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Abc News/washington Post Poll: Obama Leading Romney Ahead Of First Debate


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Err...mehtinks there's a lot more reasons to vote than whether a debate was impressive or not.

I think he means neither candidate was up to much before the debate and having the debate just showed the truth that neither candidate is up to much..............but IMO Romney won the debate by streets, whatever that counts for.

Yes, well put. I agree Romney won, even though I was hoping Obama would wipe the floor with him. Obama was flat and boring, Romney slightly less so, but he was hardly what you would call dynamic, was he? Is this the best America can produce in these troubled times?

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The media loves the drama. Faux comeback by Romney. Faux close race. Obama wins at the end. BTW, did you notice how HYPED up Romney was and he's not allowed to drink coffee? Word is he was on a SUGAR HIGH from the Cheesecake Factory. Apparently, he's allowed sugar.

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I doubt people will change their minds about whether Romney is a caring person or not now at this late stage based on one event, but it did put a sharp contrast on the two men, and Romney appeared much more confident than Obama in most ways. If Obama loses, I wonder how historians will compare this election to the Reagan-Carter election, and the Carter legacy. During those debates, Reagan used sound bites to defeat Carter in the debate, but tonight, Romney was more substantive in every way.

In the second debate of 1980, Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan cut into then-President Jimmy Carter's long-winded response to a question on health care with a simple "There you go again." In four words and just three seconds, Reagan suggested that Carter didn't know what he was talking about

Read more: http://www.abcaction...l#ixzz28Iddephf

It reminded me of the JFK-Nixon debate.

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The media loves the drama. Faux comeback by Romney. Faux close race. Obama wins at the end. BTW, did you notice how HYPED up Romney was and he's not allowed to drink coffee? Word is he was on a SUGAR HIGH from the Cheesecake Factory. Apparently, he's allowed sugar.

Yes, you're right. That is the one sin they are allowed. I think the sugar consumption in Utah is among the highest anywhere. There seems to be an ice cream or cake shop on every corner.

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Err...mehtinks there's a lot more reasons to vote than whether a debate was impressive or not.

I think he means neither candidate was up to much before the debate and having the debate just showed the truth that neither candidate is up to much..............but IMO Romney won the debate by streets, whatever that counts for.

Yes, well put. I agree Romney won, even though I was hoping Obama would wipe the floor with him. Obama was flat and boring, Romney slightly less so, but he was hardly what you would call dynamic, was he? Is this the best America can produce in these troubled times?

Worrying isn't it?

Assad and ​Ahmadinejad must be smirking, despite the fall of the Riel and crippling sanctions.

Edited by uptheos
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I hereby make my debate prediction: Romney will score some hits. Obama will score some hits. Some analysts will say Romney "won" the debate. Some analysts will say Obama "won" the debate. Romney will get a one point bounce just for being on the same stage as THE PRESIDENT but will still be uncomfortably behind Obama in the swing states. No game changer.

Just to clarify, I don't really "like" that post, but I tend to agree with it. I would like it more if the result were that Obama's mask fell off, he was seen by the nation and press for what he really is, he loses so badly that the Dem ticket changes from Obama-Biden to Biden-Pelosi because a shamed Obama drops out of the race. Now THAT is something I could "like"! smile.png

HOLY CRAP! Obama's mask DID fall off!

I was amazed at how well Romney did and how poorly Obama did. Obama looked tired while Romney showed energy. Obama wasted a lot of the extra 4 minutes he was allowed to speak with trying to gather his thoughts. Romney hardly wasted a second. I'd like to know if ANYONE thought Obama did well, let alone win? Romney spoke more in facts and numbers, Obama spoke more about empty emotions about issues.

On CNN, they had a live graph at the bottom of the screen showing what a group of Colorado undecided voters thought. It was divided into men and women. They press buttons when they hear something they like. Neither candidate went into the negative area, below the center line. Romney consistently won, especially on his opinion of the role of government. For Obama, men didn't get too excited at all, but women, geez, for the first half of the debate once it was Obama's turn the approval went up even before he started to speak. The women are ga-ga over the Big O. Well, at least until towards the end of the debate when even their enthusiasm waned.

Debates may not decided elections but this one obviously helped Romney.

Edited by koheesti
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Obama could have driven this point home - Romney doesn't mind cutting tax revenue but he doesn't have a clear plan to pay for it. But all you can remember from that debate is "I don't have a $5 Trillion Dollar Tax Cut".

You have to admit, Romney got his message over - whether accurate or not - far better.

Obama, in referring to Romney’s plan as a $5 trillion tax cut, is basing that on the estimate of reducing tax rates by 20 percent while also extending the Bush tax cuts, two planks of the plan. Romney has argued that he can eliminate loopholes and deductions to make up that revenue but has not specified which ones.

Romney has countered that “six other studies” have found that the plan can be revenue neutral, but he’s wrong about that. Those studies actually do not provide much evidence that Romney’s proposal — as sketchy as it is — would be revenue neutral without making unrealistic assumptions.

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I hereby make my debate prediction: Romney will score some hits. Obama will score some hits. Some analysts will say Romney "won" the debate. Some analysts will say Obama "won" the debate. Romney will get a one point bounce just for being on the same stage as THE PRESIDENT but will still be uncomfortably behind Obama in the swing states. No game changer.

Just to clarify, I don't really "like" that post, but I tend to agree with it. I would like it more if the result were that Obama's mask fell off, he was seen by the nation and press for what he really is, he loses so badly that the Dem ticket changes from Obama-Biden to Biden-Pelosi because a shamed Obama drops out of the race. Now THAT is something I could "like"! smile.png

HO:Y CRAP! Obama's mask DID fall off!

That just about sums him up perfectly!

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While it's generally accepted that debates aren't typically deciders, I'd not begrudge the pleasure of the Romney supporters right now and would be surprised if they DIDN'T go over the top with their characterization of the debate and its significance (after all it must feel good to have something to celebrate for a change).

But I'd point out one thing -- this loss will be quite apparent to Obama and his team and I suspect quite a wakeup call: make no assumptions about round 2 based on round 1.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Too bad Hillary didn't find this in 2008.

That 5 year old video was widely reported on...uhmm 5 years ago.

The transcript of the video released 5 years ago was of Obama's prepared remarks. This part is where he went off on his own without a teleprompter and as anyone who was watching last night's debate can't deny, Obama is a mess when he has to think then speak.

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While it's generally accepted that debates aren't typically deciders, I'd not begrudge the pleasure of the Romney supporters right now and would be surprised if they DIDN'T go over the top with their characterization of the debate and its significance (after all it must feel good to have something to celebrate for a change).

But I'd point out one thing -- this loss will be quite apparent to Obama and his team and I suspect quite a wakeup call: make no assumptions about round 2 based on round 1.

Yup, no valium for the CIC before the next one.smile.png

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It was actually such a bad performance that you can wait for some people to wonder (or spin) if Obama is over-worked, stressed, depressed or suffering from some other condition.

He wasn't even a shadow of the fired up, to the point speeches he used to make 4-6 years ago. If he actually wants to remain president for another term then he hid that very well.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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It was actually such a bad performance that you can wait for some people to wonder (or spin) if Obama is over-worked, stressed, depressed or suffering from some other condition.

He wasn't even a shadow of the fired up, to the point speeches he used to make 4-6 years ago.

Absolutely Winnie, he really did appear to be on some kind of benzo.

Edited by uptheos
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If this one debate gives Romney a lead in ANY swing state he currently trails in, I'll lick my hat.

I believe the phrase is "eat my hat", but I can understand you not wanting to take any chances after Obama's poor performance last night.

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If this one debate gives Romney a lead in ANY swing state he currently trails in, I'll lick my hat.

I believe the phrase is "eat my hat", but I can understand you not wanting to take any chances after Obama's poor performance last night.

I know what the phrase is. It's just that nobody actually does eat their hat and I don't want to be a big fat liar like Romney is about Medicare, Obamacare, and preexisting conditions.

I can't bring myself to watch Fox News now. They must be having a wild gloat-fest at the moment. Again, wait for the polls. The Obama base ain't going away.

Edited by Jingthing
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Too bad Hillary didn't find this in 2008.

That 5 year old video was widely reported on...uhmm 5 years ago.

The transcript of the video released 5 years ago was of Obama's prepared remarks. This part is where he went off on his own without a teleprompter and as anyone who was watching last night's debate can't deny, Obama is a mess when he has to think then speak.

This just a sampling of the coverage at the time:

"Senator Obama today said the Bush administration has done nothing to defuse what he calls a quiet riot among black Americans, a riot he suggests is ready to erupt. Obama said African American resentments and frustrations are building, especially, he said, because so many blacks from New Orleans and the Gulf Coast are still displaced 21 months after Hurricane Katrina. Obama warned against conditions similar to those in Los Angeles 15 years ago.

"Not only do we still have the scars of the riots and the quiet riots that happen every day, but how in too many places all across the country, we haven't even bothered to take the bullet out."

Obama was speaking at a conference of black clergy at Virginia's Hampton University."

From FOX News

Addressing the Hampton University Annual Ministers’ Conference in Hampton, Virginia, Tuesday, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., discussed poverty and implied the Bush administration has been ignoring serious issues of poverty and hopelessness in the U.S. — what he termed “quiet riots.”

The man angling to become the first African-American president in history pointed out that 19 months after Hurricane Katrina — and 15 years after the Los Angeles riots, “the homes haven’t been built, the businesses haven’t returned, and those same communities are still drowning and smoldering under the same hopelessness as before the tragedy hit.”

From ABC

'Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) said in a speech yesterday that "quiet riots that take place every day" in impoverished communities around the country create conditions that lead to violence such as the 1992 Los Angeles riots.

"Most of the ministers here know that those riots didn't erupt overnight; there had been a 'quiet riot' building up in Los Angeles and across this country for years," Obama told a conference of ministers at Hampton University in Virginia. "If you had gone to any street corner in Chicago or Baton Rouge or Hampton -- you would have found the same young men and women without hope, without miracles, and without a sense of destiny other than life on the edge." '

Washington Post

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If this one debate gives Romney a lead in ANY swing state he currently trails in, I'll lick my hat.

I believe the phrase is "eat my hat", but I can understand you not wanting to take any chances after Obama's poor performance last night.

Maybe he's thinking that perhaps he should have met with Netanyahu.

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If this one debate gives Romney a lead in ANY swing state he currently trails in, I'll lick my hat.

I believe the phrase is "eat my hat", but I can understand you not wanting to take any chances after Obama's poor performance last night.

Maybe he's thinking that perhaps he should have met with Netanyahu.

This was the domestic policy debate.
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If this one debate gives Romney a lead in ANY swing state he currently trails in, I'll lick my hat.

I believe the phrase is "eat my hat", but I can understand you not wanting to take any chances after Obama's poor performance last night.

Maybe he's thinking that perhaps he should have met with Netanyahu.

This was the domestic policy debate.

Yup, but doesn't stop him thinking about it whilst getting a pounding - needs all the voters he can get.

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I sure wish this election was over already and we could all be wondering what dress Michelle will be wearing to the ball.

Or Obama if those rumors about his life in Chicago before he became famous are true.


In which you tell us a bunch of silly right wing anti-gay rumors that Obama used to haunt the Chicago gay bathhouses. I used to live in Chicago. Nope. BTW, most gay men (or "deviants" as your link describes them) don't wear dresses. Edited by Jingthing
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It was actually such a bad performance that you can wait for some people to wonder (or spin) if Obama is over-worked, stressed, depressed or suffering from some other condition.

He wasn't even a shadow of the fired up, to the point speeches he used to make 4-6 years ago. If he actually wants to remain president for another term then he hid that very well.

I think that is because 4 years ago it was easy to promise "Hope & Change"

Now almost 4 years later he had to answer for the lack of delivery of it.

All he can come up with now is, Well I was given a bum deal to start with.

Sorry to say his constant looking down was as basic an admission as I have seen.

Personally I do not like either candidate but I do think Obama was a false hope & has proven it these past years.

So it is somewhat funny that a promise of Hope & change got him elected & if he is not re-elected it is again due to a Hope for Change

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If this one debate gives Romney a lead in ANY swing state he currently trails in, I'll lick my hat.

I believe the phrase is "eat my hat", but I can understand you not wanting to take any chances after Obama's poor performance last night.

I know what the phrase is. It's just that nobody actually does eat their hat and I don't want to be a big fat liar like Romney is about Medicare, Obamacare, and preexisting conditions.

I can't bring myself to watch Fox News now. They must be having a wild gloat-fest at the moment. Again, wait for the polls. The Obama base ain't going away.

Then you had better stay away from ALL news channels for awhile because ALL of them are hammering Obama on his lackluster debate performance.

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Too bad Hillary didn't find this in 2008.

That 5 year old video was widely reported on...uhmm 5 years ago.

The transcript of the video released 5 years ago was of Obama's prepared remarks. This part is where he went off on his own without a teleprompter and as anyone who was watching last night's debate can't deny, Obama is a mess when he has to think then speak.

This just a sampling of the coverage at the time:

"Senator Obama today said the Bush administration has done nothing to defuse what he calls a quiet riot among black Americans, a riot he suggests is ready to erupt. Obama said African American resentments and frustrations are building, especially, he said, because so many blacks from New Orleans and the Gulf Coast are still displaced 21 months after Hurricane Katrina. Obama warned against conditions similar to those in Los Angeles 15 years ago.

"Not only do we still have the scars of the riots and the quiet riots that happen every day, but how in too many places all across the country, we haven't even bothered to take the bullet out."

Obama was speaking at a conference of black clergy at Virginia's Hampton University."

From FOX News

Addressing the Hampton University Annual Ministers' Conference in Hampton, Virginia, Tuesday, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., discussed poverty and implied the Bush administration has been ignoring serious issues of poverty and hopelessness in the U.S. — what he termed "quiet riots."

The man angling to become the first African-American president in history pointed out that 19 months after Hurricane Katrina — and 15 years after the Los Angeles riots, "the homes haven't been built, the businesses haven't returned, and those same communities are still drowning and smoldering under the same hopelessness as before the tragedy hit."

From ABC

'Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) said in a speech yesterday that "quiet riots that take place every day" in impoverished communities around the country create conditions that lead to violence such as the 1992 Los Angeles riots.

"Most of the ministers here know that those riots didn't erupt overnight; there had been a 'quiet riot' building up in Los Angeles and across this country for years," Obama told a conference of ministers at Hampton University in Virginia. "If you had gone to any street corner in Chicago or Baton Rouge or Hampton -- you would have found the same young men and women without hope, without miracles, and without a sense of destiny other than life on the edge." '

Washington Post

At this time I'm watching the Stewart Show piece on the same thing. I like Tucker Carlson's retort (at least the small bit they showed), "This wasn't reported on 5 years ago, I know because I reported on it". :) I don't know what the rest of his thought was but that's what Stewart does best, takes snippets out of context and gets a good laugh out of it.

btw - when I posted that video here, I said it was racially motivated, released because of his speech patterns. Maybe if Obama had spoken like that in the debate he would have done better.

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