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Majority Of Thais Still Back Death Penalty


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Does the belief in reincarnation influence the Buddhist mindset into seeing the death sentence more as a compassionate and forgiving act, rather than life imprisonment as an alternative? If so, the harsher life sentence would contradict the western train of thought on this topic?

Just a thought as fortunately we all think differently.

I think that's quite right, but we should ask our Buddhist friends.

Personally i am against the death penalty, and i am doubtful sometimes...In Norway a cold blooded killer of 80 young people gets 21 years, or maybe less, in a comfortable cell, in Malaysia a woman get death sentence for half kg. cannabis.. the mind boggles

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Perhaps the government should televise the condemned being strapped to a pole in front of a pile of sandbags with his/her back facing a table mounted Heckler & Koch machine gun with 15 rounds in the chamber. View the site of the condemned's back being shredded as 15 high-powered rounds slam though the body and the blood pours to the ground.

Oh wait a minute. Now they humanely stop the condemned's heart with potassium chloride. Highly effective and excutiately painful, but maybe better than 15 rounds from a Heckler & Koch,

Perhaps we should go on a rant about "compassionate Buddhists", but the loving devout Christians seem to be of the same mindset. So we should probably leave religion out of it.

Personally I think they should leave it up to the family of the deceased, but if the family chooses the death penalty, one of the family members should, by law, be required to perform the execution. At that point, the family is force to really examine their moral, ethical, and religious convictions. Compassion or revenge?

Edited by connda
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The world would be a much better place if all the scum that walk this earth were executed. If someone brutally raped and murdered your girlfriend or mother, do you think we should all show them some compassion? I don't think people like that deserve any compassion whatsoever. They are scum and should be executed ASAP.

If it was your girlfriend of mother, would you be willing to personally kill the convicted individual? No right or wrong answer here. Just curious?

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Personally I think they should leave it up to the family of the deceased, but if the family chooses the death penalty, one of the family members should, by law, be required to perform the execution. At that point, the family is force to really examine their moral, ethical, and religious convictions. Compassion or revenge?

Punishment should be a form of retribution, not revenge. There is no way you can take away the element of revenge and include an input from the victim/victim's family.

I'm no Christian, but Jesus and co did say a few worthwhile things. Lets look at a very famous phrase:

"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". Looks like a murderer deserves death. But what was said next?

"But I say to you, do not resist an evildoer. If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." Don't take revenge.

"And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles." No revenge here, forgiveness on the side of the victim.

Then there is Martin Luther King/Muhatma Ghandi:

"The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind." What positive outcome does revenge really generate?

A life is a life, nobody has the right to take another's life. This includes criminal justice systems. Society needs a justice system that is honest and fair. There are a number of goals to any justice system, to protect the public, to protect the suspect from revenge, to deter people from committing crime by enforcing retribution when people do commit crime and finally to rehabilitate offenders, to try to make them better members of society. Capital punishment is not, in my humble opinion, the best way to fulfill these goals. Sometimes there may be a case for indefinite detention where someone needs to be locked up to protect the public, potentially with no chance of parole. But to take a man's life is not the role of society.

Edited by naboo
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It's not surprising that Thaivisa.com members would agree with the anti-progressive, brain-dead opinions of Thais on this subject...disregard for human life and lack of any sort of compassion are characteristics both of many Thais and the racist right-wing farang cabal which makes up much of the membership here. Yaaaawwwwwn.

saai.gif Indeed. Your spiel of the regard for human life is nothing short of hypocrisy when you have no issue with slagging off another. Unfortunately it is views such as these that have our part of the world in the bleeding heart state that it is. Let me ask you something. Would you have 'compassion' for the guy who rapes and murders your sister/mother?

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You should not have the death penalty, when it is known that many people confess through torture.

Agreed. For the death penalty provisions to work, the crime has to be proved beyond any doubt, warrant the sentence, and the judicial process to arrive at the sentence must be free of any "taint" which would be difficult, or should i say impossible here.

Rightly or wrongly we have drug peddlers given the death penalty, and murderers go scot free.

For those here that vehemently oppose it, assuming you are like me that comes from a country that has abolished it, I would wager that there are heinous crimes committed, where even just for a flicker, you would say, that bastard does not deserve to live.

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It's not surprising that Thaivisa.com members would agree with the anti-progressive, brain-dead opinions of Thais on this subject...disregard for human life and lack of any sort of compassion are characteristics both of many Thais and the racist right-wing farang cabal which makes up much of the membership here. Yaaaawwwwwn.

Very superior aren;t we, glad I'm not blinded by the sun shining out of your.......

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uptheos: These people are about as Buddhist as a cockroach.. The national religion is Buddhism..and that a JOKE.coffee1.gif

'These people' - do you mean all Thai's?

But getting back to the death penalty in Thailand. We know for sure that many convictions are unsafe and therefore there is no way the death penalty should be supported here, unless its just a sacrificial lamb that's required...........which is mainly the Christian view.

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Nothing wrong with the death penalty...why feed, clothe, these bas "turds". Its a tax burden.

And secondly it helps to bring closure to the victums family and their on going suffering for such a horrible loss.

Screw the bleeding heart liberals. If they want to house and clothe these bas "turds" let these murders, rapists, and pedofiles stay with them in their own homes. coffee1.gif and when one of their children gets raped, or murdered, etc etc etc...lets see how fast they change their tune. coffee1.gif

The solution is clearly to raise national incomes substantially to the extent that there are no poor and marginalised Thai criminals left any more to be a burden on the taxpayer. Instead of a minority of wealthy, well connected murderers, rapists and paedophiles being able to drive around in S-class Benzes and be waied and krapommed at fashionable cocktail parties, weddings and funerals all Thai criminals will be able to buy their way out of criminal charges resulting in significant savings for the taxpayer as well as a welcome boost in the incomes of police, prosecutors and judges. A win win situation.

Edited by Arkady
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To all in favor of the death- penalty: ever heard of people who are wrongly convicted? Who have been in prison for years and then it somehow comes to daylight, that they actually didn't do it?!

Now think about putting someone on deathrow and executing that person...and later find out "Oooops...we had the wrong guy!". It doesn't happen daily...but it happens quiet a lot. So...what would that make you? Executing an innocent person...

Just a little "food for thought"!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's not surprising that Thaivisa.com members would agree with the anti-progressive, brain-dead opinions of Thais on this subject...disregard for human life and lack of any sort of compassion are characteristics both of many Thais and the racist right-wing farang cabal which makes up much of the membership here. Yaaaawwwwwn.

If your wife or children or a loved one had been callously murdered I am

pretty sure you would change your tune, and not let him/her/them get away

with a slap on the wrist.

All murderers deserve to die.

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