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Australian, 93, Faces Sexual Assault Charges In Thailand

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It only sounds fishy if you don't understand much of the court system and how bail works..

You mean like millions of baht in the judge's lunchbox? wink.png

(See the Ratchada Court two million baht lunchbox case).

Dude if you are going to go off topic, at least get your facts straight. It was not a judge's lunch box and as soon as the lawyers tried to present it as a "good will gift" to a court officer (not a judge) who immediately went to his supervisor and the money was refused ... which kicked off the investigation which led to the lawyers being convicted. If you want to discuss this further then I suggest you start a new thread and try reading the rules first before incorrectly accusing a Judge of misconduct..


Also a couple news reports from the US posted when this topic came up last time ...

91-year-old Tucson man has been convicted on five counts of child molestation ... http://www.abc15.com...n#ixzz22ri0va8G

89 when crimes were reported. Date of occurance not mentioned.

91-year old San Diego man Accused of Molestation .. http://articles.lati...ild-molestation

From your link:

91-Year-Old Accused of Molestation

Goings has never been convicted of child molestation.

from 1992... he was accused... and then what happened?

It seems you're pretty desperate if you're posting up accusations from 1992 in order to attempt to answer to answer the question...

Will he be the oldest convicted paedophile (at time of crimes) in recorded human history should he be convicted by the Thai judicial system?


It only sounds fishy if you don't understand much of the court system and how bail works..

You mean like millions of baht in the judge's lunchbox? wink.png

(See the Ratchada Court two million baht lunchbox case).

Dude if you are going to go off topic, at least get your facts straight. It was not a judge's lunch box and as soon as the lawyers tried to present it as a "good will gift" to a court officer (not a judge) who immediately went to his supervisor and the money was refused ... which kicked off the investigation which led to the lawyers being convicted. If you want to discuss this further then I suggest you start a new thread and try reading the rules first before incorrectly accusing a Judge of misconduct..

Apologies, it was a phrase used to highlight the justice system.

Sorry you couldn't see that and took it literally.


Here's my last word on this subject......each and every person on this thread that thought they would have a go at me bookmark this and come back to me after the trial......this report is from Destiny Rescue,


Here's the line that will put an end to all of these stupid defences..............

“When Thai police first arrested Kraus two years ago on rape charges, they alleged they seized from him more than 100 photographs of naked children, including some of him posing with them. They alleged he emailed some pictures overseas, suggesting he was part of an international paedophilia network.”

In a court room soon photographs of this scumbag posing naked with little girls will be displayed........this little detail may explain why there has been a relative silence on this matter by the Australian authorities, they know he has been caught bang to rights.

What say you apologists now, eh?

i say you take yourself way too seriously and get very nasty when cornered.

As for the pedophile, he will be dead soon either way and nothing will undo the damage he has done.

Be quiet, your showing the scars of battles lost..........

The worst case scenario is the guy dying before trial though.

You're still at it? That would be one of the better case scenarios. The worst case scenario would be facing a judge with your mentality.

Especially with the evidence in this case. thumbsup.gif

Anyway.....your starting to veer into personal attack territory, is that intentional? Do you have anything to add to the topic?


First consider that he was likely 88 when these acts allegedly happened. He was first charged when he was 90 years old in June of 2010 for crimes that were committed in 2008. http://www.businessw...s/D9GLIHJG1.htm

Also a couple news reports from the US posted when this topic came up last time ...

91-year old San Diego man Accused of Molestation .. http://articles.lati...ild-molestation

91-year-old Tucson man has been convicted on five counts of child molestation ... http://www.abc15.com...n#ixzz22ri0va8G

89 when crimes were reported. Date of occurance not mentioned.

From your link: 91-Year-Old Accused of Molestation Goings has never been convicted of child molestation. ... from 1992... he was accused... and then what happened?

It seems you're pretty desperate if you're posting up accusations from 1992 in order to attempt to answer to answer the question...

Will he be the oldest convicted paedophile (at time of crimes) in recorded human history should he be convicted by the Thai judicial system?

Unlike a ALL your last posts, there is ZERO misleading about my short post you for some reason decided to chop and quote incorrectly making it impossible to reply without fixing.

But bottom line is a VERY QUICK Google search and the links I provided shows

1) Others have been charge with molestation they committed when they were older than him

2) Others have been convicted for child molestation they committed when older than him

So time to move on with your theory/question of his being the older child molester without even taking the most basic of steps to look up the answer yourself but then get defensive when somebody posts a couple quick links to show the answer is NO..


^^ Too much to quote but you're looking for someone to explain this:

“When Thai police first arrested Kraus two years ago on rape charges, they alleged they seized from him more than 100 photographs of naked children, including some of him posing with them. They alleged he emailed some pictures overseas, suggesting he was part of an international paedophilia network.”

If the Thai police allege something that it has to be true, eh.

I find it hard to believe that people who have lived in Thailand for any amount of time would regard what the Thai police allege to be worth basing one's beliefs on.

How about the Western police units in Chiang Mai?


It only sounds fishy if you don't understand much of the court system and how bail works..

You mean like millions of baht in the judge's lunchbox? wink.png

(See the Ratchada Court two million baht lunchbox case).

Dude if you are going to go off topic, at least get your facts straight. It was not a judge's lunch box and as soon as the lawyers tried to present it as a "good will gift" to a court officer (not a judge) who immediately went to his supervisor and the money was refused ... which kicked off the investigation which led to the lawyers being convicted. If you want to discuss this further then I suggest you start a new thread and try reading the rules first before incorrectly accusing a Judge of misconduct..

Apologies, it was a phrase used to highlight the justice system.

Sorry you couldn't see that and took it literally.

Were you trying to highlight the honesty and integrity of the court by talking about case where a bribe was not only refused but those who attempted the bribe were charged and convicted for attempting to bribe the court?

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Plausible that he is a paedophile, implausible that he could overpower girls of that age when he is a frail 90-year old.

There isn't even a hint of speculation or accusation he overpowered these children who were as young as 5-years old.

But what is implausible is that after that it is untrue "Cops found video footage and 100 photographs of naked children, some posing with the elderly man" and they are going to appear in court and say they lost all this evidence.

As young as five and as old as old as teens . . . as for the 'evidence' why don't they dispaly it as they do with all the other 'crimes' they uncover . . . I'm sure there would be some photos 'decent' enough to display publicly and have someone scrutinise them for photoshopping.

I apologise if I am not as ready as some to throw the old guy under the train . . . odd that cops and the authorities in general are condemned by 'us' daily and vociferously yet the benefit of the doubt is not extended to a 93-year old who could very, very well be stitched up.

Despite your desire to have unedited pictures of naked children printed in the press for the sake of our playing detective and judge, this is not something normally done. However it is the common theme claimed by posters here when they want to question police (why don't they release the evidence). In fact is actually EXTREMELY common and proper for police not to release publicly their evidence to the public, they do this at trial. As with big busts and drug or gun busts, yes hear like elsewhere, they like to use the evidence for PR.

The guy is on trial an a verdict will be reached soon that will in no way be determined by our opinions expressed here. If you want to believe in the guys innocence then make a case or explain you don't have opinions until the court ruling but please don't try to make a case by putting responsibility or blame onto the child victims.

Your continuing a mentioning the children's age as somehow being relevant to if he molested children is either sick or just shows your lack of understanding of what is child molestation.

I'm not sure if you're being purposely dense or simply can't read . . . I'll c n p from the paragraph you quoted yet failed to read:

"I'm sure there would be some photos 'decent' enough to display publicly and have someone scrutinise them for photoshopping."

So, your eagerness to discuss what you call " your desire to have unedited pictures of naked children printed in the press for the sake of our playing detective and judge" . . . it seems thou protest too much.

All I'm saying is that the guy shouldn't be judged and sentenced before it is proven that he is the animal he is accused of being . . .if that is a stretch for you to grasp then . . . well . . .

At 93 you would think he would know better either way considering the reputation Thailand has for these things. Guilty or not he would seem to be his own worst enemy. As for respecting your elders , i'm all for it as long as they don't have their dick in children !!
Another poster automatically assumes this guy was having intercourse with children. Talk about jumping to conclusions - there was no mention of sex.

I was making a general assumption of peodophile's and not the guy or case in particular, but rather the comment was referring to the "respect your elders " that another poster had submitted.


All I'm saying is that the guy shouldn't be judged and sentenced before it is proven that he is the animal he is accused of being . . .if that is a stretch for you to grasp then . . . well . . .

Sing Sling, you are banging your head against a brick wall mate. It has been said so many times, sadly, the light's on but nobody is in !! Reasoning on this one is not possible.

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2) Others have been convicted for child molestation they committed when older than him

Interesting. That's what I was asking.

Can you post a link?


So time to move on with your theory/question of his being the older child molester without even taking the most basic of steps to look up the answer yourself but then get defensive when somebody posts a couple quick links to show the answer is NO

I have checked but couldn't find any that commited the crimes at an older age than this feeble old man is 'alleged' to have.

I'm afraid your links don't show the answer is 'No', as I've already highlighted. (Are you seeing things that aren't actually there? :huh: )


Apologies, it was a phrase used to highlight the justice system.

Sorry you couldn't see that and took it literally.

Were you trying to highlight the honesty and integrity of the court by talking about case where a bribe was not only refused but those who attempted the bribe were charged and convicted for attempting to bribe the court?

As you said this is really about another case. But just to mention, before we finish on it, I think you'll find there was a lot more 'politics' than 'honesty' behind it. I thought it was clear to all. Though I was obviously wrong.


2) Others have been convicted for child molestation they committed when older than him

Interesting. That's what I was asking.

Can you post a link?


So time to move on with your theory/question of his being the older child molester without even taking the most basic of steps to look up the answer yourself but then get defensive when somebody posts a couple quick links to show the answer is NO

I have checked but couldn't find any that commited the crimes at an older age than this feeble old man is 'alleged' to have.

I'm afraid your links don't show the answer is 'No', as I've already highlighted. (Are you seeing things that aren't actually there? huh.png )

Already did in this conversation you are quoting (See: http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_central_southern_az/tucson/elderly-tucson-man-convicted-of-child-molestation#ixzz22ri0va8G) but have deleted all but one sentence. The 91-year old Tuscan man was convicted in 2012 for crimes he committed in 2010 -- which would make his likely age 89 when he molested the girls.

The Australian in the OP was 90 when arrested for crimes 2-years earlier making his likely age 88 at the time.

As I stated previously in the quoted you chopped -- time to drop this. The links I provided came up very easily in an internet search. If you want more cases and info then do your own research but AGAIN the answer to your question is he is NOT the oldest accused molester.


Especially with the evidence in this case. thumbsup.gif

Anyway.....your starting to veer into personal attack territory, is that intentional? Do you have anything to add to the topic?

You've totally lost the plot. On numerous occasions you've told members that their posts are idiotic, stupid etc - all personal attacks, now you're crying when someone tells you the truth.


Some accusatory and inflammatory posts have been removed. Other posts containing photos without a supporting link have been removed. While this is truly a hideous crime, let's keep our posts civil.


It is dangerous waspish gossip to make such statements as I read from some of the opinionated experts in here.

I think some say what people like to hear to spruce up their 'like' quota. whistling.gif

Simply being accused means he already must be guilty by many on here. If he is then he can rot, but what if he ain't and is being rumbled? People with (and without) money get turned over en-masse here. Guys in even sensible countries like the UK continue to have their lives ruined simply by being accused of rape, and when it comes to light the little minx was lying, it's too late, they're already stigmatized. Not defending screwballs, just sayin' perhaps this type of case should only be made public if they are found guilty.

  • Like 2

It is dangerous waspish gossip to make such statements as I read from some of the opinionated experts in here.

I think some say what people like to hear to spruce up their 'like' quota. whistling.gif

Simply being accused means he already must be guilty by many on here. If he is then he can rot, but what if he ain't and is being rumbled? People with (and without) money get turned over en-masse here. Guys in even sensible countries like the UK continue to have their lives ruined simply by being accused of rape, and when it comes to light the little minx was lying, it's too late, they're already stigmatized. Not defending screwballs, just sayin' perhaps this type of case should only be made public if they are found guilty.

Are you from the UK? Do you remember the case of the TV presenter Matthew Kelly. he was destroyed overnight by accusations that turned out to be completely fabricated. Despite being completely exonerated he was never able to recover his career as 'sh*t sticks'. Any adults found fabricating such accusations should face the full force of the law.



I'm not sure what is wrong with you.

That picture (that I first posted on this thread) was an example of the usual Thai police media presentation of such a suspect.

It was posted in order to highlight the complete lack of such media photos and presentation of this suspect.

It is NOT of the accused in this case.

Talk about jumping the gun, girl.


2) Others have been convicted for child molestation they committed when older than him

Interesting. That's what I was asking.

Can you post a link?


So time to move on with your theory/question of his being the older child molester without even taking the most basic of steps to look up the answer yourself but then get defensive when somebody posts a couple quick links to show the answer is NO

I have checked but couldn't find any that commited the crimes at an older age than this feeble old man is 'alleged' to have.

I'm afraid your links don't show the answer is 'No', as I've already highlighted. (Are you seeing things that aren't actually there? huh.png )

Already did in this conversation you are quoting (See: http://www.abc15.com...n#ixzz22ri0va8G) but have deleted all but one sentence. The 91-year old Tuscan man was convicted in 2012 for crimes he committed in 2010


And I quote directly from your link.

"In December 2010, the family's 11-year-old daughter told a school counselor Buccheri-Bianca had molested her".

It was reported in 2010.

There is no mention of when the offenses occurred.

Given how much you've searched (digging up and posting 'accusations' from 1992 - which you have not referred to since it was asked what the outcome was rolleyes.gif ) we have to take it from the evidence presented that he will in fact be the oldest paedophile in recorded history to be convicted, if such actually happens.



Why are you posting pictures of an old foreign man in Thailand being pointed at by two Thai girls and saying that it is the accused when it isn't?



I'm not sure what is wrong with you.

That picture (that I first posted on this thread) was an example of the usual Thai police media presentation of such a suspect.

It was posted in order to highlight the complete lack of such media photos and presentation of this suspect.

It is NOT of the accused in this case.

Talk about jumping the gun, girl.

i see, so afterall the photo posted by nisa isnt him at all? how misleading and god bless that judges arent all like these.

you were right about the usual thai presentation. they are one big show off, just look at all the past cases when they proudly present and layout all the evidence. the media here too are plain crude as well, showing little to no respect to victims at all.

just look at this case, photos are proudly present by the police



^ Logic dictates that they have nothing.

And some posters on this board have some serious issues that they need to address.



Why are you posting pictures of an old foreign man in Thailand being pointed at by two Thai girls and saying that it is the accused when it isn't?

Thank God for that! I knew I had seen the photo before and thought hang on that isn't Kraus. I have been searching for who it is but to no avail. Good comparison Nisa thumbsup.gif


^ Logic dictates that they have nothing.

And some posters on this board have some serious issues that they need to address.

Too true Sir, too true......and not in the way you expect. coffee1.gif

Anyway.....you forgot to answer my Western police question.......


I find it odd that some people's need to post 'proof' that this guy is guilty overrides their sense of logic and common sense.

They quote things from sites that are clearly twisted lies (one just has to click on the link to see they are making up lies about it), and post pictures of other accused paedophiles and say that it is him. :huh:

It's quite worrying how cases like this affect the mental welfare of those with such issues.


Anyway.....you forgot to answer my Western police question.......

I can honestly say that I didn't see it.

Was heading off to bed but will look back quickly. :)

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^^ Too much to quote but you're looking for someone to explain this:

“When Thai police first arrested Kraus two years ago on rape charges, they alleged they seized from him more than 100 photographs of naked children, including some of him posing with them. They alleged he emailed some pictures overseas, suggesting he was part of an international paedophilia network.”

If the Thai police allege something that it has to be true, eh.

I find it hard to believe that people who have lived in Thailand for any amount of time would regard what the Thai police allege to be worth basing one's beliefs on.

How about the Western police units in Chiang Mai?

With regards to what exactly?

This case?

I don't fully get what you're asking/inferring I'm afraid.


^ Logic dictates that they have nothing.

And some posters on this board have some serious issues that they need to address.

Too true Sir, too true......and not in the way you expect. coffee1.gif

Anyway.....you forgot to answer my Western police question.......


What have the western police got to do with it? Are you saying they were involved with the investigation? Why are you bringing any western Police in CM in to the issue?


^^ Too much to quote but you're looking for someone to explain this:

“When Thai police first arrested Kraus two years ago on rape charges, they alleged they seized from him more than 100 photographs of naked children, including some of him posing with them. They alleged he emailed some pictures overseas, suggesting he was part of an international paedophilia network.”

If the Thai police allege something that it has to be true, eh.

I find it hard to believe that people who have lived in Thailand for any amount of time would regard what the Thai police allege to be worth basing one's beliefs on.

How about the Western police units in Chiang Mai?

With regards to what exactly?

This case?

I don't fully get what you're asking/inferring I'm afraid.

Are you aware of any Western police units or activity in Chiang Mai?.........I suppose that question now goes for you too GentlemanJim.

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