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Uk Man Jailed For Wearing "kill A Cop 4 Fun" T-Shirt


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Utter dick....but 4 months for a moronic tshirt. Makes the UK look like Putin's Russia.

Often the best way to deal with brain-dead gits is to let them make fools of themselves , a skill they often excel at.

Nah, he'll only do a couple of months - I would say thats just about right in the circumstances - he isn't a kid and doesn't have mental issues.

Are you sure?

H's 39 and according to the reports I've seen:

Stuart Duke, defending, said Thew had been an inpatient at a mental health unit and was still on anti-psychotic medicine, but the judge replied mental health was "not a factor".

What I hadn't realised is that he was out on the streets of Manchester, wearing the offensive T shirt, within 3.5 hrs of the officers being killed. There are pictures of the shirt here:


I imagine that Dale Cregan is going to do some serious time if found guilty of the murders is charged with.

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The UK police aren't perfect and have been heavily criticised for institutional racism in recent years following the Stephen Lawrence murder, and are coming in for a slating now that J.Savile's alleged offences are coming out, BUT I maintain the vast majority of them are decent public servants and should be protected from this type of crass and inhumane behaviour.

My personal experiences with the UK police force demonstrated to me that the vast majority appeared to be corrupt. Good to hear your personal experiences were the opposite to mine.

Really ? I'm surprised.

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Utter dick....but 4 months for a moronic tshirt. Makes the UK look like Putin's Russia.

Often the best way to deal with brain-dead gits is to let them make fools of themselves , a skill they often excel at.

Nah, he'll only do a couple of months - I would say thats just about right in the circumstances - he isn't a kid and doesn't have mental issues.

I beg to differ.

Yes, certainly not a child, but....

I think someone who does this has mental problems

Not the behaviour of any "normal" mind

do you think his previous conviction has any bearing on this later behaviour ?

Why should it if he was proven guilty of a crime? Sour grapes or what?

Maybe grapes were involved in some of his previous confrontions with the law, but the article specifically refers to Cannabis. This too has been shown to disturb peoples' minds.

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he SHOULD be allowed to say whatever he wants to say!!!

how many people (in a debate, or on chat shows, or TV) say: "I hope that rapist gets executed", or some kind of pro-nazi (jew killing) comment.

do these people end up in Jail for inciting murder? NO!!

people are allowed to say what they want!

so should the writers of Southpark go to jail??? they do pretty much everything that is possibly bad!!!

but they DONT go to jail!

i think its disgusting how the Police always protect their own! they go to the end of the earth to "look after themselves" (like a maffia family), but they never show such commitment when it comes to 'non-connected' people.

yes, the guty is silly for doing such a thing. but he should NOT be in jail for it. even for a few hours. NO.

if you know speakers corner in london (hyde park) you will hear this kind of talk all day long!!!

how about jailing the editors of all newspapers when they WISH or incite that terrorists are caught and killed.

I womder if you would make the same comment if you were a parent of either of the murdered Police Officers ??

Exactly, or even someone, like me, that appreciates and respects the work that the UK police do; day in, day out - I for one don't envy them.

It seems that the death of his son made him somehow to wear such a t-shirt.

He said Thew had a longstanding dispute with Greater Manchester police over the death of his son three years ago and repeated stop-and-search procedures. He said the wearing of the T-shirt was not in response to the deaths of the two police officers, but was related to another case. He said he was already wearing the T-shirt when he heard the news.


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Perhaps you should read the whole report:

Barry Thew, 39, of Radcliffe, Manchester, was sentenced at Minshull Street crown court in Manchester to four months in prison, after admitting a section 4a public order offence – displaying writing or other visible representation with intention of causing harassment, alarm or distress.

He was jailed for a crime that he admitted he committed !

With good behaviour, I guess he'll be out with a bracelet in a couple of months - not the end of the world IMO.

Edited by londoedan
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Utter dick....but 4 months for a moronic tshirt. Makes the UK look like Putin's Russia.

Often the best way to deal with brain-dead gits is to let them make fools of themselves , a skill they often excel at.

The UK is indeed rapidly resembling a police state, freedom of expression, however unpalatable is what protects the people against a drift towards totalitarianism.

While I agree with your sentiments re freedom of speech, describing the UK as "rapidly resembling a police state" is either pure exaggeration or displays a comprehensive ignorance about the country. The usual criticism is that the police are not doing enough.

The police do more than enough when following government policies, and sometimes less than the law should dictate in areas where the government would rather not tread.

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And incidently the Union Jack has reportedly been in the process of being banned in Public Places,you should have been in the UK for the Olympics and seen the 10s of Millions of Union Jacks on display.

I think you mean the Union flag, Union Jack is for ships.

A 'Jack' is a flag attached to the bow of a ship.

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The term 'Union Jack' possibly dates from Queen Anne's time (r. 1702-14), but its origin is uncertain.

It may come from the 'jack-et' of the English or Scottish soldiers, or from the name of James I who originated the first union in 1603.

Another alternative is that the name may be derived from a proclamation by Charles II that the Union Flag should be flown only by ships of the Royal Navy as a jack, a small flag at the bowsprit; the term 'jack' once meant small.(source)

It is often stated that the Union Flag should only be described as the Union Jack when flown in the bows of a warship, but this is a relatively recent idea. From early in its life the Admiralty itself frequently referred to the flag as the Union Jack, whatever its use, and in 1902 an Admiralty Circular announced that Their Lordships had decided that either name could be used officially. In 1908, a government minister stated, in response to a Parliamentary question, that "the Union Jack should be regarded as the National flag.


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And incidently the Union Jack has reportedly been in the process of being banned in Public Places,you should have been in the UK for the Olympics and seen the 10s of Millions of Union Jacks on display.

I think you mean the Union flag, Union Jack is for ships.

A 'Jack' is a flag attached to the bow of a ship.

Here's what Wiki has to say about the UNION JACK.


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Utter dick....but 4 months for a moronic tshirt. Makes the UK look like Putin's Russia.

Often the best way to deal with brain-dead gits is to let them make fools of themselves , a skill they often excel at.

Nah, he'll only do a couple of months - I would say thats just about right in the circumstances - he isn't a kid and doesn't have mental issues.

he SHOULD be allowed to say whatever he wants to say!!!

how many people (in a debate, or on chat shows, or TV) say: "I hope that rapist gets executed", or some kind of pro-nazi (jew killing) comment.

do these people end up in Jail for inciting murder? NO!!

people are allowed to say what they want!

so should the writers of Southpark go to jail??? they do pretty much everything that is possibly bad!!!

but they DONT go to jail!

i think its disgusting how the Police always protect their own! they go to the end of the earth to "look after themselves" (like a maffia family), but they never show such commitment when it comes to 'non-connected' people.

yes, the guty is silly for doing such a thing. but he should NOT be in jail for it. even for a few hours. NO.

if you know speakers corner in london (hyde park) you will hear this kind of talk all day long!!!

how about jailing the editors of all newspapers when they WISH or incite that terrorists are caught and killed.

Ok, what if it wasn't cops, and it was say---IDK, a 9 year old girl who just turned up violated and dead. Then some tool was walking around with a "fuc_k yeah, onle less little girl" shirt a few hours later? Jail time...Hmmm --maybe not. Beaten to death by locals? Absolutely.

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