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Street Smart Thais And Their Sneaky Scams


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Timeshare scratch cards ...

Everyones a winner and it only takes an hour of your time to visit your free holiday resort!

8 hours later and 500,000 baht lighter the shark will leave you more drained than a Pattaya hooker.cheesy.gif

How drained does a Pattaya hooker leave you?

I usually pay for "taxi", but I suspect they always walk. :(

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I was kind of scammed outside the school where I teach.

There is a 5 star chicken stall and I asked for 2 sticks with look chin on them.

The advertised price was 20 baht each but 2 for 39 baht.

I was having a conversation with some of my M4 students and the seller must have realised I spoke Thai and was a teacher...unless he was dumb...as I walk past his stall everyday on my way into the school.

Anyway he charged me 50 baht with a smile - when I pointed out it was in fact 39 baht he smiled again and took the correct money.

Not even a sorry or a look of shame - a few of the students said some choice words to him but all water off a ducks back.

Ok this is a tiny amount of money but a good example of how some people here think.

I'm sure the same could happen back home but this thread is about Thailand smile.png

I went into a hardware shop recently for a couple of screws ( literally 2) I got my money out to pay and the cheeky scammer said "mai pen rai"


Im never going back there again and have told all my friends.................... Thai Basta**

Much the same happened to me with my glasses when one of the screws dropped out and I could not find it. I took the glasses into an optician in Pattaya and he refused to accept any money for replacing the screw. I will never visit that establishment again, bloody cheek.

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I'm sorry but I do find this very amusing. To me a scam is where you are taken for a lump of money. Here we have a thread where people have been SCAMMED for 11 baht, 35 baht, 50 baht etc.

Real big time scammers we have in the Land of Scams then cheesy.gif

Sorry but come on now ?sorry.gif

its not the amount of money, its the point. fastest way to make a million is take a dollar of a million people.

How can you call your method fast ? blink.png

Just how long do you think it takes to scam a million people ?

I would call your way the slowest way rolleyes.gif

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Timeshare scratch cards ...

Everyones a winner and it only takes an hour of your time to visit your free holiday resort!

8 hours later and 500,000 baht lighter the shark will leave you more drained than a Pattaya hooker.cheesy.gif

How drained does a Pattaya hooker leave you?

I usually pay for "taxi", but I suspect they always walk. sad.png

I doubt, he meant that 'drained' whistling.gif

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I'm sorry but I do find this very amusing. To me a scam is where you are taken for a lump of money. Here we have a thread where people have been SCAMMED for 11 baht, 35 baht, 50 baht etc.

Real big time scammers we have in the Land of Scams then cheesy.gif

Sorry but come on now ?sorry.gif

its not the amount of money, its the point. fastest way to make a million is take a dollar of a million people.

How can you call your method fast ? blink.png

Just how long do you think it takes to scam a million people ?

I would call your way the slowest way rolleyes.gif

and the turtle won the race.
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I'm sorry but I do find this very amusing. To me a scam is where you are taken for a lump of money. Here we have a thread where people have been SCAMMED for 11 baht, 35 baht, 50 baht etc.

Real big time scammers we have in the Land of Scams then cheesy.gif

Sorry but come on now ?sorry.gif

its not the amount of money, its the point. fastest way to make a million is take a dollar of a million people.

How can you call your method fast ? blink.png

Just how long do you think it takes to scam a million people ?

I would call your way the slowest way rolleyes.gif

and the turtle won the race.

When I was younger someone asked me a question, it was would you rather be paid a million dollars a day for a year, or a cent a day doubling every day for a year? If you do the maths the second method gets the most, so over the long term, those collecting small amounts from many will get more than those collecting a lot from a few.

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I don't disagree that on paper and doing the math it works. Real life is a totally different matter altogether. You do the math. How many times can the chicken lady scam a customer for 11 Baht ? Not everybody is going to let her scam them so lets say 2 per day. Work it out she is never going to get rich is she. JEEEEEZ

And as said when it boils down to it it is 11 baht. pay it then just don't go back again.

It happens the world over learn to live with it.

Life is much happier with less stress thumbsup.gif

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its not the amount of money, its the point. fastest way to make a million is take a dollar of a million people.

How can you call your method fast ? blink.png

Just how long do you think it takes to scam a million people ?

I would call your way the slowest way rolleyes.gif

and the turtle won the race.

When I was younger someone asked me a question, it was would you rather be paid a million dollars a day for a year, or a cent a day doubling every day for a year? If you do the maths the second method gets the most, so over the long term, those collecting small amounts from many will get more than those collecting a lot from a few.

i would be fine, with 365 Million in one year, but having the first Million after the first day!

I'm modest!

Besides, no one will be able, to pay you that amount of money, doubling over a year!

So don't be daft!

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My previous post was an example, there is big press about people who fleece a few people for alot, but nothing about the ones who get a little off the many, one example here in Chumphon is an elderly woman who lives in a hotel which costs 850 naht per night, she pays for the hotel, her meals and everything else by dressing in rags and begging all day, how much more do you think the professional beggars in the larger cities would make in a day, or in a year? More over the long term than a con artist would in a short time, and much less likely to go to prison. Think about it.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

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My previous post was an example, there is big press about people who fleece a few people for alot, but nothing about the ones who get a little off the many, one example here in Chumphon is an elderly woman who lives in a hotel which costs 850 naht per night, she pays for the hotel, her meals and everything else by dressing in rags and begging all day, how much more do you think the professional beggars in the larger cities would make in a day, or in a year? More over the long term than a con artist would in a short time, and much less likely to go to prison. Think about it.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

And you know this for fact because ???????

Just which hotel does this Thai con artist stay in in Chumphon which costs 850 baht a night because I don't know of any Thai con artist that would live in such an expensive hotel if making the money you are saying she does.

I go to Chumphon on a regular basis and have never seen this lady nor have paid more than 500 Baht for a very clean, air con hotel whistling.gif

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Nanaburi hotel, I know because my wife and I walk past her often, when we went to give her some money one of the local vendors spoke to my wife and told her where this person stayed, the vendor told my wife what time this beggar pscks up each day, so my wife and I went back and watched her pack up and walk into the hotel, we then watched her go up in the lift.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Nanaburi hotel, I know because my wife and I walk past her often, when we went to give her some money one of the local vendors spoke to my wife and told her where this person stayed, the vendor told my wife what time this beggar pscks up each day, so my wife and I went back and watched her pack up and walk into the hotel, we then watched her go up in the lift.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

never heard of the place and I know Chumphon well ?

That plus no Thia that I know, scam artist or not would be paying over 26,000 Baht a month rent blink.png Not when renting in Chumphon is so cheap. That is an awful lot of begging and there isn't that many stupid Farang in Chumphon. The ones that are there tend to be tight, cheap charlie backpackers who may slip her the odd 10 baht but certainly not the cash you seem to think she makes

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Nanaburi hotel, I know because my wife and I walk past her often, when we went to give her some money one of the local vendors spoke to my wife and told her where this person stayed, the vendor told my wife what time this beggar pscks up each day, so my wife and I went back and watched her pack up and walk into the hotel, we then watched her go up in the lift.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

never heard of the place and I know Chumphon well ?

That plus no Thia that I know, scam artist or not would be paying over 26,000 Baht a month rent blink.png Not when renting in Chumphon is so cheap. That is an awful lot of begging and there isn't that many stupid Farang in Chumphon. The ones that are there tend to be tight, cheap charlie backpackers who may slip her the odd 10 baht but certainly not the cash you seem to think she makes

google knows it, why you don't?

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So you still think this Thai scam artist pays the hotel 850 Baht a night or 26,350 a month for the room then has to eat and all her other expenses ?

Oh and I don't do Google but do know the town!

Careful Bert your'e starting to get flustered, while I'm on can you give me driving directions, I'd feel so much better than using googlecheesy.gif

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The website for the hotel states 800 Baht not the 850 you say and she would be far better off at the Chumphon Garden hotel near the farang bar where more farangs hang out so she can maximise her begging and not so far to walk home after work thumbsup.gif

I haven't stayed there for a couple of years and I forgot the exact price, my wife asked some of the people who see her every day why she does it, they said that she was wealthy till her husband died and the kids took everything before kicking her out, so now she tries to live a bit of her former lifestyle and the Chumphon Garden doesn't fit that former lifestyle, she sits outside the back of the morning market.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

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The website for the hotel states 800 Baht not the 850 you say and she would be far better off at the Chumphon Garden hotel near the farang bar where more farangs hang out so she can maximise her begging and not so far to walk home after work thumbsup.gif

But she will never have to pay 800, anyway. 50%, max. for long long term, I would think.

Still a lot, but not too difficult, to earn, this way.

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How can you call your method fast ? blink.png

Just how long do you think it takes to scam a million people ?

I would call your way the slowest way rolleyes.gif

and the turtle won the race.

When I was younger someone asked me a question, it was would you rather be paid a million dollars a day for a year, or a cent a day doubling every day for a year? If you do the maths the second method gets the most, so over the long term, those collecting small amounts from many will get more than those collecting a lot from a few.

I'd take the million a day cos the guy giving you the cash either way might die at some point and forget t pass the message on.

So even after 7 days I'd be ok.

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I'm sorry but I do find this very amusing. To me a scam is where you are taken for a lump of money. Here we have a thread where people have been SCAMMED for 11 baht, 35 baht, 50 baht etc.

Real big time scammers we have in the Land of Scams then cheesy.gif

Sorry but come on now ?sorry.gif

its not the amount of money, its the point. fastest way to make a million is take a dollar of a million people.

How can you call your method fast ? blink.png

Just how long do you think it takes to scam a million people ?

I would call your way the slowest way rolleyes.gif

and the turtle won the race.

At last.

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When I was younger someone asked me a question, it was would you rather be paid a million dollars a day for a year, or a cent a day doubling every day for a year? If you do the maths the second method gets the most, so over the long term, those collecting small amounts from many will get more than those collecting a lot from a few.

The original story involved an Indian king, a salesman and a chessboard coffee1.gif

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Nanaburi hotel, I know because my wife and I walk past her often, when we went to give her some money one of the local vendors spoke to my wife and told her where this person stayed, the vendor told my wife what time this beggar pscks up each day, so my wife and I went back and watched her pack up and walk into the hotel, we then watched her go up in the lift.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

not much on that day?!
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When I was younger someone asked me a question, it was would you rather be paid a million dollars a day for a year, or a cent a day doubling every day for a year? If you do the maths the second method gets the most, so over the long term, those collecting small amounts from many will get more than those collecting a lot from a few.

The original story involved an Indian king, a salesman and a chessboard coffee1.gif

The original story involved a Chinese Emporer, Marco Polo, a chessboard and a grain of rice, circ 1960.

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