX amount times all the coffee you drink" Then when you retire you will have so much more.

Poor guy died in his early 40's of cancer.

But let me be clear....What ever makes one happy is all good & there are many people who just love to work & that is great... for them

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Hi theblether, , Dignity is great stuff ! Thanks for sharing !smile.png

Love Deacon Blue!"

They were on BBC Breakfast news last week and bringing out a new album - woohoo

One thing I didn't kno wwas that Ricky Ross was married to the female singer!! Learn something new everyday!

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