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Make Fridays A Holiday In South, Scholar Advises: Thailand


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And i presume because you live in a majority Moslem country you have respect some of their customs.

Still fundamentally, should a state negotiate with a minority group under a threat of violence? The Thai state has commited some terrible acts down there, but if the Moslem separatists down there want to win any concessions, blowing up markets and threatening violence is hardly the way to go.

Sometimes fighting less, gets you more.

Also, will they stop killing people if they get a Friday holiday?

Of course I have respect for their customs - as they do for mine, something which can't be said for both sides in Thailand.

Your second question - it depends what the problems are. Bangkok has acted like a colonial master, a bad one, in the south for decades - why is anyone surprised that violence begets violence?

I agree with your statement (markets etc...)

I have yet to see anyone saying that all they want is Friday to be a day off and then everyone is happy and turns in their weapons.

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So your saying it is because of the Crusades of 1095, that muslims are getting revenge in the south of Thailand and the rest of the world with events such as 9/11 and Bali. Is it not time that this religion of peace put the events of 983 years ago behind them and moved on? The inoccent people today had nothing to do with the crusades and should not be punished for it. What did Budhists have to do with the crusades anyway? Time for muslims to get over it, grow up and move on stop living in the past.

Nope, where am I saying that? Please keep the discussion in context or it will get all muddled up. I was replying to chooka's post in the same context as him.
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Then they move to countries with a welfare system and play havoc with it. Earlier the crusades were mentioned. Christianity has moved on since then now it is the Muslims trying to take over the world. Unlike the crusades they sneak around and try to destroy countries with their welfare and kill indiscriminately behind peoples backs. Unlike the crusaders who were in front of them facing them.

Islam has some nice things in writing but in the action the words quickly disappear. I can not believe these radical groups operate with out the sanction of the Islamic world. In the western world they would be crushed. Look what happened with the IRA it was not Islam's who solved that problem it was the Christians them selves.

The mind boggles . . . how can anyone intelligently debate bigots

Carry on with your Muslim-bashing - it's easier when you're all of the same opinion thumbsup.gif

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I have yet to see anyone saying that all they want is Friday to be a day off and then everyone is happy and turns in their weapons.

Is that all they want? They have been killing people because Friday is not a government-recognized holiday and will lay down arms if this changes? I doubt it. No, I think their demand that all shop owners shut their doors on Fridays, indeed threatening violence if they do not, is only a side issue for them. However, it is indicative of the kind of people they are, selfish and unreasonable.

Have you ever wondered at a lone mosque in an area surrounded by non-Muslims that blasts the neighborhood at 5am every morning with a call to prayer awakening people from a sound sleep who don't appreciate it? I asked an Imam once in such a place if he felt that was inconsiderate and selfish. He could not comprehend the question.

You say that you haven't had any problems while living in a Muslim country for the last 4 years. I've done the same. That is a situation where Muslims control the country and have everything their own way, to their liking. In countries where they are a minority, when their numbers reach a sufficient level, there is often violence when they don't get things their way, sometimes for something as stupid as not having all shop owners shut their doors on Fridays.

As far as myself and others being bigots, I don't think so. I would say that we are entitled to rant and complain when we see people being threatened with violence simply because they want to open their shops on Fridays in order to make a living. You say that we are the same people that complain about our lot under the Thais, and you are correct. That is what we do, we come here to complain and vent. We do not perpetrate violence and kill people because not everything is to our liking.

Edited by xray
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Then they move to countries with a welfare system and play havoc with it. Earlier the crusades were mentioned. Christianity has moved on since then now it is the Muslims trying to take over the world. Unlike the crusades they sneak around and try to destroy countries with their welfare and kill indiscriminately behind peoples backs. Unlike the crusaders who were in front of them facing them.

Islam has some nice things in writing but in the action the words quickly disappear. I can not believe these radical groups operate with out the sanction of the Islamic world. In the western world they would be crushed. Look what happened with the IRA it was not Islam's who solved that problem it was the Christians them selves.

The mind boggles . . . how can anyone intelligently debate bigots

Carry on with your Muslim-bashing - it's easier when you're all of the same opinion thumbsup.gif

People give, people take, but when you demand under a threat of violence, reasonable discussion ends.

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