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Nukes Must Be Part Of Thailand's Energy Policy


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What they have in Bangkok qualifies in the same way that a kids science kit represents high engineering.

There are some high quality Thai companies that simply employ the best they can find, or go inter. Considering places like BST or Aditya Birla, these are essentially local companies/joint ventures, and I know some people personally in BST, and they tried as best they could to implement as much safety as they could.

PTT, SCG all have foreigners in their operations from time to time if they are needed for key positions and installations. The feeling I have got from working with people involved in working there is that they appreciate working and learning from foreigners on secondment there. The problem with something like nuclear, is there is virtually no experience in the country, and it is an all or nothing escapade, and there is no space for considering foreigner versus Thai, it would be simply be better to employ the best there is around, and have done with it, be it Thai or Expat.

If it comes down to a pissing contest with "who" gets positions and "who" takes decisions, don't get involved. But if they want to do it in a practical way, whereby they appoint a foreign company with experience to run the facility, and allow that company freedom to hire who the hell they want with no consideration for quotas, face, relations, colour or creed, they can do it.

As far as I know, the have tried this in oil operations here for years, and the foreign companies have pushed back and said, if you want us to take responsibility, we keep our expats where we believe we need them. A culture of safety to the highest international standards cannot be built in a company in isolation on it's own in 10 years, with some polite cajoling and bribeable inspection from the government, so import it.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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I don't want to knock the Thais but their track record is very poor when it comes to maintenance and safety.

In comparision to what ?.....Japanese safey/maintenance, UK safety and maintenance, US safety and maintenance ?

To say something is poor you need to be comparing it something

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Thailand with nuclear energy would be like Homer Simpson running a nuke plant, hell they can't even lay a decent pavement or install safe electrical systems.

They are already running a nuclear reactor..rolleyes.gif and manage to run chemical plants, oil refineries, car manufacturing plants, natural gas etc without too many problems,,,but I understand what your saying Thai's are only good for picking rice in the paddies...whistling.gif

Most of the industries you mention are not managed by Thais.

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As much as i am not a greenie, with solar costs at an all time and land not exactly costly in Thailand, the should be investing massively in solar first.

Thailand doesn't need energy for residential heating at all, so in a country like this solar is of enormous benefit. As far as i know though they don't have a way for households to sell excess power they produce back to the grid.

Thousands of moobhans being built and i haven't yet seen over with solar integrated. Why is this?

You are a fool with solar crap maybe Obama will give them and you money for solar. go back to sleep.

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As much as i am not a greenie, with solar costs at an all time and land not exactly costly in Thailand, the should be investing massively in solar first.

Thailand doesn't need energy for residential heating at all, so in a country like this solar is of enormous benefit. As far as i know though they don't have a way for households to sell excess power they produce back to the grid.

Thousands of moobhans being built and i haven't yet seen over with solar integrated. Why is this?

You are a fool with solar crap maybe Obama will give them and you money for solar. go back to sleep.

To be perfectly honest, I won't take that personally. as I said, if you money to buy 1mw and invest it here, you will have your money back in 4 years and the government will make you a millionaire in 4 years, and then keep printing for another 20. Trying desperately to force production in the US, was a stupid idea. The germans, and the US are basically toast in this market, but the capacity world wide means that prices for this stuff are at an absolute all time low. Understand the economics of this market before you insult me personally.

As for politicisiing the issue between me and Obama, one day, houses will stand alone, not connected to any government controlled supplied or priced commodities whatsoever. If they get it completely right, the free power provided from that house, can provide power back to the factories that need it when you don't.

Interesting that a man supposedly into big government wants to support something that should make a household unbeheld to government or big business. What a odd thing. The government subsidising something that makes a house less reliant on the local power provider or big oil. Of course the issue is the subsidy, which if you notice, has been slashed all over the developed world, and what happened, with all the excess supply available for solar panels (silicon and a few other inputs) has fallen to the floor.

So the market has whacked the solar manufacturers to the edge of bankruptcy. Buy up the excess supply while you can. D**k

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I don't want to knock the Thais but their track record is very poor when it comes to maintenance and safety.

In comparision to what ?.....Japanese safey/maintenance, UK safety and maintenance, US safety and maintenance ?

To say something is poor you need to be comparing it something

How about building oil refineries in the capital city?

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OK, I will take a deep breath and plunge in with an alternate idea. Why not nuclear energy plant? It is relatively cheap in the long term,

Cheaper in the long run are you kidding?? no nuclear plant can exist without government support regarding waste disposal (keeping it safe for 100's of thousands of years) and insuring the plants. Fukushima will cost the Japanese government 1/4 of a trillion dollars... There is no insurance or re-insurance company in the world that could afford that loss.

if you read my entire post you will note I mentioned new technology, not old...

What new technology? it all dates back to the 50's - oh you don't mean the new GE reactors with a conveniently placed tray to catch the super radioactive permanently molten corium when it has a meltdown do you?

New technology that would be a FUSION reactor

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Thailand with nuclear energy would be like Homer Simpson running a nuke plant, hell they can't even lay a decent pavement or install safe electrical systems.

They are already running a nuclear reactor..rolleyes.gif and manage to run chemical plants, oil refineries, car manufacturing plants, natural gas etc without too many problems,,,but I understand what your saying Thai's are only good for picking rice in the paddies...whistling.gif

Most of the industries you mention are not managed by Thais.

Really ? car manufacturing I will grant you that one but the rest ?

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Thailand with nuclear energy would be like Homer Simpson running a nuke plant, hell they can't even lay a decent pavement or install safe electrical systems.

They are already running a nuclear reactor..rolleyes.gif and manage to run chemical plants, oil refineries, car manufacturing plants, natural gas etc without too many problems,,,but I understand what your saying Thai's are only good for picking rice in the paddies...whistling.gif

Most of the industries you mention are not managed by Thais.

Really ? car manufacturing I will grant you that one but the rest ?

Well SCG chemical is with Dow Chemical. SPRC is Chevron, Esso is Exxon, PTT stands alone, but does employ some expats to a level. All use contractors, one which wins the lions share of the business for say cleaning is French in origin. Last year, SCG Chemical was doing an installation, Rayong was blessed with a bunch of very well paid expats to manage the whole thing.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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In many countries in Europe we use our recycled garbage as fuel for power plants, most of the cars that people buy these days in Europe use 0,5 liters or less of fuel per 10km and many do car sharing with other people when they travel to work. Maybe it's time for Thailand to start to conserve energy?

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I don't want to knock the Thais but their track record is very poor when it comes to maintenance and safety.

In comparision to what ?.....Japanese safey/maintenance, UK safety and maintenance, US safety and maintenance ?

To say something is poor you need to be comparing it something

How about building oil refineries in the capital city?

Well, the capital was a lot smaller when Bangchak was built. It was probable a days drive from Silom. Depending to traffic these days it still is, so, so much for progress.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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I don't want to knock the Thais but their track record is very poor when it comes to maintenance and safety.

In comparision to what ?.....Japanese safey/maintenance, UK safety and maintenance, US safety and maintenance ?

To say something is poor you need to be comparing it something

How about building oil refineries in the capital city?

Granted not the smartest move, but when was it built ?, at the time it was built maybe the population growth of the captial was not considered and isnt that part of BKK considered an industrial area ?

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Well SCG chemical is with Dow Chemical. SPRC is Chevron, Esso is Exxon, PTT stands alone, but does employ some expats to a level. All use contractors, one which wins the lions share of the business for say cleaning is French in origin. Last year, SCG Chemical was doing an installation, Rayong was blessed with a bunch of very well paid expats to manage the whole thing.

OK these are international companies but that wasnt the comment, it said managed by Thai's, not Thai companies and yes for construction/mods expats are employed as well, but for the most part these plants mentioned are managed by Thai's

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I don't want to knock the Thais but their track record is very poor when it comes to maintenance and safety.

In comparision to what ?.....Japanese safey/maintenance, UK safety and maintenance, US safety and maintenance ?

To say something is poor you need to be comparing it something

How about building oil refineries in the capital city?

Granted not the smartest move, but when was it built ?, at the time it was built maybe the population growth of the captial was not considered and isnt that part of BKK considered an industrial area ?

And you expect the Thais to consider the population growth of today?

I went with my wife and her family to check out a building they were buying in Nakhon Nayok. A little metropolitan is starting to sprawl over there... and guess what? The roads are as narrow and crowded as they are in Bangkok -- no sidewalks -- just roads next to buildings. I guess they'll figure they need the sidewalks AFTER the buildings are all set up...

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That's the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard. Are you really going to try and argue that Thailand has the same record of concern for public safety as the US, UK or Japan?! The roads are just as safe? Workplace standards (clearly visible on construction sites all throughout the country)? Compare the life expectancy of Thais to the Brits, and that's with the latter having a more significant obesity problem. Why was Thailand rated the second most dangerous country for tourists based on road safety, after Honduras in a State Department survey (the State Department has no reason to "pick on" Thailand or incentive to pick the Kingdom over more than 100 other countries in the rankings).

This is a same, childish, exhausting argument hashed over again and again by naive foreigners who've moved to Thailand and are now going to try to claim (because they themselves prefer Thailand, often as a result of not being able to be successful or fit in in their homes countries) that industrialized countries are the same as marginal, third-world countries with rampant poverty, corruption and instability. While I'm sympathetic to the aims of political correctness as a way of counteracting a history of social injustice, I am not willing to accept a completely fallacious attempt to try to compare Thailand to two of the world's most important countries (and often the countries that developed ALL of the technology the Thais now use).

Nuclear power will never be a serious consideration for Thailand. The only Thais who could successfully link the electricity grid to a nuclear power plant would necessarily have had to have been educated abroad. Mistakes are a big part of life in the Kingdom. You can 't make mistakes with nuclear power. No 'mai pen rai'.

Old chap think you need to take your BP meds...me thinks your getting rather hysterical, as regards naive foreigners who moved here because they were not sucessful in their own countries one assumes your speaking for yourself then, my next paragraph is not directed at you personally, but seeing as generalisation is the name of the game.

It seems to be a reoccuring theme on TV that in the opinon of TV finest, the only thing Thai's are good for is picking rice out the paddies and god forbid dont give them anything technical to do without a farangs supervision because they are going to c*kc it up, for the most part these comments are based on generalisations by geriatric farangs living in the wilds of Isaan playing at being an old colonial's with "their" Thai's, it must be very sad coming to live in a country some people seem to detest so much just to get a leg over...

it really begs the question, if everything is bad, messed up and people are so incompetant here, you cant own property, you will never be a citizen (for most), the constant complaints about visa's, Thai racist, double pricing, road safety, building safety etc...why are certain people still living here ?...surely the draw of a Thai lady's nether bits is not strong is it ?

As regards Thailand putting in a nuclear power plants, it their right to if they choose to do so, China, India and Pakistan who are also considered "3rd world" have put in sucessful commerical nuclear program, so why shouldnt Thailand ?

Edited by Soutpeel
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That's the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard. Are you really going to try and argue that Thailand has the same record of concern for public safety as the US, UK or Japan?! The roads are just as safe? Workplace standards (clearly visible on construction sites all throughout the country)? Compare the life expectancy of Thais to the Brits, and that's with the latter having a more significant obesity problem. Why was Thailand rated the second most dangerous country for tourists based on road safety, after Honduras in a State Department survey (the State Department has no reason to "pick on" Thailand or incentive to pick the Kingdom over more than 100 other countries in the rankings).

This is a same, childish, exhausting argument hashed over again and again by naive foreigners who've moved to Thailand and are now going to try to claim (because they themselves prefer Thailand, often as a result of not being able to be successful or fit in in their homes countries) that industrialized countries are the same as marginal, third-world countries with rampant poverty, corruption and instability. While I'm sympathetic to the aims of political correctness as a way of counteracting a history of social injustice, I am not willing to accept a completely fallacious attempt to try to compare Thailand to two of the world's most important countries (and often the countries that developed ALL of the technology the Thais now use).

Nuclear power will never be a serious consideration for Thailand. The only Thais who could successfully link the electricity grid to a nuclear power plant would necessarily have had to have been educated abroad. Mistakes are a big part of life in the Kingdom. You can 't make mistakes with nuclear power. No 'mai pen rai'.

Old chap think you need to take your BP meds...me thinks your getting rather hysterical, as regards naive foreigners who moved here because they were not sucessful in their own countries one assumes your speaking for yourself then, my next paragraph is not directed at you personally, but seeing as generalisation is the name of the game.

It seems to be a reoccuring theme on TV that in the opinon of TV finest, the only thing Thai's are good for is picking rice out the paddies and god forbid dont give them anything technical to do without a farangs supervision because they are going to c*kc it up, for the most part these comments are based on generalisations by geriatric farangs living in the wilds of Isaan playing at being an old colonial's with "their" Thai's, it must be very sad coming to live in a country some people seem to detest so much just to get a leg over...

it really begs the question, if everything is bad, messed up and people are so incompetant here, you cant own property, you will never be a citizen (for most), the constant complaints about visa's, Thai racist, double pricing, road safety, building safety etc...why are certain people still living here ?...surely the draw of a Thai lady's nether bits is not strong is it ?

As regards Thailand putting in a nuclear power plants, it their right to if they choose to do so, China, India and Pakistan who are also considered "3rd world" have put in sucessful commerical nuclear program, so why shouldnt Thailand ?

Pakistans nuclear development is hardly 100% home grown


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That's the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard. Are you really going to try and argue that Thailand has the same record of concern for public safety as the US, UK or Japan?! The roads are just as safe? Workplace standards (clearly visible on construction sites all throughout the country)? Compare the life expectancy of Thais to the Brits, and that's with the latter having a more significant obesity problem. Why was Thailand rated the second most dangerous country for tourists based on road safety, after Honduras in a State Department survey (the State Department has no reason to "pick on" Thailand or incentive to pick the Kingdom over more than 100 other countries in the rankings).

This is a same, childish, exhausting argument hashed over again and again by naive foreigners who've moved to Thailand and are now going to try to claim (because they themselves prefer Thailand, often as a result of not being able to be successful or fit in in their homes countries) that industrialized countries are the same as marginal, third-world countries with rampant poverty, corruption and instability. While I'm sympathetic to the aims of political correctness as a way of counteracting a history of social injustice, I am not willing to accept a completely fallacious attempt to try to compare Thailand to two of the world's most important countries (and often the countries that developed ALL of the technology the Thais now use).

Nuclear power will never be a serious consideration for Thailand. The only Thais who could successfully link the electricity grid to a nuclear power plant would necessarily have had to have been educated abroad. Mistakes are a big part of life in the Kingdom. You can 't make mistakes with nuclear power. No 'mai pen rai'.

Old chap think you need to take your BP meds...me thinks your getting rather hysterical, as regards naive foreigners who moved here because they were not sucessful in their own countries one assumes your speaking for yourself then, my next paragraph is not directed at you personally, but seeing as generalisation is the name of the game.

It seems to be a reoccuring theme on TV that in the opinon of TV finest, the only thing Thai's are good for is picking rice out the paddies and god forbid dont give them anything technical to do without a farangs supervision because they are going to c*kc it up, for the most part these comments are based on generalisations by geriatric farangs living in the wilds of Isaan playing at being an old colonial's with "their" Thai's, it must be very sad coming to live in a country some people seem to detest so much just to get a leg over...

it really begs the question, if everything is bad, messed up and people are so incompetant here, you cant own property, you will never be a citizen (for most), the constant complaints about visa's, Thai racist, double pricing, road safety, building safety etc...why are certain people still living here ?...surely the draw of a Thai lady's nether bits is not strong is it ?

As regards Thailand putting in a nuclear power plants, it their right to if they choose to do so, China, India and Pakistan who are also considered "3rd world" have put in sucessful commerical nuclear program, so why shouldnt Thailand ?

Pakistans nuclear development is hardly 100% home grown


Neither is India's or China's South Korea or a lot of other places for that matter...Thailand will never have a 100% home grown either if it ever happens, why re-invent the wheel ?....buy the technology in...

Lets face it even a lot of western countries never had home grown either the first nuclear power plant producing electricity was in Russia, one assumes the UK got some/took some ideas from there and started up the first commerical nuclear etc etc...so everyone steals, begs or borrows technology/information from everyone else

Edited by Soutpeel
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That's the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard. Are you really going to try and argue that Thailand has the same record of concern for public safety as the US, UK or Japan?! The roads are just as safe? Workplace standards (clearly visible on construction sites all throughout the country)? Compare the life expectancy of Thais to the Brits, and that's with the latter having a more significant obesity problem. Why was Thailand rated the second most dangerous country for tourists based on road safety, after Honduras in a State Department survey (the State Department has no reason to "pick on" Thailand or incentive to pick the Kingdom over more than 100 other countries in the rankings).

This is a same, childish, exhausting argument hashed over again and again by naive foreigners who've moved to Thailand and are now going to try to claim (because they themselves prefer Thailand, often as a result of not being able to be successful or fit in in their homes countries) that industrialized countries are the same as marginal, third-world countries with rampant poverty, corruption and instability. While I'm sympathetic to the aims of political correctness as a way of counteracting a history of social injustice, I am not willing to accept a completely fallacious attempt to try to compare Thailand to two of the world's most important countries (and often the countries that developed ALL of the technology the Thais now use).

Nuclear power will never be a serious consideration for Thailand. The only Thais who could successfully link the electricity grid to a nuclear power plant would necessarily have had to have been educated abroad. Mistakes are a big part of life in the Kingdom. You can 't make mistakes with nuclear power. No 'mai pen rai'.

Old chap think you need to take your BP meds...me thinks your getting rather hysterical, as regards naive foreigners who moved here because they were not sucessful in their own countries one assumes your speaking for yourself then, my next paragraph is not directed at you personally, but seeing as generalisation is the name of the game.

It seems to be a reoccuring theme on TV that in the opinon of TV finest, the only thing Thai's are good for is picking rice out the paddies and god forbid dont give them anything technical to do without a farangs supervision because they are going to c*kc it up, for the most part these comments are based on generalisations by geriatric farangs living in the wilds of Isaan playing at being an old colonial's with "their" Thai's, it must be very sad coming to live in a country some people seem to detest so much just to get a leg over...

it really begs the question, if everything is bad, messed up and people are so incompetant here, you cant own property, you will never be a citizen (for most), the constant complaints about visa's, Thai racist, double pricing, road safety, building safety etc...why are certain people still living here ?...surely the draw of a Thai lady's nether bits is not strong is it ?

As regards Thailand putting in a nuclear power plants, it their right to if they choose to do so, China, India and Pakistan who are also considered "3rd world" have put in sucessful commerical nuclear program, so why shouldnt Thailand ?

Pakistans nuclear development is hardly 100% home grown


Neither is India's or China's South Korea or a lot of other places for that matter...Thailand will never have a 100% home grown either if it ever happens, why re-invent the wheel ?....buy the technology in...

That's what i go with absolutely. Interesting to read the link about India on wikipedia. Seems the Canadians were involved in India and Pakistan.

The nuclear for peace was a US program so presumably the reactor in bangkok was built by the US government. I presume from time to time GE flies in to maintain it on that case.

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That's the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard. Are you really going to try and argue that Thailand has the same record of concern for public safety as the US, UK or Japan?! The roads are just as safe? Workplace standards (clearly visible on construction sites all throughout the country)? Compare the life expectancy of Thais to the Brits, and that's with the latter having a more significant obesity problem. Why was Thailand rated the second most dangerous country for tourists based on road safety, after Honduras in a State Department survey (the State Department has no reason to "pick on" Thailand or incentive to pick the Kingdom over more than 100 other countries in the rankings).

This is a same, childish, exhausting argument hashed over again and again by naive foreigners who've moved to Thailand and are now going to try to claim (because they themselves prefer Thailand, often as a result of not being able to be successful or fit in in their homes countries) that industrialized countries are the same as marginal, third-world countries with rampant poverty, corruption and instability. While I'm sympathetic to the aims of political correctness as a way of counteracting a history of social injustice, I am not willing to accept a completely fallacious attempt to try to compare Thailand to two of the world's most important countries (and often the countries that developed ALL of the technology the Thais now use).

Nuclear power will never be a serious consideration for Thailand. The only Thais who could successfully link the electricity grid to a nuclear power plant would necessarily have had to have been educated abroad. Mistakes are a big part of life in the Kingdom. You can 't make mistakes with nuclear power. No 'mai pen rai'.

Old chap think you need to take your BP meds...me thinks your getting rather hysterical, as regards naive foreigners who moved here because they were not sucessful in their own countries one assumes your speaking for yourself then, my next paragraph is not directed at you personally, but seeing as generalisation is the name of the game.

It seems to be a reoccuring theme on TV that in the opinon of TV finest, the only thing Thai's are good for is picking rice out the paddies and god forbid dont give them anything technical to do without a farangs supervision because they are going to c*kc it up, for the most part these comments are based on generalisations by geriatric farangs living in the wilds of Isaan playing at being an old colonial's with "their" Thai's, it must be very sad coming to live in a country some people seem to detest so much just to get a leg over...

it really begs the question, if everything is bad, messed up and people are so incompetant here, you cant own property, you will never be a citizen (for most), the constant complaints about visa's, Thai racist, double pricing, road safety, building safety etc...why are certain people still living here ?...surely the draw of a Thai lady's nether bits is not strong is it ?

As regards Thailand putting in a nuclear power plants, it their right to if they choose to do so, China, India and Pakistan who are also considered "3rd world" have put in sucessful commerical nuclear program, so why shouldnt Thailand ?

I'm moving back to the US in December "old chap". I'm thrilled to return to a place where common sense is in play, as I've experienced every year when I return for the holidays. Thailand is a vapid wasteland of learning and intellectual vigor. I'm 28 years old and I've worked for the past year on a contract basis for the US embassy. My thoughts are shared by anyone who is involved in policy-making with the Thais. And by the way, at the government level, China, India and Pakistan have traditions of extremely hard work (when I worked academic tutoring after I first moved to Thailand, I had students who were almost exclusively Thai and Chinese but with the occasional Pakistani, or Indian student). The latter were far and away superior students, who understood their history and were intellectually curious. Most of the Thai students don't even know where their King was born. They couldn't tell you the first thing about their own government. It's really quite sad, because they are brazenly manipulated and exploited by a brazenly corrupt government (the Anti-Corruption Network estimates that of the 350 billion baht flood prevention fund, 250 billion has disappeared into the hands of government officials). I think it was Rama VI who said: "...for I fear that if you placed a bowl of molten gold before my people, they would burn their hands trying to steal it." Even Thai Kings are more real about the nature of the people they care for. You're only deluding yourself but I understand the appeal of trying to pretend like everything is the same, not just equal, the SAME. It's admirable that you are the white knight for the Thais, coming to the rescue with your adorable ideas.

Edited by Unkomoncents
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An off-topic discussion which is more of a personal nature than one applicable to the thread, has been deleted. Please stay on the topic and refrain from making personal comments directed at other posters.

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Just thought I would quote from another article on Tv today.

'BANGKOK: -- Among the Army's weapons confiscated by red-shirt protesters in April 2010, only one M-16 rifle has been returned to the military, the rest are still missing, Army spokesman Sansern Kaewkam-nerd said in testimony yesterday.'

Someone enlighten me ..... is nuclear energy safer or more dangerous than an M16?

Just thinking out loud.


Edited by metisdead
: Bold removed where it wasn't needed. Learn to use the quote function when quoting content.
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"Nukes Must Be Part Of Thailand's Energy Policy"....

Actually the header should read something like Nuclear Power Must Be Part

Of Thailand's Energy Policy....Using the word "Nukes" gives people this



Then again...Nuclear Power also gives some this impression...


Either way the Thai Government had better be dam_n sure before

they even attempt to use nuclear power in order to solve the

electricity woes of the country. They could do better by first

installing a proper distribution system....properly and not leave

it the hap hazard way it is currently in.

Edited by sunshine51
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to start with they would bring in expats to build it, and then the core team to run it would be expat,

there are lots and lots of jobs for expat enineers in bkk, i was operations manager in bkk,

i work in the oil gas and power industry and there accidents all over the world, while you have humans, you will allways have human error,fact,

the world is changing and we must move with the time, that to is fact,


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That's the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard. Are you really going to try and argue that Thailand has the same record of concern for public safety as the US, UK or Japan?! The roads are just as safe? Workplace standards (clearly visible on construction sites all throughout the country)? Compare the life expectancy of Thais to the Brits, and that's with the latter having a more significant obesity problem. Why was Thailand rated the second most dangerous country for tourists based on road safety, after Honduras in a State Department survey (the State Department has no reason to "pick on" Thailand or incentive to pick the Kingdom over more than 100 other countries in the rankings).

This is a same, childish, exhausting argument hashed over again and again by naive foreigners who've moved to Thailand and are now going to try to claim (because they themselves prefer Thailand, often as a result of not being able to be successful or fit in in their homes countries) that industrialized countries are the same as marginal, third-world countries with rampant poverty, corruption and instability. While I'm sympathetic to the aims of political correctness as a way of counteracting a history of social injustice, I am not willing to accept a completely fallacious attempt to try to compare Thailand to two of the world's most important countries (and often the countries that developed ALL of the technology the Thais now use).

Nuclear power will never be a serious consideration for Thailand. The only Thais who could successfully link the electricity grid to a nuclear power plant would necessarily have had to have been educated abroad. Mistakes are a big part of life in the Kingdom. You can 't make mistakes with nuclear power. No 'mai pen rai'.

Old chap think you need to take your BP meds...me thinks your getting rather hysterical, as regards naive foreigners who moved here because they were not sucessful in their own countries one assumes your speaking for yourself then, my next paragraph is not directed at you personally, but seeing as generalisation is the name of the game.

It seems to be a reoccuring theme on TV that in the opinon of TV finest, the only thing Thai's are good for is picking rice out the paddies and god forbid dont give them anything technical to do without a farangs supervision because they are going to c*kc it up, for the most part these comments are based on generalisations by geriatric farangs living in the wilds of Isaan playing at being an old colonial's with "their" Thai's, it must be very sad coming to live in a country some people seem to detest so much just to get a leg over...

it really begs the question, if everything is bad, messed up and people are so incompetant here, you cant own property, you will never be a citizen (for most), the constant complaints about visa's, Thai racist, double pricing, road safety, building safety etc...why are certain people still living here ?...surely the draw of a Thai lady's nether bits is not strong is it ?

As regards Thailand putting in a nuclear power plants, it their right to if they choose to do so, China, India and Pakistan who are also considered "3rd world" have put in sucessful commerical nuclear program, so why shouldnt Thailand ?

Thais build Tuk Tuks and make a great bowl of noodle soup.

They should be able to handle a nuclear power plant.

Edited by pauljones
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nuclear in thailand, wow ... i did not see that one comming...

other countries are banning it, thailand will introduce it...

thailand has plenty of SUN for free

why not invest in a durable CLEAN(er) energy source ?

12 hours per day....

I guess toooooooooo easy

Your lack of knowledge is comprehensive. !2 hours/day is a monumental crock, as the best capacity factor of a solar plant (in a desert) is less than 25%. Lack of sunlight (night/clouds) is not the only factor as a fine dusting will reduce output considerably.

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87% of the energy used is currently obtained from fossil fuels. The only 2 viable sources at the moment are hydro and nuke energy, currently producing about 6.5% each.

ALL other sources combined produce less than 1%. Solar power advocates should check out the world's largest and latest plants being built in Oz. At billion dollar each costs they will produce very little but horrendously expensive electricity.

Does anybody know the story re the wind generators near Nakhon Si Thammarat? Went past recently and it was blowing strong and neither was turning.

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