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What Are The Most Dangerous Animals In Thailand?

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That sound like a normal common Iguanas, either brown or green is the ones I have seen.... when they jump on your bare shoulder they feel nothing like a cat, there feet feel most odd. not at all dangerous well they are to flies and Mosquitoes..

They are interesting there eyes move independently of each other, and there tongue is so very long.

No a gecko for sure, splayed toes with blobs on the end as opposed to claws, don't look anything like an iguana which in any case isn't found in Thailand

Aint likely to be jumping on your shoulder as they are a most shy creature.

Sorry they are in Thailand and have seen them, had one in the house for some time, very friendly then one day was gone....

maybe put this into Google Search..........Images for Iguanas,in Thailand

Iguanas are native to central and south america and Caribbean not Asia.


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That sound like a normal common Iguanas, either brown or green is the ones I have seen.... when they jump on your bare shoulder they feel nothing like a cat, there feet feel most odd. not at all dangerous well they are to flies and Mosquitoes..

They are interesting there eyes move independently of each other, and there tongue is so very long.

No a gecko for sure, splayed toes with blobs on the end as opposed to claws, don't look anything like an iguana which in any case isn't found in Thailand

Aint likely to be jumping on your shoulder as they are a most shy creature.

Sorry they are in Thailand and have seen them, had one in the house for some time, very friendly then one day was gone....

maybe put this into Google Search..........Images for Iguanas,in Thailand

Iguanas are native to central and south america and Caribbean not Asia.


What about all the retired iguanas you see around and the iguana tourists!biggrin.png
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How about people who don't know the difference between a large drunken man and an animal? Like, if I said go to the store and get a chicken they might come back home with an aging sexpat!

Last time I checked - homo sapiens were animals, definitely not plant life - with a few exceptions.


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The tokay geckos referred to are dam_n big, i don't know about cat sized though. They are pretty common in the pet trade in America. I have heard they can be quite mean little suckers as pets, yet harmless (even beneficial) as "houseguests". They tend to love pretty big spaces (something you could just barely not fit your arm behind) behind cabinets and such. They are noisy as all hell, kind of a pain in that way.

In my wife's village there are rumors about their feet being able to cause some sort of damage to the skin. This is all based on some movie or something (any help?)? Not that i've researched this, but i'm 99.9% sure that is total crap.

I have not read through the entire thread, but I saw a cobra here. I would think that is near the top. I was actually very happy to have seen it, it was truly a thing of beauty.


Alligators, Pit vipers and cobras often get in the Village, mosquito's of course, and some thing the Town Hall catcher guys, say is not good, have had 2 in my garden in 9 years,,,,,,,,,, looks like a snake 1.4 m long but has legs and moves very fast.

I would love to know more about this 1.4m long thing, never heard of it.

Sounds scary.

Also no idea of name, so call it a fast moving snake with legs, very like this


Very very cool. Really.

Forgive me if this i'm repeating what somebody already said, but probably a better name for it is Lygosoma haroldyoungi.Those species names change a lot recently due to "advances" in DNA and speciation concepts.

It is actually a threatened species, although at a level of "least concern". http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/12471/0



Monitors on some islandsare 2m.

monitors or lizards like this near the mount in bangkok are 6 foot long

i took these pics in april 11 and have searched all over to find out exactly what it was

coz it looks nothing like old crocs great pic of a moniter lizard !

but what this one is ive never found out : (... coz its head and body shape is very

different to all of the pics ive found on the internet about bangkok moniter lizards


ps ... old croc ... do you see a lot of moniters around patpong coz im looking to find an area in bangkok where i can see a lot of moniters on a week ish ??? holliday from chiang mai fairly soon and if anyone else knows another guaranteed area of bangkok

to see these monsters please let me know

pps ... please dont say limpini park suckhamvit coz i spent 4 days there and saw zilch ... nadda .. f all : (






The tokay geckos referred to are dam_n big, i don't know about cat sized though. They are pretty common in the pet trade in America. I have heard they can be quite mean little suckers as pets, yet harmless (even beneficial) as "houseguests". They tend to love pretty big spaces (something you could just barely not fit your arm behind) behind cabinets and such. They are noisy as all hell, kind of a pain in that way.

In my wife's village there are rumors about their feet being able to cause some sort of damage to the skin. This is all based on some movie or something (any help?)? Not that i've researched this, but i'm 99.9% sure that is total crap.

I have not read through the entire thread, but I saw a cobra here. I would think that is near the top. I was actually very happy to have seen it, it was truly a thing of beauty.

Granted, it wouldn't be a huge cat, but I did say Thai cat. Wish I'd had a camera on me but it was '88 so before mobiles. Don't suppose there's much like that around any more given the amount of Isaan people around these days.


Green pit vipers, among other poisonous snakes. They are common in many urban and rural backyards, especially gardens that have lots of shrubbery. I stepped on one of these and was bitten on the foot, and ended up in hospital for 12 days, very nearly had to have a skin graft, and couldn't walk for a month afterwards. Some photos of venomous Thai snakes here. http://www.thailandsnakes.com/thailand-venomous-snake-photos/


I've seen many Thais start jumping around when they think one of those fast moving centipede like creatures are running around (they don't actually have 100 legs).


No box jellies

This thread is getting stupid brown uniforms and bar girls...

There were deaths I believe near Krabi, either last year or the year before.


I've seen many Thais start jumping around when they think one of those fast moving centipede like creatures are running around (they don't actually have 100 legs).

No some have many more......... Despite the name, centipedes can have a varying number of legs from under 20 to over 300

YouTube has a video of a big one with 354 legs


No box jellies

This thread is getting stupid brown uniforms and bar girls...

There were deaths I believe near Krabi, either last year or the year before.

The box jellyfish (aka sea wasp or Irakanji) has been called the most venomous creature in the world.. I saw what looked like a juvenile boxie on a night dive on Kata Beach 2 nights ago, but there are some similar looking species and we didn't get a good picture so not 100% sure. And a friend believed he was stung by one there a couple weeks ago. He said it looked like a box and he had all theright symptoms afterwards. Very rare to see them on the west coast as the boxies we get around here (Phuket) seem to prefer brackish water. If I see another I will capture if I can and get it to the marine biological center to see if the can confirm what it is.






If you think you were stung by a box jelly, rinse with vinegar and carefully pick off the remaining tentacles if there are any and seek medical care immediately. These kill dozens of people world wide each year, and Irakanji syndrome is extremely painful. There have been a few deaths reported in Malaysia as well.


Mossys (mainly dengue but malaria is coming)

Viper and cobra



Clouded Bengal Monitor


All common, but I have never seen cobra in Thailand. India, Viet, Cambo an Burma yes.

Since the die off of all the coral many dangers have abated but...





Moray (these are very aggressive now)

Sea snake (uncommon now)

Any massive fish Trigger, Parrot, Grouper

You must be talking of Pattaya or Koh Tao or Samui. In Phuket we have all of these things in abundance, including coral, although we lost some in the bleaching event 2 years ago due to the warm water. But none of the things you mentioned are a danger to humans unless you have bad buoyancy control and bump into them. Parrot fish and Grouper dangerous? Come on man. Perhaps if you eat an improperly cooked one from a side car vendor.

Geckos look pretty scary, I saw one as large as a cat.

I'm pretty sure that geckos don't grow as big as a full grown cat.

Maybe a water monitor lizard. Saw one of them about 1.5 metres long once.

I suppose it depends how you define "most dangerous"

As all ready posted, mozzies probably cause most deaths and sickness.

I guess the tiger could qualify, if there are any left in the wild. Same goes for male elephants when they are keen to mate.

Tukaw geckos that make the noise by which they are named grow up to a foot or more in length.They are blue with red spots and are known as the pit-bulls of geckos!w00t.gif

From what I've heard if one bites you to get it to release its grip you have to hold them underwater,they then let go to breath!In the Philippines they sell for up to 3 million pesos as the Chinese buy them,probably for fighting.


The Tokay gecko has disappeared from many places here as a Malaysian rumor started saying the gecko tongue cures, get this AIDS.

The Chinese still buy this and die when stopping regular medical treatments,shame for all involved!


The female of the human species.....they'll lure into their fantasy world and you will be a willing prisoner until your blood is sucked dry.

Not before I willingly give some of my precious bodily fluids.


This country has many dangerous creatures ranging from moskitoes to murderous wives and business partners.

However, the most dangerous thing to your personal safety is yourself.

If you plunge into the ocean, or even your hotel pool, when you can't swim you may kill yourself.

If you drunkenly sit on the edge of your sky high hotel balcony you may topple off and kill yourself.

If you get on a motor bike and drive at high speed when unskilled, drunk or helmetless you may kill yourself.

If you get into a drunken fight with a local (over a $2 taxi fare or similar) you may kill yourself.

If you think this is a great place to smuggle, deal or even just use, hard drugs you may kill yourself.

If you think you are the smartest businessman/property dealer around and decide to rip people off you may kill yourself.

If you think you're the toughest guy at the local dojo and bring your attitude to the pub you may kill yourself.

If you really believe the cute, 20 year old bargirl wants you for something other than money, it may end up very bad for you.

Greed, envy and desire...this should be added to the 10 commandments...all of the above are correct and true ..go to mirror and look at yourself this is WHAT YOU SHOULD look after...not what you eyes see as threatening..spiders and snakes..wai.gif


After living here for so long, the answer should be easy. Most dangerous animal is the "Wolpertinger", normally living deep in Bavarian woods, but some species made it to SEA.




This Monocled Cobra was in our backyard last Monday night. Ram Inthra area.

Didn't know what kind of snake it was at the time I took these pictures.

Looked up right after. Oops. Let's give it some space. Checked back later. Saw it crawl around. Over 1 meter long.

You get bitten you have 10 minutes to get to the hospital.

We have plenty of the green snakes. Golden Tree snake, I believe.




Pit vipers and cobras frequent my village as it's among rice fields. Plenty of mosquitoes, but they are mostly of the species not carrying viruses or other pathogens.

Don't get to feeling to confident about your mosquitos

If you were to change the heading from Animals to Mammals we could enjoy a new variety of posts

Due to the substandard education systems that most of the posters come from they don't know the difference as it is.smile.png


I would stray a guess and say most but not all TV posters. Beware! If you find yourself cornered by one just agree with whatever toxins spew from thier minds. LOL


If you were to change the heading from Animals to Mammals we could enjoy a new variety of posts

Due to the substandard education systems that most of the posters come from they don't know the difference as it is.smile.png

Mammals are Animals and are therefore included in the topic's parameters ?


If you were to change the heading from Animals to Mammals we could enjoy a new variety of posts

Due to the substandard education systems that most of the posters come from they don't know the difference as it is.smile.png

Mammals are Animals and are therefore included in the topic's parameters ?

I don't think humans are animals. A chicken is an animal. One of the first things I learned in school was the difference between animals and humans.


If you were to change the heading from Animals to Mammals we could enjoy a new variety of posts

Due to the substandard education systems that most of the posters come from they don't know the difference as it is.smile.png

Mammals are Animals and are therefore included in the topic's parameters ?

I don't think humans are animals. A chicken is an animal. One of the first things I learned in school was the difference between animals and humans.

Fried chicken can be very dangerous. :rolleyes:

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