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Make Fridays A Holiday In South, Scholar Advises: Thailand


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Garbage......and hand a victory to these murderous terrorists? Quite frankly unbelievable, you'll on teach them that bombs and bullets work, and they will just keep going and going and going.

Disgraceful idea.

All Muslims in southern Thailand are murderous terrorists? (Presumably even the ones murdered by Muslim terrorists or thsoe who despise their actions).

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Yeah make Fridays a holiday, then decree that pigs are not allowed in the provinces (the oink oink kind), no celebration of Buddhist, Catholic or Christian holidays, demolish temples and churches, not allowed to display national flags unless of course it represents a Muslim country, reading of the Koran obligatory in schools!

F#@k em!

A lot is said on these forums about how ex-pats should try and integrate and understand Thai society and any other country that one decides to make home.

What makes these people think that they are something special?

The Koran.


The perfect post. Nailed it in 2 words (and said so much about what religion has wrought on the world).

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Reading a book at the moment, an account of an Arab's journey into northern Europe over 1,000 years ago. He is a devout Muslim, but doesn't have the same insane attitudes as todays version, he is educated, intelligent and open minded. Pity, if all were still like this there would be no need for disharmony.

That aside and back to the point it would be absurd to collow this clown's advice and shut everything Fridays. Read also some girl working the gas station was arbitrarily executed, blasted her out of her sandals, another triumph for Islam. Plus the 18 yo girl in Pakistan who was just shot in the face for standing up to the Taliban.

For those of you that use the leftist gambit that society is to blame, it reaches a point where it is just murder for fun by very sick and twisted individuals. There is no excuse for what is going on, hopefully the b*stards will be caught and sent to meet their maker.

As a general rule, I've little a limited regard for adherents to any religion, but you're quite mistaken to think that there is one "version" of Muslim today (or that to be Muslim and intelligent and educated is unusual) -- that's no more true than claiming that 1,000 years ago there were no Muslims who were intolerant and had "insane attitudes".

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Garbage......and hand a victory to these murderous terrorists? Quite frankly unbelievable, you'll on teach them that bombs and bullets work, and they will just keep going and going and going.

Disgraceful idea.

All Muslims in southern Thailand are murderous terrorists? (Presumably even the ones murdered by Muslim terrorists or thsoe who despise their actions).

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

Sophistry. thumbsup.gif

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Garbage......and hand a victory to these murderous terrorists? Quite frankly unbelievable, you'll on teach them that bombs and bullets work, and they will just keep going and going and going.

Disgraceful idea.

All Muslims in southern Thailand are murderous terrorists? (Presumably even the ones murdered by Muslim terrorists or thsoe who despise their actions).

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

Sophistry. thumbsup.gif



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Hardly makes sense to me. Monday to Fridays are used as the business days world wide wouldn't cutting one of these business days harm your prospects of conducting business not just nationally but internationally.

Remind me not to hire a muslim, not going to pay them for a week when they will only turn up for 4 days.

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Why did he not site a list of other Muslim countries where Friday is a holiday and the people work on Sunday instead. That would have been a ligtemate argument.

Good point, and it's easy to find out that information. I know first hand (having lived there) that in Kuwait, Friday was part of the weekend (holiday) and Sunday was the first day of the work week (hence, Monday second).

Having said that - forcing people to change to one's views is insane.

Just out of curiosity, is it mandated anywhere in Thai law that saturday and sunday are the OFFICIAL weekend (holiday) days?

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Why did he not site a list of other Muslim countries where Friday is a holiday and the people work on Sunday instead. That would have been a ligtemate argument.

Good point, and it's easy to find out that information. I know first hand (having lived there) that in Kuwait, Friday was part of the weekend (holiday) and Sunday was the first day of the work week (hence, Monday second).

Having said that - forcing people to change to one's views is insane.

Just out of curiosity, is it mandated anywhere in Thai law that saturday and sunday are the OFFICIAL weekend (holiday) days?

Not that i know of. Hours per week are mandated, but nothing states Monday as the start if the working week and that Sunday is a holiday.

Do you think they will stop killing people if Friday is a holiday?

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They are trying to impose their religion on the world.

Here in Birmingham, England, I remember years ago there was an area which was notorious for the "Oldest Profession", ladies used to sit in the windows, the Muslims pushed them out, there was a lot of unpleasant things done to move the ladies out, what was so wrong was the ladies were there first, if the goings on in the area was so offensive to the muslims why did the move there in the first place.

As for South Thailand, OK make Fridays a day of rest, make Sundays a day of rest too, and why not Saturdays too (we must not offend the Jews)?

Could also ban girls from schools, introduce bomb making and martyrdom into the school curriculum. Ban pork, why not ban all meat to appease vegetarians? public stoning for any "Hanky Pank" outside wedlock. Ban all alcohol. Then let them vote, but just to make the elections fair give everybody a gun.

Edited by Basil B
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Do you think they will stop killing people if Friday is a holiday?

Has announcing any day as a holiday stopped the 'West' from invading and massacring people by the thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands?

Nah, so let's stop being all holier-than-thou and the en gros childish anti-Muslim rhetoric. It's no surprise that the killing there hasn't stopped while this bigoted ranting is echoed through the brains of Bangkok-Buddhists as well.

People here constantly complain about how they have no rights and how badly they are treated . . . do you think the Muslims in the south have it any better . . . and they are citizens.

I've lived in a majority-Muslim country for four years now and - surprise, surprise - no-one has killed me or anyone non-Muslim or Muslim I know.

Edited by Sing_Sling
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Do you think they will stop killing people if Friday is a holiday?

Has announcing any day as a holiday stopped the 'West' from invading and massacring people by the thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands?

Nah, so let's stop being all holier-than-thou and the en gros childish anti-Muslim rhetoric. It's no surprise that the killing there hasn't stopped while this bigoted ranting is echoed through the brains of Bangkok-Buddhists as well.

People here constantly complain about how they have no rights and how badly they are treated . . . do you think the Muslims in the south have it any better . . . and they are citizens.

I've lived in a majority-Muslim country for four years now and - surprise, surprise - no-one has killed me or anyone non-Muslim or Muslim I know.

I do not think it is about the west attacking muslims and that the west is the cause of the muslim conflicts. Muslims just do not get along with non muslims, they are attacking and killing Budhists, Hindu's Jews, Christians in just about every country on the planet. 700 religions are not ganging up on Islam it is Islam attacking them. Tomorrow is the 10th aniversary of the Bali bombing and threats of terrorist attacks by muslims have been made against the Australian P.M and other diplomats attending. They are not threatening muslims it is the muslims making the threats in the name of islam.

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Do you think they will stop killing people if Friday is a holiday?

Has announcing any day as a holiday stopped the 'West' from invading and massacring people by the thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands?

Nah, so let's stop being all holier-than-thou and the en gros childish anti-Muslim rhetoric. It's no surprise that the killing there hasn't stopped while this bigoted ranting is echoed through the brains of Bangkok-Buddhists as well.

People here constantly complain about how they have no rights and how badly they are treated . . . do you think the Muslims in the south have it any better . . . and they are citizens.

I've lived in a majority-Muslim country for four years now and - surprise, surprise - no-one has killed me or anyone non-Muslim or Muslim I know.

I do not think it is about the west attacking muslims and that the west is the cause of the muslim conflicts. Muslims just do not get along with non muslims, they are attacking and killing Budhists, Hindu's Jews, Christians in just about every country on the planet. 700 religions are not ganging up on Islam it is Islam attacking them. Tomorrow is the 10th aniversary of the Bali bombing and threats of terrorist attacks by muslims have been made against the Australian P.M and other diplomats attending. They are not threatening muslims it is the muslims making the threats in the name of islam.

Ok, you're all over the place with your response and quoted my post but addressed only one point.

Whichever way you look at it the west has created chaos in the Middle East - please read up on colonialism and how the various countries were sliced up by the colonial powers. Add to that the continued subjugation of the locals and the support 'we' gave the tyrants who took over - or were put in place.

You want history? How about the crusades? Care to comment on how the Muslims were the aggressors there?

Let's update this a bit and talk about what the west has done in places like Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Libya (prior to the most recent flare-ups), what we let happen in Bosnia and what 'we' did in Bosnia, Afghanistan etc ad infinitum

"Muslims just do not get along with non muslims, they are attacking and killing Budhists, Hindu's Jews, Christians in just about every country on the planet"

Really? Just about every country on the planet . . . There are roughly 200 countries on this planet . . . being liberal I suppose 'just about every' would mean 190? 180? Ah heck, let;s be generous to you and just count 150 - 3/4 of the countries. I guess if you look at it this way you can see what utter nonsense you are writing.

Oh, how about the largest population of Jews outside of Israel living in the Middle East being . . . . (drums) . . . Iran. Oh, they have lived there in relative peace for thousands of years . . .

Yes, indeed - there are many Muslims who are of the foaming-at-the-mouth variety screaming 'Down with America/Britain/Israel' but the vast majority . . . aren't.

Let's see . . . which Muslim countries are currently being occupied/invaded by the west . . . or how about we just take a look at how many Muslim countries have been attacked by the west in the last ten years . . . and then compare how many western countries have been attacked by Muslims . . . how about how many western countries have been invaded by boots on the ground Muslims?

Anyway, this is about Thailand - would you care to discuss the situation of Thai Muslims or go on about Bali and the like?

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Do you think they will stop killing people if Friday is a holiday?

Has announcing any day as a holiday stopped the 'West' from invading and massacring people by the thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands?

Nah, so let's stop being all holier-than-thou and the en gros childish anti-Muslim rhetoric. It's no surprise that the killing there hasn't stopped while this bigoted ranting is echoed through the brains of Bangkok-Buddhists as well.

People here constantly complain about how they have no rights and how badly they are treated . . . do you think the Muslims in the south have it any better . . . and they are citizens.

I've lived in a majority-Muslim country for four years now and - surprise, surprise - no-one has killed me or anyone non-Muslim or Muslim I know.

Huh, don't blame me for the actions of the West, and you completely failed to answer my question.

So, will they stop killing people if they make Friday a holiday. I am told, if i live in Thailand respect the Thai way of life. If i live in Afghanistan, i would expect to have to respect the Afghani way of life.

Sorry, but no society can make accommodations for every minority by government decree. If they don't want to work on Fridays, don't. But don't expect the government to mandate it.

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Do you think they will stop killing people if Friday is a holiday?

Has announcing any day as a holiday stopped the 'West' from invading and massacring people by the thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands?

Nah, so let's stop being all holier-than-thou and the en gros childish anti-Muslim rhetoric. It's no surprise that the killing there hasn't stopped while this bigoted ranting is echoed through the brains of Bangkok-Buddhists as well.

People here constantly complain about how they have no rights and how badly they are treated . . . do you think the Muslims in the south have it any better . . . and they are citizens.

I've lived in a majority-Muslim country for four years now and - surprise, surprise - no-one has killed me or anyone non-Muslim or Muslim I know.

Huh, don't blame me for the actions of the West, and you completely failed to answer my question.

I didn't and you evidently can't read
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Whichever way you look at it the west has created chaos in the Middle East - please read up on colonialism and how the various countries were sliced up by the colonial powers.

Please correct me if I am wrong but it seems you are saying it did not exist there before?

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Do you think they will stop killing people if Friday is a holiday?

Has announcing any day as a holiday stopped the 'West' from invading and massacring people by the thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands?

Nah, so let's stop being all holier-than-thou and the en gros childish anti-Muslim rhetoric. It's no surprise that the killing there hasn't stopped while this bigoted ranting is echoed through the brains of Bangkok-Buddhists as well.

People here constantly complain about how they have no rights and how badly they are treated . . . do you think the Muslims in the south have it any better . . . and they are citizens.

I've lived in a majority-Muslim country for four years now and - surprise, surprise - no-one has killed me or anyone non-Muslim or Muslim I know.

Huh, don't blame me for the actions of the West, and you completely failed to answer my question.

I didn't and you evidently can't read

And i presume because you live in a majority Moslem country you have respect some of their customs.

Still fundamentally, should a state negotiate with a minority group under a threat of violence? The Thai state has commited some terrible acts down there, but if the Moslem separatists down there want to win any concessions, blowing up markets and threatening violence is hardly the way to go.

Sometimes fighting less, gets you more.

Also, will they stop killing people if they get a Friday holiday?

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Maybe Mr Nimu Makaje could go and fill himself up with a shotgun. Let's all change the way we live for the minority. And they wonder why they are so dispised. And what a way to go about achieving your agenda. Go out and shoot up/blow up and kill as many people you can on Fridays for being innocent citizens that are out earning a living.

It looks as though diplomacy in the south has done nothing other that fuel the insurgency to the extent where they are now making such outragous demands on all that don't believe in their Islamic illusions. Time to pull the gloves off and start eradicating these vermin militants and those who support them in mass.

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The only way is the Chinese way. Offer land and good job opportunities to all non muslim who are willing to move there until non muslim are at 100 to 1 against the muslims.

Problem solved

Yes. I once heard of a Muslim majority province in China that wanted a referendam on autonomy. The government agreed. Mobilized the army to ensure a safe and peaceful process They then ordered the soldiers in the province to vote also. Needless to say the autonomy bid was an epic failure.

Gotta love the Chinese. thumbsup.gif

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Do you think they will stop killing people if Friday is a holiday?

Has announcing any day as a holiday stopped the 'West' from invading and massacring people by the thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands?

Nah, so let's stop being all holier-than-thou and the en gros childish anti-Muslim rhetoric. It's no surprise that the killing there hasn't stopped while this bigoted ranting is echoed through the brains of Bangkok-Buddhists as well.

People here constantly complain about how they have no rights and how badly they are treated . . . do you think the Muslims in the south have it any better . . . and they are citizens.

I've lived in a majority-Muslim country for four years now and - surprise, surprise - no-one has killed me or anyone non-Muslim or Muslim I know.

I do not think it is about the west attacking muslims and that the west is the cause of the muslim conflicts. Muslims just do not get along with non muslims, they are attacking and killing Budhists, Hindu's Jews, Christians in just about every country on the planet. 700 religions are not ganging up on Islam it is Islam attacking them. Tomorrow is the 10th aniversary of the Bali bombing and threats of terrorist attacks by muslims have been made against the Australian P.M and other diplomats attending. They are not threatening muslims it is the muslims making the threats in the name of islam.

Ok, you're all over the place with your response and quoted my post but addressed only one point.

Whichever way you look at it the west has created chaos in the Middle East - please read up on colonialism and how the various countries were sliced up by the colonial powers. Add to that the continued subjugation of the locals and the support 'we' gave the tyrants who took over - or were put in place.

You want history? How about the crusades? Care to comment on how the Muslims were the aggressors there?

Let's update this a bit and talk about what the west has done in places like Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Libya (prior to the most recent flare-ups), what we let happen in Bosnia and what 'we' did in Bosnia, Afghanistan etc ad infinitum

"Muslims just do not get along with non muslims, they are attacking and killing Budhists, Hindu's Jews, Christians in just about every country on the planet"

Really? Just about every country on the planet . . . There are roughly 200 countries on this planet . . . being liberal I suppose 'just about every' would mean 190? 180? Ah heck, let;s be generous to you and just count 150 - 3/4 of the countries. I guess if you look at it this way you can see what utter nonsense you are writing.

Oh, how about the largest population of Jews outside of Israel living in the Middle East being . . . . (drums) . . . Iran. Oh, they have lived there in relative peace for thousands of years . . .

Yes, indeed - there are many Muslims who are of the foaming-at-the-mouth variety screaming 'Down with America/Britain/Israel' but the vast majority . . . aren't.

Let's see . . . which Muslim countries are currently being occupied/invaded by the west . . . or how about we just take a look at how many Muslim countries have been attacked by the west in the last ten years . . . and then compare how many western countries have been attacked by Muslims . . . how about how many western countries have been invaded by boots on the ground Muslims?

Anyway, this is about Thailand - would you care to discuss the situation of Thai Muslims or go on about Bali and the like?

So your saying it is because of the Crusades of 1095, that muslims are getting revenge in the south of Thailand and the rest of the world with events such as 9/11 and Bali. Is it not time that this religion of peace put the events of 983 years ago behind them and moved on? The inoccent people today had nothing to do with the crusades and should not be punished for it. What did Budhists have to do with the crusades anyway? Time for muslims to get over it, grow up and move on stop living in the past.

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The only way is the Chinese way. Offer land and good job opportunities to all non muslim who are willing to move there until non muslim are at 100 to 1 against the muslims.

Problem solved

Yes. I once heard of a Muslim majority province in China that wanted a referendam on autonomy. The government agreed. Mobilized the army to ensure a safe and peaceful process They then ordered the soldiers in the province to vote also. Needless to say the autonomy bid was an epic failure.

Gotta love the Chinese. thumbsup.gif

Lived in xinjiang for 6 months when the uighurs thought it smart to blow up some buses in beijing. The government simply shut down all money movement in and out if the province for 5 months and arrested 3000 people.

People fought back so the army annihilated a village or two. It will happen here inevitably.

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The only way is the Chinese way. Offer land and good job opportunities to all non muslim who are willing to move there until non muslim are at 100 to 1 against the muslims.

Problem solved

Yes. I once heard of a Muslim majority province in China that wanted a referendam on autonomy. The government agreed. Mobilized the army to ensure a safe and peaceful process They then ordered the soldiers in the province to vote also. Needless to say the autonomy bid was an epic failure.

Gotta love the Chinese. thumbsup.gif

Lived in xinjiang for 6 months when the uighurs thought it smart to blow up some buses in beijing. The government simply shut down all money movement in and out if the province for 5 months and arrested 3000 people.

People fought back so the army annihilated a village or two. It will happen here inevitably.

Sounds like a plan to me. smile.png

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Time for muslims to get over it, grow up and move on stop living in the past.

How can they? Final unalterable word of their god spring to mind?

Who are the radicals? The ones who follow the word or the ones who just take what they want it to mean is real?

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The only way is the Chinese way. Offer land and good job opportunities to all non muslim who are willing to move there until non muslim are at 100 to 1 against the muslims.

Problem solved

not work, as the normal Thai people get 1 or 2 children, maybe 3.

Fanatic muslims get 5, 6, 7 until the woman can not anymore.

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The only way is the Chinese way. Offer land and good job opportunities to all non muslim who are willing to move there until non muslim are at 100 to 1 against the muslims.

Problem solved

not work, as the normal Thai people get 1 or 2 children, maybe 3.

Fanatic muslims get 5, 6, 7 until the woman can not anymore.

Then they move to countries with a welfare system and play havoc with it. Earlier the crusades were mentioned. Christianity has moved on since then now it is the Muslims trying to take over the world. Unlike the crusades they sneak around and try to destroy countries with their welfare and kill indiscriminately behind peoples backs. Unlike the crusaders who were in front of them facing them.

Islam has some nice things in writing but in the action the words quickly disappear. I can not believe these radical groups operate with out the sanction of the Islamic world. In the western world they would be crushed. Look what happened with the IRA it was not Islam's who solved that problem it was the Christians them selves.

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The only way is the Chinese way. Offer land and good job opportunities to all non muslim who are willing to move there until non muslim are at 100 to 1 against the muslims.

Problem solved

not work, as the normal Thai people get 1 or 2 children, maybe 3.

Fanatic muslims get 5, 6, 7 until the woman can not anymore.

Then they move to countries with a welfare system and play havoc with it. Earlier the crusades were mentioned. Christianity has moved on since then now it is the Muslims trying to take over the world. Unlike the crusades they sneak around and try to destroy countries with their welfare and kill indiscriminately behind peoples backs. Unlike the crusaders who were in front of them facing them.

Islam has some nice things in writing but in the action the words quickly disappear. I can not believe these radical groups operate with out the sanction of the Islamic world. In the western world they would be crushed. Look what happened with the IRA it was not Islam's who solved that problem it was the Christians them selves.

You are right, but the crusaders did also crimes which can't be imagined today....killing the women and children....

And yes there is no word from the Islamic world. Where is Saudi Arabia, they apply draconian punishment on everything else.

But (and now I get very cynical), look back what Christians did when there believe was about the same age. They did things different but cruel as well. Now Christian believe get old and tired and Muslims are doing the same.

One difference is that the bible is much more friendly than the quran. Europe had the Socialists, the communists who really pushed for education. There is nothing like that in the Muslim world.

For me sad...I as Atheist find myself "fighting" with Christs. As Christs won't kill me for being Atheist. Muslims would.

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The only way is the Chinese way. Offer land and good job opportunities to all non muslim who are willing to move there until non muslim are at 100 to 1 against the muslims.

Problem solved

not work, as the normal Thai people get 1 or 2 children, maybe 3.

Fanatic muslims get 5, 6, 7 until the woman can not anymore.

Then they move to countries with a welfare system and play havoc with it. Earlier the crusades were mentioned. Christianity has moved on since then now it is the Muslims trying to take over the world. Unlike the crusades they sneak around and try to destroy countries with their welfare and kill indiscriminately behind peoples backs. Unlike the crusaders who were in front of them facing them.

Islam has some nice things in writing but in the action the words quickly disappear. I can not believe these radical groups operate with out the sanction of the Islamic world. In the western world they would be crushed. Look what happened with the IRA it was not Islam's who solved that problem it was the Christians them selves.

You are right, but the crusaders did also crimes which can't be imagined today....killing the women and children....

And yes there is no word from the Islamic world. Where is Saudi Arabia, they apply draconian punishment on everything else.

But (and now I get very cynical), look back what Christians did when there believe was about the same age. They did things different but cruel as well. Now Christian believe get old and tired and Muslims are doing the same.

One difference is that the bible is much more friendly than the quran. Europe had the Socialists, the communists who really pushed for education. There is nothing like that in the Muslim world.

For me sad...I as Atheist find myself "fighting" with Christs. As Christs won't kill me for being Atheist. Muslims would.

That is the beautiful thing about being an atheist, we don't have imaginary friends who we have to kill and destroy for. No little person in our heads telling us to kill in the name of peace and love.

Yes Atheists kill also but it is for something real, the wifes screwing around and they have anger management problems etc, not because it is written in a book, the imaginary friend told me to or the space ship is leaving at 10 p.m. I choose the peaceful life of being an atheist.

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Whichever way you look at it the west has created chaos in the Middle East - please read up on colonialism and how the various countries were sliced up by the colonial powers.

Please correct me if I am wrong but it seems you are saying it did not exist there before?

No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that borders were established according to the whim of the colonial masters, puppet dictators were installed and minority areas were all of the sudden subject to a regime awash with weapons.

Violence has existed everywhere - Muslim areas are no different

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