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Abc News/washington Post Poll: Obama Leading Romney Ahead Of First Debate


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I wish one or both of the 3rd party candidates were invited to debate. Neither are beholden to the very rich (as Romny is) or the majority of Americans who are getting federal money, much of it in the form of handouts from dubious claims (as both candidates are). The 3rd party candidates aren't in the pockets of pacs and corporate sponsors and special interest groups.

Recently, the chemical industry (Dow and all the rest) found out there is a federal report coming out which informs the public that formaldehyde is toxic. Those of us who have been abreast of such things, have known that for decades. Yet, the majority of the US public probably doesn't know. So the chemi-heavies are doing all they can to block the report from being published. Guess which side Romney and Ryan would take? My guess is they would side with big chemical corporations.

Romney was recently asked if he knew what industrial hemp was.He repeated the question (so he understood the words) but he smiled and claimed he hadn't a clue what it was, then turned away. A man who doesn't know things that 95% of Americans know is doing one of two things. He's either being coy, and avoiding the issue, or he honestly doesn't know what hemp is, and that's scary. That's like saying you don't know what a windshield is, or parsley. Is he that out of touch?

Are you are telling us that people like Ryan and alikes are part of a conspiracy that don't let the Americans know that formaldehyde is toxic and probably carcinogen?

I venture that R&R will side with corporate interests (theirs and their best friends' personal interests) over the general well-being of Americans, if there's a juncture where they have to choose. Remember Big Tobacco and nicotene? For decades, tobacco corps were successfully keeping federal reports on nicotene from being published, using every sort of lobbying and stalling they could. Who would R&R have been siding with during those decades? It's also not a stretch to picture them siding with their CEO buddies in suppressing publication of formaldihyde findings.

As for hemp. It's not only the weed-smoking generation which is aware, there are many others who also know what it is: a non-drug, incredibly useful and nutritious crop. If US farmers were allowed to grow it (as farmers are in most countries of the world, including Canada, China, most of Europe), it would prove to be a decent revenue-generator. Re Thai farmers: hemp would be a sensible and lucrative replacement for rice for too many reasons to list here. But it's illegal to grow it in Thailand, as it is in the US, because Thailand copies antiquated US drug laws note for note. Romney says he doesn't know what hemp is. Is he lying or telling the truth?

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Romney says he doesn't know what hemp is. Is he lying or telling the truth?

He said that he does not know what "industrial hemp" is. That is a horse of a different color.

You and I and millions of other informed people know what industrial hemp is, why does he not know?

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Romney says he doesn't know what hemp is. Is he lying or telling the truth?

He said that he does not know what "industrial hemp" is. That is a horse of a different color.

You and I and millions of other informed people know what industrial hemp is, why does he not know?

Cause he,s a Biff, Sir I did not know that was Industrial Hemp he said it was a Rope.
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...The Thai-US relationship endures and always has, (save a small thing called WWII) through every administration...

In fact, the relationship ultimately became stronger BECAUSE OF World War II (due to a few things not least existence of the Seri Thai during the war and what its members went on to become afterwards, as well as after the war the US insisting Thailand not be treated as former combatants and receive the harsh punishment the British wanted).

In fact even when various US administrations relationships with a particular Thai administration may have had ups and downs, the relationship with the Thai military has remained consistently strong.

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His job is president, not debate team champion.

Right, and as President, he doesn't need to study up on what is going on. He has lived it day in and day for nearly four years. Sadly, he hasn't attended many security meetings and has set records for rounds of golf played. He needs to study not because he isn't "debate team champion" but because he doesn't know what's going on.

Why are you so obsessed with this golf crap? Bush managed 800+ days vacation in eight years and I don't hear you harping on about that. If Obama wants to play golf on weekends or his holidays, who honestly gives a toss? He's had, what, ten weeks off in two years? And that assumes, of course, that he's not getting daily briefings and contact throughout. It's another broken record.

I would say it's most likely he's spending four days learning how to come across better on camera, as it seems that this is considered to be more important to the voters than what the candidates actually say.

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A little different spin. laugh.png

In a remarkable reversal of fortune for President Obama in Ohio, the GOP has closed the huge gap in absentee ballot requests used by early voters that favored the Democrats and the president in 2008, setting up what one state analyst said could be a Mitt Romney blowout on Election Day. http://washingtonexaminer.com/ohio-shocker-gop-closes-early-voting-gap-boosting-romney/article/2509838

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A little different spin. laugh.png

In a remarkable reversal of fortune for President Obama in Ohio, the GOP has closed the huge gap in absentee ballot requests used by early voters that favored the Democrats and the president in 2008, setting up what one state analyst said could be a Mitt Romney blowout on Election Day. http://washingtonexaminer.com/ohio-shocker-gop-closes-early-voting-gap-boosting-romney/article/2509838

LOL! I would expect a "different spin" from the Washington Examiner (ie Philip Anshultz)...hardly a balanced source (or even close to it.

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Forgot to add: with all due respect I have to say I find it sort of silly the way both Obamanites and Romneyists leap at every single blip on the screen -- nothing wrong with trying to follow things as closely as possible, of course, but I can't help but feel that people need to slow down and accept that this is a close race and it's futile and kind of ridiculous to be continuously making predictions of victory with every news item....

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A little different spin. laugh.png

In a remarkable reversal of fortune for President Obama in Ohio, the GOP has closed the huge gap in absentee ballot requests used by early voters that favored the Democrats and the president in 2008, setting up what one state analyst said could be a Mitt Romney blowout on Election Day. http://washingtonexa...article/2509838

LOL! I would expect a "different spin" from the Washington Examiner (ie Philip Anshultz)...hardly a balanced source (or even close to it.

Did you see the unflattering photo Reuters used of Romney just a few days ago? They were forced to issue an apology. The same thing applies to using them as a source. wink.png

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A little different spin. laugh.png

In a remarkable reversal of fortune for President Obama in Ohio, the GOP has closed the huge gap in absentee ballot requests used by early voters that favored the Democrats and the president in 2008, setting up what one state analyst said could be a Mitt Romney blowout on Election Day. http://washingtonexa...article/2509838

LOL! I would expect a "different spin" from the Washington Examiner (ie Philip Anshultz)...hardly a balanced source (or even close to it.

Did you see the unflattering photo Reuters used of Romney just a few days ago? They were forced to issue an apology. The same thing applies to using them as a source. wink.png

1) I don't think I have used them -- unless I've forgotten?

2) I think that's a ridiculous comparison, when one knows anything about the owner of the paper and the way it's widely regarded as his mouthpiece -- but no doubt there's no sense telling you, you'll just come back with "Liberal Media" or MSM etc

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Oh, and selection of an unflattering photo? really? You think that makes them less than credible as a news source?

Edited by SteeleJoe
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I have deleted one off-topic post, but I see there are actually quite a few. If you have nothing to say, then don't post. I think we've had enough of whose sources are better and who plays the most golf.

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His job is president, not debate team champion.

Right, and as President, he doesn't need to study up on what is going on. He has lived it day in and day for nearly four years. Sadly, he hasn't attended many security meetings and has set records for rounds of golf played. He needs to study not because he isn't "debate team champion" but because he doesn't know what's going on.

Why are you so obsessed with this golf crap? Bush managed 800+ days vacation in eight years and I don't hear you harping on about that. If Obama wants to play golf on weekends or his holidays, who honestly gives a toss? He's had, what, ten weeks off in two years? And that assumes, of course, that he's not getting daily briefings and contact throughout. It's another broken record.

I'm sure this is just a coincidence...

Obama At Intense ‘Debate Camp’ At Virginia Golf Resort

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Looking forward to this pivotal 2nd debate 24 hours from now, the Town Hall format may cause both candidates some difficulty, but Obama seems to be in a much more precarious position due to his massive screw up of the first debate. He has more riding on this one, and does not excel at this format.

Both Mitt Romney and President Obama are looking to channel one man at Tuesday night's debate: former President Bill Clinton.

According to political consultants on both sides of the aisle, Clinton's 1992 performance against then-President George H.W. Bush and Ross Perot serves the gold standard of the town-hall format.

"Obama has to connect with people on a level he's not used to, meaning he can't be the professor and lecture; nor can Mitt Romney be the business executive looking at things systematically," said Republican strategist Ron Bonjean.
"You have to be Oprah here," said Setzer. "You have to get into the audience and you have to be involved."
But another disastrous performance could put the proverbial nail in the president’s reelection coffin. Romney’s win in the first debate was the largest in the history of the Gallup poll, and the president has seen his leads in crucial swing states like Virginia, Florida and Colorado evaporate.

“Obama doesn’t talk to people, he certainly doesn’t get hard questions from real people regularly, and so pulling out a Clinton ‘I feel your pain’ thing — it’s just an impossible standard,” said Mackowiak. “Democrats just have unrealistic expectations of what is possible for Obama in this one.”


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The debate should be interesting. I wasn't impressed with Romney during the primary debates, but I can't wait to see Obama speak without reading off a teleprompter. I predict, that when the media shows clips of Obama from the debate, they will edit out his long pauses, and "uh"s and stuttering. The man is NOT a great speaker by any stretch of the imagination. He isn't as bad as Bush, and Bush still won a second term so you never know.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pWuIEIBN3sY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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He knows lots of things that you and I don't know. That is how the world works.

There are things that he knows more about than I do, similarly, there are things that I know about - more than he. He's a better public speaker than I. I'm a better blues guitarist than him. The point of my earlier posts, is that he was asked a question about an item that most Americans are familiar with, and many are concerned about (enabling US farmers to grow hemp), and stated simply that he doesn't know anything about it.

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I am only speculating, but it is very possible that he does know what it is, but wanted to avoid the question for political reasons. One thing I have seen this year is that almost anything can be turned into a "gaffe" if the media decide to do so.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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That sound plausible, but if she thinks that Obama might lose anyway, what would he be able to offer her that would be worth damaging a spotless record in her present position? Politics sure are a dirty business.

I don't think it matters whether Obama loses or not that much to the Clintons. If they believe, as I do, that the economy will not significantly turn around in the next 4 years, under either Romney or Obama, without significant financial reforms, and let this silly notion go that those jobs that went to China and India will ever magically reappear, even if China revalues its currency, then all they have to do is slowly distance themselves from whoever is in office over the next 4 years, and pound on an alternate solution.

Honestly, I do think she will just throw him under the bus on this one.

I guess I was wrong...kinda:

Clinton to CNN: ‘I take responsibility’ in Libya attack

"I want to avoid some kind of political gotcha" with just three weeks before the election, Clinton said, underlining that she—not Obama and Vice President Joe Biden—has the final word on security at America's diplomatic posts overseas.


It's not exactly a mea culpa, but she is attempting to help Obama avoid the fallout.

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Looking forward to this pivotal 2nd debate 24 hours from now, the Town Hall format may cause both candidates some difficulty, but Obama seems to be in a much more precarious position due to his massive screw up of the first debate. He has more riding on this one, and does not excel at this format.

I think both Democrats and Republicans are trying to lower expectations for their guy. It's like the opposite of trash talking.

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Looking forward to this pivotal 2nd debate 24 hours from now, the Town Hall format may cause both candidates some difficulty, but Obama seems to be in a much more precarious position due to his massive screw up of the first debate. He has more riding on this one, and does not excel at this format.

I think both Democrats and Republicans are trying to lower expectations for their guy. It's like the opposite of trash talking.

That has ALWAYS been standard operating procedure -- well before this campaign and regardless of what happened in a previous debate or even if the first round has taken place yet.

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Obama has a reputation of being some great speaker but when he got to his first debate after 4 years as President he came across utterly awful. By sheet coincidence, when Bush 43 was running for Texas governor in 1994 he was extremely articulate in a debate - no pausing or stumbling over big words or complex sentences (Obama can't claim that in the last debate). I have a link to a video showing all this and you can PM me for it if you are interested. Anyway, fast forward to 2004 to Bush's first debate after 4 years as President and he came across utterly awful. The video put forth that Bush's "losing it" might be caused by "pre-senile dementia". After watching Obama in the last debate, maybe it is just something inside the Oval Office these guys have been breathing? I guess we'll find out in about 12 hours.

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