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The Farang Issue


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I hope i have become a bit wiser reading the tips offered when it comes to ones girlfriend.The best being in my opinion, the one about the two points to remember ie1. Whatever,you purchase of value put it in your name and 2.Dont forget point 1.

However,having said that ,make me more wiser and tell me ,Does this Farang issue only happen in Thailand and if so why ?

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Thailand is a pipe dream for me, before moving in I thought the girls really liked us farangs but now as a broke expat I realize only money talks, sadly I lost most if it to a failed business venture with a BG :(

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I hope i have become a bit wiser reading the tips offered when it comes to ones girlfriend.The best being in my opinion, the one about the two points to remember ie1. Whatever,you purchase of value put it in your name and 2.Dont forget point 1.

However,having said that ,make me more wiser and tell me ,Does this Farang issue only happen in Thailand and if so why ?

No. The Russians will have a good go at it and the Filpinas have it down to a fine art. Slightly different methods though. Filipinas go for the visa, have a child, sit it out until they get residency and then get divorced.


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Thailand is a pipe dream for me, before moving in I thought the girls really liked us farangs but now as a broke expat I realize only money talks, sadly I lost most if it to a failed business venture with a BG :(

Wow u have just summed up 90% of actual outcome of most ..

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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Another astounding thought provoking and stimulating thread springs to life...........oh the wonder of it all, so original and fresh, I am beside myself with anticipation at the wealth of knowledge and helpful guidance that will spill forth and truly enlighten us all and enrich our very lives here in Thailand...................and when that's done, the other "brigade" will show up and p*ss all over it and rip people a new one, why? because it makes them feel good to ridicule and mock people without the slightest provocation............ahhh the joy that is the internet forum.

Now if there is anyone who STILL does not understand what irony is, your quest for enlightenment is over..... clap2.gif

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As far as I am aware.

Thailand is the only country to use the term Farang................thumbsup.gif

When I was in Cambodia I was often called Falang by the locals...

Normally Cambodians say " Barang ", but maybe some of them can speak Thai whistling.gif

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Please define the farang issue.....

The golden rule - especially for guys retired or the ones 50+ where starting over finanically speaking would be a hardship is...........and it should be the same whether you stay in thailand or your homeland. Don't put all your apples in one basket.

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Which direction should we take this thread??whistling.gif Save Thailand by giving your inlaws petty allowances OR the more traditional approach: Bashing anything female in Thailand?? w00t.gif

Man i feel them negative waves oozing from your words, sit back eat some cheese, drink some wine and catch some rays.
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Here's a nice distraction: the UK government not indexing pensions so that the oldies can't maintain the illusion of being a rich farang.

Its all the UK governments fault, a country of course, which has been taken over be nasty foreigners.

So its all the UK governments fault. And those nasty foreigners. Pretty soon my grand kids won't know what marmite and good ole football hooliganism is.


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Here's a nice distraction: the UK government not indexing pensions so that the oldies can't maintain the illusion of being a rich farang.

Its all the UK governments fault, a country of course, which has been taken over be nasty foreigners.

So its all the UK governments fault. And those nasty foreigners. Pretty soon my grand kids won't know what marmite and good ole football hooliganism is.


Pensions won't exist soon especially for them in there 30/40/50's who have never put into one.So we'll all be living of our Thai spouse's in LOS!

I don't blame it all on the UK goverments, some should go to the USA and the rest can go to the Germans.

Marmite is nice in som tam with extra chilli.

We can always throw empty bottles of Chang at the TV in future when the match is on and revive the good ole days of football hooliganism, show the toddlers how it was done.

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Thailand is a pipe dream for me, before moving in I thought the girls really liked us farangs but now as a broke expat I realize only money talks, sadly I lost most if it to a failed business venture with a BG sad.png

You can't seriously be crestfallen about "money talking". Yes, money talks but it talks very crisply and professionally. Why would a girl be into someone who can't be witty, funny, entertaining in her native language; has no idea about pop culture, celebrity gossip, trends, etc etc etc. It's madness to imagine they could be into anyone that cannot deliver entertainment except for their money. But if you think that money is valued for anything but money...tsk. They will take your money and so long as you don't make them feel like a whore, they'll prostitute themselves in a way - in the way we all do - but they'll be looking for love elsewhere. Do guys really think money can buy love? I thought that was a bad cliche. Money can buy you sex and (really poorly feigned) affection; that is it. Anyone imagining otherwise is being played.

I'm kind of twisted I think and I don't know what it says about me but the day I discovered that Thais held Caucasians in mild contempt, I fell in love with Thailand. It might be as simple as my holding Caucasians in mild contempt but then I'm only really referring to leeches who are very, very Needy. Thais aren't as emotionally Needy. But I think it's kinda hilarious for the shrewd exploiting types of guys that come here to Vietnam imagining they can exploit (and kinda brutal I guess for the sweeter ones who are thrown to the lions) thinking they'll find easy, simple girls because the girls back home just aren't amenable or w/e.

I snicker at the former and feel sorry for the latter. But they all just get destroyed. I'm sure there are exceptions. I'm sure the exceptions are not nearly as numerous as they imagine. Mostly they all seem to get destroyed. There's a term "honeypot" which is a predator who is representing a victim for the purpose of attracting those who prey on exploitability. If you want to see some of the best examples of "honeypots" on the planet, go to a Thai dating site for Caucasians. If you didn't know better, those girls would all be insane (i.e. exploitable)!

They scream orders into the air that are just nuts. They write these profiles that amount to dictated warnings and direct orders to guys how they are and are not to behave. NO RUDE STUPID GUYS OKAY!?! IF YOU WANT SEX JUST GO AWAY!! Stuff like this. If you didn't understand what they were doing, you'd think they were insane. How can they imagine they'll control guys who will all pretend they don't want sex! That's exactly what they're doing. They want the idiotic liars, the "players", the shrewd 'manipulators'; they can play those morons all day. At face value though, it's horrifying. They've all been loved and been betrayed, if you believed them. They want love, they want the fairytale BUT THEY ARE NOT STUPID ANYMORE. They'll warn you! They know guys are heartbreakers. They want to make sure the next one is the real deal but THEY WILL BE PROTECTING THEIR HEART FROM NOW ON. They've been burned before. Hah. No one sane would go near such a girl. That's exactly what they want. The long line of insane guys licking their lips thinking "Aha, this will be like shooting fish in a barrel."

They'll let you imagine they're fish in a barrel. But if you were that sort of guy who didn't appreciate the leveling going on, I'm afraid you'd have lost before you start. These girls are geniuses. They demand Truth and Lies in the same sentence. They insult Thai girls whilst demanding to be treated with respect in the same sentence. It's fascinating. But the minute they find out you're genuine, this sort of girl will lose interest in such brutal and rapid fashion, it's actually quite decent but it's very confronting for someone who is used to a more insane way of being let down 'gently'. A Thai girl who loses interest in you in a club will walk away in the middle of your sentence. All over the world, I've never seen anything like it. The instant they realise you're not trying to deceive them, "Omg do you like me? *giggle*" > shoving one of their lower socially ranked friends at you (which is a crude power play I really don't care for) or they're just gone. No farewells, no feigning interest looking for excuses to leave, they just leave. I've stood there with my mouth open mid-sentence like a fool just stunned.

It's very decent. Why would you want to be lied to if they're not interested? To feel good living in fantasy? Pfft. Call your mother up for some emotional validation if that's your thing. They're so much more decent than "polite" insanity. But it will traumatise you if you're traumatised. And we're all traumatised compared to the Thais. Everyone is conditioned but we are conditioned in much more...um...religiously emotionally tenderised ways. Come here if you're looking to exploit and you will just get destroyed. They're not exploitable. The fact that they're marketed as such should have been the first clue I suspect for guys imagining they can come here and be heroes of their 'superiority' delusions. Ah poor little Momma's boys. I wonder how many end up screaming in existential pain imagining they were played when of course they were played! But you can't get played unless you play.

The game is the game. Lies. Levels upon levels of deceit. Control. Manipulation. Inflicting strategic pain. Mind games. Misinformation. Induced confusion. Trauma. Love is the end game, and the end I suspect. The end of whomever blinks first. And no I don't think the way our mothers loved us in the West is ever going to afford Caucasians the 'advantage' in games of emotional manipulation and deceit in the East. I have no interest in that mess so you can imagine how 'well' I do. I basically sleep alone. But I love it here. They're just so intelligent compared to the inflatable lifeless entitled emotional dolls where I come from; who will sit there all night without saying anything because they have nothing to contribute except expressing their opinion on whether or not they approve or disapprove or are being appropriately entertained. I didn't come here for the girls but they're the best. I'll just never be of interest to them, I don't think. A Thai girl looking for a "farang" isn't going to be looking for a donk who is pathologically obsessed with Honesty to the point of being 'rude'.

They're not going to be looking for a guy with only love to give either sorry dude. Guess we're in the same boat, in some respects. But you might not be missing what you imagine if you imagine money talks anything worth communicating. No one values Truth, that's for sure. You could honeypot them if you fancied your game but I wouldn't recommend it.

Also, it's possible I'm rambling utter nonsense. What do I know about anything.


That was just a silly disclaimer. The truth is I know a great deal more about the game being played and Love than anyone who imagines Love is <3 / sweet / aww. Love is the lie sociopaths tell themselves to be convincing. But no one likes to hear that, for what I would imagine are obvious reasons. So if it makes you feel better to imagine I'm talking nonsense, do what you gotta do.

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Please define the farang issue.....

The golden rule - especially for guys retired or the ones 50+ where starting over finanically speaking would be a hardship is...........and it should be the same whether you stay in thailand or your homeland. Don't put all your apples in one basket.

Oh come on. I'm not disagreeing with what is patently obvious common sense but you're talking about having your cake and eating it too...or sharing your cake and not sharing it "just in case". It's like fairytales with prenups. The lie is love. You either have the Reality (where the above advice wouldn't be needed) or you have the Fantasy (where you're advising the airborne should remain grounded in Reality?)

Everyone wants their cake and to eat it too. I don't think you appreciate that guys aren't imbecilic; they're merely made to look that way. They took at shot at Fantasy and woke up in Reality. What are you doing to do. Take it up with your mother? ahem. wink.png

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Good point. It amazes me when guys say they lost everything by putting a house/car/even a business in their GF's name. I wouldn't do this back home, why on earth do it in Thailand of all places.

Guys who say they met a bar girl then a year later buy a house in her name is essentially the same as meeting a prostitute back home and then buying her a house, look stock and all! Crazy? Too right

Sent from my GT-S5570B using Thaivisa Connect App

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