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A Law Will Be Drafted To Curb Obscene Media

Jai Dee

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A Law Will Be Drafted to Curb Obscene Media

The Social Development and Human Security Ministry prepares to draft a law aimed at curbing obscene items and punish producers of such items, including those who videotape themselves while having sexual intercourse. The punishments of the offense are expected to be as severe as those in drug-related crimes.

Secretary-General of the Supreme Court Jarun Pakditanakul (จรัล ภักดีธนากุล), as a member of a sub-committee drafting the law, said that the law aims at suppressing items leading to dangerous behaviors, including all kinds of obscene items. He said that the penalties for the crimes will be as severe as drug-related cases. In addition, he added that producers of items depicting sexual intercourse involving pictures or voices of youths aged below 15 will face 3-10 years in prison and a fine of 300,000 to 1 million baht. He added that those who videotape themselves while having sex will also be punished, but he said that details will be considered to prevent the law from putting too much impact on freedom.

Another sub-committee member, Weerasak Kosurat (วีระศักดิ์ โควสุรัตน์) said that issues related to obscene media, especially the sale of pornographic media, are becoming more problematic. He said Thailand becomes a location for filming pornographic movies as there are no laws in place. He added that the survey shows that 60% of e-business are related to pornographic media and related activities.

Mr. Weerasak said that the Anti-Money Laundering Office will be asked to seize assets of violators and the masterminds behind the activities. He said that the law will be proposed to the cabinet meeting soon, so that it can be enforced within this year.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 02 Febuary 2006

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Minister Newin Prepares a Report to the PM on the Confiscation of Obscene Media in Nonthaburi

Minister attached to the Prime Minister’s Office, Newin Chidchob (เนวิน ชิดชอบ) prepares a report to Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to consider punishments for Nonthaburi police commander after he let trade on obscene items to continue.

Mr. Newin said that he has received tip-offs from the people on the sources of obscene media at the Nonthaburi pier market in Nonthaburi through cyber cop station program yesterday afternoon. He said that officials went to inspect and arrest a trader who hid about 1,000 CDs in a Volvo car, adding that the violator was preparing to distribute the items in the market. The man and the items were taken to the Royal Thai Police office for legal action.

Mr. Newin said that he has reported the matter to the prime minister, adding that the premier told him to submit the report in letter again today, so that punishments for the police commander in Nonthaburi can be deliberated.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 02 Febuary 2006

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A Law Will Be Drafted to Curb Obscene Media

He added that those who videotape themselves while having sex will also be punished

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 02 Febuary 2006

So you can still use the DVD recorder or Mobile phone cam? :o

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The punishments of the offense are expected to be as severe as those in drug-related crimes.

It makes perfectly sense.

The more we will discover scandals, the more the government will try to surf on the wave of "social order crackdowns". It's perfect to divert public attention. In this regard, it's a perfect campain, and not the result of some lunatics ministers.

This technique has many advantages :

-it costs nothing ("we will close 1 million inappopriate websites", "we will draft a law against pornography", only words etc)

-the medias love thoses stories (sex, sex, sex !)

-and the public too (sex, sex, sex !)

-from a social point of view, it's totally safe (because the "majority" of thai people is conservative, at least)

-and an overbide is always possible : it means you can always do more (today prison punishment for "home made" pornography, tomorrow death punishement if you are caught masturbating under the shower etc.)

Only imagination can be a break.

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the much vaunted 3g networks will allow faster data transfer than we have now and make video to handhelds and other computing devices worthwhile, this will render videotape :o etc obselete. with faster data tranfer rates coming also from more and more wifi access points , how will they stop somchai viewing " nong nat does singburi " via a stream from outer ubekistan , or gasp from his own machine in his house?

I get acceptable viewing via GPRS of my webcam in my house encoding to MPEG4 - You can stream the cable/live television from your home country by just the addition of a sub 100USD TV capture card in a computer there and a high speed connection.you can even change the channel remotely.

Why isn't the media submitting questions to these

in charge of ministries and exposing them for the imbeciles they really are.

press releases without follow up questions from the media are just propaganda puff pieces.

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Isn't there a law already in place?

The police are very fond of raiding street vendors for naughty video's.

They have been doing it for years.

Was it just a whim, or do they have the force of the law behind them??

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Buriram Provincial Governor together with related agencies to crack down on shops selling porn CDs

Around 11.00 AM today, Buriram Governor Yai Rojsuvanijakorn (ใหญ่ โรจน์สุวณิชกร), together with police officers, administrative bodies, provincial cultural officers and concerned agencies have inspected shops selling and ranting CDs in the Buriram town to wipe out pornographic CDs in accordance to government’s policy.

Governor Yai said that the license of the shops selling obscene CDs will be withdrawn and that he has assigned concerned agencies to impose strict measures for gambling parlours, human trafficking and non-conventional debt as well as other entertainment spots.

According to Mr. Yai, no shops selling such CDs have been found, however he has instructed district chiefs and police officers to regular check on the places and report to the provincial authorities.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 02 Febuary 2006

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A Law Will Be Drafted to Curb Obscene Media

The Social Development and Human Security Ministry prepares to draft a law aimed at curbing obscene items and punish producers of such items, including those who videotape themselves while having sexual intercourse. The punishments of the offense are expected to be as severe as those in drug-related crimes.

which can entail the death penalty..... for porno??? :D:D:D

I wonder of the law will be retrospective? I mean Nig of Street Meat, will he end up in jail :o ? Soon there will be a law outlawing sex itself! :D

It's already being advocated... :D:D:D

The No Sex Ever thread

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