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I'm Bored So.......


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I have more free time and more money than I did when I was working my ass off at a job. Now I'm 31, living in Thailand, and after a few clicks of my mouse all my bills are paid for the month. It's so easy it makes a mockery of all the work I used to do in my previous jobs. I'm practically retired.

Some advice... stop thinking that work is going to change your life or make your life easier. Work is very overrated.

I'm amazed that this clown still posts under the same monicker given he's been outed so many times.

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I got the witch from the north. Same as witches from elsewhere, but colder.....

I waited until 60 to retire for family reasons, although I wanted to go earlier. Now, I am glad I didn't, because these last few years teaching have been the most enjoyable of my whole career. Now is definitely the time to quit and start the new life.

After a few bumps and bruises, I've been lucky to find a lovely Thai lady (not bg or even young) and now look forward to living out my time with her in CM. Roll on the new year.

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Oh hell. No one has posted for the last 4 hours...... Someone please tell me I have not killed the thread!! I hate being the last poster. ermm.gif

No no you haven't killed the thread......you see the problem is the thread is a feel good thread, TV members like topics with very few words and if the words include any of the following......

Ladyboy / bar girl / bisexual / lost house / sex tourist / jet skis / murdered / old guys / walking ATM / unfair pension rules / ex-SAS / English teacher etc etc ...

If all can be included then all the better........one of these days I'll do an all inclusive topic and we'll see how it goes, we'll need a bigger server!! biggrin.png

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Oh hell. No one has posted for the last 4 hours...... Someone please tell me I have not killed the thread!! I hate being the last poster. ermm.gif

No no you haven't killed the thread......you see the problem is the thread is a feel good thread, TV members like topics with very few words and if the words include any of the following......

Ladyboy / bar girl / bisexual / lost house / sex tourist / jet skis / murdered / old guys / walking ATM / unfair pension rules / ex-SAS / English teacher etc etc ...

If all can be included then all the better........one of these days I'll do an all inclusive topic and we'll see how it goes, we'll need a bigger server!! biggrin.png

OK.... Maybe I should start one "My name is xxxxxxxx, and I am a Geography Teacher"....then (in January) start wandering round CM in the kilt and flipflops. That should stir up some response!

Retirement seems quite a strange concept, part of me is looking forward to the next phase, and part still thinks that in January I'll be rolling up to school and seeing all the kids there again. IMaybe some of the other retired posters can comment.... I am combining retiring with the start of a new life in Thailand...not a move on impulse. Planning it brought me to TV (every silver lining has a cloud whistling.gif ), and to some bizarre advice, including a chat with a very nice thai lady at the consulate in Hull. ...

I was enquiring about getting a visa: I wanted to travel in January, but would not officially retire until Jan 6. How could I prove my pension income to get a visa? mai pen rai! Just send your last three months' payslips.... I tried to explain that it would not show the income I would have in Thailand, but she just laughed politely and repeated "Mai pen rai. We give you 1-year multiple entry visa". Crazy logic, but I thanked her profusely

My better half is (I hope) coming to the UK for a few weeks before I fly out. I bet she has far more difficulty getting a UK visa, poor girl.... well, not a girl really, she's 46 (I'm 60...do I qualify as a D.O.M.? Hopefully not). She keeps telling me that it is too hot (she's in NST at the moment), and she likes the cold much more. Boy, is she in for a shock when she gets to the Highlands...she's never been here before. maybe that will be the subject for some posts later.

Now the problem is how do I get back on-topic??? This is a bit rambling, but I am banking on it being allowed, seeing as how this is the bletherer's thread..... blethering is almost de rigeur! laugh.png

I'm looking forward to my planned return to Thailand, this time I hope to make it a permanent, (or semi-permanent) move. It won't be all roses, I know that: even if it was, even roses have a lot of annoying pricks. I can say that with impunity here, because I am talking about plants wink.png ...but whatever life brings, it Guess it is what we make it, her and I.


The flying monkeys weren't that bad really: I have spent 2/3rds of my life trying to teach them, and had huge laughs along the way. The Wicked Witch was far worse. She is still in our castle, but life is too short and too precious to spend any more of it trying to get her out: I am following the Yellow Brick Road (Elton John version) I have my grown up with me, and she is a lovely lass: we laugh most of the time at stupid things, but that works for me.


Glad it worked well for you.... I hope I am as lucky.

@the bletherer

Thanks for the feel-good post.....it is refershing. wai.gif

How's that for length..... Did i blether long enough?? whistling.gif

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@ Rob8891.......don't worry too much about the visa, with the multi, do your visa runs every 90 days, easy.

Just get your kilt over here and settle into retirement.

It's all about attitude, and you seem to have the right ingredients.

Good luck with your future.


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@ Rob8891.......don't worry too much about the visa, with the multi, do your visa runs every 90 days, easy.

Just get your kilt over here and settle into retirement.

It's all about attitude, and you seem to have the right ingredients.

Good luck with your future.


Thanks for that! I am not worrying about the visa....far from it, I'm still amused by the thai lady at the consulate. It just struck me as typically thai.... I apply for a non-imm O (retirement) visa, but could not prove my retirement income (pension) yet. The lady was totally unphased and just told me to show what I currently earn before retirement.... It works for me smile.png

Three months to go, and it will be bye bye UK, on a semi-permanent basis.

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II watched for many years as my father worked damned hard each morning from 5am til 6pm 6 days a week, his only escape and real enjoyment was his "dignity" that he used to visit every Sunday. A small craft, but gave him so much pleasure, his dream was a bigger boat, so he worked harder and saved and finally at he ripe old age of 59 he had his bigger boat, he was set to retire and finish the hard working life at 60. So, off he went on that bright sunny Sunday afternoon in June on his bigger boat, sun shining, mother at his side and had a wonderful day, about an hour from shore on the way back, he died, heart attack/stroke but he had his day on his bigger destiny, and for him, I dont think it could have been scripted any better. Doing what he loved with the person he loved most when it was time for him to cast off. He never had chance to enjoy the life he had saved and worked so hard for all his life.

I swore from that day on that I would never fall into the working trap and be the same guy pounding the same job, year in year out, waiting for the day I could say "ok I'm done", I have taken each day and week as it comes, I have had some scary, difficult and worrying moments and taken many many chances, made plenty of mistakes but more importantly learned from them. I have had many jobs, walked many paths never been rich and never been without something to eat either. I cut the ties and left the Uk and came out here to Thailand at the ripe old age of 48, because that's where I wanted to be, and that,s what I wanted to do, no one and nothing was going to stop me doing what I wanted. So, here I am, several years later, still in Thailand, I'm not wealthy in the monetary sense, but I like to think I have many other riches in life, but for me as Frank Sinatra said so well....!.I did it my way" and took and still take each week as it comes, I dont wait for "that time" to come, because it may never happen, if you don't make it happen. Have the strength and the courage to go get what you want and enjoy it while you can because tomorrow belongs to no man.

Dont sit there and think of all the reasons why you "cant" do something and focus on the reasons why you "can" do it, and then make it happen, no one will do it for you, there are no pockets in a shroud and its certainly no good being the richest man in the cemetary.

I feel inspired and motivated by similar thoughts. I still need about 10 years to get to Thailand permanently. There's a lot to do. Mortgage/ ex wife, etc.. But i have a goal and that gives me the strength. Reading words like Charlieh' s makes me smile. Good on you!

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  • 6 months later...

You are only a prisoner if you erect the obstacles to freedom yourself. You made yourself the prisoner, no one else, and that means only you have the power to set yourself free.

Erma Bombeck the brilliant humorist/ newspaper columnist/author wrote a book way back when, entitled The Grass Is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank. I suggest you read some of the late Erma's writings.

It took poor Dorothy a bad bump on the head and the near loss of her dog Toto to understand that there is no place like home. I also suggest you watch the movie, the Wizard of Oz, but be sure to have a grown up with you as the wicked witch and the flying monkeys can be quite frightful.

Do you mind? ............... I was married to the Wicked Witch coffee1.gif

Hmmmmmm Blether, you posted on your other self help weight loss thread that in the past you where an aimless, morbidly obese, screaming alcoholic.

But your (ex) wife was the Wicked Witch...?

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You are only a prisoner if you erect the obstacles to freedom yourself. You made yourself the prisoner, no one else, and that means only you have the power to set yourself free.

Erma Bombeck the brilliant humorist/ newspaper columnist/author wrote a book way back when, entitled The Grass Is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank. I suggest you read some of the late Erma's writings.

It took poor Dorothy a bad bump on the head and the near loss of her dog Toto to understand that there is no place like home. I also suggest you watch the movie, the Wizard of Oz, but be sure to have a grown up with you as the wicked witch and the flying monkeys can be quite frightful.

Do you mind? ............... I was married to the Wicked Witch :coffee1:

Hmmmmmm Blether, you posted on your other self help weight loss thread that in the past you where an aimless, morbidly obese, screaming alcoholic.

But your (ex) wife was the Wicked Witch...?

Poor netiquette crossing threads like that. To answer your question consider what it may have been to make me so miserable?

That other thread was put it place so that I could honestly discuss several serious issues, not as an invitation for point scoring.

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You are only a prisoner if you erect the obstacles to freedom yourself. You made yourself the prisoner, no one else, and that means only you have the power to set yourself free.

Erma Bombeck the brilliant humorist/ newspaper columnist/author wrote a book way back when, entitled The Grass Is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank. I suggest you read some of the late Erma's writings.

It took poor Dorothy a bad bump on the head and the near loss of her dog Toto to understand that there is no place like home. I also suggest you watch the movie, the Wizard of Oz, but be sure to have a grown up with you as the wicked witch and the flying monkeys can be quite frightful.

Do you mind? ............... I was married to the Wicked Witch coffee1.gif

Hmmmmmm Blether, you posted on your other self help weight loss thread that in the past you where an aimless, morbidly obese, screaming alcoholic.

But your (ex) wife was the Wicked Witch...?

Poor netiquette crossing threads like that. To answer your question consider what it may have been to make me so miserable?

That other thread was put it place so that I could honestly discuss several serious issues, not as an invitation for point scoring.

Not point scoring at all. In fact I am just trying to help you move forward.

Before you can turn your life around (as you claim you wish to do) you must first take ownership of your previous life choices.

If you continue to blame your poor decisions on someone else (for example the ex wife) then you will NEVER achieve the personal goals that you publicly covet here on TV.

Have a good think on this point as it is a very profound one...

And then get back to me with your apology...

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yes i come to work for the money, ide be silly to say i dont,

but living in the sticks like i do i like to go to work now and again to have a bit of craic, i dont work full time, i go ro work when i get a good offer,

yes i can live in thailand and lie of my pigs, but if you new me and my personality, i do love having the craic, the boys tell me your not like a normal supervisor, we can have a laugh and a joke with you,

and thats what i like,

jake, at work, but not working hard, bloody hell im on here all nite,,,lol

Where you ever on a forum in the UK ref your type of work?

Name same same.

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