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To Build A Fence/wall Around 1 Rai


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I want to get a fence built around land - out in a village near Pakchong, Korat. Looking for a builder who can suggest cheaper alternatives to a cement wall. I have in mind tall bamboos embedded in cement blocks - saw a good looking and high fence like that as a boundary wall of a nice house. I know this will not last as long - but a life of about 5 years will do for now. I need ait to be about 2.5 metres high and gaps must not be wide enough for a cat to get through.

I'd appreciate any suggestions of a company or man in the area who will come up with possibilities and quotes. Many thanks.

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What about earthbags? Rice bags, cement, dirt, water, and barbed wire. I don't know how the cost compares to a block wall, but it will definitely be stronger at 2.5 m high than those thin cinder blocks they use. Also, a cat can easily scale a 2.5 m wall, though the height may be a deterrent.

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Thinking about putting up a chain link fence,it will keep every thing out except the snakes.

To me, this with the bougainvillea makes a great fence .. maybe a course or two of the thin concrete block to deter snakes.

Actually, I wonder if there is any reasonable fence that will keep snakes out. Some snakes live in holes. Ever seen one of those skinny green snakes climb a concrete wall? I had a devil of a time keeping a very determined one out of our attic.

Also, most concrete fences have openings to let water out after heavy rains. If you don't have those, you stand a good chance of erosion or a swamp.

Then there is the gate.

I don't ever recall seeing a gate that a cat cannot squirm under, wriggle through or climb over.

Then there are the rats ....

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Thinking about putting up a chain link fence,it will keep every thing out except the snakes.

To me, this with the bougainvillea makes a great fence .. maybe a course or two of the thin concrete block to deter snakes.

Actually, I wonder if there is any reasonable fence that will keep snakes out. Some snakes live in holes. Ever seen one of those skinny green snakes climb a concrete wall? I had a devil of a time keeping a very determined one out of our attic.

Also, most concrete fences have openings to let water out after heavy rains. If you don't have those, you stand a good chance of erosion or a swamp.

Then there is the gate.

I don't ever recall seeing a gate that a cat cannot squirm under, wriggle through or climb over.

Then there are the rats ....

buy a mongoose. no snakes.
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I am preparing to do something like this and have given it a lot of thought. I can't afford to spend a half a million baht on the walls they seem to favor here. Here is my plan. I am going to use 3 meter cement poles set into the ground about every two or three meters, one meter below ground and two meters above, and string barb wire wire between them. There is a villager here that will do the work for 300 baht a day and he will put some concrete in the holes as well. Then I will attach one course of chicken wire, or some equivalent with small holes, to the barb wire along the ground to stop dogs, etc., from passing through. Next, I plan to plant bougainvillea all along the fence and let it grow into a solid hedge. This should be a nearly permanent and very attractive solution. While a thief could cut through this obstruction, he can also jump over an expensive wall. But it will stop kids, dogs, cattle, and the casual trespasser, and also provide visual obstruction once the bougainvillea fills in.

I do not know the Thai name for bougainvillea, but it is all over the place here and grows in bush form or vine like and is easily trained. It has nasty thorns. It flowers profusely and the flowers come in many different colors (pink, white, orange, purple, red, etc.). It is quite attractive. The only downside is you must manage it to keep it looking nice.

I too am going for something like this, we took cuttings of Bougainvillea but we need about 1000 so we will be buying young plants. Bougainvillea will need cutting several times a year and you must leave room between it and the fence so that you can cut it, so count on losing around 2 meters of land.

The purpose of a fence or wall (apart from prestige) is to keep animals out and in, to gain privacy ( hiding the property from the eyes of curious burglars). You will never keep snakes out. Bougainvillea will keep a buffalo out, burglars won't like it.

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