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Opening Already Viewed Or Replied Posts


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Hi, My spell checker problem seems to have solved itself as it is working fine now. My other problem though still persists. When I open a topic I have already read it takes me always to the original post even if I have read 2-3 pages of postings. this also happens to posts that I have added to. Some posts give me the option of going to the first unread post but most do not. As I remain signed in can I not simply go to the last post automatically ?

Cheers in advance

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The stars or the circles are unclickable so still have the same problem. As said some topics give me the option of going to the first unread post but these are few and far between. Even when I have visited the post several times I am still only offered the original posting. Annoying to say the least.

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The stars or the circles are unclickable so still have the same problem. As said some topics give me the option of going to the first unread post but these are few and far between. Even when I have visited the post several times I am still only offered the original posting. Annoying to say the least.

Are they (star/dot) grey or dark as I posted of the snapshot. If grey then it means the entire topic has already been read or you managed to 'mark all forums read' option.

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